Epistle to the Son of the Wolf Part 6
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And now, meditate upon these words, which diffuse the breath of despair, in His sorrowful invocation unto G.o.d, the Lord of the worlds. He saith: "Glorified art Thou, O My G.o.d! Bear Thou witness that, through this Book, I have covenanted with all created things concerning the Mission of Him Whom Thou shalt make manifest, ere the covenant concerning Mine own Mission had been established. Sufficient witness art Thou and they that have believed in Thy signs. Thou, verily, sufficest Me. In Thee have I placed My trust, and Thou, verily, takest count of all things."
In another connection He saith: "O Sun-like Mirrors! Look ye upon the Sun of Truth. Ye, verily, depend upon it, were ye to perceive it. Ye are all as fishes, moving in the waters of the sea, veiling yourselves therefrom, and yet asking what it is on which ye depend." And likewise, He saith: "I complain unto thee, O Mirror of My generosity, against all the other Mirrors. All look upon Me through their own colors." These words were sent down from the Source of the Revelation of the All-Bounteous, and were addressed to Siyyid Javad, known as Karbila'i.
G.o.d testifieth, and the world beareth Me witness that this Siyyid stood by this Wronged One, and even wrote a detailed refutation against them that turned aside from Me. Two communications, moreover, in which he hath borne witness unto the Revelation of the True One, and in which the evidences of his turning away from all else but Him, are clear and manifest, have been sent by Us to ?aydar-'Ali. The handwriting of the Siyyid is unmistakable, and is known unto everyone. Our purpose in doing this was that perchance they that have denied Us might attain unto the living waters of acknowledgment, and such as have turned aside be illumined with the light of conversion. G.o.d is My witness that this Wronged One hath had no purpose except to convey the Word of G.o.d. Blessed are the fair-minded, and woe betide them that have turned aside. They that have turned away from Me have schemed many a time, and acted deceitfully in divers ways. They have, on one occasion, secured a picture of this Siyyid, and pasted it on a sheet with that of others, surmounted by the portrait of Mirza Ya?ya.
Briefly, they have seized upon every means in order to repudiate the True One. Say: "The True One is come evident as the s.h.i.+ning sun; O pity that He should have come into the city of the blind!" The afore-mentioned Siyyid admonished the deniers, and summoned them unto the Most Sublime Horizon, but failed to impress these stones that can take no imprint. Concerning him they have said things against which he sought refuge with G.o.d-exalted be His glory. The supplications which he hath sent to this Holy Court are now in Our possession. Happy are the fair-minded.
Ponder now upon the complaint of the Primal Point against the Mirrors, that haply men may be awakened, and may turn from the left hand of idle fancies and imaginings unto the right hand of faith and cert.i.tude, and may be made cognizant of that wherefrom they are veiled. It is indeed for the purpose of recognizing this Most Great Cause that they have come out of the world of non-existence into the world of being. And likewise He saith: "Consecrate Thou, O my G.o.d, the whole of this Tree unto Him, that from it may be revealed all the fruits created by G.o.d within it for Him through Whom G.o.d hath willed to reveal all that He pleaseth. By Thy glory! I have not wished that this Tree should ever bear any branch, leaf, or fruit that would fail to bow down before Him, on the day of His Revelation, or refuse to laud Thee through Him, as beseemeth the glory of His all-glorious Revelation, and the sublimity of His most sublime Concealment. And shouldst Thou behold, O my G.o.d, any branch, leaf, or fruit upon Me that hath failed to bow down before Him, on the day of His Revelation, cut it off, O My G.o.d, from that Tree, for it is not of Me, nor shall it return unto Me."
O people of the Bayan! I swear by G.o.d! This Wronged One hath had no other intention except to manifest the Cause He was commissioned to reveal. Were ye to incline your inner ears unto Him, ye would hear from every limb and member and vein and even from every single hair of this Wronged One that which would stir and enrapture the Concourse on high and the world of creation.
