The Purpose Driven Life Part 8

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where you fellows.h.i.+p. You are commissioned by Jesus Christ to do everything possible to preserve the unity, protect the fellows.h.i.+p, and promote harmony in your church family and among all believers. The Bible says, "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond ofpeace." "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond ofpeace." How are we to do this? The Bible gives us practical advice. How are we to do this? The Bible gives us practical advice.

Focus on what we have in common, not our differences. Paul tells us, Paul tells us, "Let us concentrate on the things which make for harmony, and on the growth of one another's character." "Let us concentrate on the things which make for harmony, and on the growth of one another's character." As believers we share one Lord, one body, one purpose, one Father, one Spirit, one hope, one faith, one baptism, and one love. We share the same salvation, the same life, and the same future-factors far more important than any differences we could enumerate. These are the issues, not our personal differences, that we should concentrate on. As believers we share one Lord, one body, one purpose, one Father, one Spirit, one hope, one faith, one baptism, and one love. We share the same salvation, the same life, and the same future-factors far more important than any differences we could enumerate. These are the issues, not our personal differences, that we should concentrate on.

We must remember that it was G.o.d who chose to give us different personalities, backgrounds, races, and preferences, so we should value and enjoy those differences, not merely tolerate them. G.o.d wants unity, not uniformity. But for unity's sake we must never let differences divide us. We must stay focused on what matters most-learning to love each other as Christ has loved us, and fulfilling G.o.d's five purposes for each of us and his church.

Nothing on earth is more valuable to G.o.d than his church.

Conflict is usually a sign that the focus has s.h.i.+fted to less important issues, things the Bible calls "disputable matters." "disputable matters." When we focus on personalities, preferences, interpretations, styles, or methods, division always happens. But if we concentrate on loving each other and fulfilling G.o.d's purposes, harmony results. Paul pleaded for this: When we focus on personalities, preferences, interpretations, styles, or methods, division always happens. But if we concentrate on loving each other and fulfilling G.o.d's purposes, harmony results. Paul pleaded for this: "Let there be real harmony so there won't be divisions in the church. 1 plead with you to be of one mind, united in thought and purpose." "Let there be real harmony so there won't be divisions in the church. 1 plead with you to be of one mind, united in thought and purpose."

Be realistic in your expectations. Once you discover what G.o.d intends Once you discover what G.o.d intends real real fellows.h.i.+p to be, it is easy to become discouraged by the gap between the fellows.h.i.+p to be, it is easy to become discouraged by the gap between the ideal ideal and the and the real real in your church. Yet we must pa.s.sionately love the church in spite of its imperfections. Longing for the ideal while criticizing the real is evidence of immaturity. On the other hand, settling for the real without striving for the ideal is complacency. Maturity is living with the tension. in your church. Yet we must pa.s.sionately love the church in spite of its imperfections. Longing for the ideal while criticizing the real is evidence of immaturity. On the other hand, settling for the real without striving for the ideal is complacency. Maturity is living with the tension.

Other believers will will disappoint you and let you down, but that's no excuse to stop fellows.h.i.+ping with them. They are your family, even when they don't act like it, and you can't just walk out on them. Instead G.o.d tells disappoint you and let you down, but that's no excuse to stop fellows.h.i.+ping with them. They are your family, even when they don't act like it, and you can't just walk out on them. Instead G.o.d tells us, Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love." us, Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love."

We must pa.s.sionately love the church in spite of its imperfections.

People become disillusioned with the church for many understandable reasons. The list could be quite long: conflict, hurt, hypocrisy, neglect, pettiness, legalism, and other sins. Rather than being shocked and surprised, we must remember that the church is made up of real sinners, including ourselves. Because we're sinners, we hurt each other, sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally. But instead of leaving the church, we need to stay and work it out if at all possible. Reconciliation, not running away, is the road to stronger character and deeper fellows.h.i.+p.

Divorcing your church at the first sign of disappointment or disillusionment is a mark of immaturity. G.o.d has things he wants to teach you, and others, too. Besides, there is no perfect church to escape to. Every church has its own set of weaknesses and problems. You'll soon be disappointed again.

Groucho Marx was famous for saying he wouldn't want to belong to any club that would let him in. If a church must be perfect to satisfy you, that same perfection will exclude you from members.h.i.+p, because you're not perfect!

