The Memoirs of Madame Vigee Lebrun Part 19

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1 Mme. de Souza, Portuguese Amba.s.sadress.

1 Portrait of a lady.


3 Emperor Alexander, copied from portrait done at St. Petersburg.

1 Daughter of the Countess Potocka.

1 A German lady.


1 Miss Dorset.

1 Mme. Chinnery.

2 Her children.

1 Miss Dillon.

1 Mme. Villiers.

1 Margravine of

1 Mme. Baring.

1 Prince of Wales.

1 Mme. de Polastron.

1 Countess Diedrichstein.

2 Infant son of Mme. de Polastron.

1 Lord Byron.

1 Prince Bariatinski.

1 An American lady.

1 Son of Margravine of

3 Portraits of Mme. Vigee Lebrun.

3 Mme. Gra.s.sini, two of them in oriental costume, the other half-length.

1 Portrait of an Irish lady.

1 Lady Georgina, daughter of Lady Gordon.

1 Prince Biron of Courland, as a huntsman.

1 Two sons of Countess de Vaudreuil.

Views of the seacoast in crayons, and several landscapes.


1 Queen of Prussia, from picture done at Berlin, large half-length.

1 Prince Ferdinand of Prussia.

1 Prince Augustus Ferdinand, his son.

1 Princess Louise Radzivill, his sister.

1 Princess Tufakin.

1 Mme. Catalani, singing at a piano.

1 Mme. Murat, with her daughter.

4 Portraits of Mme. Vigee Lebrun for friends.

3 Mme. Gra.s.sini.

1 M. Ragani, her husband.

1 Viscountess de Vaudreuil.

2 Count de Vaudreuil, her uncle.

2 d.u.c.h.ess de Guiche.

1 Young Princess Potemski, half-length.

1 Mme. Constans.

1 Countess d'Andlau, with hands showing.

1 Duke de Berri.

2 Countess de Rosambeau and Countess d'Orglande, daughters of Countess d'Andlau.

2 The two d'Andlau brothers.

1 Viotti, famous violinist.

1 Marquise de Grollier, painting flowers.

1 M. de Crussol, large half-length picture.

1 Mlle. de Grenonville.

1 Mme. Davidoff.

1 Marquis de Riviere, for King Charles X., half-length.

1 Count de Coetlosquet.

1 Mme. de p.r.o.nt, his niece.

2 d.u.c.h.ess de Berri.

1 Mlle. de Sa.s.senay.

1 M. Raoul Rochette.

1 M. Sapey.

1 Mme. Lafont.

1 Mlle. de Riviere.

1 Alfred de Riviere.

1 Baron de Feisthamel, painting.

1 Baron de Crespy le Prince, drawing.

1 Mme. Ditte.

1 Mme. de Riviere, both hands showing.

1 Profile of Mme. Vigee Lebrun, for a medallion for the City of St. Petersburg, on which Angelica Kauffman was also to appear.


1 Poetry, Painting and Music.

1 Spanish Scene.

1 Love asleep under a tree.

1 Young girl, surprised in her s.h.i.+rt.

1 Young girl, caught writing.

1 Innocence seeking refuge in the arms of Justice.

1 Venus binding the wings of Love.

1 Juno asking girdle from Venus.

1 Bacchante with tiger-skin.

1 Peace bringing back Plenty.

1 Apotheosis of the Queen.

1 s.h.i.+pwrecked woman.

1 Cataract of Narva.

1 Amphion playing on the lyre.

1 An old man with his son.

About 200 Swiss and English landscapes.

The Memoirs of Madame Vigee Lebrun Part 19

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The Memoirs of Madame Vigee Lebrun Part 19 summary

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