English Housewifery Part 27

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13. _To pot_ PARTRIDGES _another Way_.

Put a little thyme and parsley in the inside of the partridges, season them with mace, pepper and salt; put them in the pot, and cover them with b.u.t.ter; when baked, take out the partridges, and pick all the meat from the bones, lie the meat in a pot (without beating) skim all the b.u.t.ter from the gravy, and cover the pot well with the b.u.t.ter.

14. _To pot_ CHARE.

Sc.r.a.pe and gut them, wash and dry them clean, season them with pepper, salt, mace, and nutmeg; let the two last seasonings be higher than the other; put a little b.u.t.ter at the bottom of the pot, then lie in the dish, and put b.u.t.ter at the top, three pounds of b.u.t.ter to four pounds of chare; when they are baked (before they are cold) pour off the gravy and b.u.t.ter, put two or three spoonfuls of b.u.t.ter into the pot you keep them in, then lie in the dish, sc.u.m the b.u.t.ter clean from the gravy, and put the b.u.t.ter over the dish, so keep it for use.

15. SALMON _en_ Maigre.

Cut some slices of fresh salmon the thickness of your thumb, put them in a stew-pan with a little onion, white pepper and mace, and a bunch of sweet herbs, pour over it half a pint of white wine, half a jill of water, and four ounces of b.u.t.ter (to a pound and half of salmon;) cover the stew-pot close, and stew it half an hour; then take out the salmon, and place it on the dish; strain off the liquor, and have ready craw-fish, pick'd from the sh.e.l.l, or lobster cut in small pieces; pound the sh.e.l.ls of the craw-fish, or the seeds of the lobster, and give it a turn in the liquor; thicken it, and serve it up hot with the craw-fish, or lobster, over the salmon.

Trouts may be done the same way, only cut off their heads.


Cut the tail of the lobster in square pieces, take the meat out of the claws, bruise the red part of the lobster very fine, stir it in a pan with a little b.u.t.ter, put some gravy to it; strain it off while hot, then put in the lobster with a little salt; make it hot, and send it up with sippets round your dish.

17. _To do_ CHICKENS, _or any_ FOWL'S FEET.

Scald the feet till the skin will come off, then cut off the nails; stew them in a pot close cover'd set in water, and some pieces of fat meat till they are very tender; when you set them on the fire, put to them some whole pepper, onion, salt, and some sweet herbs; when they are taken out, wet them over with the yolk of an egg, and dridge them well with bread-crumbs; so fry them crisp.

18. LARKS _done in_ JELLY.

Boil a knuckle of veal in a gallon of water till it is reduced to three pints, (it must not be covered but done over a clear fire) sc.u.m it well and clarify it, then season the larks with pepper and salt, put them in a pot with b.u.t.ter, and send them to the oven; when baked take them out of the b.u.t.ter whilst hot, take the jelly and season it to your taste with pepper and salt; then put the jelly and larks into a pan together, and give them a scald over the fire; so lie them in pots and cover them well with jelly. When you use them, turn them out of the pots, and serve them up.

19. _The Fine_ CATCHUP.

Take three quarts of red port, a pint of vinegar, one pound of anchovies unwash'd, pickle and altogether, half an ounce of mace, ten cloves, eight races of ginger, one spoonful of black pepper, eight ounces of horseradish, half a lemon-peel, a bunch of winter-savory, and four shalots; stew these in a pot, within a kettle of water, one full hour, then strain it thro' a close sieve, and when it is cold bottle it; shake it well before you bottle it, that the sediment may mix. You may stew all the ingredients over again, in a quart of wine for present use.


Take the walnuts when they are ready for pickling, beat them in a mortar, and strain the juice thro' a flannel bag; put to a quart of juice a jill of white wine, a jill of vinegar, twelve shalots sliced, a quarter of an ounce of mace, two nutmegs sliced, one ounce of black pepper, twenty four cloves, and the peels of two Seville oranges, pared so thin that no white appears, boil it over a slow fire very well, and sc.u.m it as it boils; let it stand a week or ten days cover'd very close, then pour it thro' the bag, and bottle it.

21. _A very good_ White _or_ Almond Soop.

