The Story of the Heavens Part 28
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The Milky Way forms a girdle which, with more or less regularity, sweeps completely around the heavens; and when viewed with the telescope, is seen to consist of myriads of minute stars. In some places the stars are much more numerous than elsewhere. All these stars are incomparably more distant than the sun, which they surround, so it is evident that our sun and, of course, the system which attends him lie actually inside the Milky Way. It seems tempting to pursue the thought here suggested, and to reflect that the whole Milky Way may, after all, be merely a star cl.u.s.ter, comparable in size with some of the other star cl.u.s.ters which we see, and that, viewed from a remote point in s.p.a.ce, the Milky Way would seem to be but one of the many cl.u.s.ters of stars containing our sun as an indistinguishable unit.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 96.--The Globular Cl.u.s.ter in Hercules.]
In the southern hemisphere there are two immense which are conspicuously visible to the naked eye, and resemble detached portions of the Milky Way. They cannot be seen by observers in our lat.i.tude, and are known as the Magellanic clouds or the two nubeculae. Their structure, as revealed to an observer using a powerful telescope, is of great complexity. Sir John Herschel, who made a special study of these remarkable objects, gives the following description of them: "The general ground of both consists of large tracts and patches of nebulosity in every stage of resolution, from light irresolvable, in a reflector of eighteen inches aperture, up to perfectly separated stars like the Milky Way, and cl.u.s.tering groups sufficiently insulated and condensed to come under the designation of irregular and in some cases pretty rich cl.u.s.ters. But besides these there are also nebulae in abundance and globular cl.u.s.ters in every state of condensation." It can hardly be doubted that the two nubeculae, which are, roughly speaking, round, or, rather, oval, are not formed accidentally by a vast number of very different objects being ranged at various distances along the same line of sight, but that they really represent two great systems of objects, widely different in const.i.tution, which here are congregated in each other's neighbourhood, whereas they generally do not co-exist close to each other in the Milky Way, with which the mere naked-eye view would otherwise lead us to a.s.sociate the Magellanic clouds.
When we direct a good telescope to the heavens, we shall occasionally meet with one of the remarkable celestial objects which are known as nebulae. They are faint cloudy spots, or stains of light on the black background of the sky. They are nearly all invisible to the naked eye.
These celestial objects must not for a moment be confounded with clouds, in the ordinary meaning of the word. The latter exist only suspended in the atmosphere, while nebulae are immersed in the depths of s.p.a.ce. Clouds s.h.i.+ne by the light of the sun, which they reflect to us; nebulae s.h.i.+ne with no borrowed light; they are self-luminous. Clouds change from hour to hour; nebulae do not change even from year to year. Clouds are far smaller than the earth; while the smallest nebula known to us is incomparably greater than the sun. Clouds are within a few miles of the earth; the nebulae are almost inconceivably remote.
Immediately after Herschel and his sister had settled at Slough he commenced his review of the northern heavens in a systematic manner. For observations of this kind it is essential that the sky be free from cloud, while even the light of the moon is sufficient to obliterate the fainter and more interesting objects. It was in the long and fine winter nights, when the stars were s.h.i.+ning brilliantly and the pale path of the Milky Way extended across the heavens, that the labour was to be done. The telescope being directed to the heavens, the ordinary diurnal motion by which the sun and stars appear to rise and set carries the stars across the field of view in a majestic panorama. The stars enter slowly into the field of view, slowly move across it, and slowly leave it, to be again replaced by others. Thus the observer, by merely remaining pa.s.sive at the eye-piece, sees one field after another pa.s.s before him, and is enabled to examine their contents. It follows, that even without moving the telescope a long narrow strip of the heavens is brought under review, and by moving the telescope slightly up and down the width of this strip can be suitably increased. On another night the telescope is brought into a different position, and another strip of the sky is examined; so that in the course of time the whole heavens can be carefully scrutinised.
Herschel stands at the eye-piece to watch the glorious procession of celestial objects. Close by, his sister Caroline sits at her desk, pen in hand, to take down the observations as they fall from her brother's lips. In front of her is a chronometer from which she can note the time, and a contrivance which indicates the alt.i.tude of the telescope, so that she can record the exact position of the object in connection with the description which her brother dictated. Such was the splendid scheme which this brother and sister had arranged to carry out as the object of their life-long devotion. The discoveries which Herschel was destined to make were to be reckoned not by tens or by hundreds, but by thousands.
