The Purpose Driven Life Part 13

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While you may not be gifted for a particular task, you may be called to do it if no one gifted at it is around. Your primary primary ministry should be in the area of your shape, but your ministry should be in the area of your shape, but your secondary secondary

service is wherever you're needed at the moment.

Your shape reveals your ministry, but your servant's heart will reveal your maturity. No special talent or gift is required to stay after a meeting to pick up trash or stack chairs. Anyone can be a servant. All it requires is character.

It is possible to serve in church for a lifetime without ever being a servant. You a servant. You must have a servant's heart. How can you know if you have the heart of a servant? Jesus said, must have a servant's heart. How can you know if you have the heart of a servant? Jesus said, "You can tell what they are by what they do."' "You can tell what they are by what they do."'

Real servants make themselves available to serve. Servants don't fill up their time with other pursuits that could limit their availability. They want to be ready to jump into service when called on. Much like a soldier, a servant must always be standing by for duty: Servants don't fill up their time with other pursuits that could limit their availability. They want to be ready to jump into service when called on. Much like a soldier, a servant must always be standing by for duty: "No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him." "No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him." If you only serve when it's convenient for you, you're not a real servant. Real servants do what's needed, even when it's inconvenient. If you only serve when it's convenient for you, you're not a real servant. Real servants do what's needed, even when it's inconvenient.

Are you available to G.o.d anytime? Can he mess up your plans without you becoming resentful? As a servant, you don't get to pick and choose when or where you will serve. Being a servant means giving up the right to control your schedule and allowing G.o.d to interrupt it whenever he needs to.

If you will remind yourself at the start of every day that you are G.o.d's servant, interruptions won't frustrate you you as much, because your agenda will be whatever G.o.d wants to bring into your life. Servants see interruptions as divine appointments for ministry and are happy for the opportunity to practice serving. as much, because your agenda will be whatever G.o.d wants to bring into your life. Servants see interruptions as divine appointments for ministry and are happy for the opportunity to practice serving.

Real servants pay attention to needs. Servants are always on the lookout for ways to help others. When they see a need, they seize the moment to meet it, just as the Bible commands us: Servants are always on the lookout for ways to help others. When they see a need, they seize the moment to meet it, just as the Bible commands us: "Whenever we have the opportunity, we have to do what is good for everyone, especially for the family of believers." "Whenever we have the opportunity, we have to do what is good for everyone, especially for the family of believers." When G.o.d puts someone in need right in front of you, he is giving you the opportunity to grow in servanthood. Notice that G.o.d says the needs of your church family are to be given preference, not put at the bottom of your "things to do" list. When G.o.d puts someone in need right in front of you, he is giving you the opportunity to grow in servanthood. Notice that G.o.d says the needs of your church family are to be given preference, not put at the bottom of your "things to do" list.

We miss many occasions for serving because we lack sensitivity and spontaneity. Great opportunities to serve never last long. They pa.s.s quickly, sometimes never to return again. You may only get one chance to serve that person, so take advantage of the moment. "Never tell your neighbors to wait until tomorrow if you can help them now." "Never tell your neighbors to wait until tomorrow if you can help them now."

John Wesley was an incredible servant of G.o.d. His motto was "Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can." That That is greatness. You can begin by looking for small tasks that no one else wants to do. Do these little things as if they were great things, because G.o.d is watching. is greatness. You can begin by looking for small tasks that no one else wants to do. Do these little things as if they were great things, because G.o.d is watching.

Real servants do their best with what they have. Servants don't make excuses, procrastinate, or wait for better circ.u.mstances. Servants never say, "One of these days" or "When the time is right." They just do what needs to be done. The Bible says, Servants don't make excuses, procrastinate, or wait for better circ.u.mstances. Servants never say, "One of these days" or "When the time is right." They just do what needs to be done. The Bible says, "If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done." "If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done." G.o.d expects you to do what you can, with what you have, wherever you are. Less-than-perfect service is always better than the best intention. G.o.d expects you to do what you can, with what you have, wherever you are. Less-than-perfect service is always better than the best intention.

One reason many people never serve is that they fear they are not good enough not good enough to serve. They have believed the lie that serving G.o.d is only for superstars. Some churches have fostered this myth by making "excellence" an idol, which makes people of average talent hesitant to get involved. to serve. They have believed the lie that serving G.o.d is only for superstars. Some churches have fostered this myth by making "excellence" an idol, which makes people of average talent hesitant to get involved.

