The Purpose Driven Life Part 6

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What Matters Most No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love. 1 Corinthians 13:3b (Msg) 1 Corinthians 13:3b (Msg)Love means living the way G.o.d commanded us to live. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is this: Live a life of love. 2 John 1:6 (NCV) John 1:6 (NCV)Life is all about love.

Because G.o.d is love, the most important lesson he wants you to learn on earth is how to love. It is in loving that we are most like him, so love is the foundation of every command he has given us: "The whole Law can be summed up in this one command: Love others as you love yourself." us: "The whole Law can be summed up in this one command: Love others as you love yourself." Learning to love unselfishly is not an easy task. It runs counter to our self-centered nature. That's why we're given a lifetime to learn it. Of course, G.o.d wants us to love everyone, but he is Learning to love unselfishly is not an easy task. It runs counter to our self-centered nature. That's why we're given a lifetime to learn it. Of course, G.o.d wants us to love everyone, but he is Particularly Particularly concerned that we learn to love others in his family. As we've already seen, this is the second purpose for your life. Peter tells us, concerned that we learn to love others in his family. As we've already seen, this is the second purpose for your life. Peter tells us, "Show special love for G.o.d's people." "Show special love for G.o.d's people." Paul echoes this sentiment: Paul echoes this sentiment: "When we have the opportunity to help anyone, we should do it. But we should give special attention to those who are in the family of believers." "When we have the opportunity to help anyone, we should do it. But we should give special attention to those who are in the family of believers."

Why does G.o.d insist that we give special love and attention to other believers? Why do they get priority in loving? Because G.o.d wants his family to be known for its love more than anything else. Jesus said our love for each other-not for each other-not our doctrinal beliefs-is our greatest witness to the world. He said, our doctrinal beliefs-is our greatest witness to the world. He said, "Your strong love for each other will prove to the world that you are my "Your strong love for each other will prove to the world that you are my


In heaven we will enjoy G.o.d's family forever, but first we have some tough work to do here on earth to prepare ourselves for an eternity of loving. G.o.d trains us by giving us "family responsibilities," and the foremost of these is to practice loving each other.

G.o.d wants you to be in regular, close fellows.h.i.+p with other believers so you can develop the skill of loving. Love cannot be learned in isolation. You have to be around people-irritating, imperfect, frustrating people. Through fellows.h.i.+p we learn three important truths.


Love should be your top priority, primary objective, and greatest ambition. Love is not a good a good part of your life; it's the part of your life; it's the most important most important part. The Bible says, part. The Bible says, "Let love be your greatest aim." "Let love be your greatest aim."

It's not enough to say, "One "One of the things I want in life is to be loving," as if it's in your top ten list. Relations.h.i.+ps must have priority in your life above everything else. Why? of the things I want in life is to be loving," as if it's in your top ten list. Relations.h.i.+ps must have priority in your life above everything else. Why?

Life without love is really worthless. Paul makes this point: Paul makes this point: "No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love." "No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love."

Often we act as if relations.h.i.+ps are something to be squeezed into our schedule. We talk about finding finding time for our children or time for our children or making making time for people in our lives. That gives the impression that relations.h.i.+ps are just a part of our lives along with many other tasks. But G.o.d says relations.h.i.+ps are what life is all about. time for people in our lives. That gives the impression that relations.h.i.+ps are just a part of our lives along with many other tasks. But G.o.d says relations.h.i.+ps are what life is all about.

Four of the Ten Commandments deal with our relations.h.i.+p to G.o.d while the other six deal with our relations.h.i.+ps with people. But all ten are about relations.h.i.+ps! Later, Jesus summarized what matters most to G.o.d in two statements: love G.o.d and love people. He said, "You must love the Lord your G.o.d with all your heart....' This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important.- Love your neighbor as yourself. 'All the other commandments and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments."' "You must love the Lord your G.o.d with all your heart....' This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important.- Love your neighbor as yourself. 'All the other commandments and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments."' After learning to love G.o.d (wors.h.i.+p), learning to love others is the second purpose of your life. After learning to love G.o.d (wors.h.i.+p), learning to love others is the second purpose of your life.

Relations.h.i.+ps, not achievements or the acquisition of things, are what matters most in life. So why do we allow our relations.h.i.+ps to get the short end of the stick? When our schedules become overloaded, we start skimming relationally, cutting back on giving the time, energy, and attention that loving relations.h.i.+ps require. What's most important to G.o.d is displaced by what's urgent.