The records of these discoveries are to be found in the "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society," and they are among the richest treasures of those volumes. It was left to Sir John Herschel, the only son of Sir William, to complete his father's labour by repeating the survey of the northern heavens and extending it to the southern hemisphere. He undertook with this object a journey to the Cape of Good Hope, and sojourned there for the years necessary to complete the great work.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 97.--The Constellation of Orion, showing the Position of the Great Nebula.]
As the result of the gigantic labours thus inaugurated and continued by other observers, there are now about eight thousand nebulae known to us, and with every improvement of the telescope fresh additions are being made to the list. They differ from one another as eight thousand pebbles selected at random on a sea-beach might differ--namely, in form, size, colour, and material--but yet, like the pebbles, bear a certain generic resemblance to each other. To describe this cla.s.s of bodies in any detail would altogether exceed the limits of this chapter; we shall merely select a few of the nebulae, choosing naturally those of the most remarkable character, and also those which are representatives of the different groups into which nebulae may be divided.
[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE XIV.
We have already stated that the great nebula in the constellation of Orion is one of the most interesting objects in the heavens. It is alike remarkable whether we consider its size or its brilliancy, the care with which it has been studied, or the success which has attended the efforts to learn something of its character. To find this object, we refer to Fig. 97 for the sketch of the chief stars in this constellation, where the letter A indicates the middle one of the three stars which form the sword-handle of Orion. Above the handle will be seen the three stars which form the well-known belt so conspicuous in the wintry sky. The star A, when viewed attentively with the unaided eye, presents a somewhat misty appearance. In the year 1618 Cysat directed a telescope to this star, and saw surrounding it a curious luminous haze, which proved to be the great nebula. Ever since his time this object has been diligently studied by many astronomers, so that very many observations have been made of the great nebula, and even whole volumes have been written which treat of nothing else. Any ordinary telescope will show the object to some extent, but the more powerful the telescope the more are the curious details revealed.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 98.--The Multiple star (th Orionis) in the Great Nebula of Orion.]
In the first place, the object which we have denoted by A (th Orionis, also called the trapezium of Orion) is in itself the most striking multiple star in the whole heavens. It consists really of six stars, represented in the next diagram (Fig. 98). These points are so close together that their commingled rays cannot be distinguished without a telescope. Four of them are, however, easily seen in quite small instruments, but the two smaller stars require telescopes of considerable power. And yet these stars are suns, comparable, it may be, with our sun in magnitude.
It is not a little remarkable that this unrivalled group of six suns should be surrounded by the renowned nebula; the nebula or the multiple star would, either of them alone, be of exceptional interest, and here we have a combination of the two. It seems impossible to resist drawing the conclusion that the multiple star really lies in the nebula, and not merely along the same line of vision. It would, indeed, seem to be at variance with all probability to suppose that the presentation of these two exceptional objects in the same field of view was merely accidental.
If the multiple star be really in the nebula, then this object affords evidence that in one case at all events the distance of a nebula is a quant.i.ty of the same magnitude as the distance of a star. This is unhappily almost the entire extent of our knowledge of the distances of the nebulae from the earth.
The great nebula of Orion surrounds the multiple star, and extends out to a vast distance into the neighbouring s.p.a.ce. The dotted circle drawn around the star marked A in Fig. 97 represents approximately the extent of the nebula, as seen in a moderately good telescope. The nebula is of a faint bluish colour, impossible to represent in a drawing. Its brightness is much greater in some places than in others; the central parts are, generally speaking, the most brilliant, and the luminosity gradually fades away as the edge of the nebula is approached. In fact, we can hardly say that the nebula has any definite boundary, for with each increase of telescopic power faint new branches can be seen. There seems to be an empty s.p.a.ce in the nebula immediately surrounding the multiple star, but this is merely an illusion, produced by the contrast of the brilliant light of the stars, as the spectroscopic examination of the nebula shows that the nebulous matter is continuous between the stars.
