The Little Treasure of Prayers Part 9
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And now, O G.o.d, we know and confess with grateful hearts, that Thou hast given us the early and the latter rain in due season, and hast faithfully and annually protected our harvests. Thou hast watered our ridges abundantly: Thou hast settled our furrows: Thou makest it soft with showers: Thou blessest the springing thereof. Thou hast prospered our grain, and tilled our land. Thanks, praise, glory and honor be unto G.o.d the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
We also pray Thee, O our G.o.d and Father, from the depth of our hearts, that Thou wouldst give unto us all Thy Holy Spirit, so that we may receive with thanksgiving what Thou bestowest upon us, and may sanctify it with Thy Word and prayer, that it may be employed and used to Thy glory and for our temporal support, for the benefit of churches and schools, and of our needy neighbor, and that thereby the shameful and hurtful wors.h.i.+p of mammon may be most diligently avoided. Protect this place and also the entire country against war and danger, against dangerous and hostile invasion and destruction. Give to our government the spirit of wisdom, of counsel, of power and strength. Confirm and preserve peace among us. Let us pa.s.s the days of our earthly life in true knowledge of Thy holy name and in Thy fear, also in health, peace and union, and finally grant to us all everlasting salvation, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
20. Prayer on Mission Festival.
Almighty G.o.d, Thou who created the world and all that is therein, and hast made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the earth: Thou who art not far from every one of us; for in Thee we live and move and have our being: Thou, who in times past didst suffer the gentiles to walk in their own ways, but now commandest all men everywhere to repent and with Thy grace doest visit their hearts.
Lift up the light of Thy countenance upon us, that Thy salvation may everywhere abound, and the glory of Thy name extend itself unto the ends of the earth. Look down from Thy height upon the misery of so many nations, who yet sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, who are ignorant of their divine origin, and lie under the cruel tyranny of satan. The Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, hath not yet risen upon them. They walk in the vanity of their minds.
Their reason is clouded because of great darkness. They are estranged from the life that is of G.o.d, through the ignorance that is in them and through the blindness of their heart. The G.o.d of this world hath blinded their understanding, and the common enemy of souls has taken them captive according to his will.
Grant, merciful G.o.d, that by the misfortune of others we may realize our own blessedness, and bewail the lamentable state of blindness, with which Thou hast smitten the gentiles, and worthily apply the greater light so graciously presented unto us to so much the greater holiness. O do Thou finally suffer the light of the Gospel to rise unto those, who are yet far from Christ, the true Sun, and who have hitherto altogether groped in thick darkness of idolatry. Through the loving voice of the Gospel, bring back these scattered sheep into Thy spiritual fold. Grant such shepherds, who will not rule vigorously and harshly over the sheep, nor devour their substance and clothe themselves with their wool; but who, in the spirit of love and gentliness will wait upon the weak, heal the sick, bind up the wounded, bring back the erring, seek the lost, and in walk and life present themselves a living example to the gentiles. And inasmuch as the word of the Gospel, concerning the love of G.o.d as revealed in Christ, is the only means to reconcile man with G.o.d, and to gather the erring sheep into the fold of Christ, do Thou grant, that all who go forth to proclaim the Gospel unto the heathen, may, with divine wisdom, make known the word of reconciliation, with boldness overcome all hinderances, and disregarding all selfish motives in the discharge of so holy an office, may seek nought but the glory of Thy name, and the extension of the kingdom of heaven. Grant, that they themselves may plainly know and acknowledge the mystery of the cross, as the central point of Evangelical doctrine, may not pretend to know anything among the gentiles, save Christ Jesus and Him crucified, and worthily extol Him to others as the only hope of glory and fountain of salvation, through our Lord Jesus Christ, the great Shepherd and Bishop of our souls. Amen.