Busyness is a great enemy of relations.h.i.+ps. We become preoccupied with making a living, doing our work, paying bills, and accomplis.h.i.+ng goals as if these tasks are the point of life. They are not. The point of life is learning to love-G.o.d and people. Life minus love equals zero.

Love will last forever. Another reason G.o.d tells us to make love our top priority is that it is eternal: Another reason G.o.d tells us to make love our top priority is that it is eternal: "These three things continue forever: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love." "These three things continue forever: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love."

Love leaves a legacy. How you treated other people, not your wealth or accomplishments, is the most enduring impact you can leave on earth. As Mother Teresa said, "It's not what you do, but how much love you put into it that matters." Love is the secret of a lasting heritage.

I have been at the bedside of many people in their final moments, when they stand on the edge of eternity, and I have never heard anyone say, "Bring me my diplomas! I want to look at them one more time. Show me my awards, my medals, that gold watch I was given." When life on earth is ending, people don't surround themselves with objects. What we want around us is people-people we love and have relations.h.i.+ps with.

In our final moments we all realize that relations.h.i.+ps are what life is all about. Wisdom is learning that truth sooner rather than later. Don't wait until you're on your deathbed to figure out that nothing matters more.

We will be evaluated on our love. The third reason to make learning to love the goal of your life is that it is what we will be evaluated on in eternity. One of the ways G.o.d measures spiritual maturity is by the quality of your relations.h.i.+ps. In heaven G.o.d won't say, "Tell me about your career, your bank account, and your hobbies." Instead he will review how you treated other people, particularly those in need. Jesus said the way to love him is to love his family and care for their practical needs: The third reason to make learning to love the goal of your life is that it is what we will be evaluated on in eternity. One of the ways G.o.d measures spiritual maturity is by the quality of your relations.h.i.+ps. In heaven G.o.d won't say, "Tell me about your career, your bank account, and your hobbies." Instead he will review how you treated other people, particularly those in need. Jesus said the way to love him is to love his family and care for their practical needs: "Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.' "Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.'

When you transfer into eternity, you will leave everything else behind. All you're taking with you is your character. That's why the Bible says, "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love."

Knowing this, I suggest that when you wake up every morning, you kneel by your bed, or sit on the edge of it, and pray this: "G.o.d, whether I get anything else done today, I want to make sure that I spend time loving you and loving other people-because that's what life is all about. I don't want to waste this day." Why should G.o.d give you another day if you're going to waste it?

The importance of things can be measured by how much time we are willing to invest in them. The more time you give to something, the more you reveal its importance and value to you. If you want to know a person's priorities, just look at how they use their time.

Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can't make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you'll never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time.

It is not enough just to say say relations.h.i.+ps are important; we must prove it by investing time in them. Words alone are worthless. relations.h.i.+ps are important; we must prove it by investing time in them. Words alone are worthless. "My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action."i "My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action."i2Relations.h.i.+ps take time and effort, and the best way to spell love is "T-I-M-E."

The essence of love is not what we think or do or provide for others, but how much we give of ourselves. of ourselves. Men, in particular, often don't understand this. Many have said to me, "I don't understand my wife and kids. I provide everything they need. What more could they want?" They want you! Your eyes, your ears, your time, your attention, your presence, your focus-your time. Nothing can take the place of that. Men, in particular, often don't understand this. Many have said to me, "I don't understand my wife and kids. I provide everything they need. What more could they want?" They want you! Your eyes, your ears, your time, your attention, your presence, your focus-your time. Nothing can take the place of that.

The most desired gift of love is not diamonds or roses or chocolate. It is focused attention. focused attention. Love concentrates so intently on another that you forget yourself at that moment. Attention says, "I value you enough to give you my most precious a.s.set-my time." Whenever you give your time, you are making a sacrifice, and sacrifice is the essence of love. Jesus modeled this: Love concentrates so intently on another that you forget yourself at that moment. Attention says, "I value you enough to give you my most precious a.s.set-my time." Whenever you give your time, you are making a sacrifice, and sacrifice is the essence of love. Jesus modeled this: 'Be full of love for others, following the example of Christ who loved you and gave Himself to G.o.d as a sacrifice to take away your sins." 'Be full of love for others, following the example of Christ who loved you and gave Himself to G.o.d as a sacrifice to take away your sins."