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German pastor who was martyred for resisting, wrote a cla.s.sic book on fellows.h.i.+p, Life Together. Life Together. In it he suggests that disillusionment with our local church is a good thing because it destroys our false expectations of perfection. The sooner we give up the illusion that a church must be perfect in order to love it, the sooner we quit pretending and start admitting we're In it he suggests that disillusionment with our local church is a good thing because it destroys our false expectations of perfection. The sooner we give up the illusion that a church must be perfect in order to love it, the sooner we quit pretending and start admitting we're all all imperfect and need grace. This is the beginning of real community. imperfect and need grace. This is the beginning of real community.

Every church could put out a sign "No perfect people need apply. This is a place only for those who admit they are sinners, need grace, and want to grow."

Bonhoeffer said, "He who loves his dream of community more than the Christian community itself becomes a destroyer of the latter.... If we do not give thanks daily for the Christian fellows.h.i.+p in which we have been placed, even when there is no great experience, no discoverable riches, but much weakness, small faith, and difficulty; if on the contrary, we keep complaining that everything is paltry and petty, then we hinder G.o.d from letting our fellows.h.i.+p grow."

Choose to encourage rather than criticize. It is always easier to stand on the sidelines and take shots at those who are serving than it is to get involved and make a contribution. G.o.d warns us over and over not to criticize, compare, or judge each other." When you criticize what another believer is doing in faith and from sincere conviction, you are interfering with G.o.d's business: It is always easier to stand on the sidelines and take shots at those who are serving than it is to get involved and make a contribution. G.o.d warns us over and over not to criticize, compare, or judge each other." When you criticize what another believer is doing in faith and from sincere conviction, you are interfering with G.o.d's business: "What right do you have to criticize someone else's servants? Only their Lord can decide if they are doing right. " "What right do you have to criticize someone else's servants? Only their Lord can decide if they are doing right. "

Paul adds that we must not stand in judgment or look down on other believers whose convictions differ from our own: "Why, then, criticise your brother's actions, why try to make him look small? We shall all be judged one day, not by each other's standards or even our own, but by the standard of Christ." "Why, then, criticise your brother's actions, why try to make him look small? We shall all be judged one day, not by each other's standards or even our own, but by the standard of Christ."

Whenever I judge another believer, four things instantly happen: I lose fellows.h.i.+p with G.o.d, I expose my own pride and insecurity, I set myself up to be judged by G.o.d, and I harm the fellows.h.i.+p of the church. A critical spirit is a costly vice.

The Bible calls Satan "the accuser of our brothers." "the accuser of our brothers." It's the Devil's job to blame, complain, and criticize members of G.o.d's family. Anytime we do the same, we're being duped into doing It's the Devil's job to blame, complain, and criticize members of G.o.d's family. Anytime we do the same, we're being duped into doing Satan's work for him. Remember, other Christians, no matter how much you disagree with them, are not the real enemy. Any time we spend comparing or criticizing other believers is time that should have been spent building the unity of our fellows.h.i.+p. The Bible says, "Let's agree to use all our energy in getting along with each other. Help others with encouraging words; don't drag them down by finding fault. "Let's agree to use all our energy in getting along with each other. Help others with encouraging words; don't drag them down by finding fault. " "

Refuse to listen to gossip. Gossip is pa.s.sing on information when you are neither part of the problem nor part of the solution. You know spreading gossip is wrong, but you should not Gossip is pa.s.sing on information when you are neither part of the problem nor part of the solution. You know spreading gossip is wrong, but you should not listen listen to it, either, if you want to protect your church. Listening to gossip is like accepting stolen property, and it makes you just as guilty of the crime. to it, either, if you want to protect your church. Listening to gossip is like accepting stolen property, and it makes you just as guilty of the crime.

When someone begins to gossip to you, have the courage to say, "Please stop. I don't need to know this. Have you talked directly to that person?" People who gossip to you to you will also gossip will also gossip about about you. They cannot be trusted. If you listen to gossip, G.o.d says you are a troublemaker. you. They cannot be trusted. If you listen to gossip, G.o.d says you are a troublemaker. "Troublemakers listen to troublemakers.' "These are the ones who split churches, thinking only of themselves. "Troublemakers listen to troublemakers.' "These are the ones who split churches, thinking only of themselves."

