Wild Flowers Part 49

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Baby's Breath. Large Purple-fringed Orchis. Smaller Purple-fringed Orchis. Hepatica (occasionally). Purple Marsh Clematis. English Violet. Wild Phlox. Catnip. Pennyroyal. Wild Thyme. Peppermint. Spear Mint. Wild Mint. Pasture Thistle. Pink Moccasin Flower. Showy Orchis. Rose Pogonia. Arethusa. Calopogon.

Night-flowering Catchfly. Bouncing Bet. Purple-flowering Raspberry. Queen-of-the-Prairie. Wild Rose. Red Clover. Musk Mallow. Prince's Pine. Bog Wintergreen. Pink Azalea. White Azalea. Trailing Arbutus. Sabbatia. Fly-trap Dogbane. Four-leaved Milkweed. Field Bindweed. Wild Bergamot. Twin-flower. Joe-Pye Weed (slightly). Wild Spikenard (slightly). White-fringed Orchis.

Ladies' Tresses. Lizard's Tail. Bladder Campion. White Water Lily. Laurel Magnolia. Squirrel Corn. White Sweet Clover. Wild Grape. Sweet White Violet. Canada Violet. Sweet-Cicely. Sweet Pepperbush. Pyrola. s.h.i.+n-leaf. Wintergreen. b.u.t.ton-bush.


Partridge Vine. Elder. Clammy Everlasting. Bellwort. Adders Tongue. Small Yellow Lady's Slipper. Spice-bush. Yellow Sweet Clover. Yellow Wood-sorrel. Evening Primrose. Horse-balm. Horned Bladderwort. Honeysuckles. Fragrant Goldenrod. Ground-nut. Pine Sap. Oswego Tea.


Purple Trillium. Black Cohosh. Mandrake. Jamestown Weed.

Salt-marsh Fleabane. Camomile. Carrion-flower. Barberry. Skunk Cabbage. Hound's Tongue. Beech-drops.


RED AND REDDISH: Nightshade. Twisted-stalk. American Cranberry.

Marsh Calla. Wild Spikenard (pale red speckled berries).

Two-leaved Solomon's Seal (pale red speckled). Wake-robins. Red Baneberry. Red Raspberry. Strawberries. Red Choke-berry.

June-berry. Shad-bush. Hawthorns. Harmless Sumacs. Hollies.

Bittersweet. Winterberry (Black Alder). American Spikenard.

Flowering Dogwood. Dwarf Cornel or Bunebberry. Wintergreen. Red Bearberry. Partridge Vine. Hobble-bush. Red-berried Elder. High Bush Cranberry. Barberry. Spice-bush. Ground Cherry. Wild Honeysuckies. Jack-in-the-Pulpit.

BLUISH AND BLACK: Deadly Nightshade. Star-flowered Solomon's Seal. True Solomon's Seal. Large-flowered Wake-robin. Black Raspberry. Bush Blackberry. Dewberry. Black Choke-berry. Wild Grapes. Virginia Creeper. Cornels. Pokeweed. Huckleberry.

Blueberries. Elder. Arrow-woods. Viburnums. Nanny-berry.

Blackberry Lily.

WHITE: White Baneberry (black eye). Poison Sumac. Poison Ivy.

Panicled Dogwood. s...o...b..rry.

FLUFFY: Thistles. Virginia Clematis. Milkweeds. White lettuce (cinnamon). Groundsel-bush. Spring Everlasting. Dandelions.

Sow-thistle. Lettuces. Hawkweeds (brown).

Wild Flowers Part 49

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