Relations.h.i.+ps are what life is all about.The greatest gift you can give someone is your time.

You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. "G.o.d so loved the world that "G.o.d so loved the world that he gave.... " Love means giving up-yielding my preferences, comfort, goals, security, money, Love means giving up-yielding my preferences, comfort, goals, security, money, energy, or time for the benefit of someone else.


Sometimes procrastination is a legitimate response to a trivial task. But because love is what matters most, it takes top priority. The Bible stresses this repeatedly. It says, "Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone." "Use every chance you have for doing good." "Whenever you possibly can, do good to those who need it. Never tell your neighbor to wait until tomorrow if you can help them now." "Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone." "Use every chance you have for doing good." "Whenever you possibly can, do good to those who need it. Never tell your neighbor to wait until tomorrow if you can help them now."

Why is now the best time to express love? Because you don't know how long you will have the opportunity. Circ.u.mstances change. People die. Children grow up. You have no guarantee of tomorrow. If you want to express love, you had better do it now.

Knowing that one day you will stand before G.o.d, here are some questions you need to consider: How will you explain those times when projects or things were more important to you than people? Who do you need to start spending more time with? What do you need to cut out of your schedule to make that possible? What sacrifices do you need to make?

The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now.

DAY SIXTEEN THINKING ABOUT MY PURPOSEPoint to Ponder: Life is all about love. Life is all about love.Verse to Remember: "The entire law is summed up in a single command: Love Your Neighbor as yourself." "The entire law is summed up in a single command: Love Your Neighbor as yourself."Galatians 5:14 (NIV) (NIV)Question to Consider: Honestly, are relations.h.i.+ps my first priority? How can I ensure that they are? Honestly, are relations.h.i.+ps my first priority? How can I ensure that they are?


A Place to Belong You are members of G.o.d's very own family, citizens of G.o.d's country, and you belong in G.o.d's household with every other Christian. Ephesians 2:19b (LB) Ephesians 2:19b (LB)G.o.d's family is the church of the living G.o.d, the pillar and foundation of the truth. 1 Timothy 3:15b (GWT) 1 Timothy 3:15b (GWT)You are called to belong, not just believe.

Even in the perfect, sinless environment of Eden, G.o.d said, "It is not good for man to be alone.* "It is not good for man to be alone.* We are created for community, fas.h.i.+oned for fellows.h.i.+p, and formed for a family, and none of us can fulfill G.o.d's purposes by ourselves. We are created for community, fas.h.i.+oned for fellows.h.i.+p, and formed for a family, and none of us can fulfill G.o.d's purposes by ourselves.

The Bible knows nothing of solitary saints or spiritual hermits isolated from other believers and deprived of fellows.h.i.+p. The Bible says we are put together, joined together, built together, members together, heirs together, fitted together, put together, joined together, built together, members together, heirs together, fitted together, and and held together held together and and will be caught up together. will be caught up together. You're not on your own anymore. You're not on your own anymore.

While your relations.h.i.+p to Christ is personal, G.o.d never intends it to be private. In G.o.d's family you are connected to every other believer, and we will belong to each other for eternity. for eternity.

The Bible says, "In Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others." "In Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others."

Following Christ includes belonging, belonging, not just believing. We are not just believing. We are members members of his Body-the church. C. S. Lewis noted that the word of his Body-the church. C. S. Lewis noted that the word members.h.i.+p is of members.h.i.+p is of Christian origin, but the world has emptied it Christian origin, but the world has emptied it of of its original meaning. Stores offer discounts to "members," and advertisers use member names to create mailing lists. In churches, members.h.i.+p is often reduced to simply adding your name to a roll, with no requirements or expectations. its original meaning. Stores offer discounts to "members," and advertisers use member names to create mailing lists. In churches, members.h.i.+p is often reduced to simply adding your name to a roll, with no requirements or expectations.

To Paul, being a "member" of the church meant being a vital organ of a living body, an indispensable, interconnected part of the Body of of Christ. We need to recover and practice the biblical meaning of members.h.i.+p. The church is a body, not a building; an organism, not an organization. Christ. We need to recover and practice the biblical meaning of members.h.i.+p. The church is a body, not a building; an organism, not an organization.