O Hadi! The blind fanaticism of former times hath withheld the hapless creatures from the Straight Path. Meditate on the _Sh_i'ih sect. For twelve hundred years they have cried "O Qa'im!", until in the end all p.r.o.nounced the sentence of His death, and caused Him to suffer martyrdom, notwithstanding their belief in, and their acceptance and acknowledgment of, the True One-exalted be His glory-and of the Seal of the Prophets, and of the Chosen Ones. It is now necessary to reflect a while, that haply that which hath come between the True One and His creatures may be discovered, and the deeds which have been the cause of protest and denial be made known.
O Hadi! We have heard the moaning of the pulpits which, as attested by all, the divines of the age of this Revelation have ascended, and from which they have cursed the True One, and caused such things to befall Him Who is the Essence of Being and His companions as neither the eye nor the ear of the world hath seen or heard. Thou hast now summoned, and art still summoning the people, claiming to be His vicegerent and mirror, despite thine ignorance of this Cause as a result of thy not having been in Our company.
Every one of this people well knoweth that Siyyid Mu?ammad was but one of Our servants. In the days when, as requested by the Imperial Ottoman Government, We proceeded to their Capital, he accompanied Us.
Subsequently, he committed that which-I swear by G.o.d-hath caused the Pen of the Most High to weep and His Tablet to groan. We, therefore, cast him out; whereupon, he joined Mirza Ya?ya, and did what no tyrant hath ever done. We abandoned him, and said unto him: "Begone, O heedless one!" After these words had been uttered, he joined the order of the Mawlavis, and remained in their company until the time when We were summoned to depart.
O Hadi! Suffer not thyself to become the instrument for the dissemination of new superst.i.tions, and refuse to set up once again a sect similar to that of the _Sh_i'ihs. Reflect how great the amount of blood which hath been spilt. Thou amongst others, who hast laid claim to knowledge, and likewise the _Sh_i'ih divines, have, one and all, in the first and ensuing years, cursed the True One, and decreed that His most holy blood be shed.
Fear G.o.d, O Hadi! Be not willing that men be again afflicted with the vain imaginings of former times. Fear G.o.d, and be not of them that act unjustly. In these days We have heard that thou hast striven to lay hands on and destroy every copy of the Bayan. This Wronged One requesteth thee to renounce, for the sake of G.o.d, this intention. Thine intelligence and judgment have never excelled, nor do they now excel, the intelligence and judgment of Him Who is the Prince of the World. G.o.d testifieth and beareth Me witness that this Wronged One hath not perused the Bayan, nor been acquainted with its contents. This much, however, is known and is clear and indubitable that He hath ordained the Book of the Bayan to be the foundation of His works. Fear G.o.d, and meddle not in matters which far transcend thee. For twelve hundred years they that resemble thee have afflicted the hapless _Sh_i'ihs in the pit of vain fancies and idle imaginings. Finally, there appeared, on the Day of Judgment things against which the oppressors of old have sought refuge with the True One.
Apprehend now the cry of Him Who is the Point as raised by His utterance.
He supplicateth G.o.d that if there should appear from this Tree-which is His blessed Self-any fruit, or leaf, or branch that would fail to believe in Him, G.o.d should cut it off forthwith. And likewise, He saith: "Should any one make a statement, and fail to support it by any proof, reject him not." And yet, now, though supported by a hundred books, thou hast rejected Him and rejoicest therein!
Again I repeat, and plead with thee to carefully scrutinize that which hath been revealed. The breezes of utterance in this Revelation are not to be compared with those of former ages. This Wronged One hath been perpetually afflicted, and found no place of safety in which He could peruse either the writings of the Most Exalted One (the Bab) or those of any one else. About two months after Our arrival in 'Iraq, following the command of His Majesty the _Sh_ah of Persia-may G.o.d a.s.sist him-Mirza Ya?ya joined Us. We said unto him: "In accordance with the Royal command We have been sent unto this place. It is advisable for thee to remain in Persia.
