A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels Volume Xviii Part 31

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66. Marchand's Voyage round the World, 1790-92. 2 vols. 4to. Translated from the French.

67. A Voyage of Discovery into the North Pacific Ocean, and round the World in 1790-5. By G. Vancouver, 3 vols. 4to. and an Atlas. 1798.

68. A Missionary Voyage to the South Pacific Ocean in 1796-8. 4to. 1799.

69. Flinder's Voyage to Terra Australis in 1801-3. 2 vols. 4to. with an Atlas, 1814.

70. Liansky's Voyage round the World, 1803-5, performed by order of Alexander the First. 4to.

71. Langsdorffe's Voyages and Travels in various Parts of the World, 1803-7. 2 vols. 4to. Translated from the German.

72. Krusenstern's Voyage round the World, 1803-6. 2 vols. 4to. Translated from the German.

73. A Voyage of Discovery into the South Sea, and Behring's Straits, in 1815-18. By Kotzebue. 3 vols. 8vo. 1821. Translated from the German, but badly.

74. Voyage Pittoresque autour du Monde. Par Choris. Livraison, 1-9. Paris, 1821.--This splendid work ill.u.s.trates Kotzebue's Voyage, by engravings of the savages of the different parts he visited; their arms, dresses, diversions, &c. On this account alone, however, we should not have given it a place here; but it is recommended to the natural historian, by the descriptions which Cuvier has added to the engravings of animals; and to the craniologist, by the observations of Gall, on the engravings of human skulls.

75. Peregrinacion que ha hecho de la mayor parte del Mundo. Par D.P.S.

Cubero. Sarragoss. 1688. folio.

76. Giro del Mondo del G.F. Gemelli Carreri. Naples, 1699. 7 vols. 8vo.



77. Letters from Barbary, France, Spain, and Portugal. By an English Officer (Jardine), 1794. 2 vols. 8vo.

78. Cor. de Jong Reisen naer de Cap de Goede Hop, Ierland en Norwegen.

Haarlem, 1802. 8vo.

79. Friedrich, Briefe au einen freund, eine reise von Gibraltar nach Tanger und von da durch Spanien, und Frankreich, Zurich, nach Deutschland, betreffend. (In the Historical Magazine of Gottingen, 4th year. 1st cahier.)

80. Voyage to the Levant in 1700, by Tournefort. Translated from the French, 3 vols. 8vo.--These travels bear too high a character to be particularly pointed out. They comprise the Archipelago, Constantinople, the Black Sea, Armenia, Georgia, the Frontiers of Persia and Asia Minor; and are rich and valuable in the rare junction of antiquarian and botanical knowledge.

81. Le Bruyn's Voyage to the Levant, and Travels into Muscovy, Persia, and the East Indies. Translated from the French. 1720. 8 vols. fol.

82. Description of the North and Eastern Parts of Europe and Asia.

Translated from the German of Baron Strahlenberg. 1738, 4to.

83. Historical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea, with a Journey of Travels from London, through Russia, Germany, and Holland. By James Hanway. 1754. 2 vols. 4to.

84. Bell of Antermony's Travels from St. Petersburgh in Russia to several Parts of Asia. Glasgow, 1763. 2 vols. 4to.

85. Memoirs of B.H. Bruce, containing an Account of his Travels in Germany, Russia, Tartary, and the Indies. 1782. 4to.

86. A Journey from India to England, in the year 1797. By John Jackson.

1799. 8vo.

87. Histoire des Decouvertes faites par divers Voyageurs. Pallas, Gmelin, Guldenstedt, et Lepechin, dans plusieurs Contrees de la Russe et de la Perse. La Haye, 1779. 2 vol. 4to. & 6 8vo.

88. Nouvelles Relations du Levant. Par Poullet. Paris, 1688. 2 vols.

12mo.--This is a scarce and valuable work, especially that part of it which relates to Asiatic Turkey, Georgia, and Persia: there is likewise in it a particular account of the commerce of the English and Dutch in the Levant at this period.

89. Le Voyage du Sieur Duloir. Paris, 1654. 4to.--This work, beside much historical information respecting Turkey, and the Siege of Babylon in 1639, contains many particulars regarding the Religion, &c. of the Turks. It comprises the Archipelago, Greece, European Turkey and Asia Minor. It is likewise particular in the description of antiquities.