For the organs of your body to fulfill their purpose, they must be connected to your body. The same is true for you as a part of Christ's Body. You were created for a specific role, but you will miss this second purpose of of your life if you're not attached to a living, local church. You discover your role in life through your relations.h.i.+ps with others. The Bible tells us, your life if you're not attached to a living, local church. You discover your role in life through your relations.h.i.+ps with others. The Bible tells us, 'Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around. The body we're talking about is Christ's body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. But as a chopped-offfinger or cut-off toe we wouldn't amount to much, would we?' If 'Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around. The body we're talking about is Christ's body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. But as a chopped-offfinger or cut-off toe we wouldn't amount to much, would we?' If an organ is somehow severed from its body, it will shrivel and die. It cannot exist on its own, and neither can you. Disconnected and cut off from the lifeblood of a local body, your spiritual life will wither and eventually cease to exist. This is why the first symptom of spiritual decline is usually inconsistent attendance at wors.h.i.+p services and other gatherings of believers. Whenever we become careless about fellows.h.i.+p, everything else begins to slide, too. an organ is somehow severed from its body, it will shrivel and die. It cannot exist on its own, and neither can you. Disconnected and cut off from the lifeblood of a local body, your spiritual life will wither and eventually cease to exist. This is why the first symptom of spiritual decline is usually inconsistent attendance at wors.h.i.+p services and other gatherings of believers. Whenever we become careless about fellows.h.i.+p, everything else begins to slide, too.

We discover our role in life through our relations.h.i.+ps with others.

Members.h.i.+p in the family of G.o.d is neither inconsequential nor something to be casually ignored. The church is G.o.d's agenda for the world. Jesus said, "I will build my church, and all the powers of h.e.l.l will not conquer it."' "I will build my church, and all the powers of h.e.l.l will not conquer it."' The church is indestructible and will exist for eternity. It will outlive this universe, and so will your role in it. The person who says, "I don't need the church," is either arrogant or ignorant. The church is so significant that Jesus died on the cross for it. The church is indestructible and will exist for eternity. It will outlive this universe, and so will your role in it. The person who says, "I don't need the church," is either arrogant or ignorant. The church is so significant that Jesus died on the cross for it. "Christ loved the church and gave his life for it." "Christ loved the church and gave his life for it."

The Bible calls the church "the bride of Christ" "the bride of Christ" and and "the body of Christ." "the body of Christ." I can't imagine saying to Jesus, "I love you, but I dislike your wife." Or "I accept you, but I reject your body." But we do this whenever we dismiss or demean or complain about the church. Instead, G.o.d commands us to love the church as much as Jesus does. The Bible says, I can't imagine saying to Jesus, "I love you, but I dislike your wife." Or "I accept you, but I reject your body." But we do this whenever we dismiss or demean or complain about the church. Instead, G.o.d commands us to love the church as much as Jesus does. The Bible says, "Love your spiritual family." "Love your spiritual family." Sadly, many Christians Sadly, many Christians use use the church but don't love it. the church but don't love it.


Except for a few important instances referring to all believers throughout history, almost every time the word church is church is used in the Bible it refers to a local, visible congregation. The New Testament a.s.sumes members.h.i.+p in a local congregation. The only Christians not members of a local fellows.h.i.+p were those under church discipline who had been removed from the fellows.h.i.+p because of gross public sin." used in the Bible it refers to a local, visible congregation. The New Testament a.s.sumes members.h.i.+p in a local congregation. The only Christians not members of a local fellows.h.i.+p were those under church discipline who had been removed from the fellows.h.i.+p because of gross public sin."

The Bible says a Christian without a church home is like an organ without a body, a sheep without a flock, or a child without a family. It is an unnatural state. The Bible says, "You belong in G.o.d's household with every other Christian.' "You belong in G.o.d's household with every other Christian.'

Today's culture of independent individualism has created many spiritual orphans "bunny believers" who hop around from one church to another without any ident.i.ty, accountability, or commitment. Many believe one can be a "good Christian" without joining (or even attending) a local church, but G.o.d would strongly disagree. The Bible offers many compelling reasons for being committed and active in a local fellows.h.i.+p.