21. From Caspar Neuman's Substance of all Prayers.
Lord G.o.d, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Thou art the almighty G.o.d of heaven and earth, and in Thee we live, move, and have our being. Thou, however, doest desire that man should live by bread, and therefore didst, in the beginning of the world, make the earth fruitful through Thy almighty Word, and after the days of the flood, didst declare that while the earth remaineth seed-time and harvest shall not cease. Behold, Lord, this Thy order, once established, continueth yet, and Thou still doest ever crown the year with Thy goodness. Thou doest cause gra.s.s to grow for the cattle and herb for the service of man. Thus Thou bringest bread out of the earth and doest fill our hearts with joy and gladness. Most loving G.o.d, how wisely indeed hast Thou ordered all things! How great is Thy goodness toward us, who are not worthy of Thy bread. And how wonderfully infinite Thy omnipotence, when Thou doest increase the little grain which moulders in the earth, into a hundredfold! It is Thy unsearchable wisdom, this Thine unutterable goodness, mercy and omnipotence, which hath again this year visited our land. Men had sowed their seed in hope, but Thou hast hitherto blessed the seed in the fields, and hast moreover permitted us to live to the time, when men everywhere reap and gather into barns what Thou hast given. O Lord, Thou G.o.d of riches, all that men harvest is indeed Thine; for we of ourselves can bring forth nothing out of the earth, and be it little or much, it is still more than we have merited.
Thanks be also unto Thy holy name for each and every gift, which Thou hast bestowed on our fields during this year. Thou alone art the G.o.d, who doest sustain us from the day of our birth, and shower Thy blessings upon us. Wherefore unto Thee alone be all the praise, honor and thanksgiving now and in eternity.
We beseech Thee, O kind Father, that Thou wouldst not again take from us in Thy wrath, what Thou in Thy grace hast given. Thou Thyself hast said in Thy Word, that rain is not seemly in harvest. So do Thou not permit that the blessings of the fields, which Thou hast hitherto spread out before our eyes, may perish by unfavorable weather. Do Thou also henceforth guard that which has been gathered into barns and garners, against danger by fire and water, against thieves and unfaithful stewards, against usurers and unscrupulous grain-speculators, and against all else that might rob us, or destroy Thy gifts. Moreover let us not forget that all we receive comes from Thee and is Thine. Do Thou likewise help that because of this we may never be discontented with what Thou givest, never uselessly squander aught of it through luxury and wantonness, never lock up any of Thy gifts unmercifully against our needy neighbor through avarice or envy; nor in mistrust against Thee brood over it with cares, as though that which Thou hast given be not sufficient for our wants. Inasmuch as we in future will have need of Thy providing care, do Thou not in Thy wrath let our land remain uncultivated, lest it lie waste and become unfruitful when forsaken. Prevent every thing which might hinder the tilling of the fields after harvest. And, that no years may come, in which man sows but does not reap, do Thou provide that neither frost nor heat, neither floods nor drought, nor destructive insects destroy the seed in the earth by which we in future are to live.
Be Thou with us, O gracious loving Father, and preserve unto us our daily bread, which Thou during the present harvest doest everywhere distribute.
Above all grant favorable weather and constant suns.h.i.+ne, that the ripening grain may all fully mature, so that which yet remains in the fields may be stored away in good condition. Bless that which has been gathered into barns, that it may be prepared for our daily use, increase it while pa.s.sing through our hands in preparing it, may it be blessed to our nourishment; grant us life and health, peace and quietude, to enjoy all that Thou hast given in such a manner, that it may not only give strength to the body, but also be good and wholesome to the soul, so that Thy temporal blessing may thus in manifold ways redound to our welfare.
When Thou hast heard these our pet.i.tions and prayers, then remind us also of our obligations, and grant that we acknowledge all our substance to be the gift of Thy goodness, that we heartily thank Thee for it, savingly use it, serve our bodies with it, as is meet, willingly impart of it to others, and finally devote and use all we have received of Thee alone unto Thy honor. Do Thou continue in future to bless our land with Thy gracious visitation, improve and enrich it with great fertility. Give warmth to the dust of the earth. Refresh the fields with fruitful showers, water their furrows, moisten the plowed ground, and do Thou prosper the grain to be sown therein, that the land may continue to yield forth its increase, the valleys be covered with corn, so that we may shout for joy and sing Thy praise forevermore.
