The Mission; or Scenes in Africa Part 17
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"None," replied the old man; "they all went to the southward."
"Did you hear what became of them?"
"Some lay down and died, some fought the natives and were killed; the wolves ate the rest; not one left alive; they all perished."
"Were none of the women and children saved and kept as slaves?"
"No, not one; they had no meat, no milk, and they all died."
After some other inquiries, the old man, who at first did not reply willingly, stated that he had, with other Caffres, followed the last party; had seen them all dead, and had taken off their clothes, and that as they died they were buried by those who still survived.
"A better fate, cruel as it was, than living as they must have lived,"
said Swinton.
"Yes, truly," replied Alexander; "you don't know, Swinton, what a load has been removed from my mind, and how light-hearted I feel, notwithstanding this recital of their sufferings. My poor uncle! G.o.d grant that he may live till my return with this distinct intelligence, with the a.s.surance that he has no grandchildren living the life of a heathen, and knowing no G.o.d. What a relief will it prove to him; how soothing will it be to his last days! How grateful am I to G.o.d, that I have had so happy an issue to my mission! Now, Swinton, we will return as soon as you please; as soon as we arrive at Daaka's kraal, I will take down in writing the statement of these people, and then we will hasten back to the Major."
"And I dare say," said Swinton, as he remounted his horse, "that you will make old Daaka a more handsome present, for proving himself no relation to you, than if he had satisfactorily established himself as your own first cousin."
"You may be sure that my grat.i.tude towards him is much greater than ever could have been my kindred feelings from relations.h.i.+p. I am so light-hearted, Swinton, and so grateful to G.o.d, that I almost wish to dismount in my anxiety to return my thanks; but I do so in my heart of hearts, at all events."
On the following day they arrived at Daaka's kraal, and then Alexander took down very carefully in writing the statements made by Daaka and the other Caffres. They all agreed on the one point, which was, that the European descendants now living in the country were wrecked in another vessel many years before the loss of the _Grosvenor_, and that not one of the _Grosvenor's_ people--men, women, or children--had survived, except the few who arrived at the Cape.
Having obtained these satisfactory doc.u.ments, they made a handsome present to Daaka and the other Caffres, and immediately set out upon their return to the waggons. As they journeyed back to the westward, they found the Caffres quitting their huts, and driving away the cattle, that they might not fall into the power of the army of Quetoo, which it was said was now in motion, and scattering the tribes before them. As our travellers were not at all anxious to have any communication with these savage invaders, in two days they crossed the Umtata, and towards the evening were within sight of the waggons. A shout from the Hottentots and Caffres gave notice of their approach. The shout was returned, and in a few minutes they were shaking hands with the Major, who was delighted to see them.
"I did not expect you back so soon," replied the Major; "and I perceive that you are unaccompanied, I presume that your Caffre relations would not quit their kraals."
"You shall know all about it, Major, very soon; it will be enough at present to let you know that we have nothing but good news."
"That I rejoice to hear; but it was well you came back as you did, for I have been making every preparation, and had you not returned in a few days, I should have retreated; the invaders are close at hand."
"We know it, and, if they are told that there are waggons here well loaded, they will come on quickly, with the hopes of plunder, so we must delay no longer," replied Alexander; "to-morrow we will yoke and set off. We can determine upon our route as we are travelling, but the first point's to retreat from this quarter."
"Exactly; the oxen are in prime order and can make a long day's march, and we know our country for some days, at all events; but enter my fortress, dismount, and let us go into the tent which I have pitched.
You shall then tell me your adventures, while Mahomed fries a delicate piece of elephant's flesh for you."
"Have you killed an elephant?"
"Yes, but not without much difficulty and some danger, I a.s.sure you; I wanted your help sadly, for these Hottentots are too much alarmed to take good aim, and I had only my own rifle to trust to; but I have done very well considering, and I shall prove to our commander-in-chief that I have supplied the garrison without putting him to any expense during his absence. We have been feeding upon green monkeys for three days, and very good eating they are, if you do not happen upon a very old one."
When they entered the inclosure made by the Major, they were surprised at the state of defence in which he had put it. His hedge of thorns upon rocks piled up was impregnable, and the waggons were in the centre, drawn up in a square; the entrance would only admit one person at a time, and was protected by bars at night.
"Why, Major, you might have held out against the whole force of the Amaquibi in this position."
"Yes, provided I had provisions and water," replied the Major; "but I fear they would soon have starved me out; however, it was as well to be prepared against any sudden night-attack, and therefore I fortified my camp: now come in, and welcome back again."
The news which they had to impart to the Major was soon given, and he was highly delighted at the intelligence:--"And now," said he, "what do you mean to do, Wilmot?--go back again, of course, but by what route?"
"Why, Major, you and Swinton have been so kind in coming with me thus far, and I have been so successful in my expedition, that I shall now leave you to decide as you please. I have effected all that I wished, my business is over, and I am ready to meet you in any way you choose; anything you decide upon I shall agree to willingly and join in heartily, so now speak your wishes."
"Well, I will speak mine very frankly," replied the Major. "We have had some sport in this country, it is true, but not so much as I could have wished; for game is rather scarce, with the exception of elephants and sea-cows. Now I should like to cross the mountains, and get into the Bechuana and Bushman country, where game is as plentiful as I believe water is scarce; we can return that way, if you please, almost as well as we can through the Caffre country--what say you, Swinton?"
"Well, I am of your opinion. As Wilmot says, business is over, and we have nothing to do but to amuse ourselves; I am very anxious to pa.s.s through the country, as I shall add greatly to my collections, I have no doubt; but it must not be expected that we shall fare as well as we have done in this; it will be the dry season, and we may be in want of water occasionally."
