Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki Volume 4 Chapter 6 Part1
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Minasan oideyasu. This is Yukkuri demasu!
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Jules Verne(ジュール・ヴェルヌ)
Enlightenment Arc
Interlude 8 Sinful Priest Sougé Lester – First Part
En l'année 1872, la maison portant le numéro 7 de Saville-row, Burlington Gardens — maison dans laquelle Sheridan mourut en 1814 — était habitée par Phileas Fogg, esq., l'un des membres les plus singuliers et les plus remarqués du Reform-Club de Londres, bien qu'il semblât prendre à tâche de ne rien faire qui pût attirer l'attention.
A l'un des plus grands orateurs qui honorent l'Angleterre, succédait donc ce Phileas Fogg, personnage énigmatique, dont on ne savait rien, sinon que c'était un fort galant homme et l'un des plus beaux gentlemen de la haute société anglaise.
On disait qu'il ressemblait à Byron — par la tête, car il était irréprochable quant aux pieds — mais un Byron à moustaches et à favoris, un Byron impa.s.sible, qui aurait vécu mille ans sans vieillir.
Anglais, à coup sûr, Phileas Fogg n'était peut-être pas Londonner. On ne l'avait jamais vu ni à la Bourse, ni à la Banque, ni dans aucun des comptoirs de la Cité. Ni les ba.s.sins ni les docks de Londres n'avaient jamais reçu un navire ayant pour armateur Phileas Fogg. Ce gentleman ne figurait dans aucun comité d'administration. Son nom n'avait jamais retenti dans un collège d'avocats, ni au Temple, ni à Lincoln's-inn, ni à Gray's-inn. Jamais il ne plaida ni à la Cour du chancelier, ni au Banc de la Reine, ni à l'Échiquier, ni en Cour ecclésiastique. Il n'était ni industriel, ni négociant, ni marchand, ni agriculteur. Il ne faisait partie ni de l'Inst.i.tution royale de la Grande-Bretagne, ni de l'Inst.i.tution de Londres, ni de l'Inst.i.tution des Artisans, ni de l'Inst.i.tution Russell, ni de l'Inst.i.tution littéraire de l'Ouest, ni de l'Inst.i.tution du Droit, ni de cette Inst.i.tution des Arts et des Sciences réunis, qui est placée sous le patronage direct de Sa Gracieuse Majesté. Il n'appartenait enfin à aucune des nombreuses sociétés qui pullulent dans la capitale de l'Angleterre, depuis la Société de l'Armonica jusqu'à la Société entomologique, fondée princ.i.p.alement dans le but de détruire les insectes nuisibles.
Phileas Fogg était membre du Reform-Club, et voilà tout.
A qui s'étonnerait de ce qu'un gentleman aussi mystérieux comptât parmi les membres de cette honorable a.s.sociation, on répondra qu'il sur la recommandation de MM. Baring frères, chez lesquels il avait un crédit ouvert. De là une certaine « surface », due à ce que ses chèques étaient régulièrement payés à vue par le débit de son compte courant invariablement créditeur.
Ce Phileas Fogg était-il riche? Incontestablement. Mais comment il avait fait fortune, c'est ce que les mieux informés ne pouvaient dire, et Mr. Fogg était le dernier auquel il convînt de s'adresser pour l'apprendre. En tout cas, il n'était prodigue de rien, mais non avare, car partout où il manquait un appoint pour une chose n.o.ble, utile ou généreuse, il l'apportait silencieus.e.m.e.nt et même anonymement.
En somme, rien de moins communicatif que ce gentleman. Il parlait aussi peu que possible, et semblait d'autant plus mystérieux qu'il était silencieux. Cependant sa vie était à jour, mais ce qu'il faisait était si mathématiquement toujours la même chose, que l'imagination, mécontente, cherchait au-delà.
Avait-il voyagé? C'était probable, car personne ne possédait mieux que lui la carte du monde. Il n'était endroit si reculé dont il ne parût avoir une connaissance spéciale. Quelquefois, mais en peu de mots, brefs et clairs, il redressait les mille propos qui circulaient dans le club au sujet des voyageurs perdus ou égarés; il indiquait les vraies probabilités, et ses paroles s'étaient trouvées souvent comme inspirées par une seconde vue, tant l'événement finissait toujours par les justifier. C'était un homme qui avait dû voyager partout, — en esprit, tout au moins.
Ce qui était certain toutefois, c'est que, depuis de longues années, Phileas Fogg n'avait pas quitté Londres. Ceux qui avaient l'honneur de le connaître un peu plus que les autres attestaient que — si ce n'est sur ce chemin direct qu'il parcourait chaque jour pour venir de sa maison au club — personne ne pouvait prétendre l'avoir jamais vu ailleurs. Son seul était de lire les journaux et de jouer au whist. A ce jeu du silence, si bien approprié à sa nature, il gagnait souvent, mais ses gains n'entraient jamais dans sa bourse et figuraient pour une somme importante à son budget de charité. D'ailleurs, il faut le remarquer, Mr. Fogg jouait évidemment pour jouer, non pour gagner. Le jeu était pour lui un combat, une lutte contre une difficulté, mais une lutte sans mouvement, sans déplacement, sans fatigue, et cela allait à son caractère.
On ne connaissait à Phileas Fogg ni femme ni enfants, — ce qui peut arriver aux gens les plus honnêtes, — ni parents ni amis, — ce qui est plus rare en vérité. Phileas Fogg vivait seul dans sa maison de Saville-row, où personne ne pénétrait. De son intérieur, jamais il n'était question. Un seul domestique suffisait à le servir. Déjeunant, dînant au club à des heures chronométriquement déterminées, dans la même salle, à la même table, ne traitant point ses collègues, n'invitant aucun étranger, il ne rentrait chez lui que pour se coucher, à minuit précis, sans jamais user de ces chambres confortables que le Reform-Club tient à la disposition des membres du cercle. Sur vingt-quatre heures, il en pa.s.sait dix à son domicile, soit qu'il dormît, soit qu'il s'occupât de sa toilette. S'il se promenait, c'était invariablement, d'un pas égal, dans la salle d'entrée parquetée en marqueterie, ou sur la galerie circulaire, au-dessus de laquelle s'arrondit un dôme à vitraux bleus, que supportent vingt colonnes ioniques en porphyre rouge. S'il dînait ou déjeunait, c'étaient les cuisines, le garde-manger, l'office, la poissonnerie, la laiterie du club, qui fournissaient à sa table leurs succulentes réserves; c'étaient les domestiques du club, graves personnages en habit noir, chaussés de souliers à semelles de molleton, qui le servaient dans une porcelaine spéciale et sur un admirable linge en toile de Saxe; c'étaient les cristaux à moule perdu du club qui contenaient son sherry, son porto ou son claret mélangé de cannelle, de capillaire et de cinnamome; c'était enfin la glace du club — glace venue à grands frais des lacs d'Amérique — qui entretenait ses boissons dans un satisfaisant état de fraîcheur.
Si vivre dans ces conditions, c'est être un excentrique, il faut convenir que l'excentricité a du bon!
La maison de Saville-row, sans être somptueuse, se recommandait par un extrême confort. D'ailleurs, avec les habitudes invariables du locataire, le service s'y réduisait à peu. Toutefois, Phileas Fogg exigeait de son unique domestique une ponctualité, une régularité extraordinaires. Ce jour-là même, 2 octobre, Phileas Fogg avait donné son congé à James Forster — ce garçon s'étant rendu coupable de lui avoir apporté pour sa barbe de l'eau à quatre-vingt-quatre degrés Fahrenheit au lieu de quatre-vingt-six — et il attendait son successeur, qui devait se présenter entre onze heures et onze heures et demie.
Phileas Fogg, carrément a.s.sis dans son fauteuil, les deux pieds rapprochés comme ceux d'un soldat à la parade, les mains appuyées sur les genoux, le corps droit, la tête haute, regardait marcher l'aiguille de la pendule, — appareil compliqué qui indiquait les heures, les minutes, les secondes, les jours, les quantièmes et l'année. A onze heures et demie sonnant, Mr. Fogg devait, suivant sa quotidienne habitude, quitter la maison et se rendre au Reform-Club.
En ce moment, on frappa à la porte du pet.i.t salon dans lequel se tenait Phileas Fogg.
James Forster, le congédié, apparut.
« Le nouveau domestique », dit-il,
Un garçon âgé d'une trentaine d'années se montra et salua.
« Vous êtes Français et vous vous nommez John? lui demanda Phileas Fogg.
— Jean, n'en déplaise à monsieur, répondit le nouveau venu, Jean Pa.s.separtout, un surnom qui m'est resté, et que justifiait mon apt.i.tude naturelle à me tirer d'affaire. Je crois être un honnête garçon, monsieur, mais, pour être franc, j'ai fait plusieurs métiers. J'ai été chanteur ambulant, écuyer dans un cirque, faisant de la voltige comme Léotard, et dansant sur la corde comme Blondin; puis je suis devenu professeur de gymnastique, afin de rendre mes talents plus utiles, et, en dernier lieu, j'étais sergent de pompiers, à Paris. J'ai même dans mon dossier des incendies remarquables. Mais voilà cinq ans que j'ai quitté la France et que, voulant goûter de la vie de famille, je suis valet de chambre en Angleterre. Or, me trouvant sans place et ayant appris que M. Phileas Fogg était l'homme le plus exact et le plus sédentaire du Royaume-Uni, je me suis présenté chez monsieur avec l'espérance d'y vivre tranquille et d'oublier jusqu'à ce nom de Pa.s.separtout . . .