You may have heard it said, "If it can't be done with excellence, don't do it." Well, Jesus never said that! The truth is, almost everything we do is done poorly when we first start doing it-that's how we learn. At Saddleback Church, we practice the food enough" principle: the food enough" principle: It doesn't have to be perfect for G.o.d to use and bless it. We would rather involve thousands of regular folks in ministry than have a perfect church run by a few elites. It doesn't have to be perfect for G.o.d to use and bless it. We would rather involve thousands of regular folks in ministry than have a perfect church run by a few elites.

Real servants do every task with equal dedication. Whatever they do, servants Whatever they do, servants "do it with all their heart." "do it with all their heart." The size of the task is irrelevant. The only issue is, does it need to be done? The size of the task is irrelevant. The only issue is, does it need to be done?

You will never arrive at the state in life where you're too important to help with menial tasks. G.o.d will never exempt you from the mundane. It's a vital part of your character curriculum. The Bible says, "If you think you are too important to help someone in need, you are only fooling yourself. You are really a n.o.body." "If you think you are too important to help someone in need, you are only fooling yourself. You are really a n.o.body." It is in these small services that we grow like Christ. It is in these small services that we grow like Christ.

Jesus specialized in menial tasks that everyone else tried to avoid: was.h.i.+ng feet, helping children, fixing breakfast, and serving lepers. Nothing was beneath beneath him, because he came to serve. It wasn't him, because he came to serve. It wasn't in spite in spite of his greatness that he did these things, but of his greatness that he did these things, but because of because of it, and he expects us to follow his example. it, and he expects us to follow his example.

Small tasks often show a big heart. Your servant's heart is revealed in little acts that others don't think of doing, as when Paul gathered brushwood for a fire to warm everyone after a s.h.i.+pwreck. He was just as exhausted as everyone else, but he did what everyone needed. No task is beneath you when you have a servant's heart.

Great opportunities often disguise themselves in small tasks. The little things in life determine the big things. Don't look for great tasks to do for G.o.d. Just do the not-so-great stuff, and G.o.d will a.s.sign you whatever he wants you to do. But before attempting the extraordinary, try serving in ordinary ways.

There will always be more people willing to do "great" things for G.o.d than there are people willing to do the little things. The race to be a leader is crowded, but the field is wide open for those willing to be servants. Sometimes you serve upward upward to those in authority, and sometimes you serve to those in authority, and sometimes you serve downward downward to those in need. Either way, you develop a servant's heart when you're willing to do anything needed. to those in need. Either way, you develop a servant's heart when you're willing to do anything needed.

Real servants are faithful to their ministry. Servants finish their tasks, fulfill their responsibilities, keep their promises, and complete their commitments. They don't leave a job half undone, and they don't quit when they get discouraged. They are trustworthy and dependable. Servants finish their tasks, fulfill their responsibilities, keep their promises, and complete their commitments. They don't leave a job half undone, and they don't quit when they get discouraged. They are trustworthy and dependable.

Faithfulness has always been a rare quality.' Most people don't know the meaning of commitment. They make commitments casually, then break them for the slightest reason without any hesitation, remorse, or regret. Every week, churches and other organizations must improvise because volunteers didn't prepare, didn't show up, or didn't even call to say they weren't coming.

Great opportunities often disguise themselves in small tasks.

Can you be counted on by others? Are there promises you need to keep, vows you need to fulfill, or commitments you need to honor? This is a test. G.o.d is testing your faithfulness. If you pa.s.s the test, you're in good company: Abraham, Moses, Samuel, David, Daniel, Timothy, and Paul were all called faithful faithful servants of G.o.d. Even better, G.o.d has promised to reward your faithfulness in eternity. Imagine what it will feel like one day to have G.o.d say to you, servants of G.o.d. Even better, G.o.d has promised to reward your faithfulness in eternity. Imagine what it will feel like one day to have G.o.d say to you, "Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together!" "Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together!" By the way, faithful servants never retire. They serve faithfully as long as they're alive. You can retire from your career, but you will never retire from serving G.o.d. By the way, faithful servants never retire. They serve faithfully as long as they're alive. You can retire from your career, but you will never retire from serving G.o.d.