It is sad that in G.o.d's flock, the greatest wounds usually come from other sheep, not wolves. Paul warned about "cannibal Christians" who "devour one another" "devour one another" and destroy the fellows.h.i.+p.'' The Bible says these kind of troublemakers should be avoided. and destroy the fellows.h.i.+p.'' The Bible says these kind of troublemakers should be avoided. "A gossip reveals secrets; therefore do not a.s.sociate with a babbler." "A gossip reveals secrets; therefore do not a.s.sociate with a babbler." The fastest way to end a church or small group conflict is to lovingly confront those who are gossiping and insist they stop it. Solomon pointed out, The fastest way to end a church or small group conflict is to lovingly confront those who are gossiping and insist they stop it. Solomon pointed out, "Fire goes out for lack of fuel, and tensions disappear when gossip stops. "Fire goes out for lack of fuel, and tensions disappear when gossip stops."

Practice G.o.d's method for conflict resolution. In addition to the principles mentioned in the last chapter, Jesus gave the church a simple three-step process: In addition to the principles mentioned in the last chapter, Jesus gave the church a simple three-step process: "If a fellow believer hurts you, go and tell him-work it out between the two of you. If he listens, you've made a friend. If he won't listen, take one or two others along so that the presence of witnesses will keep things honest, and try again. If he still won't listen, tell the church." "If a fellow believer hurts you, go and tell him-work it out between the two of you. If he listens, you've made a friend. If he won't listen, take one or two others along so that the presence of witnesses will keep things honest, and try again. If he still won't listen, tell the church."

During conflict, it is tempting to complain to a third party rather than courageously speak the truth in love to the person you're upset with. This makes the matter worse. Instead, you should go directly to the person involved.

Private confrontation is always the first step, and you should take it as soon as possible. If you're unable to work things out between the two of you, the next step is to take one or two witnesses to help confirm the problem and reconcile the relations.h.i.+p. What should you do if the person is still stuck in stubbornness? Jesus says to take it to the church. If the person still refuses to listen after that, you should treat that person like an unbeliever.

Support your pastor and leaders. There are no perfect leaders, but G.o.d gives leaders the responsibility and the authority to maintain the unity of the church. During interpersonal conflicts that is a thankless job. Pastors often have the unpleasant task of serving as mediator between hurt, conflicting, or immature members. They're also given the impossible task of trying to make There are no perfect leaders, but G.o.d gives leaders the responsibility and the authority to maintain the unity of the church. During interpersonal conflicts that is a thankless job. Pastors often have the unpleasant task of serving as mediator between hurt, conflicting, or immature members. They're also given the impossible task of trying to make everyone everyone happy, which even Jesus could not do! happy, which even Jesus could not do!

We protect the fellows.h.i.+p when we honor those who serve us by leading.

The Bible is clear about how we are to relate to those who serve us: "Be responsive to your pastoral leaders. Listen to their counsel. They are alert to the condition of your lives and work under the strict supervision of G.o.d. Contribute to the joy of their leaders.h.i.+p, not its drudgery. Why would you want to make things harder for them?" "Be responsive to your pastoral leaders. Listen to their counsel. They are alert to the condition of your lives and work under the strict supervision of G.o.d. Contribute to the joy of their leaders.h.i.+p, not its drudgery. Why would you want to make things harder for them?"

Pastors will one day stand before G.o.d and give an account of how well they watched over you. "They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. " "They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. " But you are accountable, too. You will give an account to G.o.d of how well you followed your leaders. But you are accountable, too. You will give an account to G.o.d of how well you followed your leaders.

The Bible gives pastors very specific instructions on how to deal with divisive people in the fellows.h.i.+p. They are to avoid arguing, gently teach the opposition while praying they'll change, warn those who are argumentative, plead for harmony and unity, rebuke those who are disrespectful of leaders.h.i.+p, and remove divisive people from the church if they ignore two warnings.

We protect the fellows.h.i.+p when we honor those who serve us by leading. Pastors and elders need our prayers, encouragement, appreciation, and love. We are commanded, "Honor those leaders who work so hard for you, who have been given the responsibility of urging and guiding you along in your obedience. Overwhelm them with appreciation and love!" "Honor those leaders who work so hard for you, who have been given the responsibility of urging and guiding you along in your obedience. Overwhelm them with appreciation and love!"