A church family identifies you as identifies you as a genuine believer. a genuine believer. I can't claim to be following Christ if I'm not committed to any specific group of disciples. Jesus said, I can't claim to be following Christ if I'm not committed to any specific group of disciples. Jesus said, "Your love for one another will prove "Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. "13 When we come together in love as a church family from different backgrounds, race, and social status, it is a powerful witness to the world.14 You are not the Body of Christ on your own. You need others to express that. You are not the Body of Christ on your own. You need others to express that. Together, Together, not separated, we are his Body.'' not separated, we are his Body.''

A church family moves you out of self-centered isolation. The local church is the cla.s.sroom for learning how to get along in G.o.d's family. It is a lab for practicing unselfish, sympathetic love. As a partic.i.p.ating member you learn to care about others and share the experiences of others: The local church is the cla.s.sroom for learning how to get along in G.o.d's family. It is a lab for practicing unselfish, sympathetic love. As a partic.i.p.ating member you learn to care about others and share the experiences of others: "If one part of the body suffers, all the other parts suffer with it. Or if one part of our body is honored, all the other parts share its bon or:" "If one part of the body suffers, all the other parts suffer with it. Or if one part of our body is honored, all the other parts share its bon or:" Only in regular contact with ordinary, imperfect believers can we learn real fellows.h.i.+p and experience the New Testament truth of being connected and dependent on each other." Only in regular contact with ordinary, imperfect believers can we learn real fellows.h.i.+p and experience the New Testament truth of being connected and dependent on each other."

Biblical fellows.h.i.+p is being as committed to each other as we are to Jesus Christ. G.o.d expects us to give our lives for each other. Many Christians who know John 3:16 are unaware of 1 John 3:16: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.' Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.' This is the kind of sacrificial love G.o.d expects you to show other believers-a willingness to love them in the same way Jesus loves you. This is the kind of sacrificial love G.o.d expects you to show other believers-a willingness to love them in the same way Jesus loves you.

The church will outlive this universe, and so will your role in it.

A church family helps you develop spiritual muscle. You will never grow to maturity just You will never grow to maturity just by attending wors.h.i.+p services and being a pa.s.sive spectator. Only partic.i.p.ation in the full life of a local church builds spiritual muscle. The Bible says, "As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." "As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love."

Over fifty times in the New Testament the phrase "one another" or "each other" is used. We are commanded to love love each other, each other, pray pray for each other, for each other, encourage encourage each other, each other, admonish admonish each other, each other, greet greet each other, each other, serve serve each other, each other, teach teach each other, each other, accept accept each other, each other, honor honor each other, each other, bear each other's burdens, forgive bear each other's burdens, forgive each other, each other, submit submit to each other, be to each other, be devoted devoted to each other, and many other mutual tasks. This is biblical members.h.i.+p! These are your "family responsibilities" that G.o.d expects you to fulfill through a local fellows.h.i.+p. to each other, and many other mutual tasks. This is biblical members.h.i.+p! These are your "family responsibilities" that G.o.d expects you to fulfill through a local fellows.h.i.+p. Who Who are you doing these with? are you doing these with?

It may seem easier to be holy when no one else is around to frustrate your preferences, but that is a false, untested holiness. Isolation breeds deceitfulness; it is easy to fool ourselves into thinking we are mature if there is no one to challenge us. Real maturity shows up in relations.h.i.+ps.

We need more than the Bible in order to grow; we need other believers. We grow faster and stronger by learning from each other and being accountable to each other. When others share what G.o.d is teaching them, I learn and grow, too.

The Body of Christ needs you. G.o.d has a unique role for you to play in his family. This is called your "ministry," and G.o.d has gifted you for this a.s.signment: you. G.o.d has a unique role for you to play in his family. This is called your "ministry," and G.o.d has gifted you for this a.s.signment: "A spiritual gift is given to each of us as a means of helping the entire church." "A spiritual gift is given to each of us as a means of helping the entire church."

Your local fellows.h.i.+p is the place G.o.d designed for you to discover, develop, and use your gifts. You may also have a wider ministry, but that is in addition in addition to your service in a local body. Jesus has not promised to build your ministry; he has promised to build to your service in a local body. Jesus has not promised to build your ministry; he has promised to build his his church. church.