Real servants maintain a low profile. Servants don't promote or call attention to themselves. Instead of acting to impress and dressing for success, they Servants don't promote or call attention to themselves. Instead of acting to impress and dressing for success, they "put on the ap.r.o.n of humility, to serve one another." "put on the ap.r.o.n of humility, to serve one another." If recognized for their service, they humbly accept it but don't allow notoriety to distract them from their work. If recognized for their service, they humbly accept it but don't allow notoriety to distract them from their work.

Paul exposed a kind of service that appears appears to be spiritual but is really just a put-on, a show, an act to get attention. He called it to be spiritual but is really just a put-on, a show, an act to get attention. He called it "eyeservice" "eyeservice" serving in order to impress people with how spiritual we are. This was a sin of the Pharisees. They turned helping others, giving, and even prayer into a performance for others. Jesus hated this att.i.tude and warned, serving in order to impress people with how spiritual we are. This was a sin of the Pharisees. They turned helping others, giving, and even prayer into a performance for others. Jesus hated this att.i.tude and warned, "When you do good deeds, don't try to show off. If you do, you won't get a reward from your Father in heaven.' "When you do good deeds, don't try to show off. If you do, you won't get a reward from your Father in heaven.'

Self-promotion and servanthood don't mix. Real servants don't serve for the approval or applause of others. They live for an audience of One. As Paul said, "If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. "If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ."

You won't find many real servants in the limelight; in fact, they avoid it when possible. They are content with quietly serving in the shadows. Joseph is a great example. He didn't draw attention to himself, but quietly served Potiphar, then his jailer, then Pharaoh's baker and wine taster, and G.o.d blessed that att.i.tude. When Pharaoh promoted him to prominence, Joseph still maintained a servant's heart, even with his brothers, who had betrayed him.

Unfortunately, many leaders today start off as servants but end up as celebrities. They become addicted to attention, unaware that always being in the spotlight blinds you.

You may be serving in obscurity in some small place, feeling unknown and unappreciated. Listen: G.o.d put you where you are for a purpose! He has every hair on your head numbered, and he knows your address. You had better stay put until he chooses to move you. He will let you know if he wants you somewhere else. Your ministry matters to the kingdom of G.o.d. "When Christ ... shows up again on this earth, you'll show up, too-the real you, the glorious you. Meanwhile, be content with obscurity." "When Christ ... shows up again on this earth, you'll show up, too-the real you, the glorious you. Meanwhile, be content with obscurity."

There are more than 750 "Halls of Fame" in America and more than 450 "Who's Who" publications, but you won't find many real servants in these places. Notoriety means nothing to real servants because they know the difference between prominence and significance. You have

several prominent features on your body that you could live without. It is the hidden parts of your body that are indispensable. The same is true in the Body of Christ. The most significant service is often the service that is unseen-"

In heaven G.o.d is going to openly reward some of his most obscure and unknown servants-people we have never heard of on earth, who taught emotionally disturbed children, cleaned up after incontinent elderly, nursed AIDS patients, and served in thousands of other unnoticed ways.

Knowing this, don't be discouraged when your service is unnoticed or taken for granted. Keep on serving G.o.d! "Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort." "Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort." Even the smallest service is noticed by G.o.d and will be rewarded. Remember the words of Jesus: Even the smallest service is noticed by G.o.d and will be rewarded. Remember the words of Jesus: "If, as my representatives, you give even a cup of cold water to a little child, you will surely be rewarded." "If, as my representatives, you give even a cup of cold water to a little child, you will surely be rewarded."


THINKING ABOUT MY PURPOSE Point to Ponder: I serve G.o.d by serving others. I serve G.o.d by serving others.Verse to Remember: "If you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded." "If you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded." Matthew 10:42 (NLT) Matthew 10:42 (NLT)Question to Consider: Which of the six characteristics of real servants offers the greatest challenge to me? Which of the six characteristics of real servants offers the greatest challenge to me?

Thinking Like a Servant My servant Caleb thinks differently and follows me completely. Numbers 14:24 (NCV) Numbers 14:24 (NCV)Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of himself. Philippians. 2:5 (Msg) Philippians. 2:5 (Msg)Service starts in your mind.