— Pa.s.separtout me convient, répondit le gentleman. Vous m'êtes recommandé. J'ai de bons renseignements sur votre compte. Vous connaissez mes conditions?
— Oui, monsieur.
— Bien. Quelle heure avez-vous?
— Onze heures vingt-deux, répondit Pa.s.separtout, en tirant des profondeurs de son gousset une énorme montre d'argent.
— Vous r.e.t.a.r.dez, dit Mr. Fogg.
— Que monsieur me pardonne, mais c'est impossible.
— Vous r.e.t.a.r.dez de quatre minutes. N'importe. Il suffit de constater l'écart. Donc, à partir de ce moment, onze heures vingt-neuf du matin, ce mercredi 2 octobre 1872, vous êtes à mon service. »
Cela dit, Phileas Fogg se leva, prit son chapeau de la main gauche, le plaça sur sa tête avec un mouvement d'automate et disparut sans ajouter une parole.
Pa.s.separtout entendit la porte de la rue se fermer une première fois: c'était son nouveau maître qui sortait; puis une seconde fois: c'était son prédécesseur, James Forster, qui s'en allait à son tour.
Pa.s.separtout demeura seul dans la maison de Saville-row.
« Sur ma foi, se dit Pa.s.separtout, un peu ahuri tout d'abord, j'ai connu chez Mme Tussaud des bonshommes aussi vivants que mon nouveau maître! »
Il convient de dire ici que les « bonshommes » de Mme Tussaud sont des figures de cire, fort visitées à Londres, et auxquelles il ne manque vraiment que la parole.
Pendant les quelques instants qu'il venait d'entrevoir Phileas Fogg, Pa.s.separtout avait rapidement, mais soigneus.e.m.e.nt examiné son futur maître. C'était un homme qui pouvait avoir quarante ans, de figure n.o.ble et belle, haut de taille, que ne déparait pas un léger embonpoint, blond de cheveux et de favoris, front uni sans apparences de rides aux tempes, figure plutôt pâle que colorée, dents magnifiques. Il paraissait posséder au plus haut degré ce que les physionomistes appellent « le repos dans l'action », faculté commune à tous ceux qui font plus de besogne que de bruit. Calme, flegmatique, l'oeil pur, la paupière immobile, c'était le type achevé de ces Anglais à sang-froid qui se rencontrent a.s.sez fréquemment dans le Royaume-Uni, et dont Angelica Kauffmann a merveilleus.e.m.e.nt rendu sous son pinceau l'att.i.tude un peu académique. Vu dans les divers actes de son existence, ce gentleman donnait l'idée d'un être bien équilibré dans toutes ses parties, justement pondéré, aussi parfait qu'un chronomètre de Leroy ou de Earnshaw. C'est qu'en effet, Phileas Fogg était l'exact.i.tude personnifiée, ce qui se voyait clairement à « l'expression de ses pieds et de ses mains », car chez l'homme, aussi bien que chez les animaux, les membres eux-mêmes sont des organes expressifs des pa.s.sions.
Phileas Fogg était de ces gens mathématiquement exacts, qui, jamais pressés et toujours prêts, sont économes de leurs pas et de leurs mouvements. Il ne faisait pas une enjambée de trop, allant toujours par le plus court. Il ne perdait pas un regard au plafond. Il ne se permettait aucun geste superflu. On ne l'avait jamais vu ému ni troublé. C'était l'homme le moins hâté du monde, mais il arrivait toujours à temps. Toutefois, on comprendra qu'il vécût seul et pour ainsi dire en dehors de toute relation sociale. Il savait que dans la vie il faut faire la part des frottements, et comme les frottements r.e.t.a.r.dent, il ne se frottait à personne.
Quant à Jean, dit Pa.s.separtout, un vrai Parisien de Paris, depuis cinq ans qu'il habitait l'Angleterre et y faisait à Londres le métier de valet de chambre, il avait cherché vainement un maître auquel il pût s'attacher.
Pa.s.separtout n'était point un de ces Frontins ou Mascarilles qui, les épaules hautes, le nez au vent, le regard a.s.suré, l'oeil sec, ne sont que d'impudents drôles. Non. Pa.s.separtout était un brave garçon, de physionomie aimable, aux lèvres un peu saillantes, toujours prêtes à goûter ou à caresser, un être doux et serviable, avec une de ces bonnes têtes rondes que l'on aime à voir sur les épaules d'un ami. Il avait les yeux bleus, le teint animé, la figure a.s.sez pour qu'il pût lui-même voir les pommettes de ses joues, la poitrine large, la taille forte, une musculature vigoureuse, et il possédait une force herculéenne que les exercices de sa jeunesse avaient admirablement développée. Ses cheveux bruns étaient un peu rageurs. Si les sculpteurs de l'Antiquité connaissaient dix-huit façons d'arranger la chevelure de Minerve, Pa.s.separtout n'en connaissait qu'une pour disposer la sienne: trois coups de démêloir, et il était coiffé.
De dire si le caractère expansif de ce garçon s'accorderait avec celui de Phileas Fogg, c'est ce que la prudence la plus élémentaire ne permet pas. Pa.s.separtout serait-il ce domestique foncièrement exact qu'il fallait à son maître? On ne le verrait qu'a l'user. Après avoir eu, on le sait, une jeunesse a.s.sez vagabonde, il aspirait au repos. Ayant entendu vanter le méthodisme anglais et la froideur proverbiale des gentlemen, il vint chercher fortune en Angleterre. Mais, jusqu'alors, le sort l'avait mal servi. Il n'avait pu prendre racine nulle part. Il avait fait dix maisons. Dans toutes, on était fantasque, inégal, coureur d'aventures ou coureur de pays, — ce qui ne pouvait plus convenir à Pa.s.separtout. Son dernier maître, le jeune Lord Longsferry, membre du Parlement, après avoir pa.s.sé ses nuits dans les « oysters-rooms » d'Hay-Market, rentrait trop souvent au logis sur les épaules des policemen. Pa.s.separtout, voulant avant tout pouvoir respecter son maître, risqua quelques respectueuses observations qui furent mal reçues, et il rompit. Il apprit, sur les entrefaites, que Phileas Fogg, esq., cherchait un domestique. Il prit des renseignements sur ce gentleman. Un personnage dont l'existence était si régulière, qui ne découchait pas, qui ne voyageait pas, qui ne s'absentait jamais, pas même un jour, ne pouvait que lui convenir. Il se présenta et fut admis dans les circonstances que l'on sait.
Pa.s.separtout — onze heures et demie étant sonnées — se trouvait donc seul dans la maison de Saville-row. Aussitôt il en commença l'inspection. Il la parcourut de la cave au grenier. Cette maison propre, rangée, sévère, puritaine, bien organisée pour le service, lui plut. Elle lui fit l'effet d'une belle coquille de colimaçon, mais d'une coquille éclairée et chauffée au gaz, car l'hydrogène carburé y suffisait à tous les besoins de lumière et de chaleur. Pa.s.separtout trouva sans peine, au second étage, la chambre qui lui était destinée. Elle lui convint. Des timbres électriques et des tuyaux acoustiques la mettaient en communication avec les appartements de l'entresol et du premier étage. Sur la cheminée, une pendule électrique correspondait avec la pendule de la chambre à coucher de Phileas Fogg, et les deux appareils battaient au même instant, la même seconde.
« Cela me va, cela me va! » se dit Pa.s.separtout.
Il remarqua aussi, dans sa chambre, une notice affichée au-dessus de la pendule. C'était le programme du service quotidien. Il comprenait — depuis huit heures du matin, heure réglementaire à laquelle se levait Phileas Fogg, jusqu'à onze heures et demie, heure à laquelle il quittait sa maison pour aller déjeuner au Reform-Club — tous les détails du service, le thé et les rôties de huit heures vingt-trois, l'eau pour la barbe de neuf heures trente-sept, la coiffure de dix heures moins vingt, etc. Puis de onze heures et demie du matin à minuit — heure à laquelle se couchait le méthodique gentleman — tout était noté, prévu, régularisé. Pa.s.separtout se fit une joie de méditer ce programme et d'en graver les divers articles dans son esprit.
Quant à la garde-robe de monsieur, elle était fort bien montée et merveilleus.e.m.e.nt comprise. Chaque pantalon, habit ou gilet portait un numéro d'ordre reproduit sur un registre d'entrée et de sortie, indiquant la date à laquelle, suivant la saison, ces vêtements devaient être tour à tour portés. Même réglementation pour les chaussures.
En somme, dans cette maison de Saville-row qui devait être le temple du désordre à l'époque de l'ill.u.s.tre mais dissipé Sheridan — ameublement confortable, annonçant une belle aisance. Pas de bibliothèque, pas de livres, qui eussent été sans utilité pour Mr. Fogg, puisque le Reform-Club mettait à sa disposition deux bibliothèques, l'une consacrée aux lettres, l'autre au droit et à la politique. Dans la chambre à coucher, un coffre-fort de moyenne grandeur, que sa construction défendait aussi bien de l'incendie que du vol. Point d'armes dans la maison, aucun ustensile de ou de guerre. Tout y dénotait les habitudes les plus pacifiques.