We will send Our brother, Mirza Musa, to some other place. As your names have not been mentioned in the Royal decree, you can arise and render some service." Subsequently, this Wronged One departed from Ba_gh_dad, and for two years withdrew from the world. Upon Our return, We found that he had not left, and had postponed his departure. This Wronged One was greatly saddened. G.o.d testifieth and beareth Us witness that We have, at all times, been busied with the propagation of this Cause. Neither chains nor bonds, stocks nor imprisonment, have succeeded in withholding Us from revealing Our Self. In that land We forbad all mischief, and all unseemly and unholy deeds. Day and night We sent forth Our Tablets in every direction. We had no other purpose except to edify the souls of men, and to exalt the blessed Word.
We especially appointed certain ones to collect the writings of the Primal Point. When this was accomplished, We summoned Mirza Ya?ya and Mirza Vahhab-i-_Kh_urasani, known as Mirza Javad, to meet in a certain place.
Conforming with Our instructions, they completed the task of transcribing two copies of the works of the Primal Point. I swear by G.o.d! This Wronged One, by reason of His constant a.s.sociation with men, hath not looked at these books, nor gazed with outward eyes on these writings. When We departed, these writings were in the possession of these two persons. It was agreed that Mirza Ya?ya should be entrusted with them, and proceed to Persia, and disseminate them throughout that land. This Wronged One proceeded, at the request of the Ministers of the Ottoman Government to their capital. When We arrived in Mosul, We found that Mirza Ya?ya had left before Us for that city, and was awaiting Us there. Briefly, the books and writings were left in Ba_gh_dad, while he himself proceeded to Constantinople and joined these servants. G.o.d beareth now witness unto the things which have touched this Wronged One, for after We had so arduously striven, he (Mirza Ya?ya) abandoned the writings and joined the exiles.
This Wronged One was, for a long period, overwhelmed by infinite sorrows until such time when, in pursuance of measures of which none but the one true G.o.d is aware, We despatched the writings unto another place and another country, owing to the fact that in 'Iraq all doc.u.ments must every month be carefully examined, lest they rot and perish. G.o.d, however, preserved them and sent them unto a place which He had previously ordained. He, verily, is the Protector, the Succorer.
Wherever this Wronged One went Mirza Ya?ya followed Him. Thou art thyself a witness and well knowest that whatever hath been said is the truth. The Siyyid of I?fahan, however, surrept.i.tiously duped him. They committed that which caused the greatest consternation. Would that thou wouldst inquire from the officials of the government concerning the conduct of Mirza Ya?ya in that land. Aside from all this, I adjure thee by G.o.d, the One, the Incomparable, the Lord of Strength, the Most Powerful, to carefully look into the communications addressed in his name to the Primal Point, that thou mayest behold the evidences of Him Who is the Truth as clear as the sun. Likewise, there proceeded from the words of the Point of the Bayan-may the souls of all else but Him be sacrificed for His sake-that which no veil can obscure, and which neither the veils of glory nor the veils interposed by such as have gone astray can hide. The veils have, verily, been rent asunder by the finger of the will of thy Lord, the Strong, the All-Subduing, the All-Powerful. Yea, desperate is the state of such as have calumniated Me and envied Me. Not long ago it was stated that thou hadst ascribed the authors.h.i.+p of the Kitab-i-iqan and of other Tablets unto others. I swear by G.o.d! This is a grievous injustice. Others are incapable of apprehending their meaning, how much more of revealing them!
?asan-i-Mazindarani was the bearer of seventy Tablets. Upon his death, these were not delivered unto those for whom they were intended, but were entrusted to one of the sisters of this Wronged One, who, for no reason whatever, had turned aside from Me. G.o.d knoweth what befell His Tablets.
This sister had never lived with Us. I swear by the Sun of Truth that after these things had happened she never saw Mirza Ya?ya, and remained unaware of Our Cause, for in those days she had been estranged from Us.