To be a servant requires a mental s.h.i.+ft, a change in your att.i.tudes. G.o.d is always more interested in why why we do something than in what we do. Att.i.tudes count more than achievements. King Amaziah lost G.o.d's favor because we do something than in what we do. Att.i.tudes count more than achievements. King Amaziah lost G.o.d's favor because "he did what was right in the sight of the LORD, yet not with a true heart." "he did what was right in the sight of the LORD, yet not with a true heart." Real servants serve G.o.d with a mindset of five att.i.tudes. Real servants serve G.o.d with a mindset of five att.i.tudes.

Servants think more about others than about themselves. Servants focus on others, not themselves. This is true humility: not thinking less of ourselves but thinking of ourselves Servants focus on others, not themselves. This is true humility: not thinking less of ourselves but thinking of ourselves less. less. They are self-forgetful. Paul said, They are self-forgetful. Paul said, "Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand." "Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand." This is what it means to "lose your life" forgetting yourself in service to others. When we stop focusing on our own needs, we become aware of the needs around us. This is what it means to "lose your life" forgetting yourself in service to others. When we stop focusing on our own needs, we become aware of the needs around us.

Real servants don't try to use G.o.d for their purposes. They let G.o.d use them for his purposes.

Jesus "emptied himself by taking on the form of a servant." "emptied himself by taking on the form of a servant." When was the last time When was the last time you emptied you emptied yourself for someone else's benefit? You can't be a servant if you're full of yourself. It's only when we forget ourselves that we do the things that deserve to be remembered. yourself for someone else's benefit? You can't be a servant if you're full of yourself. It's only when we forget ourselves that we do the things that deserve to be remembered.

Unfortunately, a lot of our service is often self-serving. We serve to get others to like us, to be

admired, or to achieve our own goals. That is manipulation, not ministry. The whole time we're really thinking about ourselves and how n.o.ble and wonderful we are. Some people try to use service as a bargaining tool with G.o.d: "I'll do this for you G.o.d, if you'll do something for me." Real servants don't try to use G.o.d for their purposes. They let G.o.d use them for his his purposes. purposes.

The quality of self-forgetfulness, like faithfulness, is extremely rare. Out of all the people Paul knew, Timothy was the only example he could point to. Thinking like a servant is difficult because it challenges the basic problem of my life: I am, by nature, selfish. I think most about me. That's why humility is a daily struggle, a lesson I must relearn over and over. The opportunity to be a servant confronts me dozens of times a day, in which I'm given the choice to decide between meeting my needs or the needs of others. Self-denial is the core of servanthood.

We can measure our servant's heart by how we respond when others treat us like servants. How do you react when you're taken for granted, bossed around, or treated as an inferior? The Bible says, "If someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasion to practice the servant life." "If someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasion to practice the servant life."

Servants think like stewards, not owners. Servants remember that G.o.d owns it all. In the Bible, a steward was a servant entrusted to manage an estate. Joseph was this kind of servant as a prisoner in Egypt. Potiphar entrusted Joseph with his home. Then the jailer entrusted Joseph with his jail. Eventually Pharaoh entrusted the entire nation to him. Servanthood and stewards.h.i.+p go together, since G.o.d expects us to be trustworthy in both. The Bible says, Servants remember that G.o.d owns it all. In the Bible, a steward was a servant entrusted to manage an estate. Joseph was this kind of servant as a prisoner in Egypt. Potiphar entrusted Joseph with his home. Then the jailer entrusted Joseph with his jail. Eventually Pharaoh entrusted the entire nation to him. Servanthood and stewards.h.i.+p go together, since G.o.d expects us to be trustworthy in both. The Bible says, "The one thing required of such servants is that they be faithful to their master." "The one thing required of such servants is that they be faithful to their master." How are you handling the resources G.o.d has entrusted to you? How are you handling the resources G.o.d has entrusted to you?