90. Les Voyages de Jean Struys en Moscovie, en Tartarie, en Perse, aux Indes. Traduits du Hollandais. Amsterdam. 4to. 1681. Rouen, 3 vols. 12mo.

1730.--The Travels of Struys, who was actuated from his earliest youth with an insatiable desire to visit foreign countries, are especially interesting from the account he gives of Muscovy and Tartary at this period.

91. Voyages tres Curieux et tres Renommes, faits en Moscovie, Tartarie et Perse. Par Adam Olearius. Traduits d'Allemagne. Amsterdam, fol.

92. Voyages en different Endroits d'Europe et d'Asie. Par le P. Avril.

Paris, 1692. 4to.--The object of this voyage, which was commenced in 1635, princ.i.p.ally consisted in the discovery of a new route to China. Turkey, Armenia, European and Asiatic Russia. Tartary, &c. are comprised in these Travels.

93. Voyage en Turquie et en Perse. Par M. Otter. Paris, 1748. 2 vols.

12mo.--The chief merit of this work consists in the exact.i.tude of its descriptions of places, and in the determination of their distances and true positions, which are further ill.u.s.trated by maps.

94. Beschreibung der Reise eines Polnishchen Herrn Bothschafters gen Constantinople und in die Tartary. Nuremberg, 1574. 4to.

95. Sal. Schweiger Reise-beschriebung aus Deutschland nach Constantinopel und Jerusalem. Nuremberg, 1608. 4to.

96. Reise van Erfurt nach dem gelobten land, auch Spanien, Franckreich, Holland und England. Erfurt, 1605. 4to.

97. Muntzer von Babenbergh, Reise von Venedig nach Jerusalem, Damascus und Constantinopel, 1556. Nurembergh. 4to.

98. Brand, Reisen durch Brandenburgh, Preussen, Curland, Liefland, Plescovien und Muscovien. Nebst, A. Dobbins Beschriebung von Siberien, &c.

Wesel, 1702. 8vo.

99. Itinera s.e.x a diversis Saxoniae; Ducibus et Authoribus, diversis Temporibus, in Italiam, Palaestinam et Terram Sanctum. Studio Balt. Mincii.

Wirtemberg, 1612. 12mo.

100. Edwin Sandy's Travels into Turkey, Palestine, Egypt, and Italy, begun in 1610. fol. 1658.

101. Travels through Europe, Asia, and into several parts of Africa, containing Observations especially on Italy, Turkey, Greece, Tartary, Circa.s.sia, Sweden and Lapland. By De la Mottraye. 1723. 2 vols. fol.

Veracity and exactness, particularly so far as regards the copying of inscriptions, characterise these travels. They are also valuable for information respecting the mines of the North of Europe.

102. Travels of Thevenot into Turkey, Persia, and India. Translated from the French, 1687. fol. The 4th edition of the original in 3 vols. is very rare; the more common one is that of Amsterdam in 5 vols. 12mo. These travels comprise Egypt, Arabia, and other places in Africa and Asia, besides those places indicated in the t.i.tle page. The chief value of them consists in his account of the manners, government, &c. of the Turks. This author must not be confounded with the Mel. Thevenot, the author of a Collection of Voyages.

103. A View of the Levant, particularly of Constantinople, Syria, Egypt and Greece. By Ch. Parry. 1743. fol. 1770. 3 vols. 4to. This work is much less known than it deserves to be: the author of the bibliotheque des Voyages justly remarks, that the circ.u.mstance of its having been twice translated into German is a pretty certain indication that it is full of good matter.

104. Description of the East, and some other Countries: Egypt, Palestine, Arabia, Syria, Greece, Thrace, France, Italy, Germany. Poland, &c. by Dr.

Richard Poc.o.c.ke. 3 vols. fol. 1743-8. The merits of this work in pointing out and describing the antiquities of Egypt and the East are well known.

105. Travels through Europe, Asia, and Africa. By Lithgow. Edinburgh, 1770.

8vo.--This is one of the best editions of a book, the chief interest of which consists in the personal narrative of the author.

A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels Volume Xviii Part 31

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