Take veal, fowl, or any white meat, boiled down with a little mace, (or other spice to your taste) let these boil to mash, then strain off the gravy; take some of the white fleshy part of the meat and rub it thro'

a cullender; have ready two ounces of almonds beat fine, rub these thro' the cullender, then put all into the gravy, set it on the fire to thicken a little, and stir in it two or three spoonfuls of cream, and a little b.u.t.ter work'd in flour; then have ready a French roll crisp'd for the middle, and slips of bread cut long like Savoy biskets. Serve it up hot.


Take one pound of almonds, blanch'd and beat fine, one pint of cream, the yolks of twelve eggs, two ounces of grated bread, half a pound of suet, marrow, or melted b.u.t.ter, three quarters of a pound of fine sugar, a little lemon-peel and cinnamon; bake it in a slow oven, in a dish, or little tins. The above are very good put in skins.

23. ALMOND PUDDING _another Way_.

Boil a quart of cream, when cold, mix in the whites of seven eggs well beat; blanch five ounces of almonds, beat them with rose or orange-flower water, mix in the eggs and cream; sweeten it to your taste with fine powder sugar, then mix in a little citron or orange, put a thin paste at the bottom, and a thicker round the edge of the dish. Bake in a slow oven.--Sauce. Wine and sugar.

24. Almond Cheesecakes _another Way_.

Six ounces of almonds, blanch'd and beat with rose-water; six ounces of b.u.t.ter beat to cream; half a pound of fine sugar; six eggs well beat, and a little mace. Bake these in little tins, in cold b.u.t.ter paste.

25. _A_ LEMON PUDDING _another Way_.

Take a quarter of a pound of almonds, three quarters of a pound of sugar, beat and searc'd, half a pound of b.u.t.ter; beat the almonds with a little rose-water, grate the rinds of two lemons, beat eleven eggs, leave out two whites, melt the b.u.t.ter an stir it in; when the oven is ready mix all these well together, with the juice of one or two lemons to your taste; put a thin paste at the bottom, and a thicker round the edge of the dish.

Sauce. Wine and sugar.

26. POTATOE PUDDING _another Way_.

Take three quarters of a pound of potatoes, when boil'd and peel'd, beat them in a mortar with a quarter of a pound of suet or b.u.t.ter, (if b.u.t.ter, melt it) a quarter of a pound of powder sugar, five eggs well beat, a pint of good milk, one spoonful of flour, a little mace or cinnamon, and three spoonfuls of wine or brandy; mix all these well together, and bake it in a pretty quick oven.

Sauce. Wine and b.u.t.ter.

27. CARROT PUDDING _another Way_.

Take half a pound of carrots, when boil'd and peel'd, beat them in a mortar, two ounces of grated bread, a pint of cream, half a pound of suet or marrow, a gla.s.s of sack, a little cinnamon, half a pound of sugar, six eggs well beat, leaving out three of the whites, and a quarter of a pound of macaroons; mix all well together; puff-paste round the dish-edge.

Sauce. Wine and sugar.

28. WHITE POTT _another Way_.

A layer of white bread cut thin at the bottom of the dish, a layer of apples cut thin, a layer of marrow or suet, currans, raisins, sugar and nutmeg, then the bread, and so on, as above, till the dish is fill'd up; beat four eggs, and mix them with a pint of good milk, a little sugar and nutmeg, and pour it over the top. This should be made three or four hours before it is baked.

Sauce. Wine and b.u.t.ter.

29. HUNTING PUDDING _another Way_.

Take a pound of grated bread, a pound of suet and a pound of currans, eight eggs, a gla.s.s of brandy, a little sugar, and a little beat cinnamon; mix these well together, and boil it two hours at the least.


Blanch a pound of almonds, lie them in water for three or four hours, dry them with a cloth, and beat them fine with eight spoonfuls of rose or orange-flower water; then boil a pound of fine sugar to wire-height, and stir in the almonds, mix them well over the fire; but do not let them boil; pour them into a bason, and beat them with a spoon 'till quite cold; then beat six whites of eggs, a quarter of a pound of starch, beat and searc'd, beat the eggs and starch together, 'till thick; stir in the almonds, and put them in queen-cake tins, half full, dust them over with a little searc'd sugar; bake 'em in a slow oven, and keep them dry.

English Housewifery Part 27

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