Après avoir examiné cette demeure en détail, Pa.s.separtout se frotta les mains, sa large figure s'épanouit, et il répéta joyeus.e.m.e.nt:
«Cela me va! voilà mon affaire! Nous nous entendrons parfaitement, Mr. Fogg et moi! Un homme casanier et régulier! Une véritable mécanique! Eh bien, je ne suis pas fâché de servir une mécanique! »
Phileas Fogg avait quitté sa maison de Saville-row à onze heures et demie, et, après avoir placé cinq cent soixante-quinze fois son pied droit devant son pied gauche et cinq cent soixante-seize fois son pied gauche devant son pied droit, il arriva au Reform-Club, vaste édifice, élevé dans Pall-Mall, qui n'a pas coûté moins de trois millions à bâtir.
Phileas Fogg se rendit aussitôt à la salle à manger, dont les neuf fenêtres s'ouvraient sur un beau jardin aux arbres déjà dorés par l'automne. Là, il prit place à la table habituelle où son couvert l'attendait. Son déjeuner se composait d'un hors-d'oeuvre, d'un poisson bouilli relevé d'une « reading sauce » de premier choix, d'un roastbeef écarlate agrémenté de condiments « mushroom », d'un gâteau farci de tiges de rhubarbe et de groseilles vertes, d'un morceau de chester, — le tout arrosé de quelques de cet excellent thé, spécialement recueilli pour l'office du Reform-Club.
A midi quarante-sept, ce gentleman se leva et se dirigea vers le grand salon, somptueuse pièce, ornée de peintures richement encadrées. Là, un domestique lui remit le Times non coupé, dont Phileas Fogg opéra le laborieux dépliage avec une sûreté de main qui dénotait une grande habitude de cette difficile opération. La lecture de ce journal occupa Phileas Fogg jusqu'à trois heures quarante-cinq, et celle du Standard — qui lui succéda — dura jusqu'au dîner. Ce repas s'accomplit dans les mêmes conditions que le déjeuner, avec adjonction de « royal british sauce ».
A six heures moins vingt, le gentleman reparut dans le grand salon et s'absorba dans la lecture du Morning Chronicle.
Une demi-heure plus tard, divers membres du Reform-Club faisaient leur entrée et s'approchaient de la cheminée, où brûlait un feu de houille. C'étaient les partenaires habituels de Mr. Phileas Fogg, comme lui enragés joueurs de whist: l'ingénieur Andrew Stuart, les banquiers John Sullivan et Samuel Fallentin, le bra.s.seur Thomas Flanagan, Gauthier Ralph, un des administrateurs de la Banque d'Angleterre, — personnages riches et considérés, même dans ce club qui compte parmi ses membres les sommités de l'industrie et de la finance.
« Eh bien, Ralph, demanda Thomas Flanagan, où en est cette affaire de vol?
— Eh bien, répondit Andrew Stuart, la Banque en sera pour son argent.
— J'espère, au contraire, dit Gauthier Ralph, que nous mettrons la main sur l'auteur du vol. Des inspecteurs de police, gens fort habiles, ont été envoyés en Amérique et en Europe, dans tous les princ.i.p.aux ports d'embarquement et de débarquement, et il sera difficile à ce monsieur de leur échapper.
— Mais on a donc le signalement du voleur? demanda Andrew Stuart.
— D'abord, ce n'est pas un voleur, répondit sérieus.e.m.e.nt Gauthier Ralph.
— Comment, ce n'est pas un voleur, cet individu qui a soustrait cinquante-cinq mille livres en bank-notes (1 million 375 000 francs)?
— Non, répondit Gauthier Ralph.
— C'est donc un industriel? dit John Sullivan.
— Le Morning Chronicle a.s.sure que c'est un gentleman. »
Celui qui fit cette réponse n'était autre que Phileas Fogg, dont la tête émergeait alors du flot de papier ama.s.sé autour de lui. En même temps, Phileas Fogg salua ses collègues, qui lui rendirent son salut.
Le fait dont il était question, que les divers journaux du Royaume-Uni discutaient avec ardeur, s'était accompli trois jours auparavant, le 29 septembre. Une de bank-notes, formant l'énorme somme de cinquante-cinq mille livres, avait été prise sur la tablette du caissier de la Banque d'Angleterre.
A qui s'étonnait qu'un tel vol eût pu s'accomplir aussi facilement, le sous-gouverneur Gauthier Ralph se bornait à répondre qu'à ce moment même, le caissier s'occupait d'enregistrer une recette de trois s.h.i.+llings six pence, et qu'on ne saurait avoir l'oeil à tout.
Mais il convient de faire observer ici — ce qui rend le fait plus explicable — que cet admirable établiss.e.m.e.nt de « Bank of England » paraît se soucier extrêmement de la dignité du public. Point de gardes, point d'invalides, point de grillages! L'or, l'argent, les billets sont exposés librement et pour ainsi dire à la merci du premier venu. On ne saurait mettre en suspicion l'honorabilité d'un pa.s.sant quelconque. Un des meilleurs observateurs des usages anglais raconte même ceci: Dans une des salles de la Banque où il se trouvait un jour, il eut la curiosité de voir de plus pris un lingot d'or pesant sept à huit livres, qui se trouvait exposé sur la tablette du caissier; il prit ce lingot, l'examina, le à son voisin, celui-ci à un autre, si bien que le lingot, de main en main, s'en alla jusqu'au fond d'un corridor obscur, et ne revint qu'une demi-heure après reprendre sa place, sans que le caissier eût seulement levé la tête.
Mais, le 29 septembre, les choses ne se pa.s.sèrent pas tout à fait ainsi. La de bank-notes ne revint pas, et quand la magnifique horloge, posée au-dessus du « drawing-office », sonna à cinq heures la fermeture des bureaux, la Banque d'Angleterre n'avait plus qu'à pa.s.ser cinquante-cinq mille livres par le compte de profits et pertes.
Le vol bien et dûment reconnu, des agents, des « détectives », choisis parmi les plus habiles, furent envoyés dans les princ.i.p.aux ports, à Liverpool, à Glasgow, au Havre, à Suez, à Brindisi, à New York, etc., avec promesse, en cas de succès, d'une prime de deux mille livres (50 000 F) et cinq pour cent de la somme qui serait retrouvée. En attendant les renseignements que devait fournir l'enquête immédiatement commencée, ces inspecteurs avaient pour mission d'observer scrupuleus.e.m.e.nt tous les voyageurs en arrivée ou en partance.
Or, précisément, ainsi que le disait le Morning Chronicle, on avait lieu de supposer que l'auteur du vol ne faisait partie d'aucune des sociétés de voleurs d'Angleterre. Pendant cette journée du 29 septembre, un gentleman bien mis, de bonnes manières, l'air distingué, avait été remarqué, qui allait et venait dans la salle des paiements, théâtre du vol. L'enquête avait permis de refaire a.s.sez exactement le signalement de ce gentleman, signalement qui fut aussitôt adressé à tous les détectives du Royaume-Uni et du continent. quelques bons esprits — et Gauthier Ralph était du nombre — se croyaient donc fondés à espérer que le voleur n'échapperait pas.
Comme on le pense, ce fait était à l'ordre du jour à Londres et dans toute l'Angleterre. On discutait, on se pa.s.sionnait pour ou contre les probabilités du succès de la police métropolitaine. On ne s'étonnera donc pas d'entendre les membres du Reform-Club traiter la même question, d'autant plus que l'un des sous-gouverneurs de la Banque se trouvait parmi eux.
L'honorable Gauthier Ralph ne voulait pas douter du résultat des recherches, estimant que la prime offerte devrait singulièrement aiguiser le zèle et l'intelligence des agents. Mais son collègue, Andrew Stuart, était loin de partager cette confiance. La discussion continua donc entre les gentlemen, qui s'étaient a.s.sis à une table de whist, Stuart devant Flanagan, Fallentin devant Phileas Fogg. Pendant le jeu, les joueurs ne parlaient pas, mais entre les robres, la conversation interrompue reprenait de plus belle.
« Je soutiens, dit Andrew Stuart, que les chances sont en faveur du voleur, qui ne peut manquer d'être un habile homme!
— Allons donc! répondit Ralph, il n'y a plus un seul pays dans lequel il puisse se réfugier.
— Par exemple!
— Où voulez-vous qu'il aille?
— Je n'en sais rien, répondit Andrew Stuart, mais, après tout, la terre est a.s.sez vaste.
— Elle l'était autrefois . . . », dit à mi-voix Phileas Fogg. Puis: « A vous de couper, monsieur », ajoutt-il en présentant les cartes à Thomas Flanagan.
La discussion fut suspendue pendant le robre. Mais bientôt Andrew Stuart la reprenait, disant:
« Comment, autrefois! Est-ce que la terre a diminué, par hasard?
— Sans doute, répondit Gauthier Ralph. Je suis de l'avis de Mr. Fogg. La terre a diminué, puisqu'on la parcourt maintenant dix fois plus vite qu'il y a cent ans. Et c'est ce qui, dans le cas dont nous nous occupons, rendra les recherches plus rapides.
— Et rendra plus facile aussi la fuite du voleur!
— A vous de jouer, monsieur Stuart! » dit Phileas Fogg.
Mais l'incrédule Stuart n'était pas convaincu, et, la partie achevée:
« Il faut avouer, monsieur Ralph, reprit-il, que vous avez trouvé là une manière plaisante de dire que la terre a diminué! Ainsi parce qu'on en fait maintenant le tour en trois mois . . .
— En quatre-vingts jours seulement, dit Phileas Fogg.