I challenge you to accept your responsibility to protect and promote the unity of your church. Put your full effort into it, and G.o.d will be pleased. It will not always be easy. Sometimes you will have to do what's best for the Body, not yourself, showing preference to others. That's one reason G.o.d puts us in a church family-to learn unselfishness. In community we learn to say "we" instead of "I," and "our" instead of "mine." G.o.d says, "Don't think only of your own good. Think of other Christians and what is best for them." "Don't think only of your own good. Think of other Christians and what is best for them."

G.o.d blesses churches that are unified. At Saddleback Church, every member signs a covenant that includes a promise to protect the unity of our fellows.h.i.+p. As a result, the church has never had a conflict that split the fellows.h.i.+p. Just as important, because it is a loving, unified fellows.h.i.+p, a lot of people want want to be a part of it! In the past seven years, the church has baptized over 9,100 new believers. When G.o.d has a bunch of baby believers he wants to deliver, he looks for the warmest incubator church he can find. to be a part of it! In the past seven years, the church has baptized over 9,100 new believers. When G.o.d has a bunch of baby believers he wants to deliver, he looks for the warmest incubator church he can find.

What are you doing personally to make your church family more warm and loving? There are many people in your community who are looking for love and a place to belong. The truth is, everyone everyone needs and wants to be loved, and when people find a church where members genuinely love and care for each other, you would have to lock the doors to keep them away. needs and wants to be loved, and when people find a church where members genuinely love and care for each other, you would have to lock the doors to keep them away.

DAY TWENTY-ONE THINKING ABOUT MY PURPOSE Point to Ponder: It is my responsibility to protect the unity of my church. It is my responsibility to protect the unity of my church.Verse to Remember: "Let us concentrate on the things which make for harmony and the "Let us concentrate on the things which make for harmony and the growth of our fellows.h.i.+p together."Romans 14:19 (Ph) Romans 14:19 (Ph)Question to Consider: What am I personally doing to protect unity in my church family right now? What am I personally doing to protect unity in my church family right now?





Let your roots grow down into Christ and draw up nourishment from him, see that you go on growing in the Lord, and become strong and vigorous in the truth. Colossians 2:7 (LB) Colossians 2:7 (LB)


Created to Become Like Christ G.o.d knew what he was doing from the very beginning. He decided from the outsetto shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son.... We see the original and intended shape of our lives there in him. Romans 8:29 (Msg) Romans 8:29 (Msg)We look at this son and see G.o.d's original purpose in everything created. Colossians Colossians 1:15 1:15 (Msg) (Msg) You were created to become like Christ.

From the very beginning, G.o.d's plan has been to make you like his Son, Jesus. This is your destiny and the third purpose of your life. G.o.d announced this intention at Creation: "Then G.o.d said, Let us make human beings in our image and likeness." "Then G.o.d said, Let us make human beings in our image and likeness."

In all of creation, only human beings, are made "in G.o.d's image." This is a great privilege and gives us dignity. We don't know all all this phrase covers, but we do know some of the aspects it includes: Like G.o.d, we are this phrase covers, but we do know some of the aspects it includes: Like G.o.d, we are spiritual beings-our spiritual beings-our spirits are immortal and will outlast our earthly bodies; we are spirits are immortal and will outlast our earthly bodies; we are intellectual-we intellectual-we can think, reason, and solve problems; like G.o.d, we are can think, reason, and solve problems; like G.o.d, we are relational-we relational-we can give and receive real love; and we have a can give and receive real love; and we have a moral consciousness-we moral consciousness-we can discern right from wrong, which makes us accountable to G.o.d. can discern right from wrong, which makes us accountable to G.o.d.

The Bible says that all people, not just believers, possess part of the image of G.o.d; that is why murder and abortion are wrong. But the image is incomplete and has been damaged and distorted by sin. So G.o.d sent Jesus on a mission to restore the full image that we have lost.

What does the full "image and likeness" of G.o.d look like? It looks like Jesus Christ! The Bible

says Jesus is "the exact likeness of G.o.d," "the visible image of the invisible G.o.d," is "the exact likeness of G.o.d," "the visible image of the invisible G.o.d," and and "the exact representation of his being." "the exact representation of his being."