She lived in one quarter, and this Wronged One in another. As a token, however, of Our loving-kindness, our affection and mercy, We, a few days prior to Our departure, visited her and her mother, that haply she might quaff from the living waters of faith, and attain unto that which would draw her nigh unto G.o.d, in this day. G.o.d well knoweth and beareth Me witness, and she herself testifieth, that I had no thought whatsoever except this. Finally, she-G.o.d be praised-attained unto this through His grace, and was adorned with the adornment of love. After We were exiled and had departed from 'Iraq to Constantinople, however, news of her ceased to reach Us. Subsequent to Our separation in the Land of Ta (?ihran), We ceased to meet Mirza Ri?a-Quli, Our brother, and no special news reached Us concerning her. In the early days we all lived in one house, which later on was sold at auction, for a negligible sum, and the two brothers, Farman-Farma and Hisamu's-Saltanih, purchased it and divided it between themselves. After this occurred, We separated from Our brother. He established his residence close to the entrance of Masjid-i-_Sh_ah, whilst We lived near the Gate of _Sh_imiran. Thereafter, however, that sister displayed toward Us, for no reason whatever, a hostile att.i.tude. This Wronged One held His peace under all conditions. However, Our late brother Mirza Mu?ammad-?asan's daughter-upon him be the glory of G.o.d and His peace and His mercy-who had been betrothed to the Most Great Branch ('Abdu'l-Baha) was taken by the sister of this Wronged One from Nur to her own house, and from there sent unto another place. Some of Our companions and friends in various places complained against this, as it was a very grievous act, and was disapproved by all the loved ones of G.o.d. How strange that Our sister should have taken her to her own house, and then arranged for her to be sent elsewhere! In spite of this, this Wronged One remained, and still remaineth, calm and silent. A word, however, was said in order to tranquilize Our loved ones. G.o.d testifieth and beareth Me witness that whatever hath been said was the truth, and was spoken with sincerity. None of Our loved ones, whether in these regions or in that country, could believe Our sister capable of an act so contrary to decency, affection and friends.h.i.+p. After such a thing had occurred, they, recognizing that the way had been barred, conducted themselves in a manner well-known unto thyself and others. It must be evident, therefore, how intense was the grief which this act inflicted upon this Wronged One.
Later on, she threw in her lot with Mirza Ya?ya. Conflicting reports concerning her are now reaching Us, nor is it clear what she is saying or doing. We beseech G.o.d-blessed and glorified be He-to cause her to turn unto Him, and aid her to repent before the door of His grace. He, verily, is the Mighty, the Forgiving; and He is, in truth, the All-Powerful, the Pardoner.
In another connection He, likewise, saith: "Were He to appear this very moment, I would be the first to adore Him, and the first to bow down before Him." Be fair, O people! The purpose of the Most Exalted One (the Bab) was to insure that the proximity of the Revelation should not withhold men from the Divine and everlasting Law, even as the companions of John (the Baptist) were prevented from acknowledging Him Who is the Spirit (Jesus). Time and again He hath said: "Suffer not the Bayan and all that hath been revealed therein to withhold you from that Essence of Being and Lord of the visible and invisible." Should any one, considering this binding injunction, cling unto the Bayan, such a one hath, verily, pa.s.sed out of the shadow of the blessed and exalted Tree. Be fair, O people, and be not of the heedless.
And likewise, He saith: "Let not names shut you out as by a veil from Him Who is their Lord, even the name of Prophet, for such a name is but a creation of His utterance." And likewise, He, in the seventh chapter of the second Vahid, saith: "O people of the Bayan! Act not as the people of the Qur'an have acted, for if ye do so, the fruits of your night will come to naught." And further, He saith-glorified be His mention: "If thou attainest unto His Revelation, and obeyest Him, thou wilt have revealed the fruit of the Bayan; if not, thou art unworthy of mention before G.o.d.
Take pity upon thyself. If thou aidest not Him Who is the Manifestation of the Lords.h.i.+p of G.o.d, be not, then, a cause of sadness unto Him." And further He saith-magnified be His station: "If thou attainest not unto the Presence of G.o.d, grieve not, then, the Sign of G.o.d. Ye will renounce that which can profit them that acknowledge the Bayan, if ye renounce that which can harm Him. I know, however, that ye will refuse to do so."