To become a real servant you are going to have to settle the issue of money in your life. Jesus said, "No servant can serve two masters.... You cannot serve both G.o.d and Money." "No servant can serve two masters.... You cannot serve both G.o.d and Money." 5 5He didn't say, "You should not," "You should not," but "You but "You cannot." cannot." It is impossible. Living for ministry and living for money are mutually exclusive goals. Which one will you choose? If you're a servant of G.o.d, you can't moonlight for yourself. It is impossible. Living for ministry and living for money are mutually exclusive goals. Which one will you choose? If you're a servant of G.o.d, you can't moonlight for yourself. All All your time belongs to G.o.d. He insists on exclusive allegiance, not part-time faithfulness. your time belongs to G.o.d. He insists on exclusive allegiance, not part-time faithfulness.

Money has the greatest potential to replace G.o.d in your life. More people are sidetracked from serving by materialism than by anything else. They say, "After I achieve my financial goals, I'm going to serve G.o.d." That is a foolish decision they will regret for eternity. When Jesus is your Master, money serves you, but if money is your master, you become its slave. Wealth is certainly not a sin, but failing to use it for G.o.d's glory is. Servants of G.o.d are always more concerned about ministry than money.

The Bible is very clear: G.o.d uses money to test your faithfulness as a servant. That is why Jesus talked more about money than he did about either heaven or h.e.l.l. He said, "If you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?" "If you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?"9How you manage your money affects how much G.o.d can bless your life.

In chapter 31, I mentioned two kinds of people: Kingdom Builders and Wealth Builders. Both are gifted at making a business grow, making deals or sales, and making a profit. Wealth Builders continue to ama.s.s wealth for themselves no matter how much they make, but Kingdom Builders change the rules of the game. They still try to make as much money as they can, but they do it in order to give it away. They use the wealth to fund G.o.d's church and its mission in the world.

At Saddleback Church, we have a group of CEOs and business owners who are trying to make as much as they can so they can give as much as they can to further the kingdom of G.o.d. I encourage you to talk with your pastor and begin a Kingdom Builders' group in your church. For help see appendix 2.

Servants think about their work, not what others are doing. They don't compare, criticize, or compete with other servants or ministries. They're too busy doing the work G.o.d has given them. They don't compare, criticize, or compete with other servants or ministries. They're too busy doing the work G.o.d has given them.

Compet.i.tion between G.o.d's servants is illogical for many reasons: We're all on the same team; our goal is to make G.o.d look good, not ourselves; we've been given different a.s.signments; and we're all uniquely shaped. Paul said, "We will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original. " "We will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original. "

There's no place for petty jealousy between servants. When you're busy serving, you don't have time to be critical. Any time spent criticizing others is time that could be spent ministering. When Martha complained to Jesus that Mary was not helping with the work, she lost her servant's heart. Real servants don't complain of unfairness, don't have pity-parties, and don't resent those not serving. They just trust G.o.d and keep serving.

It is not our job to evaluate the Master's other servants. The Bible says, "Who are you to criticize someone else's servant? The Lord will determine whether his servant has been successful. "Who are you to criticize someone else's servant? The Lord will determine whether his servant has been successful. " "11 It is also not our job to defend ourselves against criticism. Let your Master handle it. Follow the example of Moses, who showed true humility in the face of opposition, as did Nehemiah, whose response to critics was simply, It is also not our job to defend ourselves against criticism. Let your Master handle it. Follow the example of Moses, who showed true humility in the face of opposition, as did Nehemiah, whose response to critics was simply, "My work is too important to stop now and ... visit with you." "My work is too important to stop now and ... visit with you."

If you serve like Jesus, you can expect to be criticized. The world, and even much of the church, does not understand what G.o.d values. One of the most beautiful acts of love shown to Jesus was criticized by the disciples. Mary took the most valuable thing she owned, expensive perfume, and poured it over Jesus. Her lavish service was called "a waste" "a waste" by the disciples, but Jesus called it by the disciples, but Jesus called it "significant,"' "significant,"' and that's all that mattered. Your service for Christ is never wasted regardless of what others say. and that's all that mattered. Your service for Christ is never wasted regardless of what others say.