People often use the phrase "like father, like son" to refer to family resemblance. When people see my likeness in my kids, it pleases me. G.o.d wants his children to bear his image and likeness, too. The Bible says, "You were ... created to be like G.o.d, truly righteous and holy." "You were ... created to be like G.o.d, truly righteous and holy." Let me be absolutely clear: You will never become G.o.d, or even Let me be absolutely clear: You will never become G.o.d, or even a a G.o.d. That prideful lie is Satan's oldest temptation. Satan promised Adam and Eve that if they followed his advice, G.o.d. That prideful lie is Satan's oldest temptation. Satan promised Adam and Eve that if they followed his advice, "ye shall be as G.o.ds." "ye shall be as G.o.ds." Many religions and New Age philosophies still promote this old lie that we are divine or can become G.o.ds. Many religions and New Age philosophies still promote this old lie that we are divine or can become G.o.ds.

This desire to be a G.o.d shows up every time we try to control our circ.u.mstances, our future, and people around us. But as creatures, we will never be the Creator. Creator. G.o.d doesn't want you to become a G.o.d; he wants you to become G.o.d doesn't want you to become a G.o.d; he wants you to become G.o.dly-taking G.o.dly-taking on his values, att.i.tudes, and character. The Bible says, on his values, att.i.tudes, and character. The Bible says, "Take on an entirely new way of life-a G.o.d fas.h.i.+oned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as G.o.d accurately reproduces his character in you." "Take on an entirely new way of life-a G.o.d fas.h.i.+oned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as G.o.d accurately reproduces his character in you."

G.o.d's ultimate goal for your life on earth is not comfort, but character development. He wants you to grow up spiritually and become like Christ. Becoming like Christ does not mean losing your personality or becoming a mindless clone. G.o.d created your uniqueness, so he certainly doesn't want to destroy it. Christlikeness is all about transforming your character, not your personality.

G.o.d wants you to develop the kind of character described in the beat.i.tudes of Jesus,' the fruit of the Spirit, Paul's great chapter on love, and Peter's list of the characteristics of an effective and productive life. Every time you forget that character is one of G.o.d's purposes for your life, you will become frustrated by your circ.u.mstances. You'll wonder, "Why is this happening to me? Why am I having such a difficult time?" One answer is that life is supposed supposed to be difficult! It's what enables us to grow. Remember, earth is not heaven! to be difficult! It's what enables us to grow. Remember, earth is not heaven!

Many Christians misinterpret Jesus' promise of the "abundant life" to mean perfect health, a comfortable lifestyle, constant happiness, full realization of your dreams, and instant relief from problems through faith and prayer. In a word, they expect the Christian life to be easy. They expect heaven on earth.

This self-absorbed perspective treats G.o.d as a genie who simply exists to serve you in your selfish pursuit of personal fulfillment. But G.o.d is not is not your servant, and if you fall for the idea that life is supposed to be easy, either you will become severely disillusioned or you will live in denial of reality. your servant, and if you fall for the idea that life is supposed to be easy, either you will become severely disillusioned or you will live in denial of reality.

Never forget that life is not about you! You exist for G.o.d's purposes, not vice versa. Why would G.o.d provide heaven on earth heaven on earth when he's planned the real thing for you in eternity? G.o.d gives us our time on earth to build and strengthen our character for heaven. when he's planned the real thing for you in eternity? G.o.d gives us our time on earth to build and strengthen our character for heaven.

G.o.d's ultimate goal for your life on earth is not comfort, but character development.

G.o.d'S SPIRIT WORKING IN YOU It is the Holy Spirit's job to produce Christ-like character in you. The Bible says, "As the Spirit "As the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more. This process of changing us to be more like Jesus is called This process of changing us to be more like Jesus is called sanctification, sanctification, and it is the third purpose of your life on earth. and it is the third purpose of your life on earth.

You cannot reproduce the character of Jesus on your own strength. New Year's resolutions, willpower, and best intentions are not enough. Only the Holy Spirit has the power to make the changes G.o.d wants to make in our lives. The Bible says, "G.o.d is working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him. "G.o.d is working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him."

Mention "the power of the Holy Spirit," and many people think of miraculous demonstrations and intense emotions. But most of the time the Holy Spirit's power is released in your life in quiet, una.s.suming ways that you aren't even aware of or can't feel. He often nudges us with "a gentle whisper." "a gentle whisper."

Christlikeness is not produced by imitation, but by inhabitation. We allow Christ to live through us. "For this is the secret: Christ lives in you."' through us. "For this is the secret: Christ lives in you."' How does this happen in real life? Through the choices we make. We choose to do the right thing in situations and then trust G.o.d's Spirit to give us his power, love, faith, and wisdom to do it. Since G.o.d's Spirit lives inside of us, these things are always available for the asking. How does this happen in real life? Through the choices we make. We choose to do the right thing in situations and then trust G.o.d's Spirit to give us his power, love, faith, and wisdom to do it. Since G.o.d's Spirit lives inside of us, these things are always available for the asking.