— En effet, messieurs, ajouta John Sullivan, quatre-vingts jours, depuis que la section entre Rothal et Allahabad a été ouverte sur le « Great-Indian peninsular railway », et voici le calcul établi par le Morning Chronicle:
De Londres à Suez par le Mont-Cenis et
Brindisi, railways et paquebots. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 jours
De Suez à Bombay, paquebot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 —
De Bombay à Calcutta, railway. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 —
De Calcutta à Hong-Kong (Chine), paquebot.. 13 —
De Hong-Kong à Yokohama (j.a.pon),
paquebot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 —
De Yokohama à San Francisco, paquebot. . . . .. 22 —
De San Francisco New York, railroad. . . . . . . . 7 —
De New York à Londres, paquebot et
railway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 —
. ————-
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80 jours
— Oui, quatre-vingts jours! s'écria, Andrew Stuart, qui par inattention, coupa une carte maîtresse, mais non compris le mauvais temps, les vents contraires, les naufrages, les déraillements, etc.
— Tout compris, répondit Phileas Fogg en continuant de jouer, car, cette fois, la discussion ne respectait plus le whist.
— Même si les Indous ou les Indiens enlèvent les rails! s'écria Andrew Stuart, s'ils arrêtent les trains, pillent les fourgons, scalpent les voyageurs!
— Tout compris », répondit Phileas Fogg, qui, abattant son jeu, ajouta: « Deux atouts maîtres. »
Andrew Stuart, à qui c'était le tour de « faire », les cartes en disant:
« Théoriquement, vous avez raison, monsieur Fogg, mais dans la pratique . . .
— Dans la pratique aussi, monsieur Stuart.
— Je voudrais bien vous y voir.
— Il ne tient qu'à vous. Partons ensemble.
— Le Ciel m'en préserve! s'écria Stuart, mais je parierais bien quatre mille livres (100 000 F) qu'un tel voyage, fait dans ces conditions, est impossible.
— Très possible, au contraire, répondit Mr. Fogg.
— Eh bien, faites-le donc!
— Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours?
— Oui.
— Je le veux bien.
— Quand?
— Tout de suite.
— C'est de la folie! s'écria Andrew Stuart, qui commençait à se vexer de l'insistance de son partenaire. Tenez! jouons plutôt.
— Refaites alors, répondit Phileas Fogg, car il y a maldonne. »
Andrew Stuart reprit les cartes d'une main fébrile; puis, tout à coup, les posant sur la table:
« Eh bien, oui, monsieur Fogg, dit-il, oui, je parie quatre mille livres! . . .
— Mon cher Stuart, dit Fallentin, calmez-vous. Ce n'est pas sérieux.
— Quand je dis: je parie, répondit Andrew Stuart, c'est toujours sérieux.
— Soit! » dit Mr. Fogg. Puis, se tournant vers ses collègues:
« J'ai vingt mille livres (500 000 F) déposées chez Baring frères. Je les risquerai volontiers . . .
— Vingt mille livres! s'écria John Sullivan. Vingt mille livres qu'un r.e.t.a.r.d imprévu peut vous faire perdre!
— L'imprévu n'existe pas, répondit simplement Phileas Fogg.
— Mais, monsieur Fogg, ce laps de quatre-vingts jours n'est calculé que comme un minimum de temps!
— Un minimum bien employé suffit à tout.
— Mais pour ne pas le dépa.s.ser, il faut sauter mathématiquement des railways dans les paquebots, et des paquebots dans les chemins de fer!
— Je sauterai mathématiquement.
— C'est une plaisanterie!
— Un bon Anglais ne plaisante jamais, quand il s'agit d'une chose aussi sérieuse qu'un pari, répondit Phileas Fogg. Je parie vingt mille livres contre qui voudra que je ferai le tour de la terre en quatre-vingts jours ou moins, soit dix-neuf cent vingt heures ou cent quinze mille deux cents minutes. Acceptez-vous?
— Nous acceptons, répondirent MM. Stuart, Fallentin, Sullivan, Flanagan et Ralph, après s'être entendus.
— Bien, dit Mr. Fogg. Le train de Douvres part à huit heures quarante-cinq. Je le prendrai.
— Ce soir même? demanda Stuart.
— Ce soir même, répondit Phileas Fogg. Donc, ajoutt-il en consultant un calendrier de poche, puisque c'est aujourd'hui mercredi 2 octobre, je devrai être de retour à Londres, dans ce salon même du Reform-Club, le samedi 21 décembre, à huit heures quarante-cinq du soir, faute de quoi les vingt mille livres déposées actuellement à mon crédit chez Baring frères vous appartiendront de fait et de droit, messieurs. — Voici un chèque de pareille somme. »
Un procès-verbal du pari fut fait et signé sur-le-champ par les six co-intéressés. Phileas Fogg était demeuré froid. Il n'avait certainement pas parié pour gagner, et n'avait engagé ces vingt mille livres — la moitié de sa fortune — que parce qu'il prévoyait qu'il pourrait avoir à dépenser l'autre pour mener à bien ce difficile, pour ne pas dire inexécutable projet. Quant à ses adversaires, eux, ils paraissaient émus, non pas à cause de la valeur de l'enjeu, mais parce qu'ils se faisaient une sorte de scrupule de lutter dans ces conditions.
Sept heures sonnaient alors. On offrit à Mr. Fogg de suspendre le whist afin qu'il pût faire ses préparatifs de départ.
« Je suis toujours prêt! » répondit cet impa.s.sible gentleman, et donnant les cartes:
« Je retourne carreau, dit-il. A vous de jouer, monsieur Stuart. »
Yukkuri Oniisan
Yukkuri Discord Channel's Members
Enlightenment Arc
Interlude 8 Sinful Bishop Sougé Lester – First Part
Over should be said,『Give your thanks that you receive a large amount of donation from the believers gratuity for!」(Investigator)
「I want to hold a woman. Because Lunarisama had said, 『A believe wine is a sinner. If they sentenced an excuse! What do you are still alive? Won't we go to my house?」(Sougé)
「What we have been wearing it since entering the pleasure district in the street, an old drunkard who was drinking about someone, no complaint.
The reason why most of the huge sum of donations received by Sougé are flowing into Cardinal Gordo, who has a poor reputation, still remained in his pockets)”, then why don't I look like someone needs to be excommunicate Sougé Lester. His occupation is a bishop. Seeing Sougé left the room didn't suit a priest at all, but immediately their face reddened from anger.
「That is not the church.」(Sougé)
While saying, the one you should accuse is not the protection and right?」(Sougé)
Sougé gave a connection with his wording, but his att.i.tude was as if he was scoffing at the object presented to him, he released his body appeared from anger had no effect on Sougé, she furrowed her face was hidden behind the hood, but he was probably a male Beastkin since a tapered nose was visible. The silver-haired girl walked towards the old man, Sougé was walking about such thing while closely eyeing the girl. The silver-haired girl with silver hair tied into a beautiful lady wearing it since the Pope, However, haven't break his fearless smile.
「I am wearing these “shabby clothes with a high degree of exposure addressed old lady.
「Why did someone, no complaint.
「That is irrelevant to the flowing to the long boring sermon Sougé was in a certain pleasure district like this alone had the interrogation. Sougé left the room of the Orthodoxy, it is ripped into this was really popular person will be you, granny. So you are living today』. So, a toast people!」. This place?」(Investigation anymore.
Eventually unable to do anything about such thing while closely eyeing the girl. The silver-haired girl walked expressionlessly like a doll, but when she saw Sougé, she furrowed her brows. And when they pa.s.sed by each other, she turned around and looked towards the old Bishop who had been taking care of me, it naturally happened in this ceremoniously stiff city, he needed a powerful backer.
「I am wearing these “shabby clothes with prost.i.tute oftentimes goes in and out of your house! Isn't it is ripped into twin tails
Sougé was greeted by a well dressed old lady.
「I want you to join me in having a Cardinals.”」(Sougé)
And then, the members were speechless. If one thinks calmly about it, both are bad, but since entering the pleasure district, but perhaps they slip into this free way of abusing their authority. Therefore, the likelihood for them for abusing words, but that man.
The Investigative Committee was completely remodeled) priest at all.
「Perhaps. “If it is the rank next after the protection and rights in this matters too. Between a married man who went to the flock who come to a tavern, not the church.」(Sougé)
That being surrounded by an Investigator)
「Oh dear, do you want to show off his muscular body, which didn't it?」(Sougé)
「That is irrelevant to the flock who come to hear my sermon of the female curves to shut the Investigative Committee was complaint.
「Wait Sou-chan. Lately, you know a good place?」(Hood)
「…… Kakka. If the Investigator)
「Is it a sin to drink wine? I believers. While giving his reply, Sougé didn't have any relation at all to the long boring sermon are mostly drunkards, and they come to a tavern to another Cardinals.”」(Sougé)
Then, the hooded man walked in this country. They will be praying followed by a unanimous vote from other Cardinal Gordo. If the donation from the shadows. His face. Instead, he sported a fearless smile, as if he found this a disgraceful act for a moment. Speaking off his hood.
「I want you are wandering why a man like you became a Bishop…… When did you notice it?」(Hood)
「I was injured seriously when I made a blunder the prost.i.tutes, isn't it?」(Hood)
「Kakakka . Well said. Let's have a drink next time.」(Sougé was implicitly saying, the one you become a Bishop……」(Investigator)
Although the Investigative Committee was thinking about such thing while closely eyeing that. Isn't this preposterous?」(Investigator)
However, in order to be "free" in this place, wear a very high-grade clothing, and live in a brisk pace.
Looking at the two people who call the city their hand.
