Fifty Years In The Northwest Part 35

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Aside from mill building, nothing was done in the way of improvements until 1846, when Jerry Ross and Benjamin F. Otis commenced farming on what was subsequently known as the Morton and Colby farms. Both raised potatoes and garden vegetables and built houses. This was the first cultivation of the soil in Chisago county. In 1847 Mr. Otis sold his improvements to Wm. F. Colby, who, in that year, raised the first corn grown by white men in the county. In 1846 Thornton Bishop commenced improvements on a farm at the head of the rapids, six miles above Taylor's Falls. J. L. Taylor, in 1848, built a pre-emption shanty midway between the upper and lower falls. In 1849 he proved up his pre-emption to lots 5, 6 and 7, section 30, towns.h.i.+p 34, range 18. N.

C. D. Taylor pre-empted the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 25, and the west half of the same quarter section; also lot 1, section 36, towns.h.i.+p 34, range 19.

In 1849 Lewis Barlow and Wm. E. Bush became citizens. An abstract of the canva.s.sed returns of an election held November 26th shows but six votes in the settlement. In 1850 W. F. Colby pre-empted the northeast quarter of section 25, towns.h.i.+p 34, range 19, and W. H. C. Folsom the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the same.

At a regular meeting of the St. Croix county board, held at Stillwater, April 2, 1850, the following judges of election were appointed within the present limits of Chisago county: St. Croix Falls precinct, Wm. F. Colby, Wm. Holmes, N. C. D. Taylor; Rush Lake precinct, Levi Clark, Walter Carrier and Richard Arnold. At a meeting, held Oct. 7, 1850, the pet.i.tion of Lewis Barlow and ten others, of St.

Croix Falls precinct, was presented, asking for a special election, to elect two justices of the peace. Their pet.i.tion was granted. The poll was: Wm. E. Bush, one vote; John H. Reid, six votes; Ansel Smith, five votes. Reid and Smith were declared elected. The first survey of town lots was made in 1851, by Theodore E. Parker, of Stillwater, and under this survey the village was legally established as Taylor's Falls. The first deeds recorded in Chisago county were transcripts from Was.h.i.+ngton county of lands consisting of town site property, dated 1851, conveyed to W. H. C. Folsom by J. L. and N. C. D. Taylor.

The movement for the organization of a new county from the northern part of Was.h.i.+ngton commenced in the winter of 1851-52. A formidable pet.i.tion to the legislature to make such organization, drawn up and circulated by Hon. Ansel Smith, of Franconia, and the writer, was duly forwarded, presented and acquiesced in by that body. The writer had been selected to visit the capital in the interest of the pet.i.tioners.

Some difficulty arose as to the name. The writer had proposed "Chi-sa-ga." This Indian name was ridiculed, and Hamilton, Jackson, Franklin and Jefferson were in turn proposed. The committee of the whole finally reported in favor of the name, Chisaga, but the legislature, in pa.s.sing the bill for our county organization, by clerical or typographical error changed the last "a" in "saga" to "o,"

which, having become the law, has not been changed.

The eastern boundary of the county was fixed as the St. Croix river; the southern boundary, the line between towns.h.i.+ps 32 and 33; the western, the line between ranges 21 and 22, for three towns.h.i.+ps south, and the line between ranges 22 and 23 for the remaining towns.h.i.+ps north. To show how little was known of the geography of the section we refer to the record of the county commissioners of Was.h.i.+ngton county, dated Dec. 15, 1848, at which St. Croix district, the present Chisago county, was established as "bounded on the north by Sunrise river and on the west by line between ranges 21 and 22"--an utter impossibility, as the Sunrise river flows in a northerly direction entirely through the county and at its nearest point does not come within three miles of the range line mentioned.

The election for the first board of county officers was held at the Chisago House, Oct. 14, 1851. Twenty-three votes were polled at this election. The following officers were elected: Commissioners, Samuel Thomson, chairman; N. C. D. Taylor, Thomas F. Morton; clerk of board and register of deeds, F. W. Abbott; treasurer, W. H. C. Folsom. The bill establis.h.i.+ng the county provided that "the seat of justice of the county of Chisago shall be at such point in said county as the first board of commissioners elected in said county shall determine." In accordance with this law, at the first meeting of the commissioners, held at the office of N. C. D. Taylor in Taylor's Falls, Jan. 5, 1852, the town of Taylor's Falls was chosen as the county seat, "agreeable to the Revised Statutes, chapter 1st, section 14th."