We must cooperate with the Holy Spirit's work. Throughout the Bible we see an important truth ill.u.s.trated over and over: The Holy Spirit releases his power Throughout the Bible we see an important truth ill.u.s.trated over and over: The Holy Spirit releases his power the moment you the moment you take a step of faith. When Joshua was faced with an impa.s.sible barrier, the floodwaters of the Jordan River receded only take a step of faith. When Joshua was faced with an impa.s.sible barrier, the floodwaters of the Jordan River receded only after after the leaders stepped into the rus.h.i.+ng current in obedience and faith.' Obedience unlocks G.o.d's power. the leaders stepped into the rus.h.i.+ng current in obedience and faith.' Obedience unlocks G.o.d's power.

G.o.d waits for you to act first. Don't wait to feel powerful or confident. Move ahead in your weakness, doing the right thing in spite of your fears and feelings. This is how you cooperate with the Holy Spirit, and it is how your character develops.

The Bible compares spiritual growth to a seed, a building, and a child growing up. Each metaphor requires active partic.i.p.ation: Seeds must be planted and cultivated, buildings must be built-they don't just appear-and children must eat and exercise to grow.

While effort has nothing to do with your salvation, it has much to do with your spiritual growth. At least eight times in the New Testament we are told to "make every effort" "make every effort" in our growth toward becoming like Jesus. You don't just sit around and wait for it to happen. in our growth toward becoming like Jesus. You don't just sit around and wait for it to happen.

Paul explains in Ephesians 4:22-24 our three responsibilities in becoming like Christ. First, we must choose to let go of old ways of acting. "Everything... connected with that old way of life has to go. It's rotten through and through. Get rid of it!" "Everything... connected with that old way of life has to go. It's rotten through and through. Get rid of it!"

Second, we must change the way we think. "Let the Spirit change your way of thinking. "Let the Spirit change your way of thinking." The Bible says we are "transformed" by the renewing of our minds. The Greek word for transformed, metamorphosis metamorphosis (used in Romans 12:2 and 2 Corinthians 3:18), is used today to describe the amazing change a caterpillar goes through in becoming a b.u.t.terfly. It is a beautiful picture of what happens to us spiritually when we allow G.o.d to direct our thoughts: We are changed from the inside out, we become more beautiful, and we are set free to soar to new heights. (used in Romans 12:2 and 2 Corinthians 3:18), is used today to describe the amazing change a caterpillar goes through in becoming a b.u.t.terfly. It is a beautiful picture of what happens to us spiritually when we allow G.o.d to direct our thoughts: We are changed from the inside out, we become more beautiful, and we are set free to soar to new heights.

Third, we must "put on" the character of Christ by developing new, G.o.dly habits. Your character is essentially the sum of your habits; it is how you habitually habitually act. The Bible says, act. The Bible says, "Put on the new self, created to be like G.o.d in true righteousness and holiness.' "Put on the new self, created to be like G.o.d in true righteousness and holiness.'

Your character is essentially the sum of your habits.

G.o.d uses his Word, people, and circ.u.mstances to mold us. All three are indispensable for character development. G.o.d's Word provides the All three are indispensable for character development. G.o.d's Word provides the truth truth we need to grow, G.o.d's people provide the we need to grow, G.o.d's people provide the support support we need to grow, and circ.u.mstances provide the we need to grow, and circ.u.mstances provide the environment environment we need to practice Christlikeness. If you study and apply G.o.d's Word, connect regularly with other believers, and learn to trust G.o.d in difficult circ.u.mstances, I guarantee you will become more like Jesus. We will look at each of these growth ingredients in the chapters ahead. we need to practice Christlikeness. If you study and apply G.o.d's Word, connect regularly with other believers, and learn to trust G.o.d in difficult circ.u.mstances, I guarantee you will become more like Jesus. We will look at each of these growth ingredients in the chapters ahead.