You will share in Christ's mission in the world. When Jesus walked the earth, G.o.d worked through the physical body of Christ; today he uses his spiritual body. The church is G.o.d's instrument on earth. We are not just to model G.o.d's love by loving each other; we are to carry it together to the rest of the world. This is an incredible privilege we have been given together. As members of Christ's body, world. When Jesus walked the earth, G.o.d worked through the physical body of Christ; today he uses his spiritual body. The church is G.o.d's instrument on earth. We are not just to model G.o.d's love by loving each other; we are to carry it together to the rest of the world. This is an incredible privilege we have been given together. As members of Christ's body, we we are his hands, his feet, his eyes, and his heart. He works through us in the world. We each have a contribution to make. Paul tells are his hands, his feet, his eyes, and his heart. He works through us in the world. We each have a contribution to make. Paul tells us, "He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing." us, "He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing."

A church family will help keep you from backsliding. None of us are immune to temptation. Given the right situation, you and I are capable of any sin. G.o.d knows this, so he has a.s.signed us as individuals the responsibility of keeping each other on track. The Bible says, None of us are immune to temptation. Given the right situation, you and I are capable of any sin. G.o.d knows this, so he has a.s.signed us as individuals the responsibility of keeping each other on track. The Bible says, 'Encourage one another daily ... so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." 'Encourage one another daily ... so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." "Mind your own business" is not a Christian phrase. We are called and commanded to be involved in each other's lives. If you know someone who is wavering spiritually right now, it is your responsibility to go after them and bring them back into the fellows.h.i.+p. James tells us, "Mind your own business" is not a Christian phrase. We are called and commanded to be involved in each other's lives. If you know someone who is wavering spiritually right now, it is your responsibility to go after them and bring them back into the fellows.h.i.+p. James tells us, "If you know people who have wandered offfrom G.o.d's truth, don't write them off Go after them. Get them back." "If you know people who have wandered offfrom G.o.d's truth, don't write them off Go after them. Get them back."

A related benefit of a local church is that it also provides the spiritual protection of G.o.dly leaders. G.o.d gives shepherd leaders the responsibility to guard, protect, defend, and care for the spiritual welfare of his flock. We are told, "Their work is to watch over your souls, and they know they are accountable to G.o.d." "Their work is to watch over your souls, and they know they are accountable to G.o.d."

Jesus has not promised to build your ministry; he has promised to build his church.

Satan loves detached believers, unplugged from the life of the Body, isolated from G.o.d's family, and unaccountable to spiritual leaders, because he knows they are defenseless and powerless against his tactics.


In my book The Purpose-Driven Church, I The Purpose-Driven Church, I explain how being part of a healthy church is essential to living a healthy life. I hope you will read that book, too, because it will help you understand how G.o.d designed his church specifically to help you fulfill the five purposes he has for your life. He created the church to meet your five deepest needs: a purpose to live for, people to live with, principles to live by, a profession to live out, and power to live on. There is no other place on earth where you can find all five of these benefits in one place. explain how being part of a healthy church is essential to living a healthy life. I hope you will read that book, too, because it will help you understand how G.o.d designed his church specifically to help you fulfill the five purposes he has for your life. He created the church to meet your five deepest needs: a purpose to live for, people to live with, principles to live by, a profession to live out, and power to live on. There is no other place on earth where you can find all five of these benefits in one place.

G.o.d's purposes for his church are identical to his five purposes for you. Wors.h.i.+p helps you focus on G.o.d; focus on G.o.d; fellows.h.i.+p helps you fellows.h.i.+p helps you face life's problems; face life's problems; disciples.h.i.+p helps disciples.h.i.+p helps fortify your faith; fortify your faith; ministry helps ministry helps find your talents; find your talents; evangelism helps evangelism helps fulfill your mission. fulfill your mission. There is nothing else on earth like the church! There is nothing else on earth like the church!


Whenever a child is born, he or she automatically becomes a part of the universal family of human beings. But that child also needs to become a member of a specific family to receive nurture and care and grow up healthy and strong. The same is true spiritually. When you were born again, you automatically became a part of G.o.d's universal family, but you also need to become a member of a local expression of G.o.d's family.

The difference between being a church attender attender and a church and a church member is member is commitment. Attenders are spectators from the sidelines; members get involved in the ministry. Attenders are consumers; members are contributors. Attenders want the benefits of a church without sharing the responsibility. They are like couples who want to live together without committing to a marriage. commitment. Attenders are spectators from the sidelines; members get involved in the ministry. Attenders are consumers; members are contributors. Attenders want the benefits of a church without sharing the responsibility. They are like couples who want to live together without committing to a marriage.

