The Bird Book Part 13

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114.1. BLUE-FOOTED b.o.o.bY. _Sula nebouxi._

Range.--Pacific coasts and islands from the Gulf of California southward to Chili.

These birds nest in numbers on the island of San Pedro Martir in the Gulf of California. They lay but a single egg, placing it upon the bare rock. Their breeding season extends from the latter part of March into May. The egg is a dull white, generally nest stained and is covered with the usual chalky deposit. Size 2.35 1.60. Data.--Clarion Island, Mexico, May 21, 1897. Two eggs in a hollow in the sand near the beach.

Collector, A. W. Anthony.

[Ill.u.s.tration 076: Blue-faced Blue-footed]

[Ill.u.s.tration: deco.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: left hand margin.]

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115. b.o.o.bY. _Sula leucogastra._

Range.--Tropical coasts and islands of the Atlantic; north casually to Georgia.

The common is an abundant bird on some of the islands of the Bahamas and Bermudas; it is commonly called the Brown because the upper parts are of a brownish gray. These birds, as do the other Gannets, have great powers of flight and without apparent effort dart about with the speed of an arrow. They are quite awkward upon their feet and are not very proficient swimmers. They rarely rest upon the water except when tired. Hundreds and sometimes thousands of them breed in company, laying their eggs upon the bare rocks. Sometimes a few sticks or will be placed about the bird to prevent the eggs from rolling away. They generally lay two eggs, chalky white and nest stained. Size 2.40 1.60. Data.--Key West, Bahamas, April 14, 1891. No nest; two eggs laid on the bare rocks.

115.1. BREWSTER'S b.o.o.bY. _Sula brewsteri._

Range.--Pacific coast from Lower California southward. This Gannet replaces the common on the Pacific coast. It nests abundantly on many islands in the Gulf of California, and in company with the blue-footed variety, on San Pedro Martir Island. They generally lay two eggs, placing them upon the bare rocks and surrounding them with a ring of sticks and seaweed to keep them in place. The eggs are chalky white and cannot be distinguished from those of the other b.o.o.bies. Data.--San Benedicto Is., Lower California, May 18, 1897. Single egg laid on the sand amid a few blades of gra.s.s.

116. RED-FOOTED b.o.o.bY. _Sula piscator._

This is another species that is only occasionally taken on the Florida coast. The habits of the birds and their nesting habits are the same as those of the others of the family. Two chalky white eggs are laid.

Data.--San Benedicto Is., Lower California, May 18, 1897. Single egg.

Nest a few twigs of rank gra.s.s. Collector, A. W. Anthony.

[Ill.u.s.tration 077: Chalky bluish white, nest stained.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Red-footed]

[Ill.u.s.tration: right hand margin.]

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117. GANNET. _Sula ba.s.sana._

Range.--North Atlantic, breeding, in America, only on Bird Rocks in the St. Lawrence.

These are the largest of the family, being 35 inches in length. They feed on fish which they catch by diving upon, from the air. When flying their neck is carried fully extended. They rest on the water when tired, the numerous air cells beneath the skin, causing them to sit high up in the water and enabling them to weather the severest storm in perfect safety. The only known breeding place in America is Bird Rocks, where they nest by thousands, placing their nests in rows on the narrow ledges; the nests are made of piles of seaweed, mud and stones. They lay but one egg of dingy white color and covered with a chalky deposit. On St. Kilda Island, off the coast of Scotland, they breed by millions.

They are very tame and will frequently allow themselves to be touched with the hand. It is said that thousands of the young are killed by fishermen every year and marketed in Edinburg and other places.

Data.--St. Kilda Island, Scotland, June 18, 1896. Single egg laid on a large ma.s.s of seaweed on a sea cliff. Collector, H. McDonald.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Ganet Anhinga.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Chalky bluish white.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: left hand margin.]

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118. WATER TURKEY. _Anhinga anhinga._

Range.--Tropical America, north to the South Atlantic States and up the Mississippi Valley to Illinois.

Anhingas or Snake Birds are curiously formed creatures with a Heron-like head and neck, and the body of a Cormorant. They live in colonies in inaccessible swamps. Owing to their thin and light bodies, they are remarkable swimmers, and pursue and catch fish under water with ease.

When alarmed they have a habit of sinking their body below water, leaving only their head and neck visible, thereby having the appearance of a water snake. They also fly well and dive from their perch into the water with the greatest celerity.

They nest in colonies in the swamps, placing their nests of sticks, leaves and moss in the bushes over the water. They breed in April, laying from three to five bluish eggs, covered with a chalky deposit.

Size 2.25 1.35. Data.--Gainesville, Florida, May 18, 1894. Nest in the top of a b.u.t.ton-wood tree, made of leaves and branches, overhanging the water. Collector, George Graham.

[Ill.u.s.tration 079: Chalky bluish white.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: PELICAN POND. Was.h.i.+ngton Zoological Park.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: right hand margin.]

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Cormorants have a more bulky body than do the Anhingas; their tail is shorter and the bill strongly hooked at the tip. Cormorants are found in nearly all quarters of the globe. They are very gregarious and most species are maritime. They feed upon fish which they catch by pursuing under water. Most of the Cormorants have green eyes.

[Ill.u.s.tration: 080 left hand margin.]

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119. CORMORANT. _Phalacrocorax carbo._

Range.--The Atlantic coast breeding from Maine to Greenland.

The common Cormorant or s.h.a.g is one of the largest of the race, having a length of 36 inches.

In breeding plumage, the black head and neck are so thickly covered with the slender white plumes as to almost wholly obscure the black. There is also a large white patch on the flanks. They nest in colonies on the rocky of Newfoundland and Labrador, placing their nests of sticks and seaweed in rows along the high ledges, where they sit, as one writer aptly expresses it, like so many black bottles. A few pairs also nest on some of the isolated rocky islets off the Maine coast. During the latter part of May and during June they lay generally four or five greenish white, chalky looking eggs. Size 2.50 1.40. Data.--Black Horse Rock, Maine coast, June 6, 1893. Four eggs in a nest of seaweed and a few sticks; on a high ledge of rock. Collector, C. A. Reed.

120. DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT. _Phalacrocorax auritus auritus._

Range.--The Atlantic coast and also in the interior, breeding from Nova Scotia and North Dakota northward.

This is a slightly smaller bird than carbo, and in the nesting season the white plumes of the latter are replaced by tufts of black and white feathers from above each eye. On the coast they nest the same as carbo and in company with them on rocky islands. In the interior they place their nests on the ground or occasionally in low trees on islands in the lakes. They breed in large colonies, making the nests of sticks and weeds and lay three or four eggs like those of the common Cormorant but averaging shorter. Size 2.30 1.40. Data.--Stump Lake, North Dakota, May 31, 1897. Nest of dead weeds on an island. Six eggs. Collector, T.

F. Eastgate.

[Ill.u.s.tration 081: Chalky greenish or bluish white.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Cormorant. Double-crested Cormorant.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: right hand margin.]

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