Adenoids and Diseased Tonsils Part 5

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15 10- 3 10-10 575 511 155 15C 10- 1 10-7 672 703 501 51 15 155

16 10- 9 11-3 56 57 516 523 19 175 16C 10- 9 11-3 512 50 487 495 10 10

17 8- 1 8-7 57 487 14 17C 7-10 8-4 453 448 10 85

18 7- 2 7-8 582 473 11 18C 6-11 7-5 453 47 467 471 8 65

19 11- 4 11-10 90 963 577 59 22 21 19C 7-11 8-5 524 544 467 472 15 12

20 7- 1 7- 7 442 472 11 20C 7- 3 7-10 613 66 496 55 15 125

21 11- 11- 6 707 765 541 165 165 21C 10- 1 10- 7 624 67 496 504 19 15

22 10- 9 11- 3 733 53 564 18 225 22C 11- 7 12- 1 707 805 568 581 195 215

23 8- 7 9- 1 517 478 115 155 23C 8-11 9- 4 641 665 514 531 145 14

24 9- 8 10- 2 585 625 51 19 20 24C 10- 2 10- 8 60 61 501 515 15 15

25 10- 1 10- 7 555 595 50 508 14 25C 10-10 11- 4 633 638 502 509 125 215

26 9- 8 10- 2 638 745 516 543 14 26C 10- 4 10- 9 642 67 514 523 20 165

27 6- 7 7- 1 437 454 9 6 27C 6- 3 6- 9 41 44 446 454 8 9

28 12-11 13- 5 713 755 549 558 235 21 28C 13- 8 14- 2 742 798 534 545 21


Blank s.p.a.ces indicate where tests were omitted for one reason or another

N Tapping, 1/2 min. I.Q. Healy, Score best hand

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 135 120 82 83 -25 -2 1C 106 115 80 76 -50 -16

2 105 112 107 114 285 30 2C 152 114 91 96 3 -11

3 136 139 94 91 215 225 3C 135 129 82 85 17 19

4 103 96 96 85 4C 109 83 85 33

5 110 95 99 -25 5C 156 114 117 405

6 110 95 101 -33 6C 126 88 89 -32

7 125 113 91 99 6 -28 7C 105 95 99 45 275

8 113 110 91 86 325 8C 131 101 98 104 4 23

9 149 135 83 93 35 105 9C 144 150 87 90 34 55

10 68+ 74 88+ 82 110 109 -12 65 10C 70+ 54 135+109 104 100 27 65

11 125+ 90 98+ 87 103 100 - 8 6 11C 155+125 101+107 101 102 -29 -35

12 98+69 98 95 20 21 12C 102 84 98 101 -10 -12

13 160+165 142+134 70 78 43 42 13C 150+109 122+ 94 66 64 - 15 305

14 190+172 138+130 96 107 125 485 14C 175+152 175+164 140 137 - 5 255

15 172+167 170+156 97 94 7 25 15C 140+115 137+115 78 79 1 425

16 145+131 65 73 49 475 16C 145+99 135+135 74 82 30 37

17 90+89 150+100 71 77 295 12 17C 125+116 121+ 97 96 99 15 15

18 133+115 135+111 98 98 -135 -12 18C 100+ 99 84+ 74 90 94 -32 -28

19 168+136 96 101 575 49 19C 100+115 118+ 92 98 98 -22 -11

20 105+115 110+ 93 106 102 0 -11 20C 150+120 155+149 118 131 30 35

21 152+111 132+125 64 67 20 32 21C 140+136 138+110 86 97 705 585

22 164+148 183+141 91 100 485 435 22C 120+116 157+127 63 62 345 335

23 150+119 141+136 85 94 495 68 23C 122+115 140+110 81 96 4 25

24 157+136 142+126 131 124 545 63 24C 155+135 155+100 89 92 315 595

25 140+127 150+119 77 76 8 25 25C 148+134 151+135 145 137 295 29

26 137+113 138+117 80 76 225 7 26C 125+105 125+ 79 90 88 56 615

27 108+ 92 97+ 92 110 109 -25 15 27C 115+105 112+109 72 96 2 275

28 150+148 162+143 81 84 295 735 28C 178+148 170+163 95 98 645 515

We have therefore:

28 pairs of I.Q.'s to be compared 21 pairs of weights 19 pairs of heights 16 pairs of grip measurements 20 pairs of tapping speeds 24 pairs of Healy Completion scores.

Again, in only five pairs does the gain of the control exceed that of the test case, while in the remaining sixteen pairs the gains of the test cases are greater than those of their respective controls. The greatest loss of test as compared to control is 42 lbs., while the largest gain is 79. It would seem then, that after a six months'

interval a child who has been operated on for adenoids and tonsils will tend to show a slightly greater increase in weight than a child who continues to suffer from the defects. The very small group renders this conclusion far from a.s.sured. Since it doubtless takes some little time to recover from the effects of the operation, and since there is comparatively little gain in weight in a six months' interval, it would be well to extend the experiment over another year. For the greater reliability of results, some degree of after-care should be given the operative cases, the control cases of course receiving the same treatment. While this was impracticable in the present study, it happened that three pairs of cases were members of a nutrition cla.s.s, and therefore underwent some hygienic treatment. In one pair, (no. 11) the test case lost 3 of a pound, while the control gained 9. The test cases of pairs 7 and 10 gained 8 lb. and 21 lbs. respectively, over and above their controls. However, these three cases alone are of little significance.

A study of increase in height suffers even more than one of weight gains from the short interval which elapsed between measurements. Normally, there is very little growth in six months. There are only nineteen pairs of cases in this portion of the study, a fact which renders it of even less value. However, results are offered for what they are worth. The smallest increase in height (3 in.) is in the test group, while the greatest growth (35 in.) is also in the test group. There is, however, a gain of 33 inches in the control group as well as one of only 4 inches. There are seven pairs in which the test group growth is less than that of the controls, one in which the two are equal, and in the remaining eleven the growth of the test cases exceeds that of the controls. The variability

Adenoids and Diseased Tonsils Part 5

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Adenoids and Diseased Tonsils Part 5 summary

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