The Bird Book Part 108

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These birds, which are practically identical with the preceding, build their nests at low elevations in trees, usually evergreens when present, making them of twigs, moss and rootlets, lined with fine The eggs, which are laid during May or June, are pale greenish blue, spotted and blotched with pale brown or russet. Size .88 .64. Data.--Seal Island, Nova Scotia, June 3, 1901. Nest of green moss and rootlets, in a spruce, 5 feet from the ground.

758. RUSSET-BACKED THRUSH. _Hylocichla ustulata ustulata._

Range.--Pacific coast, breeding in Oregon and Alaska; winters in Central America.

This species is very abundant in moist thickets throughout its range, nesting in bushes and low trees, and making them of weed

[Ill.u.s.tration 445: Wood Thrush.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Wilson's Thrush.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Greenish blue.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: right hand margin.]

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[Ill.u.s.tration 446: WOOD THRUSH.]

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stalks, bark strips, and moss, lined with fine black rootlets.

They are found at elevations of from two to ten feet above the ground.

Like the Wood Thrush the birds are tame while sitting on the nest and will allow a very close approach, without taking alarm; nests are frequently found which are made almost entirely out of green moss and are very handsome structures. Their three to five eggs are laid in May or June; they are greenish blue, spotted with brown of varying shades.

Size .92 .65. Data.--Eureka, California, July 6, 1899. Nest in a fir tree, 5 feet from the ground; made of moss and strips of redwood bark. 4 eggs.

758a. OLIVE-BACKED THRUSH. _Hylocichla swainsoni._

Range.--Eastern North America, breeding chiefly north of the United States, but locally in the northern parts, and abundantly in mountain ranges.

The nesting habits and eggs of this eastern representative of the last species are like those of that bird in all respects and the eggs cannot be distinguished from those of _ustulatus_.

758b. OLIVE-BACKED THRUSH. _Hylocichla dica_.

Range.--California and southern Oregon.

Nesting habits and eggs identical with those of _ustulatus._

759. ALASKA HERMIT THRUSH. _Hylocichla guttata guttata._

Range.--Pacific coast from British Columbia to Alaska. Winters in Mexico.

The Hermit Thrushes can readily be identified from any other by the reddish brown tail which is in marked contrast to the color of the back.

The nesting habits and eggs of this species are precisely like those of the eastern Hermit Thrush, which is a sub-species of this.

759a. AUDUBON'S HERMIT THRUSH. _Hylocichla guttata auduboni._

Range.--Rocky Mountain region of the United States. Winters in Central America.

The nesting habits of this bird are like those of the next except that it more frequently nests in bushes above the ground. The eggs are not distinctive.

[Ill.u.s.tration 447: Greenish blue.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Gray-cheeked Thrush. Olive-backed Thrush.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: deco.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: right hand margin.]

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759b. HERMIT THRUSH. _Hylocichla guttata pallasi._

Range.--Eastern North America, breeding in northern United States and north to Labrador; winters in southern United States.

This species, which is noted for its sweet and musical song, frequents damp swamps and thickets where it builds its nest either on the ground or near it, like that of the Wilson Thrush; it is made of shreds of bark,, leaves and rootlets, lined with fine rootlets; the three or four eggs, which are deposited in May or June, are bluish green and cannot, with certainty, be distinguished from those of the Veery; size .85 .65.

759c. DWARF HERMIT THRUSH. _Hylocichla guttata na.n.u.s._

Range.--Pacific coast of United States, from Was.h.i.+ngton, southward.

The nesting habits and eggs of this slightly smaller and duller colored variety are like those of the other Hermit Thrushes.

760. RED-WINGED THRUSH. _t.u.r.dus musicus._

Range.--An Old World species, accidentally straying to Greenland.

This common European bird nests at low elevations in bushes or trees, laying four or five bluish green eggs, spotted with reddish brown; size 1.05 .75.

761. ROBIN. _Planesticus migratorius migratorius._

Range.--North America east of the Rockies, breeding from the middle portions of the United States, north to the Arctic Ocean.

These common birds nest in trees about houses, in orchards, open woods, in corners of fences, on blinds on houses, and in fact almost every conceivable position. Their nests are made of, firmly cemented together with mud and lined with finer; when placed in trees they are generally firmly saddled in crotches and may be found at any height, from on the ground to sixty feet above it. Their eggs are greenish blue; size 1.15 .80. Eggs may be found at any time from May until July or August as they raise several broods a season.

[Ill.u.s.tration 448: Hermit Thrush.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Bluish green.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Greenish blue.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: American Robin.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: left hand margin.]

Page 447

761b. SOUTHERN ROBIN. _Planesticus migratorius achrusterus._

Range.--The Carolinas and Georgia.

The Bird Book Part 108

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