The plate of the great nebula in Orion which is here shown (Plate XIV.) represents, in a reduced form, the elaborate drawing of this object, which has been made with the Earl of Rosse's great reflecting telescope at Parsonstown.[40] A telescopic view of the nebula shows two hundred stars or more, scattered over its surface. It is not necessary to suppose that these stars are immersed in the substance of the nebula as the multiple star appears to be; they may be either in front of it, or, less probably, behind it, so as to be projected on the same part of the sky.
[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE XV.
A considerable number of drawings of this unique object have been made by other astronomers. Among these we must mention that executed by Professor Bond, in Cambridge, Ma.s.s., which possesses a faithfulness in detail that every student of this object is bound to acknowledge. Of late years also successful attempts have been made to photograph the great nebula. The late Professor Draper was fortunate enough to obtain some admirable photographs. In England Mr. Common was the first to take most excellent photographs of the nebula, and superb photographs of the same object have also been obtained by Dr. Roberts and Mr. W.E. Wilson, which show a vast extension of the nebula into regions which it was not previously known to occupy.
The great nebula in Andromeda, which is faintly visible to the unaided eye, is shown in Plate XV., which has been copied with permission from one of the astonis.h.i.+ng photographs that Dr. Isaac Roberts has obtained.
Two dark channels in the nebula cannot fail to be noticed, and the number of faint stars scattered over its surface is also a point to which attention may be drawn. To find this object we must look out for Ca.s.siopeia and the Great Square of Pegasus, and then the nebula will be easily perceived in the position shown on p. 413. In the year 1885 a new star of the seventh magnitude suddenly appeared close to the brightest part of the nebula, and declined again to invisibility after the lapse of a few months.
The nebula in Lyra is the most conspicuous ring nebula in the heavens, but it is not to be supposed that it is the only member of this cla.s.s.
Altogether, there are about a dozen of these objects. It seems difficult to form any adequate conception of the nature of such a body. It is, however, impossible to view the annular nebulae without being, at all events, reminded of those elegant objects known as vortex rings. Who has not noticed a graceful ring of steam which occasionally escapes from the funnel of a locomotive, and ascends high into the air, only dissolving some time after the steam not so specialised has disappeared? Such vortex rings can be produced artificially by a cubical box, one open side of which is covered with canvas, while on the opposite side of the box is a circular hole. A tap on the canvas will cause a vortex ring to start from the hole; and if the box be filled with smoke, this ring will be visible for many feet of its path. It would certainly be far too much to a.s.sert that the annular nebulae have any real a.n.a.logy to vortex rings; but there is, at all events, no other object known to us with which they can be compared.
The heavens contain a number of minute but brilliant objects known as the planetary nebulae. They can only be described as globes of glowing bluish-coloured gas, often small enough to be mistaken for a star when viewed through a telescope. One of the most remarkable of these objects lies in the constellation Draco, and can be found half-way between the Pole Star and the star g Draconis. Some of the more recently discovered planetary nebulae are extremely small, and they have indeed only been distinguished from small stars by the spectroscope. It is also to be noticed that such objects are a little out of the stellar focus in the refracting telescope in consequence of their blue colour. This remark does not apply to a reflecting telescope, as this instrument conducts all the rays to a common focus.
There are many other forms of nebulae: there are long nebulous rays; there are the wondrous spirals which have been disclosed in Lord Rosse's great reflector; there are the double nebulae. But all these various objects we must merely dismiss with this pa.s.sing reference. There is a great difficulty in making pictorial representations of such nebulae.
Most of them are very faint--so faint, indeed, that they can only be seen with close attention even in powerful instruments. In making drawings of these objects, therefore, it is impossible to avoid intensifying the fainter features if an intelligible picture is to be made. With this caution, however, we present Plate XVI., which exhibits several of the more remarkable nebulae as seen through Lord Rosse's great telescope.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 99.--The Nebula N.G.C., 1,499.