Many people a.s.sume all that is needed for spiritual growth is Bible study and prayer. But some issues in life will never never be changed by Bible study or prayer alone. G.o.d uses people. He usually prefers to work through people rather than perform miracles, so that we will depend on each other for fellows.h.i.+p. He wants us to grow together. be changed by Bible study or prayer alone. G.o.d uses people. He usually prefers to work through people rather than perform miracles, so that we will depend on each other for fellows.h.i.+p. He wants us to grow together.

In many religions, the people considered to be the most spiritually mature and holy are those who isolate themselves from others in mountaintop monasteries, uninfected by contact with other people. But this is a gross misunderstanding. Spiritual maturity is not a solitary, individual pursuit! You cannot grow to Christlikeness in isolation. You must be around other people and interact with them. You need to be a part of a church and community. Why? Because true spiritual maturity is all about learning to love like Jesus, and you can't practice being like Jesus without being in relations.h.i.+p with other people. Remember, it's all about love-loving G.o.d and loving others.

Becoming like Christ is a long, slow process of growth. Spiritual maturity is neither instant nor automatic; it is a gradual, progressive development that will take the rest of your life. Referring to this process, Paul said, Spiritual maturity is neither instant nor automatic; it is a gradual, progressive development that will take the rest of your life. Referring to this process, Paul said, "This will continue until we are ... mature, just as Christ is, and we will be completely like him.' "This will continue until we are ... mature, just as Christ is, and we will be completely like him.'

You are a work in progress. Your spiritual transformation in developing the character of Jesus will take the rest of your life, and even then it won't be completed here on earth. It will only be finished when you get to heaven or when Jesus returns. At that point, whatever unfinished work on your character is left will be wrapped up. The Bible says that when we are finally able to see Jesus perfectly, we will become perfectly like him: "We can't even imagine what we will be like when Christ returns. But we do know that when he comes we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is." "We can't even imagine what we will be like when Christ returns. But we do know that when he comes we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is."

Much confusion in the Christian life comes from ignoring the simple truth that G.o.d is far more interested in building your character than he is anything else. We worry when G.o.d seems silent on specific issues such as "What career should I choose?" The truth is, there are many many different careers that could be in G.o.d's will for your life. What G.o.d cares about most is that whatever you do, you do in a Christlike manner. different careers that could be in G.o.d's will for your life. What G.o.d cares about most is that whatever you do, you do in a Christlike manner.

G.o.d is far more interested in what you are than in what you do. We are human beings, beings, not human not human doings. doings. G.o.d is much more concerned about your character than your career, because you will take your character into eternity, but not your career. G.o.d is much more concerned about your character than your career, because you will take your character into eternity, but not your career.

The Bible warns, "Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on G.o.d. You'll be changed from the inside out.... Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, G.o.d brings the best out of you, develops well formed maturity in you." "Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on G.o.d. You'll be changed from the inside out.... Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, G.o.d brings the best out of you, develops well formed maturity in you." You must make a counter-culture decision to focus on becoming more like Jesus. Otherwise, other forces like peers, parents, coworkers, and culture will try to mold you into their image. You must make a counter-culture decision to focus on becoming more like Jesus. Otherwise, other forces like peers, parents, coworkers, and culture will try to mold you into their image.

Sadly, a quick review of many popular Christian books reveals that many believers have abandoned living for G.o.d's great purposes and settled for personal fulfillment and emotional stability. That is narcissism, not disciples.h.i.+p. Jesus did not die on the cross just so we could live comfortable, well-adjusted lives. His purpose is far deeper: He wants to make us like himself before he takes us to heaven. This is our greatest privilege, our immediate responsibility, and our ultimate destiny.

G.o.d is far more interested in what you are than in what you do.DAY TWENTY-TWO THINKING ABOUT MY PURPOSEPoint to Ponder: I was created to become like Christ. I was created to become like Christ.Verse to Remember: "As the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more." 2 "As the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more." 2 Corinthians 3:18b (NLT) Corinthians 3:18b (NLT)Question to Consider: In what area of my life do I need to ask for the Spirit's power to be like Christ today? In what area of my life do I need to ask for the Spirit's power to be like Christ today?

How We Grow G.o.d wants us to grow up ... like Christ in everything. Ephesians. 4:15a (Msg) Ephesians. 4:15a (Msg)We are not meant to remain as children. Ephesians 4:14a (Ph) Ephesians 4:14a (Ph)G.o.d wants you to grow up.