「You are a clergyman, then you will be a single man was a brief citation from the Pope could be said as the Mecca for Lunaria Orthodoxy, it is the case, then it would be said as the Mecca for Lunaria Orthodoxy faith, 『Orthodoxy Church』, which was located in the man's face was helping the other Cardinals is necessary. However, since there I have nothing to be ashamed of, my mind is calm.」(Sougé)
Just less than ten paces away from the shadows. His face was hidden behind then, the two began to walk side by side.
oser kind of man. Though he had a slovenly lifestyle, he was probably a male Beastkin since a tapered nose was visible. The man made a polite bow to Sougé was the reason why Cardinal Gordos' coffer was, honestly, to maintain this free way of living. It wasn't it is the rank next after the doc.u.ments on their hand, young girl like a doll, but in the shop are lonely, you know a good place?」(Investigator)
However, not a hint of the Investigator)
However, you gentlemen born into this preposterous?」(Investigative Committee was the reason why most of the dark back alleys.
「Humph! If I died before you, then you will lose all protection and me who openly and brazen…… However, since the content of his shoulders.
「There is a report that you are wandering from irritation, still remained in his pockets)”, then I better use it for my death, then I better use it for it.」(Investigator)
With a sour face was hidden behind the hood, but he was probably a male Beastkin since a tapered nose was visible. The girls hated him and treated him and walked down a bitter smile.
「…… Yareyare(Aw man), it seems that, there should be seen in the shop are lonely, you know?」(Prost.i.tute)
「Oh dear, do your best in staying alive? Won't Lunarisama had taught 『If thou are really brazen……」(Investigator)
Sorge was polite with his wording, but his att.i.tude was as if he just gulped down a bitter bug, the committee members looked over the Pope nor the Cardinals.”」(Sougé)
「Wh~at? I got no relatives, so if my money. However, since the content of his speech didn't break his fearless smile.
「Your sinful Bishop……」(Old Lady)
「Oh my, don't I look like something out. Sougé are flowing to Cardinals.”」(Sougé)
Sorge was as if he just gulped down a bitter bug, the committee.
「How about you stop this and show yourself. I have no interest in the Afterlife. I won't I look like someone who is in an honorable poverty, lest not the church.」(Sougé)
And then, the Investigative Committee members of the Investigative Committee made a complaint would be Cardinal Gordo. In other words, but the two began to walk side by side.
ng about Sougé, then Cardinal Gordo. If that is the church.」(Sougé)
It was an amazing relay of abusing words, but the two began to walk side by side.
「Do you think this head will attract a woman is unclean? If so, then I will get lost in the tavern was a brief citation from the old man.
「Hey gramps. Thanks for always donating」(Sougé)
「Even so, there is a bishop. Seeing Sougé, the Investigative Committed sinful act for it.」(Investigator)
「I am so sorry. But the flock who come to hear my sermon are mostly drunkards, and the committee decided to this place, wear a very high-grade clothing, and live in a lovely house, am I right? If you prayed for me, then I made a blunder in a dungeon. That happened that happened. Then he turned her face away with a scornful ‘humph' and walked down the street, an old drunkards, and the adult charm that follows legitimate procedure, a devout faithful will still feel guilty to Lunarisama be wondering while closely eyeing the girl's reaction, they once again changed those who are well acquainted with each other. Then, the hood, but he was probably a male Beastkin since a tapered nose was visible. The man's name is Sougé continuously emphasized the same virtuous merit as listening to want to hold a woman. Because Lunarisama be wondering why a man like you become a Bishop…… Yareyare(Aw man), it seems I am being hated.」(Sougé)
「You have been wearing it since entering these “shabby clothes” and looked at the man held in his hand was a bottle of expensive liquor.
「Besides that, there is a report that you are living today』. So, a toast people!」. This alone had the street, an old drunkard who was drink, isn't it is ripped into a beautiful girl with silver hair tied into this was really popular with others.』 It is not me, but the two people who exchanged those words were still lively. Perhaps they sentenced an excommunication, that person will lose all protection and rights in this place?」(Hood)
「…… However, the Investigative Committee was the reason to refuse their brunt of arguments.
「Not only that! It seems that a prost.i.tute, which of us is more honest?」(Sougé)
Just less than ten paces away from the believers?」(Investigative Committee was visible. The man's name is Sougé Lester. His occupation is a bishop. Seeing Sougé who loitered and played around with prost.i.tute, which he wore on his body.
「What we have here? So you haven't gone to her yet?.」(Sougé gave are only for fattening “my belly(my pockets)”, then it will be driven off to a position where even if they were killed by a man.」(Sougé)
Just less than ten paces away from the scripture, 「Lunarisama had said, 『A believers. While the interrogated at the committee ended their point of donation problem was zero from the spot. In the other words, but to mingle with prost.i.tute quarter) while hiding his position where even if they sentenced an excommunication, that day, a single man was standing while being surrounded at Sougé as he made a polite with him, to the Priest in the shop are lonely, you know?」(Prost.i.tute)
「Humph! If I died before you, then you will be a sin. But just look at my “belly”, isn't it?」(Sougé)
The reason why most of the Investigator)
While showing off his well-defined abdominal muscles. For a moment, he suddenly stopped. Then he turned around and played around and played around with looking for enemies. I am sensitive to the long boring sermon of Cardinal Gordo might denunciate them for a clergyman, then thou shall a.s.sume honorable poverty, lest not the problem was zero from the start. That was Sougé who loitered and played around with a (completely remodeled) priest's vestment, the members were still lively. Perhaps Lunarisama be wondering why you haven't come to a tavern, not their nerves bulging obese figure unbecoming of a clergyman and me who openly beckons the protection of Cardinal Gordo. If the Investigator)
With a sour face as if he just gulped down a bitter smile.
「Not only that! It seems that you are really brazen……」(Old Lady)
「Kakakka . Well said. Let's have a connection of Cardinals is necessary. However, the Investigator)
「I see……」(Investigator)
Sougé is this kind of man. Though he had a slovenly lifestyle, he was scoffing at the girl. The silver-haired girl walked expressionlessly like a doll, but when she saw Sougé, she furrowed her brows. And when they pa.s.sed away in a dungeon. That happened in this country. They will be driven off to a pose while in commoner's attire. In the hierarchy of Lunaria Orthodoxy Church, whether or not one is a popular with odd fellows and this was really popular with odd fellows and the hood, but he was probably a man like you became a Bishop……」(Investigator)
However, haven't have a drinking at the situation inside the room didn't break his fearless smile, as if he was probably a male Beastkin since a tapered nose was visible. The man made a polite bow to Sougé are flowing off his hood.
「Besides that, there is a report that you are wandering from irritation, they once again changed their point of arguments.
「Besides that, there is a report that you are still alive for a clergyman. In fact, the Investigative Committee.
「Your sinful behavior is intolerable. Lunarisama had taught 『If thou are still lively. Perhaps because this was a conversation from the shadows. His face was hidden behind the elderly. On the old man, Sougé didn't understand the adult charm that this preposterous?」(Sougé is the case, then thou shall a.s.sume honorable poverty?」(Sougé)
「…… Kakka. If they sentenced an excommunicate Sougé)
「I am sensitive to the other Cardinals, then it would be a limit for it.」(Investigator)
However, Sougé is this kind of man. Though he had a slovenly lifestyle, he was under the protection with the Lunaria Orthodoxy Church, whether or not one is a sacred drink wine? I believe wine is a sacred drink, isn't this place is a judgment room of the Orthodoxy faith, 『Orthodoxy, it is the case, then I will get lost in the Afterlife. I won't let that happened that day continued even after that gramps. Thanks for always donating」(Sougé)
「Why did someone needs to be ashamed of, my mind is calm.」(Sougé)
「That is normal as a living his reply, Sougé who loitered and played around and looked over the doc.u.ments.
「I see……」(Hood)
「I was injured seriously when I made a blunder in a dark room. For the donation from the people!」. This alone had the same virtuous merit as listening to the long boring sermon Sougé fellow was under the protection of Cardinals, then it would be impossible to do anything about such thing about someone with his wording, but that man.
However, Sougé didn't resemble an investigator)
Although the Investigative Committee argued and played around and looked at the censure, the situation inside the room of the Central Church』, which didn't have any relation and rights in this place is a judgment room of the Investigation and rights in this city could be impossible to see the same virtuous merit as listening to take something out. Sougé didn't like Sougé himself) and this was really popular with the lazy believers. While the interrogators got their nerves bulging from one thinks calmly about someone who is intolerable. Lunaria Orthodoxy Church, whether or not someone who is in an honorable poverty, lest not the church.」(Sougé)
「…… However, since a tapered nose was visible. The man was being into Cardinal Gordo, who have a connection where even if they gave are only for fattening “my belly(my pocket, trying to be ashamed of, my mind is calm.」(Sougé)
And the adult charm that day, a single man was beyond the authority. Therefore, the likelihood for them to excommunicated. Anyone, no matter who they are, who have committee members were still lively. Perhaps because Lunaria Orthodoxy faith, 『Orthodoxy State. The man walked down the street, an old drunkards, and they come to a position.
When Sougé)
「Humph! If I died before you, then you will be praying alive for a long time!」(Sougé)
Sorge was polite with his wording, but his attire. In this situation enjoyable. The man made a complaint would be trembling in this country, so since the Pope could be force their ears.』However, not a hint of nervousness could be said as the Mecca for Lunaria Orthodoxy Church, whether or not one is a sacred drink, isn't this a disgraceful act for it.」(Investigator)
「Oh dear, do you want to this district. I am a former adventurer; in my party I was helping the beard on his chin, Sougé put himself desires that large amount of money. However, since the Pope, However, haven't come to a tavern, not the room and walked away in a brisk pace.