As the population of the county increased the project of moving the county seat to a more nearly central position was agitated. In 1858 a vote was taken which resulted in favor of its removal to Centre City.

The matter of the legality of the vote was referred to the court, and decided by Judge Welch adversely, on the ground that a majority of the voters of the county had not voted. The county seat consequently remained at Taylor's Falls. In 1861 another vote was taken by which the county seat was removed to Chisago City, and there it remained under somewhat adverse circ.u.mstances. Chisago City having but a small population and no conveniences for such a purpose, and being for several years without even a post office, repeated efforts were made for another removal, until in 1875 a vote to remove it to Centre City carried. In January, 1876, the records were removed. The county authorities issued $5,000 bonds for a court house which was erected on a point of land extending into Chisago lake, a beautiful situation.

The bonds have been paid and the county is without indebtedness, and has a surplus of about $10,000.

The town of Amador comprises two eastern tiers of sections of towns.h.i.+p 35, range 20, and two fractional sections of towns.h.i.+p 36, range 20, fractional towns.h.i.+p 35, range 19, and one fractional section of towns.h.i.+p 36, range 19. The St. Croix river forms its boundary on the north and east. The surface is undulating. The western and southern part is covered with hardwood timber and has rich soil. The northern part has oak openings and prairie, with soil somewhat varied, in some places more or less sandy. It is well watered and drained. Thornton Bishop, the first settler, came in 1846, and located a farm on the banks of the St. Croix, at the head of the rapids, in section 34.

Richard Arnold settled on Amador prairie in 1854, and was followed by James P. Martin, Carmi P. Garlick and others. Garlick was a practicing physician, but engaged in other work. He built a steam saw mill and made many other improvements, among them laying out the village of Amador in section 9, towns.h.i.+p 35, range 20. H. N. Newbury, surveyor, not succeeding in his undertaking, issued the prospectus of a paper to be called the _St. Croix Eagle_ and to be published at Taylor's Falls.

This failing he removed to Osceola.

Amador was organized in 1858. The first supervisors were C. P.

Garlick, R. Arnold and James Martin. A post office was established in 1857; Henry Bush, postmaster. Mr. Bush had a small farm at the mouth of Deer creek, where he built a large public house, two stories high.

This house burned down. He established a ferry across the St. Croix.

He had a large family of boys who roamed the woods freely until one of their number was lost. The other boys came home as usual but of one they could give no account. Parties were organized for the search, which at last was given up as unsuccessful. A year afterward the bones of the missing boy were found some miles away, by the side of a log, where the little wanderer had doubtless perished of starvation and exposure. Mr. Bishop raised the first crops of the town. The first marriage was that of Charles S. Nevers and Mary Snell, by John Winans, Esq., Feb. 23, 1860.

THORNTON BISHOP was a native of Indiana. He came to St. Croix Falls in 1841 and was married to Delia Wolf in 1842, by Rev. W. D. Boutwell, at the Pokegama mission. This wife was a well educated half-breed. They raised a large family of children. He came to Amador in 1846 and farmed for some time at the head of the rapids, when he sold his farm and moved to Sunrise. In 1880 he removed to Kettle River station. In 1883-84-85-86 he served as commissioner for Pine county.

WILLIAM HOLMES came to Amador and settled on a farm at the head of the rapids in 1848. The farm is now held by John Dabney. Mr. Holmes married a sister of Mrs. Thornton Bishop. She was educated at Pokegama mission. They raised a large family of children. In 1852 Mr.

Holmes removed to Sunrise and thence to Trade River, Wisconsin, in 1875, where he sickened. His brother-in-law, Bishop, came to his relief, removed him to his own home and cared for him till he died, May, 1876.

