Latin for Beginners Part 17

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3. Munient, venient, mittent, agent. 4. Ducet, mittes, veniet, aget.

5. Muniet, reperietis, agemus. 6. Mittam, veniemus, regent. 7. Audietis, venies, reperies. 8. Reperiet, agam, ducemus, mittet. 9. Videbitis, sedebo, vocabimus.

II. 1. I shall find, he will hear, they will come. 2. I shall fortify, he will send, we shall say. 3. I shall drive, you will lead, they will hear. 4. You will send, you will fortify, (_sing. and plur._), he will say. 5. I shall come, we shall find, they will send.

6. Who[3] will believe the story? I[4] shall believe the story. 7. Whose friends do you favor? We favor our friends. 8. Who will resist our weapons? s.e.xtus will resist your weapons. 9. Who will persuade him?

They will persuade him. 10. Why were you injuring my horse? I was not injuring your horse. 11. Whom does a good slave obey? A good slave obeys his master. 12. Our men were eager for another battle.

[Footnote 3: Remember that >, _who_, is singular in number.]

[Footnote 4: Express by >, because it is emphatic.]



<159.>> There are a few common verbs ending in <-io>> which do not belong to the fourth conjugation, as you might infer, but to the third. The fact that they belong to the third conjugation is shown by the ending of the infinitive. (Cf. --126.) Compare

> (_take_), third conjugation

<160.>> The present, imperfect, and future active indicative of > are inflected as follows:

>, _take_ PRES. STEM >

PRESENT IMPERFECT FUTURE SINGULAR 1. ca'pio capie'bam ca'piam 2. ca'pis capie'bas ca'pies 3. ca'pit capie'bat ca'piet

PLURAL 1. ca'pimus capieba'mus capie'mus 2. ca'pitis capieba'tis capie'tis 3. ca'piunt capie'bant ca'pient

1. Observe that > and the other <-io>> verbs follow the fourth conjugation wherever in the fourth conjugation _two vowels occur in succession._ (Cf. capio, audio; capiunt, audiunt; and all the imperfect and future.) All other forms are like the third conjugation.

(Cf. capis, regis; capit, regit; etc.)

2. Like >, inflect

>, _make, do_ >, _flee_ >, _hurl_ >, _seize_

<161.>> > The imperative mood expresses a command; as, _come!_ _send!_ The present tense of the imperative is used only in the second person, singular and plural. _The singular in the active voice is regularly the same in form as the present stem. The plural is formed by adding <-te>> to the singular._

CONJUGATION SINGULAR PLURAL I. ama, _love thou_ ama'te, _love ye_ II. mone, _advise thou_ mone'te, _advise ye_ III. (_a_) rege, _rule thou_ re'gite, _rule ye_ (_b_) cape, _take thou_ ca'pite, _take ye_ IV. audi, _hear thou_ audi'te, _hear ye_ sum (irregular) es, _be thou_ este, _be ye_

1. In the third conjugation the final -e- of the stem becomes -i- in the plural.

2. The verbs >, _say_; >, _lead_; and >, _make_, have the irregular forms >, >, and > in the singular.

3. Give the present active imperative, singular and plural, of >, >, >, >, >, >, >, >, >, >, >.


I. 1. Fugient, faciunt, iaciebat. 2. Dele, nuntiate, fugiunt. 3. Venite, dic, facietis. 4. Ducite, iaciam, fugiebant. 5. Fac, iaciebamus, fugimus, rapite. 6. Sedete, reperi, docete. 7. Fugiemus, iacient, rapies. 8. Reperient, rapiebatis, nocent. 9. Favete, resiste, parebitis.

10. Vola ad multas terras et da auxilium. 11. Ego tela mea capiam et multas feras delebo. 12. Quis fabulae tuae credet? 13. Este boni, pueri, et audite verba grata magistri.

II. 1. The G.o.ddess will seize her arms and will hurl her weapons.

2. With her weapons she will destroy many beasts. 3. She will give aid to the weak.[1] 4. She will fly to many lands and the beasts will flee.

5. Romans, tell[2] the famous story to your children.

[Footnote 1: Plural. An adjective used as a noun. (Cf.


[Footnote 2: Imperative. The imperative generally stands first, as in English.]




[Special Vocabulary]

NOUNS >, m., _G.o.d_ (deity)[A]

>, n., _omen, prodigy; monster_ oraculum, -i, n., _oracle_

VERB >, _lay waste, devastate_

ADJECTIVES >, _moved, excited_ >, _greatest_ (maximum) >, _fierce, savage_

ADVERBS >, _thus, in this way, as follows_ >, _then, at that time_

[Footnote A: For the declension of >, see --468]

<163.>> > Thus far the verb forms have been in the _active voice_; that is, they have represented the subject as _performing_ an action; as,

The lion ---> _killed_ ---> the hunter

A verb is said to be in the _pa.s.sive voice_ when it represents its subject as _receiving_ an action; as,

The lion <--- _was="" killed_=""><--- by="" the="" hunter="">

Note the direction of the arrows.


> In the pa.s.sive voice we use a different set of personal endings. They are as follows:

SINGULAR PLURAL 1. -r, _I_ 1. -mur, _we_ 2. -ris, -re, _you_ 2. -mini, _you_ 3. -tur, _he, she, it_ 3. -ntur, _they_

_a._ Observe that the letter <-r>> appears somewhere in all but one of the endings. This is sometimes called the _pa.s.sive sign_.

Latin for Beginners Part 17

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