Tween Snow and Fire Part 15

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"But it isn't bosh," retorts Carhayes testily. "I tell you we are to start in half an hour, so now you know," and he withdraws, growling something about not standing there jawing to them all day.

Orders were orders, and duty was duty. So arousing themselves from their warm lair the two sleepers rubbed their eyes and promptly began to look to their preparations.

"By Jove!" remarked Eustace as a big, cold drop hit him on the crown of the head, while two more fell on the blanket he had just cast off. "Now one can solve the riddle as to what becomes of all the played out sieves. They are bought up by Government Contractors for the manufacture of canvas for patrol tents."

"The _riddle_! Yes. That's about the appropriate term, as witness the state of the canvas."

"Oh! A dismal jest and worthy the day and the hour," rejoined the other, lifting a corner of the sail to peer out. It was still pitch dark and raining as heavily as ever. "We can't make a fire at any price--that means no coffee. Is there any grog left, Hoste?"

"Not a drop."

"H'm! That's bad. What is there in the way of provender?"


"That's worse. Gcalekaland, even, is of considerable account in the world's economy. It is a prime corner of the said orb wherein to learn the art of `doing without.'"

The two, meanwhile, had been preparing vigorously for their expedition, which was a three days patrol. By the light of a tiny travelling lamp, which Eustace always had with him when possible, guns were carefully examined and rubbed over with an oil-rag; cartridges were unearthed from cunning waterproof wrappers and stowed away in belts and pockets where they would be all-ready for use; and a few more simple preparations-- simple because everything was kept in a state of readiness--were made.

Then our two friends emerged from the narrow, kennel-like and withal leaky structure which had sheltered them the night through.

Except those who were to const.i.tute the patrol, scarcely anybody was astir in the camp of the Kaffrarian Rangers that dark, rainy morning.

All who could were enjoying a comfortable sleep warmly rolled up in their blankets, as men who are uncertain of their next night's rest will do--and the prospect looked cheerless enough as the dawn lightened. A faint streak in the eastern sky was slowly widening, but elsewhere not a break in the clouds, and the continual drip, drip, of the rain, mingled with the subdued tones of the men's voices, as they adjusted bit and stirrup and strapped their supplies in blanket and holster. Three days'

rations were issued, and with plenty of ammunition, and in high spirits the prevailing wetness notwithstanding, the men were ready to set forth.

"This won't last. By ten o'clock there won't be a cloud in the sky,"

said the commander of the corps, a grizzled veteran, elected to that post by the unanimous vote of his men. In keeping with his habitual and untiring energy, which caused his followers often to wonder when he ever did sleep, he had been up and astir long before any of them. And now he bade them good-bye, and, the patrol having mounted, they filed out of camp, the rain running in streams down the men's waterproofs.

More than three weeks have elapsed since the sacking of Kreli's kraal, and during this time reinforcements, both of colonial levies and Imperial troops, have been pouring into the Transkei.

Several conflicts of greater or less importance have taken place, and the Gcaleka country has been effectually cleared, its warlike inhabitants having either betaken themselves to the dense forest country along the coast, or fled for refuge across the Bas.h.i.+ to their more peaceful neighbours, the Bomvanas, who dare not refuse them shelter, even if desirous to do so. On the whole, the progress of the war has been anything but satisfactory. A number of the Gcalekas have been killed, certainly, but the tribe is unsubdued. The Great Chief, Kreli, is still at large, as are also his sons and councillors; and although the land has been swept, yet its refugee inhabitants are only awaiting the departure of the colonial forces to swarm back into their old locations. Meanwhile, a large force is kept in the field, at heavy expense to the Colony, and in no wise to the advantage of the burghers and volunteers themselves, whose farms or businesses are likely to suffer through their prolonged absence. Of late, however, operations have been mainly confined to hunting down stray groups of the enemy by a system of patrols--with poor results--perhaps killing a Kafir or two by a long and lucky shot, for the savages have learnt caution and invariably show the invaders a clean pair of heels.

But no one imagines the war at an end, and that notwithstanding a proclamation issuing from the office of the Commissioner of Crown Lands offering free grants of land in the Gcaleka country conditional upon the residence of the grantee on his exceedingly perilous holding. This proclamation, however, is regarded as a little practical joke on the part of the Honourable the Commissioner. Few, if any, make application, and certainly none comply with the conditions of the grant. The while patrolling goes on as vigorously as ever.

Eustace and his travelling companions had reached the camp of the Kaffrarian Rangers in due course. Hoste, indeed, would have been elected to a subordinate command in the troop had he taken the field at first, but now his place was filled up and he must perforce join in a private capacity; which position he accepted with complete equanimity.

He could have all the fun, he said, and none of the responsibility, whereas in a post of command he would have been let in for no end of bother. So he and Eustace chum up together, and share tent and supplies and danger and duty, like a pair of regulation foster-brothers.

Our patrol rode steadily on, keeping a sharp look out on all sides. Its instructions were to ascertain the whereabouts of the enemy and his cattle, rather than to engage him in actual conflict. Should he, however, appear in such moderate force as to render an engagement feasible with a fair chance of success, then by all means let them teach him a lesson--and ardently did the men hope for such an opportunity.

They numbered but forty all told, all more or less experienced frontiersmen, who knew how to use their rifles--all well versed in the ways of bush fighting, and thoroughly understanding how to meet the savage on his own ground and in his own way. In short, they reckoned themselves well able to render account of at least six times that number of the enemy, their only misgiving being lest the wily sons of Xosa should not afford them the chance.