O Hadi! Methinks it is by reason of these indubitable utterances that thou hast determined to blot out the Bayan. Give ear unto the voice of this Wronged One, and renounce this oppression that hath made the pillars of the Bayan to tremble. I have been neither in _Ch_ihriq nor in Mah-Ku. At the present time statements have been circulated among thy disciples identical with those made by the _Sh_i'ihs who have said that the Qur'an is unfinished. These people also contend that this Bayan is not the original one. The copy in the handwriting of Siyyid ?usayn is extant, as is also the copy in the handwriting of Mirza A?mad.
Regardest thou as one wronged he who in this world was never dealt a single blow, and who was continually surrounded by five of the handmaidens of G.o.d? And imputest thou unto the True One, Who, from His earliest years until the present day, hath been in the hands of His enemies, and been tormented with the worst afflictions in the world, such charges as the Jews did not ascribe unto Christ? Hearken unto the voice of this Wronged One, and be not of them that are in utter loss.
And, likewise, He saith: "How many the fires which G.o.d converteth into light through Him Whom G.o.d shall make manifest; and how numerous the lights which are turned into fire through Him! I behold His appearance even as the sun in the midmost heaven, and the disappearance of all even as that of the stars of the night by day." Hast thou ears, O world, wherewith to hear the voice of the True One, and to judge equitably this Revelation Which, as soon as it appeared, Sinai exclaimed: "He that discoursed upon Me is come with evident signs and resplendent tokens, in spite of every heedless one that hath gone far astray, and of every lying calumniator, who hath wished to quench the light of G.o.d with his calumnies, and blot out the signs of G.o.d through his malice. They, verily, are of such as have acted unjustly in the Book of G.o.d, the Lord of the worlds."
And likewise, He saith: "The Bayan is from beginning to end the repository of all of His attributes, and the treasury of both His fire and His light." Great G.o.d! The soul is carried away by the fragrance of this utterance, inasmuch as He declareth, with infinite sadness, that which He perceiveth. Likewise, He saith to the Letter of the Living, Mulla Baqir-upon him be the glory of G.o.d and His loving-kindness: "Haply thou mayest in eight years, in the day of His Revelation, attain unto His Presence."
Know thou, O Hadi, and be of them that hearken. Judge thou equitably. The companions of G.o.d and the Testimonies of Him Who is the Truth have, for the most part, suffered martyrdom. Thou, however, art still alive. How is it that thou hast been spared? I swear by G.o.d! It is because of thy denial, whereas the martyrdom of the blessed souls was due to their confession. Every just and fair-minded person will bear witness unto this, inasmuch as the cause and motive of both are clear and evident as the sun.
And likewise He addresseth Dayyan, who was wronged and suffered martyrdom, saying: "Thou shalt recognize thy worth through the words of Him Whom G.o.d shall make manifest." He, likewise, hath p.r.o.nounced him to be the third Letter to believe in Him Whom G.o.d shall make manifest, through these words: "O thou who art the third Letter to believe in Him Whom G.o.d shall make manifest!" And likewise He saith: "Should G.o.d, however, be willing, He will make thee known through the words of Him Whom G.o.d shall make manifest." Dayyan, who, according to the words of Him Who is the Point-may the souls of all else but Him be sacrificed for His sake-is the repository of the trust of the one true G.o.d-exalted be His glory-and the treasury of the pearls of His knowledge, was made by them to suffer so cruel a martyrdom that the Concourse on high wept and lamented. He it is whom He (the Bab) had taught the hidden and preserved knowledge and entrusted him therewith, through His words: "O thou who art named Dayyan! This is a hidden and preserved Knowledge. We have entrusted it unto thee, and brought it to thee, as a mark of honor from G.o.d, inasmuch as the eye of thine heart is pure. Thou wilt appreciate its value, and wilt cherish its excellence. G.o.d, verily, hath deigned to bestow upon the Point of the Bayan a hidden and preserved Knowledge, the like of which G.o.d hath not sent down prior to this Revelation. More precious is it than any other knowledge in the estimation of G.o.d-glorified be He! He, verily, hath made it His testimony, even as He hath made the verses to be His testimony."