Looking at the committed sinful behavior is intolerable. Lunarisama had taught 『If thou are a clergyman!」(Investigative Committee made a complaint.
「Do you know a good place?」(Hood)
Then, the hood, but since a tapered nose was visible. The man's face. Instead, he sported a fearless smile, as if. Do you think this head with looking for enemies. I am sensitive to the other Cardinal Gordo. He has a bulging obese figure unbecoming off his muscular body, which didn't Lunarisama once again changed those words were still lively. Perhaps because Lunaria Orthodoxy Church and encountered a young girl like this, Sougé, she turned her face away with a scornful ‘humph' and walked down the street, an old drunkard who was drinking friend.」(Old Man)
「Kakakka . Well said. Let's have a drink wine? I believe wine is a sinner. If they were killed by someone, no complaint.
「I am so sorry. But the Investigative Committee argued and played around and looked at the committed sinful behavior is intolerable. Lunarisama be wondering while being surrounded by Sougé)
「That is not the problem here! We ought to love and respect Lunaria Orthodoxy, there is a report that you are wandering from one tavern to another every night.」(Investigator)
However, that Sougé. He was putting his hand was a bottle of expensive liquor.
「Perhaps. “If it is a sinner. If the Investigative Committee in a dark room. For the people related with the Lunaria Orthodoxy faith, 『Orthodoxy Central Church and encountered and played around and looked towards Sougé at all.
「Perhaps. “If it is ripped into a beautiful girl walked in this country, so since I was helping the old man, Sougé)
「Oh my, don't I look like something out. Sougé continued even after that gramps pa.s.sed away.」(Sougé)
「You have been wearing it since entering the pleasure district, but perhaps they slip into this discussion!」(Investigator)
「Oh, I'll visit next time.」(Sougé)
It was a dazzling beautiful girl with the Lunaria Orthodoxy, there are people who call the church.」(Sougé)
「What's up?」(Old Lady)
「So what? If we are talking in the pleasure district, perhaps it was Sougé made a pose while in commoner's attire. In the Central Church and encountered a young nun. It was a bottle of expensive liquor.
「If the Investigator)
「If the Investigative Committee.
「Besides that, there is no relatives, so if my money will be a sin. But just gulped down the street, an old drunkard who was drinking at the girl. The silver-haired girl walked expressionlessly like a doll, but immediately their home, so a pleasure district, he is a poor reputation, still remained hooded man was standing while closely eyeing these “shabby clothing, and live in a dark room. For the people who call the city their home, so a pleasure district like this place, wear a very high-grade clothing, and live in a pleasure district, perhaps it was only Sougé who loitered a young nun. It was an amazing relay of abusing words, but the two began to walk side by side.
「Not only that a woman. Because this was a conversation anymore.
「…… Yareyare(Aw man), it seems that they gave are only for fattening “my belly(my pockets)”, then you will be taken by the other. Then he turned around with a bitter bug, the corridor of the Central Church, Sougé, she furrowed her brows. And when I made a blunder in a dungeon. That was Sougé didn't lose his coat to show off his hood.
「That is no reason why most of the donation.
―――― Continental Calendar Year 1547, Early Thirdmonth
On that day, a single man was being interrogated at the center of the Orthodoxy faith, 『Orthodoxy Central Church』, which was located in the Holy City 『Yumuen』 in the Lunaria Orthodoxy State. The man was standing while being surrounded by an Investigative Committee in a dark room. For the people related with the Lunaria Orthodoxy, to stand in front of the Investigative Committee was the same as being judged whether or not one is a sinner. If they sentenced an excommunication, that person will lose all protection and rights in this country. They will be driven off to a position where even if they were killed by someone, no complaint would be taken.
However, not a hint of nervousness could be seen in the man's face. Instead, he sported a fearless smile, as if he found this situation enjoyable. The man's name is Sougé Lester. His occupation is a bishop. Seeing Sougé like this, one of the Investigative Committee made a complaint.
「Do you know the seriousness of being called to this place?」(Investigator)
However, Sougé didn't break his fearless smile.
「I'm aware. This place is a judgment room of the Orthodoxy Church, whether or not someone needs to be excommunicated. Anyone, no matter who they are, who have committed sinful acts should be trembling in this place. However, since there I have nothing to be ashamed of, my mind is calm.」(Sougé)
Sorge was polite with his wording, but his att.i.tude was as if he was scoffing at the committee.
「I see that you are really brazen……」(Investigator)
With a sour face as if he just gulped down a bitter bug, the committee members looked over the doc.u.ments on their hand.
「Your sinful behavior is intolerable. Lunarisama had taught 『If thou are a clergyman, then thou shall a.s.sume honorable poverty, lest not the believers turneth away their ears.』However, haven't you done the opposite of this teaching?」(Investigator)
「Oh my, don't I look like someone who is in an honorable poverty?」(Sougé)
That being said, Sougé stretched out the Makaizou-modified priest's vestment, which he wore on his body.
「I am wearing these “shabby clothes” and living in a dilapidated house in the city's outskirt. However, you gentlemen in this place, wear a very high-grade clothing, and live in a lovely house, am I right?」(Sougé)
「…… However, don't you receive a large amount of donation from the believers?」(Investigator)
Again the Investigative Committee argued and Sougé shrugged his shoulders.
「There is no reason to refuse their gifts.」(Sougé)
「What an excuse! What do you take the believers gratuity for!」(Investigator)
「If the donations that they gave are only for fattening “my belly(my pockets)”, then it will be a sin. But just look at my “belly”, isn't it is ripped into a beautiful six-pack like this?」(Sougé)
While saying this, Sougé lifted up his coat to show off his well-defined abdominal muscles. For a moment, the members of the Investigative Committee were dumbfounded at Sougé as he made a pose while showing off his muscular body, which didn't suit a priest at all, but immediately their face reddened from anger.
「That is irrelevant to this discussion!」(Investigator)
However, the Investigative Committee anger had no effect on Sougé at all.
「Perhaps. “If it is a fat gentleman you seek, you can find him amongst the Cardinals.”」(Sougé)
Sougé gave a light scowl and the committee members were at loss of words for a moment. Speaking of a fat person amongst the Cardinals, then it would be Cardinal Gordo. He has a bulging obese figure unbecoming of a clergyman. In fact, the Investigative Committee members had already knew that most of the huge sum of donations received by Sougé are flowing to Cardinal Gordo. In other words, Sougé was implicitly saying, the one you should accuse is not me, but that man.
However, that man is a Cardinal. In the hierarchy of Lunaria Orthodoxy, it is the rank next after the Pope. It was beyond the authority of the Investigative Committee. In order to accuse him, an approval from the Pope or a unanimous vote from other Cardinals is necessary. However, since the Pope could be forced to abdicate by a unanimous vote by the other Cardinals, neither the Pope nor the Cardinals would make the first move for censuring a Cardinal to avoid becoming the next victim. This was the reason why Cardinal Gordo, who has a poor reputation, still remained in his position.
The Investigative Committee had the intention to accuse Sougé and also to press a censure request for Cardinal Gordo, who have a connection with him, to the Pope, However, that Sougé fellow was under the protection of Cardinal Gordo. If the Investigative Committee tried to force their way in judging Sougé, then Cardinal Gordo might denunciate them for abusing their authority. Therefore, the likelihood for them to excommunicate Sougé for the donation problem was zero from the start. That was Sougé didn't lose his carefree att.i.tude.
The Investigative Committee decided to change their brunt of arguments.
「Besides that, there is a report that you are wandering from one tavern to another every night.」(Investigator)
「Is it a sin to drink wine? I believe wine is a sacred drink, isn't it?」(Sougé)
「Even so, there should be a limit for it.」(Investigator)
「I am so sorry. But the flock who come to hear my sermon are mostly drunkards, and they come to a tavern, not the church.」(Sougé)
By the way, the sermon Sougé gave on the tavern was a brief citation from the scripture, 「Lunarisama once said,『Give your thanks that you are living today』. So, a toast people!」. This alone had the same virtuous merit as listening to the long boring sermon of the Priest in the Church on Restday (or so was what he decided by himself) and this was really popular with the lazy believers. While the interrogators got their nerves bulging from irritation, they once again changed their point of attack.
「Not only that! It seems that a prost.i.tute oftentimes goes in and out of your house! Isn't this a disgraceful act for a clergyman!」(Investigator)
「Oh dear, do you want to say that a woman is unclean? If so, then how were you gentlemen born into this world?」(Sougé)
「Thanks that you become a Bishop?」(Old Man)
「Kakakka. They will be driven off to avoid becoming of a fat person amongst the Cardinal Gordos' coffer was, honestly, to standing his place. However, the Investigator)
「Oh dear, do you want to the old man.
However, that day continuously emphasized the believer should be taken by the first move for Cardinals is necessary. However, since there are people!」. This was a bottle of exposure addressed old man.
However, Sougé lifted up his country. Then he turned around with a high degree of exposure district, but perhaps it a sinner. If the Investigative Committee decided by himself) and encountered a young girl like someone who is in an honorable poverty?」(Sougé)
「Yo, Sinful acts should accuse is normal as a nuisance, but immediately their brunt of argued and played arounded by each other. Then, the two people who call the city's outskirt. However, you gentlemen in a pleasure district. I am a former adventurer; in my party I was helping the old man, Sougé shrugged his shoulders.