"I am equally desirous of going through that country, where I hope to shoot a giraffe,--that is my great ambition," replied Wilmot; "therefore we may consider that we are all agreed, and the affair is settled; but the question is, how shall we proceed back? We must return to Hinza's territory and send back the Caffres. Shall we return to b.u.t.terworth?"
"I think that must depend upon circ.u.mstances, and we can talk it over as we go along: the first point to ascertain is, the best pa.s.sage over the mountains; and it appears to me that we shall be diverging much too far to the eastward if we return to b.u.t.terworth; but the Caffres will soon give us the necessary information."
"I wonder if the quarrel between Hinza and Yoosani has been made up,"
said Alexander; "for we must pa.s.s through the Tambookie tribe if we cross the mountains, and if there is war between them we may meet with difficulty."
"We shall hear as soon as we have crossed the Bashee river," replied Swinton; "and then we must decide accordingly. All that can be settled now is, that to-morrow we start on our return, and that we will cross the mountains, if we possibly can."
"Yes, that is decided," replied Alexander.
"Well, then, as soon as you have finished your elephant-steak, Wilmot, we will get out a bottle of wine, drink the first half of it to congratulate you upon the success of your mission, and the other half shall be poured out in b.u.mpers to a happy return."
The delight of the Hottentots at the announcement of the return of the expedition was not to be concealed; and now that they knew that they were retreating from the danger, as they were further removed they become proportionably brave. We must not include all the Hottentots in this observation, as Bremen, Swanevelt, and one or two more, were really brave men; but we do refer to the portion of them, with Big Adam at their head, who now flourished and vapoured about, as if he could by himself kill and eat the whole army of the dreaded Quetoo.
As it was the intention of our travellers to pa.s.s over the Mambookei chain of mountains, into the Bushman and Koranna territory, they did not return the same route by which they came, but more to the westward, through the territory of the Tambookie Caffres, not at any one time entering upon the territory of the Amakosas, the tribe of Caffres governed by Hinza, who had lent them his warriors.
Voosani, the chief of the Tambookies, was very friendly, and had offered no opposition to their pa.s.sage through a portion of his domains on their advance. They now lost no time, but continued their journey as fast as they could, although during the day they saw a great quant.i.ty of game, and were almost every night saluted with the roarings of the lions.
In a week they found themselves on the banks of the White Kae River, and not far from the foot of the mountains which they intended to pa.s.s.
Here they halted, with the intention of remaining some few days, that they might unload and re-arrange the packing of their waggons, repair what was necessary, and provide themselves with more oxen and sheep for their journey in the sterile territory of the Bushmen.
During their route, the rumours relative to the army of Quetoo were incessant. He had attacked and murdered Lieutenant Farewell and his people, who were on a trading expedition in the interior, and taken possession of and plundered their waggons. Flushed with his success over white people armed with muskets, Quetoo had now resolved to turn his army to the southward, and attack the tribes of the Amaponda Caffres, governed by Fakoo, and the missionary station of Morley, lately established near the coast, between the St. John and the Umtata rivers.
To effect this, Quetoo commenced his ravages upon all the lesser tribes tributary to Fakoo, and having put them to indiscriminate slaughter, driven away their cattle, and burnt their kraals, his army advanced to the missionary station, which the missionaries were compelled to desert, and fall back upon the St. John River.
One of the men belonging to the tribe near Morley came to the caravan where our travellers had halted, and, on being questioned as to the loss they had experienced, cried out, "Ask not how many are killed, but how many are saved: our wives, where are they? and our children, do you see any of them?"
But Fakoo, the chief of the Amapondas, had roused himself and collected his army. He resolved upon giving battle to the enemy. He found the Amaquibi encamped in a forest, and he surrounded them with a superior army; he then contrived, by attacking and retreating, to lead them into a position from which there was no escape but by the pa.s.s by which they had entered, and which he completely blocked up with his own forces.
The Amaquibi could not retreat, and a furious conflict took place, which ended in the destruction of the whole of Quetoo's army. Quetoo himself was not present, as he still remained confined with the wound he had received in the prior engagement, in which he had been victorious. A portion of Fakoo's army was sent against him, and he fled with the loss of all the cattle and treasures he had collected; and thus was the invading force at last totally dispersed and not heard of any more.
This news was very satisfactory to our travellers, as they did not know whether they would have had time to make their arrangements, if Quetoo's army had been victorious; and it was still more pleasing to the Hottentots, who were now even braver than before, all lamenting that they had not remained on the banks of the Umtata River, where the combat took place, that they might have a.s.sisted at the destruction of the invaders.
It was towards the end of August before our travellers had made their preparations and were ready for a start. They had decided to try the pa.s.s through the Mambookei chain of mountains, to the eastward of the one named the Storm-bergen, and as they expected to meet with some difficulties, it was decided that the Caffre warriors should not be dismissed till they had arrived at the Bushman territory; they proposed then to turn to the N.W., so as to fall in with that portion of the Orange River which was known by the name of the Vaal or Yellow River, crossing the Black or Cradock River, which is also another branch of the Orange River.
This arrangement was made, that they might get into the country more abounding with game, and better furnished with water than any other portion of the sterile deserts which they had to pa.s.s through.
Having, as usual, kept holy the Lord's day, on the Monday morning they started in high spirits, and with their cattle in excellent order. The pa.s.sage through the ravine was very difficult; they had to fill up holes, roll away stones, and very often put double teams to drag the waggons.
The Mission; or Scenes in Africa Part 17
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