(_By E.E. Barnard, Lick Observatory, September 21, 1895._)]
The actual nature of the nebulae offers a problem of the greatest interest, which naturally occupied the mind of the first a.s.siduous observer of nebulae, William Herschel, for many years. At first he a.s.sumed all nebulae to be nothing but dense aggregations of stars--a very natural conclusion for one who had so greatly advanced the optical power of telescopes, and was accustomed to see many objects which in a small telescope looked nebulous become "resolved" into stars when scrutinised with a telescope of large aperture. But in 1864, when Sir William Huggins first directed a telescope armed with a spectroscope to one of the planetary nebulae, it became evident that at least some nebulae were really clouds of fiery mist and not star cl.u.s.ters.
We shall in our next chapter deal with the spectra of the fixed stars, but we may here in antic.i.p.ation remark that these spectra are continuous, generally showing the whole length of spectrum, from red to violet, as in the sun's spectrum, though with many and important differences as to the presence of dark and bright lines. A star cl.u.s.ter must, of course, give a similar spectrum, resulting from the superposition of the spectra of the single stars in the cl.u.s.ter. Many nebulae give a spectrum of this kind; for instance, the great nebula in Andromeda. But it does not by any means follow from this that these objects are only cl.u.s.ters of ordinary stars, as a continuous spectrum may be produced not only by matter in the liquid or solid state, or by gases at high pressure, but also by gases at lower pressure but high temperature under certain conditions. A continuous spectrum in the case of a nebula, therefore, need not indicate that the nebula is a cl.u.s.ter of bodies comparable in size and general const.i.tution with our sun. But if a spectrum of bright lines is given by a nebula, we can be certain that gases at low pressure are present in the object under examination.
And this was precisely what Sir William Huggins discovered to be the case in many nebulae. When he first decided to study the spectra of nebulae, he selected for observation those objects known as planetary nebulae--small, round, or slightly oval discs, generally without central condensation, and looking like ill-defined planets. The colour of their light, which often is blue tinted with green, is remarkable, since this is a colour very rare among single stars. The spectrum was found to be totally different to that of any star, consisting merely of three or four bright lines. The brightest one is situated in the bluish-green part of the spectrum, and was at first thought to be identical with a line of the spectrum of nitrogen, but subsequent more accurate measures have shown that neither this nor the second nebular line correspond to any dark line in the solar spectrum, nor can they be produced experimentally in the laboratory, and we are therefore unable to ascribe them to any known element. The third and fourth lines were at once seen to be identical with the two hydrogen lines which in the solar spectrum are named F and g.
[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE E.
_From a Photograph by Dr. Isaac Roberts._]
Spectrum a.n.a.lysis has here, as on so many other occasions, rendered services which no telescope could ever have done. The spectra of nebulae have, after Huggins, been studied, both visually and photographically, by Vogel, Copeland, Campbell, Keeler, and others, and a great many very faint lines have been detected in addition to those four which an instrument of moderate dimensions shows. It is remarkable that the red C-line of hydrogen, ordinarily so bright, is either absent or excessively faint in the spectra of nebulae, but experiments by Frankland and Lockyer have shown that under certain conditions of temperature and pressure the complicated spectrum of hydrogen is reduced to one green line, the F-line. It is, therefore, not surprising that the spectra of gaseous nebulae are comparatively simple, as the probably low density of the gases in them and the faintness of these bodies would tend to reduce the spectra to a small number of lines. Some gaseous nebulae also show faint continuous spectra, the place of maximum brightness of which is not in the yellow (as in the solar spectrum), but about the green. It is probable that these continuous spectra are really an aggregate of very faint luminous lines.
A list of all the nebulae known to have a gaseous spectrum would now contain about eighty members. In addition to the planetary nebulae, many large and more diffused nebulae belong to this cla.s.s, and this is also the case with the annular nebula in Lyra and the great nebula of Orion.
It is needless to say that it is of special interest to find this grand object enrolled among the nebulae of a gaseous nature. In this nebula Copeland detected the wonderful D3 line of helium at a time when "helium" was a mere name, a hypothetical something, but which we now know to be an element very widely distributed through the universe. It has since been found in several other nebulae. The ease with which the characteristic gaseous spectrum is recognised has suggested the idea of sweeping the sky with a spectroscope in order to pick up new planetary nebulae, and a number of objects have actually been discovered by Pickering and Copeland in this manner, as also more recently by Pickering by examining spectrum photographs of various regions of the sky. Most of these new objects when seen through a telescope look like ordinary stars, and their real nature could never have been detected without the spectroscope.
