Adenoids and Diseased Tonsils Part 9

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8 45 34 55 -11 203 -50 -125 8C 67 81 33 14 241 10 25

9 27 46 73 19 375 71 118 9C 35 40 65 5 217 72 12

10 88 86 12 -2 400 34 56 10C 81 73 19 -8 392 139 218

11 79 73 21 -6 379 21 35 11C 77 79 23 2 379 -44 -73

12 67 53 33 - 6 161 - 11 - 36 12C 67 77 33 10 208 19 32

13 9 19 91 10 129 2 3 13C 6 5 94 - 1 178 6 1

14 59 84 41 25 212 69 115 14C 97 96 3 - 1 104 41 68

15 62 49 38 -13 106 12 4 15C 19 20 81 1 193 66 11

16 5 12 95 7 205 15 3 16C 13 25 87 12 213 24 4

17 9 17 81 8 223 66 22 17C 59 71 41 12 174 21 53

18 67 67 33 0 175 8 27 18C 40 49 60 9 247 18 3

19 59 69 41 10 67 16 32 19C 67 67 33 0 287 16 27

20 82 79 18 - 3 177 - 6 - 2 20C 91 94 9 3 65 20 66

21 5 7 95 2 209 - 16 - 32 21C 34 62 66 28 157 46 77

22 45 73 55 28 120 87 174 22C 3 2 97 - 1 275 74 123

23 32 49 68 17 168 65 163 23C 23 59 77 36 253 126 21

24 94 92 6 - 2 89 - 6 - 12 24C 38 46 62 8 179 54 9

25 17 15 83 - 2 280 49 98 25C 100 97 0 - 3 134 53 88

26 21 15 79 - 6 226 0 0 26C 40 37 60 - 3 184 4 7

27 88 86 12 - 2 268 5 13 27C 11 59 89 48 320 148 25

28 23 29 77 6 153 59 97 28C 53 67 47 14 83 24 48

in the control group. With the small number of cases involved the probable error is too great to allow either of these measures as indicative of relations.h.i.+p. We may say, then, that there is no definite tendency for those of low I.Q. to improve in six months after operation to a greater degree than those of higher I.Q.

Finally, in order to compare the results of the various tests, the measures of the gains of the test group in excess of the control were, for each test, expressed in terms of P. E. The averages and medians of these measures are collected in Table XIII. They show a very slight tendency toward gain in weight, height, and weight-height-age relations.h.i.+p; neither improvement nor loss in grip, tapping fatigueability and I.Q., and a rather curious tendency to loss in the Healy scores. This latter is very probably not a true measure since performance in the Healy Picture Completion test shows a rather high variability, and the cases are so few as to make the influence of single very high or low scores unduly great.


Showing improvement in various tests of operative group over and above such improvement in control group. Expressed in Terms of P. E.

Weight Height Height- Grip Tapping Tapping I.Q. Healy Weight fatigue

P. E. P. E. P. E. P. E. P. E. P. E. P. E. P. E.

Average 285 100 202 -50 03 -50 -94 -192 Median 280 125 55 -83 32 -50 0 -254



In view of the fact that one of the experimenters[15] found improvement in school work when her study was extended to cover a second time interval after operation, it was deemed advisable to similarly extend the present investigation in order to determine whether our operated cases showed any improvement after twelve months. To this end, the fifty-six children composing the final groups of the first study, were sought after a second interval of about six months. Conditions made it impossible to give all the retests exactly twelve months from the time of the operation. As a matter of fact, the period ranges from ten to seventeen months. An effort was made to keep the interval between tests equal for the two members of a given pair.

[15]: A. H. MacPhail, Adenoids and Tonsils: A study showing how the Removal of Enlarged or Diseased Tonsils Affects a Child's Work in School. Ped. Sem., June, 1920, pp. 188-194.

The same tests were given as in the first study. About half of the testing was done by one of the former examiners, but she was obliged to turn the work over to another before it had been completed. The second examiner was highly recommended, and had had training and practical experience in the giving of tests. She was instructed in the methods which had been employed previously, so that conditions were as far as possible kept constant.

The results of the tests are collected in Table XIV. In the first column is given the length of the time interval for each case. It may be seen that the final group was composed of forty-two children, forming twenty-one pairs. There were fifteen pairs which received a second rating in weight; thirteen in height; thirteen in grip; fifteen in tapping, eleven in fatigue as shown by tapping, twenty-one in I.Q., and eighteen in the Healy Test. These numbers while they are smaller than we could wish, would seem to be great enough to indicate


Results of the Tests after an Interval of from 10 to 17 Months

N[16] Mos. Weight Height Grip

Test 1 Test 3 Test 1 Test 3 Test 1 Test 3

1 15 504 635 46 497 13 18 1C 15 535 628 464 497 11 15

2 15 409 479 426 459 9 10 2C 17 523 655 452 498 10 15

3 16 55 675 47 502 128 13 3C 14 615 578 517 54 14 145

4 13 511 602 475 505 9 4C 13 494 542 489 508 95

7 14 399 458 429 456 7 6 7C 12 384 421 419 437 9 14

8 11 608 692 508 523 10 8C 11 454 579 368 487 15

10 11 489 567 461 486 125 12 10C 11 471 518 456 481 10 12

11 12 478 55 458 495 11 11 11C 12 416 47 436 468 115 75

12 12 48 665 448 14 12C 11 41 696 415 6

13 12 90 112 613 618 265 285 13C 12 747 88 568 600 22 27

Adenoids and Diseased Tonsils Part 9

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