Servants base their ident.i.ty in Christ. Because they remember they are loved and accepted by grace, servants don't have to prove their worth. They willingly accept jobs that insecure people would consider "beneath" them. One of the most profound examples of serving from a secure self-image is Jesus' was.h.i.+ng the feet of his disciples. Was.h.i.+ng feet was the equivalent of being a shoes.h.i.+ne boy, a job devoid of status. But Jesus knew who he was, so the task didn't threaten his self-image. The Bible says, Because they remember they are loved and accepted by grace, servants don't have to prove their worth. They willingly accept jobs that insecure people would consider "beneath" them. One of the most profound examples of serving from a secure self-image is Jesus' was.h.i.+ng the feet of his disciples. Was.h.i.+ng feet was the equivalent of being a shoes.h.i.+ne boy, a job devoid of status. But Jesus knew who he was, so the task didn't threaten his self-image. The Bible says, Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from G.o.d ... so begot up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist." Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from G.o.d ... so begot up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist."

If you're going to be a servant, you must settle your ident.i.ty in Christ. Only secure people can serve. Insecure people are always worrying about how they appear to others. They fear exposure of their weaknesses and hide beneath layers of protective pride and pretensions. The more insecure you are, the more you will want people to serve you, and the more you will need their approval.

Henri Nouwen said, "In order to be of service to others we have to die to them; that is, we have to give up measuring our meaning and value with the yardstick of others.... thus we become free to be compa.s.sionate." When you base your worth and ident.i.ty on your relations.h.i.+p to Christ, you are freed from the expectations of others, and that allows you to really serve them best.

Servants don't need to cover their walls with plaques and awards to validate their work. They don't insist on being addressed by t.i.tles, and they don't wrap themselves in robes of superiority. Servants find status symbols unnecessary, and they don't measure their worth by their achievements. Paul said, "You may brag about yourself, but the only approval that counts is the Lord's approval." "You may brag about yourself, but the only approval that counts is the Lord's approval."

If anyone had the chance of a lifetime to flaunt his connections and "name-drop," it was James, the half-brother of Jesus. He had the credentials of growing up with Jesus as his brother. Yet, in introducing his letter, he simply referred to himself as "a servant of G.o.d and of the Lord Jesus Christ." "a servant of G.o.d and of the Lord Jesus Christ." The closer you get to Jesus, the less you need to promote yourself. The closer you get to Jesus, the less you need to promote yourself.

Servants think of ministry as an opportunity, not an obligation. They enjoy helping people, meeting needs, and doing ministry. They They enjoy helping people, meeting needs, and doing ministry. They "serve the LORD with gladness." "serve the LORD with gladness." Why do they serve with gladness? Because they love the Lord, they're grateful for his grace, they know serving is the highest use of life, and they know G.o.d has promised a reward. Jesus promised, Why do they serve with gladness? Because they love the Lord, they're grateful for his grace, they know serving is the highest use of life, and they know G.o.d has promised a reward. Jesus promised, "The Father will honor and reward anyone who serves me." "The Father will honor and reward anyone who serves me." Paul said, Paul said, "He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other Christians. "He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other Christians."

Imagine what could happen if just 10 percent of all Christians in the world got serious about their role as real servants. Imagine all the good that could be done. Are you willing to be one of those people? It doesn't matter what your age is, G.o.d will use you if you will begin to act and think like a servant. Albert Schweitzer said, "The only really happy people are those who have learned how to serve."

DAY THIRTY-FOUR THINKING ABOUT MY PURPOSEPoint to Ponder: To be a servant I must think like a servant. To be a servant I must think like a servant.Verse to Remember: "Your att.i.tude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus." "Your att.i.tude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:5 (NIV) Philippians 2:5 (NIV)Question to Consider: Am I usually more concerned about Am I usually more concerned about being being served or finding ways to serve others? served or finding ways to serve others?

G.o.d's Power in Your Weakness We are weak ... yet by G.o.d's power we will live with him to serve you. 2 Corinthians 13:4 (MTV) 2 Corinthians 13:4 (MTV)I am with you; that is all you need. My power shows up best in weak people. 2 Corinthians 12:9a (LB) 2 Corinthians 12:9a (LB)G.o.d loves to use weak people.

Everyone has weaknesses. In fact, you have a bundle of bundle of flaws and imperfections: physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. You may also have uncontrollable circ.u.mstances that weaken you, such as financial or relational limitations. The more important issue is what you do with these. Usually we deny our weaknesses, defend them, excuse them, hide them, and resent them. This prevents G.o.d from using them the way he desires. flaws and imperfections: physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. You may also have uncontrollable circ.u.mstances that weaken you, such as financial or relational limitations. The more important issue is what you do with these. Usually we deny our weaknesses, defend them, excuse them, hide them, and resent them. This prevents G.o.d from using them the way he desires.