Why is it important to join a local church family? Because it proves you are committed to your spiritual brothers and sisters in reality, not just in theory. G.o.d wants you to love real real people, not people, not ideal ideal people. You can spend a lifetime searching for the perfect church, but you will never find it. You are called to love imperfect sinners, just as G.o.d does. people. You can spend a lifetime searching for the perfect church, but you will never find it. You are called to love imperfect sinners, just as G.o.d does.

In Acts, the Christians in Jerusalem were very specific in their commitment to each other. They were devoted to fellows.h.i.+p. The Bible says, "They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers." "They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers." G.o.d expects you to commit to the same things today. G.o.d expects you to commit to the same things today.

The Christian life is more than just commitment to Christ; it includes a commitment to other Christians. The Christians in Macedonia understood this. Paul said, "First they gave themselves to the Lord; and then, by G.o.d's will, they gave themselves to us as well." "First they gave themselves to the Lord; and then, by G.o.d's will, they gave themselves to us as well." Joining the members.h.i.+p of a local church is the natural next step once you've become a child of G.o.d. You become a Christian by committing yourself to Christ, but you become a Joining the members.h.i.+p of a local church is the natural next step once you've become a child of G.o.d. You become a Christian by committing yourself to Christ, but you become a church member church member by committing yourself to a specific group of believers. The first decision brings salvation; the second brings fellows.h.i.+p. by committing yourself to a specific group of believers. The first decision brings salvation; the second brings fellows.h.i.+p.

DAY SEVENTEEN THINKING ABOUT MY PURPOSEPoint to Ponder: I am called to belong, not just believe. I am called to belong, not just believe.Verse to Remember: "In Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others." "In Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others." Romans 12:5 Romans 12:5 (NIV) (NIV)Question to Consider: Does my level of involvement in my local church demonstrate that I love and am committed to G.o.d's family? Does my level of involvement in my local church demonstrate that I love and am committed to G.o.d's family?

18Experiencing Life TogetherEach one of you is part of the body of Christ, and you were chosen to live together in peace. Colossians 3:15 Colossians 3:15 (CEV) (CEV)How wonderful it is, how pleasant, for G.o.d's people to live together in harmony! Psalm 133:1 Psalm 133:1 (TEV) (TEV)Life is meant to be shared.

G.o.d intends for us to experience life together. The Bible calls this shared experience fellows.h.i.+p. fellows.h.i.+p. Today, however, the word has lost most of its biblical meaning. "Fellows.h.i.+p" now usually refers to casual conversation, socializing, food, and fun. The question, "Where do you fellows.h.i.+p?" means "Where do you attend church?" "Stay after for fellows.h.i.+p" usually means "Wait for refreshments." Today, however, the word has lost most of its biblical meaning. "Fellows.h.i.+p" now usually refers to casual conversation, socializing, food, and fun. The question, "Where do you fellows.h.i.+p?" means "Where do you attend church?" "Stay after for fellows.h.i.+p" usually means "Wait for refreshments."

Real fellows.h.i.+p is so much more than just showing up at services. It is experiencing life together. experiencing life together. It includes unselfish loving, honest sharing, practical serving, sacrificial giving, sympathetic comforting, and all the other "one another" commands found in the New Testament. It includes unselfish loving, honest sharing, practical serving, sacrificial giving, sympathetic comforting, and all the other "one another" commands found in the New Testament.

When it comes to fellows.h.i.+p, size matters: Smaller is better. You Smaller is better. You can wors.h.i.+p with a crowd, but you can't fellows.h.i.+p with one. Once a group becomes larger than about ten people, someone stops partic.i.p.ating-usually the quietest person-and a few people will dominate the group. can wors.h.i.+p with a crowd, but you can't fellows.h.i.+p with one. Once a group becomes larger than about ten people, someone stops partic.i.p.ating-usually the quietest person-and a few people will dominate the group.

Jesus ministered in the context of a small group of disciples. He could have chosen more, but

he knew twelve is about the maximum size you can have in a small group if everyone is to partic.i.p.ate.

