Incarceron Part 92

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"The colors."

Finn lifted the crystal into a glimmer of light. The red lights were humming, flickering into a muted rainbow. The Key seemed warmer in his hand.

"Maybe she's Inside."

"Then why doesn't she talk to us?"

Ahead, Gildas turned, a limping shadow in the darkness.


"Is this the way? Finn?"

He had no idea. The wreckage of the s.h.i.+p was far behind; the cube had become a funnel, narrowing as they hurried into it, the sides and roof closing in, becoming black faceted stone, the familiar obsidian glint of walls.

"Keep close to me," he muttered.

"We don't know how far the protective field goes."

Gildas barely heard. Since he had spoken to Jared the feverish possession of his quest had come over him again; anxiously he limped ahead, examining faint scratches on the walls, muttering to himself. He seemed to ignore his injuries, but Finn guessed they were more serious than he let on.

"The old fool's losing it," Keiro muttered in disgust. He turned.

"And then there's her."

Attia hung back. She seemed to be walking deliberately slowly; in the shadows she seemed deep in thought.

"That was some stunt she pulled."

Keiro walked on. He gave a sharp glance at Finn.

"A real blow under the belt."

Finn nodded. Claudia had gone so still. Like someone stabbed with a deep wound keeps still, so as not to feel the pain.

"But," Keiro said, "it means there's a way out. So we can get out too."

"You're heartless. You only ever think about yourself."

"And you, brother."

His oathbrother glanced around, alert.

"If there is an Outside and you're some sort of king out there, then I'm guarding you like gold. Prince Keiro sounds good to me."

"I'm not sure I can do that... be that."

"You can. It's all pretense. You're a master of lies, Finn."

Keiro looked at him sidelong.

"You'll be a natural."

For a moment they shared a look. Then Finn said, "Can you hear something?"

A murmur. It drifted down the corridor, a gust of soft voices. Keiro drew his sword.

Attia closed up.

"What is it?"

"Something ahead." Keiro listened intently, but the sound did not come again.

Standing still, one hand against the wall, Gildas whispered, "Maybe it's Claudia. She's found us."

"Then she was very quick about it."

Keiro walked on softly.

Incarceron Part 92

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Incarceron Part 92 summary

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