G.o.d has a different perspective on your weaknesses. He says, "My thoughts and my ways are higher than yours," "My thoughts and my ways are higher than yours," so he often acts in ways that are the exact opposite so he often acts in ways that are the exact opposite of of what we expect. We think that G.o.d only wants to use our strengths, but he also wants to use our weaknesses for his what we expect. We think that G.o.d only wants to use our strengths, but he also wants to use our weaknesses for his glory.

The Bible says, "G.o.dpurposely chose ... what the world considers weak in order to shame the powerful." "G.o.dpurposely chose ... what the world considers weak in order to shame the powerful." Your weaknesses are not an accident. G.o.d deliberately allowed them in your life for the purpose Your weaknesses are not an accident. G.o.d deliberately allowed them in your life for the purpose of of demonstrating his power through you. demonstrating his power through you.

G.o.d has never been impressed with strength or self-sufficiency. In fact, he is drawn to people who are weak and admit it. Jesus regarded this recognition of our need as being "poor in spirit." "poor in spirit." It's the number one att.i.tude he blesses. It's the number one att.i.tude he blesses.

The Bible is filled with examples of of how G.o.d loves to use imperfect, ordinary people to do extraordinary things in spite how G.o.d loves to use imperfect, ordinary people to do extraordinary things in spite of of their weaknesses. their weaknesses. If If G.o.d only used perfect people, nothing would ever get done, because none G.o.d only used perfect people, nothing would ever get done, because none of us is of us is flawless. That G.o.d uses imperfect people is encouraging news for all of us. flawless. That G.o.d uses imperfect people is encouraging news for all of us.

A weakness, or "thorn" "thorn" as Paul called it, is not a sin or a vice or a character defect that you can change, such as overeating or impatience. A weakness is any limitation that you inherited or have no power to change. It may be as Paul called it, is not a sin or a vice or a character defect that you can change, such as overeating or impatience. A weakness is any limitation that you inherited or have no power to change. It may be a physical a physical limitation, like a handicap, a chronic illness, naturally limitation, like a handicap, a chronic illness, naturally

low energy, or a disability. It may be an emotional emotional limitation, such as a trauma scar, a hurtful memory, a personality quirk, or a hereditary disposition. Or it may be a limitation, such as a trauma scar, a hurtful memory, a personality quirk, or a hereditary disposition. Or it may be a talent talent or or intellectual intellectual limitation. We're not all super bright or talented. limitation. We're not all super bright or talented.

When you think of the limitation in your life, you may be tempted to conclude, "G.o.d could never use me." But G.o.d is never limited by our limitations. In fact, he enjoys putting his great power into ordinary containers. The Bible says, "We are like clay jars "We are like clay jars in in which this treasure is stored. The real power comes from G.o.d and not from us. which this treasure is stored. The real power comes from G.o.d and not from us." Like common pottery, we are fragile and flawed and break easily. But G.o.d will use us if we allow him to work through our weaknesses. For that to happen, we must follow the model of Paul.

Admit your weaknesses. Own up to your imperfections. Stop pretending to have it all together, and be honest about yourself. Own up to your imperfections. Stop pretending to have it all together, and be honest about yourself.

If G.o.d only used perfect people, nothing would ever get done.

Instead of living in denial or making excuses, take the time to identify your personal weaknesses. You might make a list of them.

Two great confessions in the New Testament ill.u.s.trate what we need for healthy living. The first was Peter's, who said to Jesus, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living G.o.d." "You are the Christ, the Son of the living G.o.d." The second confession was Paul's, who said to an idolizing crowd, The second confession was Paul's, who said to an idolizing crowd, "We are only human beings like you. "We are only human beings like you. If you want G.o.d to use you, you must know who G.o.d is and know who you are. Many Christians, especially leaders, forget the second truth: We're only human! If it takes a crisis to get you to admit this, G.o.d won't hesitate to allow it, because he loves you. If you want G.o.d to use you, you must know who G.o.d is and know who you are. Many Christians, especially leaders, forget the second truth: We're only human! If it takes a crisis to get you to admit this, G.o.d won't hesitate to allow it, because he loves you.