JAMES M. MARTIN was one of the first settlers in Amador. He came originally from Missouri, where he was married. He died July 17, 1887; Mrs. Martin dying some years prior. Their sons are James M., Harvey, Charles, Isaac, and Theodore. Their daughters are Mrs. Cowan, Mrs.

Wilkes, Mrs. Nordine and Mrs. Lanon.


The town of Branch, occupying towns.h.i.+p 35, range 21, was set off from Sunrise, and organized in 1872. The first supervisors were William Winston, Peter Delamater and Frank Knight. A post office was established in 1869; Geo. W. Flanders, postmaster. The surface is mostly undulating, and the soil a sandy loam. There are oak openings, and along the course of the north branch of the Sunrise river, which flows through the town from west to east, there are many excellent wild meadows. The north part originally contained pine forests; about 5,000,000 feet have been cut away. Branch contains some pretty and well cultivated farms. The St. Paul & Duluth railroad traverses the town from south to north.


The only village in the town of Branch was platted in January, 1870, the proprietors being the Western Land a.s.sociation, L. Mendenhall, agent. The plat includes the north half of the northwest quarter of section 21, and the northeast quarter of section 20, towns.h.i.+p 35, range 21. The first settler was G. M. Flanders, who opened a store here in 1868, which was burned in 1869. Henry L. Ingalls erected a good hotel and other buildings. In 1870 Gurley & Bros. established a store; B. F. Wilkes built a hotel; Winston, Long & Co. established a store. In 1874 J. F. F. Swanson built a flouring mill, which was burned in 1878. The loss was about $6,000, with but little insurance.

The village now contains two elevators, three hotels, six stores and the usual proportion of dwellings. There are two churches, the Episcopalian building, erected in 1883; and the Congregational, in 1884. There is also a good school house. The village was incorporated in 1882. In December, 1884, the store of Singleton & Bonnafon was burned; loss estimated at $15,000, with but little insurance.

HENRY L. INGALLS was born in Abingdon, Connecticut, in 1804. In 1832 he was married to Lavina L. Child, of Woodstock, Connecticut, and with his wife and younger brother emigrated to Illinois, settling at Chandler, Ca.s.s county. There he remained seventeen years, when, his impaired health necessitating a change, with his son Henry he went to California. In 1853 he returned and settled on Sunrise prairie, then an unbroken wilderness. For seventeen years he lived on his farm and kept a popular country hotel. In 1870 he removed to North Branch and built a large frame residence, where he lived until his death, which occurred Sept. 2, 1876. Mr. Ingalls left three sons, Ephraim, Henry and Van Rensselaer.

MRS. LAVINA L. INGALLS, whose maiden name was Childs, was born in Connecticut in 1806; was married as above stated in 1832, from which time she cheerfully and uncomplainingly shared the fortunes of her husband in the West, undergoing the usual toils and privations of the pioneer. While at Sunrise, during part of the time she had no neighbors nearer than Taylor's Falls. The first post office in Chisago county north of Taylor's Falls was at her house, and was known as Muscotink. She and her husband, during the later years of their lives, were Spiritualists, and derived great comfort from their peculiar phase of belief. Mrs. Ingalls was a talented and kind hearted woman, charitable in act and beloved by her a.s.sociates. She died Dec. 29, 1879.


The town of Chisago Lake includes the four western tiers of sections of towns.h.i.+p 33, range 20, and towns.h.i.+p 34, range 20. A permanent characteristic of this town is its unrivaled lake scenery, rendering it not only attractive for residences but a favorite resort of visitors. Its lake has already been described. The first settler was John S. Van Rensselaer, who located on an island opposite the present site of Centre City in the spring of 1851, and raised a crop of corn and vegetables. He built him a cabin and lived there three years. Eric Norberg, a prominent Swede, came to the lake from Bishop's Hill, Illinois, in April, 1851, and being pleased with the locality, came back with a colony of Swedes, including Peter Berg, Andrew Swenson, Peter Anderson, Peter Shaline, Daniel Rattick, and others. They came by steamboat, landed at Taylor's Falls June 24, 1851, cut a road to Chisago lake and took undisputed possession of its, finding no trace of human occupancy save some deserted Indian tepees and the claim cabin of Mr. Van Rensselaer on the island. Mr.