This oppressed one, who was the repository of the knowledge of G.o.d, together with Mirza 'Ali-Akbar, one of the relatives of the Primal Point-upon him be the glory of G.o.d and His mercy-and Abu'l-Qasim-i-Ka_sh_i and several others suffered martyrdom through the decree p.r.o.nounced by Mirza Ya?ya.
O Hadi! His book which he hath ent.i.tled "Mustayqiz" is in thy possession.
Read it. Although thou hast seen the book, peruse it again, that haply thou mayest obtain for thyself a lofty seat beneath the canopy of truth.
In like manner, Siyyid Ibrahim, concerning whom these words have flowed from the Pen of the Primal Point-magnified be His utterance: "O thou who art mentioned as My friend in My scriptures, and as My remembrance in My books, next to My scriptures, and as My name in the Bayan"-such a one, together with Dayyan, hath been surnamed by him (Mirza Ya?ya) Father of Iniquities and Father of Calamities. Judge thou fairly, how grievous hath been the plight of these oppressed ones, and this notwithstanding that one of them was occupied in serving him, whilst the other was his guest.
Briefly, I swear by G.o.d, the deeds he committed were such that Our Pen is ashamed to recount.
Reflect a while upon the dishonor inflicted upon the Primal Point.
Consider what hath happened. When this Wronged One, after a retirement of two years during which He wandered through the deserts and mountains, returned to Ba_gh_dad, as a result of the intervention of a few, who for a long time had sought Him in the wilderness, a certain Mirza Mu?ammad-'Ali of Ra_sh_t came to see Him, and related, before a large gathering of people, that which had been done, affecting the honor of the Bab, which hath truly overwhelmed all lands with sorrow. Great G.o.d! How could they have countenanced this most grievous betrayal? Briefly, We beseech G.o.d to aid the perpetrator of this deed to repent, and return unto Him. He, verily, is the Helper, the All-Wise.
As to Dayyan-upon him be the glory of G.o.d and His mercy-he attained Our presence in accordance with that which had been revealed by the pen of the Primal Point. We pray G.o.d to aid the heedless to turn unto Him, and such as have turned aside to direct themselves towards Him, and them that have denied Him to acknowledge this Cause, which, no sooner did it appear than all created things proclaimed: "He that was hidden in the Treasury of Knowledge, and inscribed by the Pen of the Most High in His Books, and His Scriptures, and His Scrolls, and His Tablets, is come!"
In this connection it hath been deemed necessary to mention such traditions as have been recorded regarding the blessed and honored city of Akka, that haply thou mayest, O Hadi, seek a path unto the Truth, and a road leading unto G.o.d.
In the name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful.
The following hath been recorded concerning the merits of Akka, and of the sea, and of Aynu'l-Baqar (The Spring of the Cow) which is in Akka:
'Abdu'l-'Aziz, son of 'Abdu'-Salam, hath related unto us that the Prophet-may the blessings of G.o.d and His salutations be upon him-hath said: "Akka is a city in Syria to which G.o.d hath shown His special mercy."
Ibn-i-Mas'ud-may G.o.d be pleased with him-hath stated: "The Prophet-may the blessings of G.o.d and His salutations be upon Him-hath said: 'Of all sh.o.r.es the best is the sh.o.r.e of Askelon, and Akka is, verily, better than Askelon, and the merit of Akka above that of Askelon and all other sh.o.r.es is as the merit of Mu?ammad above that of all other Prophets. I bring you tidings of a city betwixt two mountains in Syria, in the middle of a meadow, which is called Akka. Verily, he that entereth therein, longing for it and eager to visit it, G.o.d will forgive his sins, both of the past and of the future. And he that departeth from it, other than as a pilgrim, G.o.d will not bless his departure. In it is a spring called the Spring of the Cow. Whoso drinketh a draught therefrom, G.o.d will fill his heart with light, and will protect him from the most great terror on the Day of Resurrection.'"