The Body of Christ, like your own body, is really a collection of many small cells. The life of the Body of Christ, like your body, is contained in the cells. For this reason, every Christian needs to be involved in a small group within their church, whether it is a home fellows.h.i.+p group, a Sunday school cla.s.s, or a Bible study. This is where real community takes place, not in the big gatherings. If you think of your church as a s.h.i.+p, the small groups are the lifeboats attached to it.

G.o.d has made an incredible promise about small groups of believers: "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.' "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.' Unfortunately, even being in a small group does not guarantee you will experience real community. Many Sunday school and small groups are stuck in superficiality and have no clue as to what it's like to experience genuine fellows.h.i.+p. What is the difference between real and fake fellows.h.i.+p? Unfortunately, even being in a small group does not guarantee you will experience real community. Many Sunday school and small groups are stuck in superficiality and have no clue as to what it's like to experience genuine fellows.h.i.+p. What is the difference between real and fake fellows.h.i.+p?

In real fellows.h.i.+p people experience authenticity. Authentic fellows.h.i.+p is not superficial, surface-level chit-chat. It is genuine, heart-to-heart, sometimes gut-level, sharing. It happens when people get honest about who they are and what is happening in their lives. They share their hurts, reveal their feelings, confess their failures, disclose their doubts, admit their fears, acknowledge their weaknesses, and ask for help and prayer. Authentic fellows.h.i.+p is not superficial, surface-level chit-chat. It is genuine, heart-to-heart, sometimes gut-level, sharing. It happens when people get honest about who they are and what is happening in their lives. They share their hurts, reveal their feelings, confess their failures, disclose their doubts, admit their fears, acknowledge their weaknesses, and ask for help and prayer.

Authenticity is the exact opposite of what you find in some churches. Instead of an atmosphere of honesty and humility, there is pretending, role-playing, politicking, and superficial politeness but shallow conversation. People wear masks, keep their guard up, and act as if everything is rosy in their lives. These att.i.tudes are the death of real fellows.h.i.+p.

It is only as we become open about our lives that we experience real fellows.h.i.+p. The Bible says, "If we live in the light, as G.o.d is in the light, we can share fellows.h.i.+p with each other.... If we say we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves." "If we live in the light, as G.o.d is in the light, we can share fellows.h.i.+p with each other.... If we say we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves." The world thinks intimacy occurs in the dark, but G.o.d says it happens in the light. Darkness is used to hide our hurts, faults, fears, failures, and flaws. But in the light, we bring them all out into the open and admit who we really are. Of course, being authentic requires both courage and humility. It means facing our fear of exposure, rejection, and being hurt again. Why would anyone take such a risk? Because it is the only way to grow spiritually and be emotionally healthy. The Bible says, The world thinks intimacy occurs in the dark, but G.o.d says it happens in the light. Darkness is used to hide our hurts, faults, fears, failures, and flaws. But in the light, we bring them all out into the open and admit who we really are. Of course, being authentic requires both courage and humility. It means facing our fear of exposure, rejection, and being hurt again. Why would anyone take such a risk? Because it is the only way to grow spiritually and be emotionally healthy. The Bible says, "Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed." "Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed." We only grow by taking risks, and the most difficult risk of all is to be honest with ourselves and with others. We only grow by taking risks, and the most difficult risk of all is to be honest with ourselves and with others.

In real fellows.h.i.+p people experience mutuality. Mutuality is the art of giving and receiving. It's depending on each other. The Bible says, Mutuality is the art of giving and receiving. It's depending on each other. The Bible says, "The way G.o.d designed our bodies is a model for understanding our lives together as a church: every part dependent on every other part." "The way G.o.d designed our bodies is a model for understanding our lives together as a church: every part dependent on every other part." Mutuality is the heart of fellows.h.i.+p: building reciprocal relations.h.i.+ps, sharing responsibilities, and helping each other. Paul said, Mutuality is the heart of fellows.h.i.+p: building reciprocal relations.h.i.+ps, sharing responsibilities, and helping each other. Paul said, "I want us to help each other with the faith we have. Your faith will help me, and my faith will help you." "I want us to help each other with the faith we have. Your faith will help me, and my faith will help you."

All of us are more consistent in our faith when others walk with us and encourage us. The Bible commands mutual accountability, mutual encouragement, mutual serving, and mutual honoring. Over fifty times in the New Testament we are commanded to do different tasks to "one another" and "each other." The Bible says, "Make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. "' "Make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. "'

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