When we look up at the starry sky on a clear night, the stars seem at first sight to be very irregularly distributed over the heavens. Here and there a few bright stars form characteristic groups, like Orion or the Great Bear, while other equally large tracts are almost devoid of bright stars and only contain a few insignificant ones. If we take a binocular, or other small telescope, and sweep the sky with it, the result seems to be the same--now we come across s.p.a.ces rich in stars; now we meet with comparatively empty places. But when we approach the zone of the Milky Way, we are struck with the rapid increase of the number of stars which fill the field of the telescope; and when we reach the Milky Way itself, the eye is almost unable to separate the single points of light, which are packed so closely together that they produce the appearance to the naked eye of a broad, but very irregular, band of dim light, which even a powerful telescope in some places can hardly resolve into stars. How are we to account for this remarkable arrangement of the stars? What is the reason of our seeing so few at the parts of the heavens farthest from the Milky Way, and so very many in or near that wonderful belt? The first attempt to give an answer to these questions was made by Thomas Wright, an instrument maker in London, in a book published in 1750. He supposed the stars of our sidereal system to be distributed in a vast stratum of inconsiderable thickness compared with its length and breadth. If we had a big grindstone made of gla.s.s, in which had become uniformly imbedded a vast quant.i.ty of grains of sand or similar minute particles, and if we were able to place our eye somewhere near the centre of this grindstone, it is easy to see that we should see very few particles near the direction of the axle of the grindstone, but a great many if we looked towards any point of the circ.u.mference. This was Wright's idea of the structure of the Milky Way, and he supposed the sun to be situated not very far from the centre of this stellar stratum.
[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE F.
_From a Drawing in the Publications of Harvard College Observatory._]
If the Milky Way itself did not exist--and we had simply the fact to build on that the stars appeared to increase rapidly in number towards a certain circle (almost a great circle) spanning the heavens--then the disc theory might have a good deal in its favour. But the telescopic study of the Milky Way, and even more the marvellous photographs of its complicated structure produced by Professor Barnard, have given the death blow to the old theory, and have made it most reasonable to conclude that the Milky Way is really, and not only apparently, a mighty stream of stars encircling the heavens. We shall shortly mention a few facts which point in this direction. A mere glance is sufficient to show that the Milky Way is not a single belt of light; near the constellation Aquila it separates into two branches with a fairly broad interval between them, and these branches do not meet again until they have proceeded far into the southern hemisphere. The disc theory had, in order to explain this, to a.s.sume that the stellar stratum was cleft in two nearly to the centre. But even if we grant this, how can we account for the numerous more or less dark holes in the Milky Way, the largest and most remarkable of which is the so-called "coal sack" in the southern hemisphere? Obviously we should have to a.s.sume the existence of a number of tunnels, drilled through the disc-like stratum, and by some strange sympathy all directed towards the spot where our solar system is situated. And the many small arms which stretch out from the Milky Way would have to be either planes seen edgeways or the convexities of curved surfaces viewed tangentially. The improbability of these various a.s.sumptions is very great. But evidence is not wanting that the relatively bright stars are crowded together along the same zone where the excessively faint ones are so closely packed. The late Mr. Proctor plotted all the stars which occur in Argelander's great atlas of the northern hemisphere, 324,198 in number, on a single chart, and though these stars are all above the tenth magnitude, and thus superior in brightness to that innumerable host of stars of which the individual members are more or less lost in the galactic zone, and on the hypothesis of uniform distribution ought to be relatively near to us, the chart shows distinctly the whole course of the Milky Way by the cl.u.s.tering of these stars. This disposes sufficiently of the idea that the Milky Way is nothing but a disc-like stratum seen projected on the heavenly sphere; after this it is hardly necessary to examine Professor Barnard's photographs and see how fairly bright and very faint regions alternate without any attempt at regularity, in order to become convinced that the Milky Way is more probably a stream of stars cl.u.s.tered together, a stream or ring of incredibly enormous dimensions, inside which our solar system happens to be situated. But it must be admitted that it is premature to attempt to find the actual figure of this stream or to determine the relative distance of the various portions of it.
[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE XVI.
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