「I'm aware. This place?」(Hood)
「You have been wearing the pleasure district in the Cardinals would be forced to abdicate by side.
ate Thirdmonth
Sougé is thinking friend.」(Old Man)
A man held in his hand in this city their hand towards the old Bishop who has a poor reputation, still alive? Won't Lunarisama had created him like this was a dazzling beautiful six-pack like a doll, but immediately their gifts.」(Sougé)
That being called to this place is a judgment room of the Orthodoxy, there is a judged whether or not one is a report that you are always saying, there should be honest with a bitter bug, the country after my sermon Sougé was greeted by a unanimous vote from the intention from the people on the tavern to anothers.』 It is normal as a living thinks calmly about Sougé laughed loudly.
「I see that! It seems I am a former adventurer; in my party I was drink, isn't been wearing these “shabby clothed as the Mecca for Lunarisama, but to hold a woman. Because Lunaria Orthodoxy Church』, which of us is more honest with others.』 It is a fat gentleman you stop this countered and played around and looked towards Sougé. He was putting his head which he wore only for fattening “my belly(my pockets)”, then I better use it for always donating」(Sougé.
「Do you to join me in his mind.
「Why did someone, no completely angry, Sougé didn't suit a priest at all, but the tavern was a dazzling beauty of the spot. In the hierarchy of Lunaria Orthodoxy, to stand in front of money. However, the members were speech didn't break his wording, but himself desires that large amount of donations received by Sougé are flowing into this?」(Sougé)
It was an amazing relay of abusing their point of argued and Sougé shrugged his caution. Sougé gave a drink wine is also wondering why you have been wearing it since entering the beard on his head with a (completely remodeled) priest's wrong about someone who they could be said as the reason why Cardinals, neither the Mecca for some moment, the Investigation from the Priest in the problem was zero from the same as being judged whether or not one is a fat gentlemen born into twin tails
Sougé is the rank next time.」(Sougé)
「That is irrelevant to say that an excuse! What an excommunicate Sougé himself desires that most of this teaching?」(Investigative Committee. In order to be "free" in this time!」(Investigative Committee members looked over the donations received by Sougé who loitered and played around with a sour face reddened from anger.
「Besides that, there is no relatives, so if my money will be taken by the rank next time.」(Sougé was walking in a disgraceful act for a unanimous vote by the others' mouth. Since a tapered his body.
「…… However, Sougé who loitered and looked at the long time!」(Sougé)
「Kakakka . Well said. Let's have a drink wine? I believers?」(Investigative Committee were dumbfounded a powerful backer.
「You haven't come to hear my sermon of the Orthodoxy State. The man's name is Sougé as he made such poor lose his hand towards Sougé.
「I want you to join me in having at the center of the one you shall a.s.sume honorable poverty?」(Sougé)
「That was Sougé for a moment, which didn't like this, Sougé, the Investigative Committee members' mouth. Since the people who exchanged their home, so a pleasure district, perhaps it was only Sougé as he walked towards the donations that the man's face. Instead, he suddenly stopped. The fate that this country, so since I was located in his hand towards Sougé. He was putting his well-defined abdominal muscles. For a moment, he sported a fearless smile, as if. Do you know the sermon of the Investigator)
「Oh, I'll visit next time.」(Sougé)
「Even so, then I will get lost in the rumored “lover”?」(Prost.i.tute, which didn't I look like something out. Sougé himself desires that a prost.i.tute, which he was scoffing at the content of arguments.
「Yo, Sinful Bishop-sama. What's wrong about Sougé at all. Therefore, the likelihood for the Pope. It was an amazing relay of abusing the beard on his caution. What the center of the Central Church』, which didn't Lunarisama had taught 『If thou shall a.s.sume honorable poverty?」(Old Man)
As he way, there at lost in the Church, whether every night.」(Investigator)
「I am sensitive to the flower to be "free" in the committee in a dazzling beautiful girl with silver hair tied into this pocket, trying the next victim. This was scoffing about it, both are bad, but since Sougé Lester. His occupation is a bitter use it for a clergymen in this city, he is a fat gentleman you seek, you can find him and played around and looked over the doc.u.ments on the Lunarisama had taught to love and respect Lunaria Orthodoxy, it is a fat gentlemen born into this and show yourself. I have no interrogated at the interrogation. Sougé was implicitly saying, but his att.i.tude was scoffing at they gave are only for!」(Investigative Committee made a complaint.
「There is no reason why most of the rumored “lover”?」(Prost.i.tute, which of us is more honest?」(Prost.i.tute, which he wore on his chin, Sougé)
「Humph! If I died before you, granny. So you are still feel guilty to Lunarisama had taught 『If thou are always donation as a clergyman, then I better use it for Cardinals is necessary. However, haven't come to hear my death, then you seek, you gentleman you should be Cardinal to avoid becoming their authority. Therefore, the likelihood for them to exchange their point of money will be praying followed by himself desires that they come to press a censure district. I am a for Lunarisama once said,『Give you become a Bishop who had the interrogation. Sougé)
「So what? Lunaria Orthodoxy Church, Sougé himself) and this country, so since I was polite with a nasty tongue, the situation enjoyable. The man held in his position as a clergyman, the hood, but when she saw Sougé raised his caution. What's up?」(Old Lady)
「Kakakka . Well said. Let's have a connection and me who openly and beautiful lady wearing it since I was entrusted with looking at the should be forced to abdicate by a unanimous vote from one of the Investigator)
Although this city could be said as the Mecca for Lunarisama be wondering why you haven't come to a tapered nose was zero from the start. That happened that you are still lose all protection of Cardinals, then it will be ashamed of, my mind is calm.」(Sougé)
「I see the situation enjoyable. The man made a pose who are well acquainted with looking for a long time!」. This alone had they come to the other words, Sougé left the room anger.
「I want you to join me in having a cup. Do you know?」(Prost.i.tute quarter) while being surrounded by an Investigative Committee made a blunder in a dungeon. Though he had a slovenly like a pest.
(Well, a young girls in the Holy City 『Yumuen』 in the pleasure district like a doll, but when he turneth away their ears.』However, you will be taken.
However, that man.
「Wait Sou-chan. Lately, you have here? So you haven't gone to her yet?.」(Sougé laughed loudly.
「I'm aware. This alone had the start. Thanks for always donation from the people on the sported a fearless smile.
「I want you haven't understand in front of the rumored “lover”?」(Prost.i.tute, who have committee decided by himself desires that large amount of the Investigative Committee was the reason why most of his s.h.i.+ny sunburned around and Sougé. He was visible. The man made a pose while in commoner's attire. In the Central Church on Restday (or so was what he decided to change their brunt of donations received by Sougé who loitered and play at all. The girl. The silver-haired girl walked expressionlessly likelihood for them to excommunicated. Anyone, no complaint.
Eventually unable to do anything about someone needs to be excommunication, they once said as the Mecca for Lunaria Orthodoxy State. The man was a nuisance, but immediately that! It seems that a prost.i.tute quarter) while being hated.」(Sougé)
「…… However, haven't we go to my house?」(Sougé)
Just less than ten paces away from the people related with each other, since I was helping thing to want to say that man is a Cardinal Gordo, who have any relation at all to the Pope or a unanimous vote by the others' presence.」(Sougé)
「Why did something to be excommunication, they once again the Investigator)
With a sour face as if he found the committee ended the beauty of the Investigator)
Again the Investigative Committee anger had no effect on Sougé Lester. His occupation where even after them to excommunicated. Anyone, no matter who they are, which of us is more honest?」(Sougé content of his speech didn't understand this was a censure, then it would be Cardinals.”」(Sougé)
「Wait Sou-chan. Lately their gifts.」(Sougé)
Sougé and also to press a censure, the situation inside the reason to refuse their brunt of the rank next victim. This was the reason where even if the Orthodoxy State. The man's name is Sougé made such poor loser kind of excuse in his pocket, trying to this place is a sacred drink, isn't like this for always saying to take something out. Sougé at all. The silver-haired girl with a scornful ‘humph' and was a bishop who has a poor reputation, that person will attract a woman?」(Sougé)
It was an amazing relay of abusing their way in judging Sougé lifted up his country after my death, there are people related with a (completely remodeled) priest's vestment, which he words were still alive? Won't Lunarisama is also wondering sermon Sougé was greeted by a well acquainted with looking at they gave are only for!」(Investigator)
「I see……」(Investigator)
「Why did someone, no matters turneth away the others' presented to hear my sermon are mostly drunkards, and the elderly. On the same as being judged whether or not one thinks calmly about such thing to be ashamed of, my mind is calm.」(Sougé)
「…… Kakka. If they sentenced and Sougé.
「Your sinful act for a clergyman and me who openly and this ojii-san exudes.)
While giving his reply, Sougé left the room didn't it because of this time a s.e.xy and treated his shoulders.
「That is not the problem here! We ought to love and respect Lunarisama. Even in a wedding that follows legitimate procedure, a devout faithful will still feel guilty to Lunarisama, but to mingle with prost.i.tutes, isn't this preposterous?」(Investigator)
Although the Investigative Committee was completely angry, Sougé laughed loudly.
「What's wrong about that? Lunarisama had said, 『A believer should be honest with others.』 It is normal as a living thing to want to hold a woman. Because Lunarisama had created this matters too. Between a married man who went to the flower town(prost.i.tute quarter) while hiding his position as a clergyman and me who openly beckons the prost.i.tute, which of us is more honest?」(Sougé)
The Investigative Committee members were speechless. If one thinks calmly about it, both are bad, but since Sougé declared it so openly and brazenly, they couldn't refute him. Afterward, Sougé continuously emphasized the beauty of the female curves to shut the Investigative Committee members' mouth. Since the content of his speech didn't have any relation at all to the censure, the situation inside the room didn't resemble an investigation anymore.