In spite of his predilection for the dark-skinned barbarians aforesaid and his preference for the ways of peace, there was something wonderfully entrancing to Eustace Milne in this adventurous ride through the hostile country, as they held on over hill and valley, keeping a careful watch upon the long reaches of dark bush extending from the forest land which they were skirting, and which might conceal hundreds-- nay thousands--of the savage foe lying in wait in his lurking place for this mere handful of whites--a something which sent a thrill through his veins and caused his eye to brighten as he rode along in the fresh morning air; for the clouds had dispersed now, and the sun, mounting into his sphere of unbroken blue, caused the wet earth to glisten like silver as the raindrops hung about the gra.s.s and bushes in cl.u.s.ters of flas.h.i.+ng gems.

"So! That's better!" said one of the men, throwing open his waterproof coat. "More cheerful like!"

"It is," a.s.sented another. "We ought to have a brush with Jack Kafir to-day. It's Sunday."

"Sunday is it?" said a third. "There ain't no Sundays in the Transkei."

"But there are though, and its generally the day on which we have a fight."

"That's so," said the first speaker, a tall, wiry young fellow from the Chalumna district. "I suppose the think we're such a bloomin'

pious lot that we shan't hurt 'em on Sunday, so they always. .h.i.t upon it to go in at us."

"Or p'r'aps they, think we're having Sunday school, or holdin' a prayer meeting. Eh, Bill?"

"_Ja_. Most likely."

They were riding along a high ridge falling away steep and sudden upon one side. Below, on the slope, were a few woebegone looking mealie fields and a deserted kraal, and beyond, about half a mile distant, was the dark forest line. Suddenly the leader of the party, who, with three or four others, was riding a little way ahead, was seen to halt, and earnestly to scrutinise the slope beneath. Quickly the rest spurred up to him.

"What is it?"--"What's up, Shelton?" were some of the eager inquiries.

"There's something moving down there in that mealie field, just where the sod-wall makes a bend--there, about four hundred yards off," replied Shelton, still looking through his field "Stay--it's a Kafir.

I saw him half put up his head and bob down again."

Every eye was bent upon the spot, eager and expectant. But nothing moved. Then the leader took a careful aim and fired. The clods flew from the sod-wall, heavy and sticky with the recent rain, as the bullet knocked a great hole in it. Simultaneously two naked Kafirs sprang up and made for the bush as hard as they could run.

Bang--bang! Bang--bang--bang! A rattling volley greeted their appearance. But still unscathed they ran like bucks; bounding and leaping to render themselves more difficult as marks.

Bang--bang! Ping--ping! The bullets showered around the fleeing savages, throwing up the earth in clods. Each carried a gun and had a powder horn and ammunition pouch slung round him, besides a bundle of a.s.segais, and one, as he ran, turned his head to look at his enemies.

Full three hundred yards had they to cover under the fire of a score of good marksmen. But these were excited.

"Steady, men! No good throwing away ammunition!" cried Shelton, the leader. "Better let 'em go."

But he might as well have spoken to the wind. As long as those naked, bounding forms were in sight so long would the more eager spirits of the party empty their rifles at them. Not all, however. Eustace Milne had made no attempt to fire a shot. He was not there, as he said afterwards, to practise at a couple of poor devils running away.

Others, somewhat of the same opinion, confined themselves to looking on.

But to a large section there present no such fastidious notions commended themselves. The secret of war, they held, was to inflict as much damage upon the enemy as possible, and under whatever circ.u.mstances. So they tried all they knew to act upon their logic.

"Whoop! Hurrah! They're down!" shouted some one, as the fugitives suddenly disappeared.

"Nay what!" said a tall Dutchman, shaking his head. "They are only sneaking," and as he spoke the Kafirs reappeared some fifty yards further, but were out of sight again in a second. They were taking advantage of a _sluit_ or furrow--crawling like serpents along in this precarious shelter.

"Stay where you are--stay where you are," cried Shelton in a tone of authority, as some of the men made a movement to mount their horses and dash forward in pursuit. "Just as like as not to be a trap. How many more do we know are not `voer-ly-ing' [Dutch: `Lying in wait'] in the bush yonder. The whole thing may be a plant."

The sound wisdom of this order availed to check the more eager spirits.

They still held their pieces in readiness for the next opportunity.

"Hoste--Eustace--watch that point where the pumpkin patch ends. They'll have a clear run of at least a hundred yards there," said Carhayes, who was sitting on an ant-heap a little apart from the rest, every now and then taking a shot as he saw his chance.

"It's a devil of a distance," growled Hoste. "Six hundred yards if it's an inch--Ah!"

For the Kafirs sprang up just where Carhayes had foretold, and again, with a crash, many rifles were emptied at them. Fifty--thirty--twenty yards more and they will be safe. Suddenly one of them falls.

"He's down--fairly down!" yelled someone. "A long shot, too. Oh-h-h!

He's only winged! Look! He's up again?"

It was so. The fallen man was literally hopping on one leg, with the other tucked up under him. In a moment both Kafirs had reached the cover and disappeared.

"Well, I never!" cried Hoste; "Heaven knows how many shots we've thrown away upon those devils and now they've given us the slip after all."

Tween Snow and Fire Part 15

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