Be content with your weaknesses. Paul said, Paul said, "I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may work through me. Since I know it is all for Christ's good, I am quite content with my weaknesses." "I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may work through me. Since I know it is all for Christ's good, I am quite content with my weaknesses." At first this doesn't make sense. We want to be freed from our weaknesses, not be content with them! But contentment is an expression of faith in the goodness of G.o.d. It says, "G.o.d, I believe you love me and know what's best for me." At first this doesn't make sense. We want to be freed from our weaknesses, not be content with them! But contentment is an expression of faith in the goodness of G.o.d. It says, "G.o.d, I believe you love me and know what's best for me."

Paul gives us several reasons to be content with our inborn weaknesses. First, they cause us to depend on G.o.d. Referring to his own weakness, which G.o.d refused to take away, Paul said, "I am quite happy about the thorn,'. for when I am weak, then I am strong-the less I have, the more I depend on him." am quite happy about the thorn,'. for when I am weak, then I am strong-the less I have, the more I depend on him." Whenever you feel weak, G.o.d is reminding you to depend on him. Whenever you feel weak, G.o.d is reminding you to depend on him.

Our weaknesses also prevent arrogance. They keep us humble. Paul said, "So I wouldn't get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations." "So I wouldn't get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations." G.o.d often attaches a major weakness to a major strength to keep our egos in check. A limitation can act as a governor to keep us from going too fast and running ahead of G.o.d. G.o.d often attaches a major weakness to a major strength to keep our egos in check. A limitation can act as a governor to keep us from going too fast and running ahead of G.o.d.

When Gideon recruited an army of 32,000 to fight the Midianites, G.o.d whittled it down to just 300, making the odds 450 to 1 as they went out to fight 135,000 enemy troops. It appeared appeared to be a recipe for disaster, but G.o.d did it so Israel would know it was G.o.d's power, not their own strength, that saved them. to be a recipe for disaster, but G.o.d did it so Israel would know it was G.o.d's power, not their own strength, that saved them.

Our weaknesses also encourage fellows.h.i.+p between believers. While strength breeds an independent spirit ("I don't need anyone else"), our limitations show how much we need each other. When we weave the weak strands of our lives together, a rope of great strength is created.

Vance Havner quipped, "Christians, like snowflakes, are frail, but when they stick together they can stop traffic."

Most of all, our weaknesses increase our capacity for sympathy and ministry. We are far more likely to be compa.s.sionate and considerate of the weaknesses of others. G.o.d wants you to have a Christlike ministry on earth. That means other people are going to find healing in your wounds. Your greatest life messages and your most effective ministry will come out of your deepest hurts. The things you're most embarra.s.sed about, most ashamed of, and most reluctant to share are the very tools G.o.d can use most powerfully to heal others.

The great missionary Hudson Taylor said, "All G.o.d's giants were weak people." Moses' weakness was his temper. It caused him to murder an Egyptian, strike the rock he was supposed to speak to, and break the tablets of the Ten Commandments. Yet G.o.d transformed Moses into "the humblest man on earth." "the humblest man on earth."

Gideon's weakness was low self-esteem and deep insecurities, but G.o.d transformed him into a "mighty man of valor." "mighty man of valor." Abraham's weakness was fear. Not once, but twice, he claimed his wife was his sister to protect himself. But G.o.d transformed Abraham into Abraham's weakness was fear. Not once, but twice, he claimed his wife was his sister to protect himself. But G.o.d transformed Abraham into "the father of those who have faith." "the father of those who have faith." Impulsive, weak-willed Peter became Impulsive, weak-willed Peter became "a rock, "a rock,"the adulterer David became "a man after my own heart,"' "a man after my own heart,"' and John, one of the arrogant "Sons of Thunder," became the "Apostle of and John, one of the arrogant "Sons of Thunder," became the "Apostle of Love."

The list could go on and on. "It would take too long to recount the stories of the faith of... Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and all the prophets.... their weakness was turned to strength." "It would take too long to recount the stories of the faith of... Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and all the prophets.... their weakness was turned to strength." G.o.d specializes in turning weaknesses into strengths. He wants to take your greatest weakness and transform it. G.o.d specializes in turning weaknesses into strengths. He wants to take your greatest weakness and transform it.

The Purpose Driven Life Part 13

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