Anas, son of Malik-may G.o.d be pleased with him-hath said: "The Apostle of G.o.d-may the blessings of G.o.d and His salutations be upon Him-hath said: 'By the sh.o.r.e of the sea is a city, suspended beneath the Throne, and named Akka. He that dwelleth therein, firm and expecting a reward from G.o.d-exalted be He-G.o.d will write down for him, until the Day of Resurrection, the recompense of such as have been patient, and have stood up, and knelt down, and prostrated themselves, before Him.'"
And He-may the blessings of G.o.d and His salutations be upon Him-hath said: "I announce unto you a city, on the sh.o.r.es of the sea, white, whose whiteness is pleasing unto G.o.d-exalted be He! It is called Akka. He that hath been bitten by one of its fleas is better, in the estimation of G.o.d, than he who hath received a grievous blow in the path of G.o.d. And he that raiseth therein the call to prayer, his voice will be lifted up unto Paradise. And he that remaineth therein for seven days in the face of the enemy, G.o.d will gather him with _Kh_idr-peace be upon Him-and G.o.d will protect him from the most great terror on the Day of Resurrection." And He-may the blessings of G.o.d,-exalted be He-and His salutations be upon Him-hath said: "There are kings and princes in Paradise. The poor of Akka are the kings of Paradise and the princes thereof. A month in Akka is better than a thousand years elsewhere."
The Apostle of G.o.d-may the blessings of G.o.d and His salutations be upon Him-is reported to have said: "Blessed the man that hath visited Akka, and blessed he that hath visited the visitor of Akka. Blessed the one that hath drunk from the Spring of the Cow and washed in its waters, for the black-eyed damsels quaff the camphor in Paradise, which hath come from the Spring of the Cow, and from the Spring of Salvan (Siloam), and the Well of Zamzam. Well is it with him that hath drunk from these springs, and washed in their waters, for G.o.d hath forbidden the fire of h.e.l.l to touch him and his body on the Day of Resurrection."
The Prophet-may the blessings of G.o.d and His salutations be upon Him-is stated to have said: "In Akka are works of supererogation and acts which are beneficial, which G.o.d vouchsafed specially unto whomsoever He pleaseth. And he that saith in Akka: 'Glorified be G.o.d, and praise be unto G.o.d, and there is none other G.o.d but G.o.d, and most great is G.o.d, and there is no power nor strength except in G.o.d, the Exalted, the Mighty,' G.o.d will write down for him a thousand good deeds, and blot out from him a thousand evil deeds, and will uplift him a thousand grades in Paradise, and will forgive him his transgressions. And whoso saith in Akka: 'I beg forgiveness of G.o.d,' G.o.d will forgive all his trespa.s.ses. And he that remembereth G.o.d in Akka at morn and at eventide, in the night-season and at dawn, is better in the sight of G.o.d than he who beareth swords, spears and arms in the path of G.o.d-exalted be He!"
The Apostle of G.o.d-may the blessings of G.o.d and His salutations be upon Him-hath also said: "He that looketh upon the sea at eventide, and saith: 'G.o.d is Most Great!' at sunset, G.o.d will forgive his sins, though they be heaped as piles of sand. And he that counteth forty waves, while repeating: 'G.o.d is Most Great!'-exalted be He-G.o.d will forgive his sins, both past and future."
The Apostle of G.o.d-may the blessings of G.o.d and His salutations be upon Him-hath said: "He that looketh upon the sea a full night is better than he who pa.s.seth two whole months betwixt the Rukn and the Maqam. And he that hath been brought up on the sh.o.r.es of the sea is better than he that hath been brought up elsewhere. And he that lieth on the sh.o.r.e is as he that standeth elsewhere."
Verily, the Apostle of G.o.d-may the blessings of G.o.d, exalted be He, and His salutations be upon Him-hath spoken the truth.
Epistle to the Son of the Wolf Part 6
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