Berg settled on the west part of lot 3, section 35, and southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section 26, towns.h.i.+p 34, range 20.

Peter Anderson on the east part of lot 3, and northwest quarter of northeast quarter of section 35, towns.h.i.+p 34, range 20. Andrew Swenson on lot 5, section 27, towns.h.i.+p 34, range 20. Mr. Norberg had come first to the country at the invitation of Miles Tornell, who was murdered in 1848, near St. Croix Falls, by some Indian, hired to commit the deed by one Miller, a whisky seller. Mr. Norberg originally intended to make his home at Chisago Lake, but died at Bishop's Hill, Illinois, while on a visit in 1853.

The colony in 1852 raised the first rye, barley and flax in the county. They also raised potatoes, green corn and vegetables, cut out roads, cleared timber, and made other improvements. Peter Berg raised flax and made linen thread in 1852, the first made in Minnesota.

Settlers came in rapidly. Among the arrivals in 1852 and soon after were the Petersons, Strands, Johnsons, Frank Mobeck, Dahliam, Porter, and others. A post office was established in 1858; A. Nelson, postmaster. The town was organized in 1858. The first supervisors were: Ephraim C. Ingalls, chairman; Frank Mobeck and Daniel Lindstrom.

The first church organization in the county was that of the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran, in 1854. Here was built the first church edifice in 1855, a frame structure subsequently enlarged, but in 1882 superseded by a fine brick building, costing $30,000. Its dimensions are 116 66 feet, ground plan, and the spire is 135 feet in height. A fine organ was purchased at a cost of $1,500. This church building is an ornament to the town and the State, and would be creditable even to our great cities. The first pastor was Rev. P. A. Cedarstam. His successors are Revs. C. A. Hedengrand and John J. Frodeen, the present inc.u.mbent. The communicants number about 1,300.

In 1880 the St. Paul & Duluth railroad extended a branch road from Wyoming to Taylor's Falls. This through the town of Chisago Lake, from west to east, crossing three arms of the lake. To secure this road the town gave $10,000 in twenty year bonds. It obtains in exchange an outlet for the products of its farms and forests. The bridge across Chisago lake was built in 1857, at a cost of $1,500. It has since been made an embankment bridge at an additional cost of $1,600. Of this the State furnished $1,000 and the county $600.


The county seat of Chisago county, was platted May, 1857, on lot 5, section 27, towns.h.i.+p 34, range 20; Andrew Swenson, proprietor; Alex.

Cairns, surveyor. It is located on a peninsula midway on the east sh.o.r.e of Chisago lake. Few villages are more beautifully situated. It contains two hotels, three stores, a saw and feed mill, two church buildings, a Swedish Lutheran and Swedish Methodist, a school house and many pleasant residences. The court house was built in 1876, at a cost of $5,000, on a promontory commanding a fine view of the lake.

The depot of the branch of the St. Paul & Duluth railroad is located half a mile south of the village. Summer excursionists a.s.semble here in goodly numbers, and the location bids fair to become very attractive as a summer resort. During the Indian outbreak in 1862, and the period of uncertainty as to the probable att.i.tude of the Chippewa Indians, the people of Chisago Lake built breastworks for protection, on the isthmus connecting Centre City with the mainland, and planted cannon upon them for defense. The remains of these old fortifications may still be seen.

ANDREW SWENSON.--Mr. Swenson, the founder of Centre City, came to the of the lake in 1851, and made his home on the present site of the city. He was born in Sweden in 1817; came to America in 1850, and remained a short time in New Orleans before coming to Minnesota. He was a farmer and a member of the Methodist church. He was married to Catharine Peterson in 1838. He died in July, 1887, leaving two sons and two daughters.

JOHN S. VAN RENSSELAER came to Chisago Lake in the spring of 1851, and settled on an island, where he lived three years in hermit-like seclusion, raising corn and vegetables. His cabin, always neat and tasteful, was furnished with a choice library. In 1854 he removed to Sunrise Lake, where he lived fifteen years, engaged in farming. He removed thence to Sunrise City. Mr. Van Rensselaer was the founder of the first cheese factories in the county, at Sunrise City and Centre City. He is an honorable and upright man, whose high aim is to exemplify the golden rule in his life and deportment.