Yea, Thou art G.o.d, Who Daily Openest Thy liberal hand and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. Therefore do Thou during this season of harvest provide for all people, and let every one receive his proportion of food. Remind each one of his duties, that the indolent may not sleep in time of harvest and neglect the necessary interests of himself and his household. But do Thou likewise grant strength to those, who in the sweat of their face gather their daily bread; refresh them when they are weary, and permit each one with his household to enjoy in good health what his fields have produced, that we all may be truly glad because of Thy benefits. But do Thou also help that the rich may not depend upon their barn bursting with plenty, and thereby forget that their souls may be taken from them unawares, and another obtain possession of that which they have gathered. Remember the poor, who have nothing to harvest. Grant that others may help gather also for them, and do Thou thyself recompense those who permit them to glean ears in their fields, or who impart unto them of their abundance. In short, where there is but little, do Thou bless the small supply, that it may be sufficient for the wants to whom it is given, and where Thou hast given a large supply, do Thou so control it, that it may not be abused unto evil. Preserve tranquility and peace in all lands, that strangers come not unto us and devour our harvests. Do Thou everywhere guard against failures, hard times and famine. And do Thou also ward off from us everything which might render it difficult for us to obtain the necessary things for the support of temporal life. On the other hand, do Thou permit every one to enjoy what Thou hast allotted to him, that rich and poor alike may acknowledge and praise Thee for evermore. Finally, O Thou Saviour of all men, we ourselves are the spiritual stewards in Thy church, and Thou art the Lord of the harvest; we therefore pray Thee to send laborers into Thy harvest, and let Thy harvest among men likewise become great in all places. Grant that good seed may everywhere be sown, and pure doctrine be preached among all christians. Protect the world against the tares, which the devil is busy in scattering forth. Convert those who sow in unrighteousness and reap in sorrow, or sow unto the flesh and of the flesh reap destruction. Sanctify us all together, that we may be of one mind in Christ, and may sow unto the spirit, and of the spirit once reap eternal life. Yea, when once the entire world shall be sufficiently ripe for the last harvest, then grant that we all, as pure wheat, may be bound into sheaves and gathered into Thy garners, and be preserved in heaven unto eternal joys. There shall we as those whom Thou hast promised, reap without ceasing what we have sown here, and rejoice as they that rejoice in harvest, with unspeakable joy.
Hear us, O G.o.d, and grant us all what we ask, for the sake of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Morning Hymn.
Gott des Himmels und der Erden
G.o.d who madest earth and heaven, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Who the day and night hast given, Sun and moon and starry host, All things wake at thy command, Held in being by thy hand.
2. G.o.d, I thank thee! In thy keeping Safely have I slumbered here; Thou hast guarded me while sleeping From all danger, pain, and fear: And the cunning of my foe Hath not wrought my overthrow.
3. Let the night of sin that shrouded All my life, with this depart; s.h.i.+ne on me with beams unclouded, Jesus! In thy loving heart Is my help and hope alone, For the evil I have done.
4. Help me as the morn is breaking, In the spirit to arise, So from careless sloth awaking, That when o'er the aged skies Shall the morn of Doom appear, I may see it free from fear.
5. Lead me, and forsake me never, Guide my wandrings by thy Word; As thou hast been, be thou ever My defence, my refuge, Lord.
Never safe except with thee, Thou my faithful Guardian be.
6. O my G.o.d, I now commend me Wholly to thy mighty hand; All the powers that thou dost lend me Let me use at thy command; Thou my boast, my strength divine, Keep me with thee, I am thine.
7. Thus afresh, with each new morning Save me from the power of sin, Hourly let me feel thy warning Ruling, prompting me within, Till my final rest be come, And thine Angel bear me home.
Evening Hymn.
Nun sich der Tag geendet hat.
Since now the day hath reached its close, And sun-light s.h.i.+nes no more, In sleep the toil-worn find repose, And all who wept before.
2. But thou, my G.o.d, no rest doth know, No slumber locks thy sight, Thou hatest darkness as thy foe, Since thou, thyself, art Light.
3. O Lord, I pray, remember me In this beclouded night, And grant to me most graciously The s.h.i.+eld of thy great might.
4. And foil thou satan's purpose fell Through thy swift angel-arm; Then free from care I'll rest me well And safe from every harm.
5. I feel indeed through guilt undone, It cries aloud to thee; But, yet, the mercy of thy Son Hath full atoned for me.
6. Him I present thee as my Bail, As suppliant at thy feet; With such a.s.surance I'll not fail Before thy Judgment-seat.
7. And hereupon my eyes I close, And fall asleep heart-glad, My G.o.d doth watch o'er my repose, Why should my heart be sad?
8. Depart vain thoughts and fancies, flee!
Draw not my mind abroad, My heart, as temple, shall now be Devoted to my G.o.d.
9. And thus I live and die to thee, Thou Sabaoth strong, indeed!
In life and death thou helpest me From every fear and need!
The Little Treasure of Prayers Part 9
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