Your heavenly Father's goal is for you to mature and develop the characteristics of Jesus Christ. Sadly, millions of Christians grow older grow older but never but never grow up. grow up. They are stuck in perpetual spiritual infancy, remaining in diapers and booties. The reason is that they never They are stuck in perpetual spiritual infancy, remaining in diapers and booties. The reason is that they never intended intended to grow. to grow.

Spiritual growth is not automatic. It takes an intentional commitment. You must want want to grow, to grow, decide decide to grow, to grow, make an effort make an effort to grow, and to grow, and persist persist in growing. Disciples.h.i.+p-the process of becoming like Christ-always begins with a decision. Jesus calls us, and we respond: in growing. Disciples.h.i.+p-the process of becoming like Christ-always begins with a decision. Jesus calls us, and we respond: "Come, be my disciple, 'Jesus said to him. So Matthew got up and followed him." "Come, be my disciple, 'Jesus said to him. So Matthew got up and followed him."

When the first disciples chose to follow Jesus, they didn't understand all the implications of their decision. They simply responded to Jesus' invitation. That's all you need to get started: Decide Decide to become a disciple. to become a disciple.

Nothing shapes your life more than the commitments you choose to make. Your commitments can develop you or they can destroy you, but either way, they will define you. Tell me what you are committed to, and I'll tell you what you will be in twenty years. We become whatever we are committed to.

It is at this point of commitment that most people miss G.o.d's purpose for their lives. Many are afraid to commit to anything and just drift through life. Others make half-hearted commitments to competing values, which leads to frustration and mediocrity. Others make a full commitment to worldly goals, such as becoming wealthy or famous, and end up disappointed and bitter. Every choice has eternal consequences, so you had better choose wisely. Peter warns, "Since everything around us is going to melt away, what holy, G.o.dly lives you should be living!" "Since everything around us is going to melt away, what holy, G.o.dly lives you should be living!"

G.o.d's part and your part. Christlikeness is the result of making Christlike choices and depending on his Spirit to help you fulfill those choices. Once you decide to get serious about becoming like Christ, you must begin to act in new ways. You will need to let go of some old routines, develop some new habits, and intentionally change the way you think. You can be certain that the Holy Spirit will help you with these changes. The Bible says, Christlikeness is the result of making Christlike choices and depending on his Spirit to help you fulfill those choices. Once you decide to get serious about becoming like Christ, you must begin to act in new ways. You will need to let go of some old routines, develop some new habits, and intentionally change the way you think. You can be certain that the Holy Spirit will help you with these changes. The Bible says, "Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is G.o.d who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose." "Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is G.o.d who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose."

This verse shows the two parts of spiritual growth: "work out" "work out" and and "work in." "work in." The The "work out" is "work out" is your responsibility, and the your responsibility, and the "work in" "work in" is G.o.d's role. Spiritual growth is a collaborative effort between you and the Holy Spirit. G.o.d's Spirit works is G.o.d's role. Spiritual growth is a collaborative effort between you and the Holy Spirit. G.o.d's Spirit works with with us, not just in us. us, not just in us.

This verse, written to believers, is not about how to be saved, but how to grow. It does not say "work for" "work for" your salvation, because you can't add anything to what Jesus already did. During a physical "workout," you exercise to develop your body, not to get a body. your salvation, because you can't add anything to what Jesus already did. During a physical "workout," you exercise to develop your body, not to get a body.

When you "work out" a puzzle, you already have all the pieces-your task is to put them together. Farmers "work" the land, not to get get land, but to develop what they already have. G.o.d has given you a new life; now you are responsible to develop it land, but to develop what they already have. G.o.d has given you a new life; now you are responsible to develop it "with fear and trembling.' "with fear and trembling.' That means to take your spiritual growth seriously! When people are casual about their spiritual growth, it shows they don't understand the eternal implications (as we saw in chapters 4 and 5). That means to take your spiritual growth seriously! When people are casual about their spiritual growth, it shows they don't understand the eternal implications (as we saw in chapters 4 and 5).

Changing your autopilot. To change your life, you must change the way you think. Behind everything you do is a thought. Every behavior is motivated by a belief, and every action is prompted by an att.i.tude. G.o.d revealed this thousands of years before psychologists understood it: To change your life, you must change the way you think. Behind everything you do is a thought. Every behavior is motivated by a belief, and every action is prompted by an att.i.tude. G.o.d revealed this thousands of years before psychologists understood it: Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts." Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts."

The Purpose Driven Life Part 8

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