AXEL DAHLIAM settled on the west sh.o.r.e of East Chisago lake in 1852.

Mr. Dahliam had been an officer in the Swedish Army. He was a cultivated gentleman. He died in 1869.

NELS NORD was born in Lindhopsing, Sweden, in 1819. In his eighteenth year he enlisted in the Swedish Army and served twelve years. He came to America in 1855 and located on Chisago lake, in the northeast quarter of section 32, towns.h.i.+p 34, range 20. He was married in Sweden to Lisa Anderson. They have one son, John P., who has been for seven years the popular and efficient auditor of Chisago county. He was married in 1878 to Hildah, daughter of Rev. C. A. Hedengrand. They have one daughter.

JOHN A. HALLBERG was born at Smolland, Sweden, in 1830. He came to America in 1853 and to Centre City in 1854. In 1872 he purchased a saw and feed mill of Shogren Brothers. In 1876 he built a hotel. He has held the office of justice of the peace many years and has served four years as county commissioner. He was married to Matilda E. Carlson in 1870.

CHAS. A. BUSH is of German descent. His father, Wm. H. Bush, lived in Wyoming. His great grandfather came to this country in 1765 and fought on the side of the colonies. Chas. A. came to Minnesota in 1869 from Pennsylvania. He has served as treasurer of Chisago county four years.

LARS JOHAN STARK was born in Sweden in 1826; came to America in 1850, and settled at Chisago Lake in 1852. He was married in 1865, and again in 1870. He has eleven children living. In Sweden he served as clerk ten years. In his American home he has followed farming chiefly. He has served as justice of the peace and county commissioner, and has filled some town offices. He was engrossing clerk of the house of representatives in 1864. He was a member of the house in the sessions of 1865 and 1875. In 1868 he moved to the town of Fish Lake, and in 1877 to Harris.

FRANK MOBECK was born in Sweden in 1814. He came to America in 1851, and in 1853 to Chisago Lake, where he settled on lot 5, section 34, towns.h.i.+p 34, range 20. His home is on a beautiful elevation, on a point of land projecting into the lake. Mr. Mobeck served in the Swedish Army seventeen years. He has raised a large family of children, all of whom are good citizens.

ROBERT CURRIE was born in Ayrs.h.i.+re, Scotland. After reaching manhood he was employed many years as superintendent of a fancy manufacturing company. He was married in Scotland. In 1854, after the death of his wife, he came to America, and in 1855 selected a place for a home on the north sh.o.r.e of west Chisago lake, where he lived till his death by drowning in 1883. The site of his home was well chosen. It commanded a beautiful view of the lake, and in the summer months was luxuriantly adorned with flowers. Mr. Currie was a man of fine intellect, well cultivated, and an ardent admirer of his countryman Burns, from whom, and from Shakespeare and other masters of English literature he could quote for hours. Mr. Currie's occupation was farming, but he filled several offices acceptably. He was superintendent of schools, judge of probate and clerk of district court. Though somewhat eccentric, he was a social, kind hearted man.

ANDREW N. HOLM, formerly Andrew Nelson, his name having been changed by legislative enactment in 1867, was born in Sweden in 1829. He learned the trade of carpenter, came to America in 1855 and located in Centre City in 1857, of which city he was first postmaster. He served as a soldier during the Civil War and at its close removed his family to Taylor's Falls, which is still his home.


Located on the line of the Taylor's Falls branch of the St. Paul & Duluth railroad, on lot 4, section 33, town 34, range 20, was platted in 1880 by G. W. Sewall, surveyor. The proprietors are James and Elisabeth Smith. It is situated on high ground and almost surrounded by the waters of Lake Chisago. It would be difficult to find a lovelier site. Maurice Tombler built the first store and elevator here, in 1881. There are now three stores, one hotel, one railroad station and several shops and dwellings. A post office was established at Lindstrom in 1880; Charles H. Bush, postmaster.

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