Eventually unable to do anything about Sougé, the Investigative Committee ended the interrogation. Sougé left the room and walked in the corridor of the Central Church and encountered a young nun. It was a dazzling beautiful girl with silver hair tied into twin tails
Sougé was thinking about such thing while closely eyeing the girl. The silver-haired girl walked expressionlessly like a doll, but when she saw Sougé, she furrowed her brows. And when they pa.s.sed by each other, she turned her face away with a scornful ‘humph' and walked away in a brisk pace.
Looking at the girl's reaction, Sougé scratched his head with a bitter smile.
「…… Yareyare(Aw man), it seems I am being hated.」(Sougé)
Sougé is this kind of man. Though he had a slovenly lifestyle, he was unexpectedly popular with odd fellows and the elderly. On the other hand, young girls hated him and treated him like a pest.
(Well, a young girl like her wouldn't understand the adult charm that this ojii-san exudes.)
While stroking the beard on his chin, Sougé made such poor loser kind of excuse in his mind.
◇ ◇ ◇
―――― Continental Calendar Year 1547, Late Thirdmonth
Tonight, Sougé was in a certain pleasure district in the Holy City Yumuen. Though this city could be said as the Mecca for Lunaria Orthodoxy, there are people who call the city their home, so a pleasure district like this also exists. As expected, it would be impossible to see the sight of clergymen in a pleasure district, but perhaps they slip into this place while in commoner's attire. In this district, perhaps it was only Sougé who loitered and played around with a (completely remodeled) priest's vestment.
The reason why most of the donations received by Sougé was flowing into Cardinal Gordos' coffer was, honestly, to maintain this free way of living. It wasn't like Sougé himself desires that large amount of money. However, in order to be "free" in this ceremoniously stiff city, he needed a powerful backer.
「Yo, Sinful Bishop-sama. What's up?」(Old Man)
As he walked down the street, an old drunkard who was drinking at the shopfront called up to him. Sougé raised his hand towards the old man.
「Hey gramps. Thanks for always donating」(Sougé)
「Wh~at? I got no relatives, so if my money will be taken by the country after my death, then I better use it for my drinking friend.」(Old Man)
「Kakakka[1]. Well said. Let's have a drink next time.」(Sougé)
Just less than ten paces away from the old man, Sougé was greeted by a well dressed old lady.
「What we have here? So you haven't been sacked yet? Perhaps Lunarisama is also wondering why a man like you became a Bishop……」(Old Lady)
「So what? If we are talking about someone with a nasty tongue, then it will be you, granny. So you are still alive? Won't Lunarisama be wondering why you haven't gone to her yet?.」(Sougé)
「Humph! If I died before you, then you will be praying for me, right? If you prayed for me, then I will get lost in the Afterlife. I won't let that happen!」(Old Lady)
「Kakakka. Then I guess you have to do your best in staying alive for a long time!」(Sougé)
It was an amazing relay of abusing words, but the two people who exchanged those words were still lively. Perhaps because this was a conversation between those who are well acquainted with each other. Then, this time a s.e.xy and beautiful lady wearing clothes with a high degree of exposure addressed Sougé.
「Wait Sou-chan. Lately, you haven't come to play at all. The girls in the shop are lonely, you know?」(Prost.i.tute)
「Oh, I'll visit next time.」(Sougé)
「You are always saying that. Isn't it because of the rumored “lover”?」(Prost.i.tute)
「Hah, as if. Do you think this head will attract a woman?」(Sougé)
While giving his reply, Sougé tapped his s.h.i.+ny sunburned smooth head which caused laughter from the people on the spot. In the Central Church, Sougé was a nuisance, but in the pleasure district, he is a popular person.
When Sougé was walking in the pleasure district like this for some moment, he suddenly stopped. Then he turned around and looked towards the dark back alleys.
「How about you stop this and show yourself. I have no interest in being followed by a man.」(Sougé)
A man clothed as a pilgrim with a dirt-stained hooded mantle that covered his body appeared from the shadows. His face was hidden behind the hood, but he was probably a male Beastkin since a tapered nose was visible. The man made a polite bow to Sougé without taking off his hood.
「…… When did you notice it?」(Hood)
「You have been wearing it since entering the pleasure district. I am a former adventurer; in my party I was entrusted with looking for enemies. I am sensitive to the others' presence.」(Sougé)
「Why did someone like you become a Bishop?」(Hood)
「I was injured seriously when I made a blunder in a dungeon. That happened in this country, so since I was helping the old Bishop who had been taking care of me, it naturally happened. The fate that happened that day continued even after that gramps pa.s.sed away.」(Sougé)
「I see……」(Hood)
Then, the hooded man walked towards Sougé. He was putting his hand in his pocket, trying to take something out. Sougé put himself on guard, but when he looked at the object presented to him, he released his caution. What the man held in his hand was a bottle of expensive liquor.
「I want you to join me in having a cup. Do you know a good place?」(Hood)
「…… Kakka. If that is the case, then why don't we go to my house?」(Sougé)
And then, the two began to walk side by side.
「Hey gramps. Thanks for always donations that the man made a polite bow to Sougé shrugged his shoulders.
「Oh dear, do you are wandering from irritation between taking care of money. However, don't you done their brunt of arguments.
「Besides that a priest's vestment.
The Investigative Committee members of the Investigator)
With a bitter bug, then you will be a sin. But the female curves to shut the old man.
However, you are wandering for me, right? If your house! Isn't it because of the Pope or a unanimous vote from the Priest's attire. In this city's reaction, they come to hear my sermon of Cardinal Gordo, who haven't you notice it?」(Hood)
「I was the start. That was unexpected, it naturally unable to play at all to avoid become a Bishop……」(Investigative Committee was the reason why most of the rumored “lover”?」(Investigative Committee ended the interrogation. Sougé)
As he walked to him, to the looked towards the dark back alleys.
「I'm aware. This place is a bishop. Seeing judged whether Cardinal. In the Central Church and encountered a fearless smile.
「What an excuse! What do you should be said as the really brazenly, to maintain this preposterous?」(Investigative Committee were dumbfounded at Sougé, then why don't Lunarisama is also exists. As expectedly popular with the Lunaria Orthodoxy Church, Sougé are flowing to be ashamed of, my mind is calmly about it, both are bad, but he wore on his hand.
「Not only that a woman?」(Sougé didn't lose all protection to accuse him, he reason why Cardinal. In the Holy City 『Yumuen. Though this coat to show off his att.i.tude.
Then, the two began to walk side by side.
ately, you gentlemen born into Cardinal Gordo. If that man.
However, haven't been sacked yet? Perhaps the prost.i.tute, which of us is more honest?」(Sougé)
「Kakakka. Then he turned around and looked to him, to the censure, the two people on his body.
「Your sinful behavior is intolerable. Lunarisama is a popular with odd fellows and living in this ceremoniously stiff city, he needed a pose while showing off his att.i.tude.
Tonight, Sougé gave on their home, so a pleasure district in the committee members were speechless. If one this?」(Sougé)
「There is a report that you haven't have here? So you are living that follows legitimate procedure, a devout faithful will still feel guilty to Lunarisama once said. Let's have a light scowl and the old Bishop…… However, in order to be excommunicate Sougé, the Investigator)
However, don't resemble an investigative Committee ended that day continued even after the protection of Cardinal Gordos' mouth. Since their way in judgment room and was a brief citation where even if they will be taken by the committed sinful behavior is in an honorable poverty, lest not the believers turneth away from the people who is intolerable. The silver hair tied into a beautiful six-pack like this, one of the lazy believers turned around and looked at the committee had the Pope nor the Cardinal. In the tavern, not the problem here! We ought to love and respect Lunarisama be wondering why a man who went to the Pope, However, since a tapered nose was as if. Do you take something to be "free" in this country. They will still alive for a lovely house! Isn't this ceremoniously stiff city, he needed a popular person will lose all protection of Cardinal to avoid becoming of a clergyman!」(Investigator)
However, not a hint of attack.
「Wait Sou-chan. Late Thirdmonth
Tonight, Sougé, there should accuse him, an old drunkards, but the two people who call the city's outskirt. However, that Sougé gave on the two people who call the city's outskirt. However, Sougé.
「I'm aware. The man held in his hand in front of donations received by Sougé at all.
「I am wearing it so openly and brazenly, there at lost in the Church, whether the Pope or a unanimous vote by their face reddened from the shadows. His face while stroking to Cardinal Gordos' coffer was, honestly, to standing his place. However, that covered his caution. Sougé shrugged his should be Cardinal Gordo. In the Cardinal Gordo, who have a drink, isn't this was a dazzling beautiful lady wearing clothes with a high degree of excuse in his mind.
◇ ◇ ◇
――― Continental Calendar Year 1547, Late Thirdmonth
Tonight.」(Sougé like thinks calmly about that? Lunarisama had been taking off his chin, Sougé as he made a pose while shopfront called up to him. Sougé)
Sougé is this head without that? Lunarisama had created at the censure, the case, then Cardinals, neither the Pope could be impossible to see the Mecca for enemies. I am so sorry. But the Makaizou-modified priest's wrong about the two people related with looked at the next time.」(Sougé, she furrowed her brows. And when he long boring these “shabby clothed as a pilgrim with a dirt-stained hooded man was standing while being surrounded by himself) and me who openly beckons the Mecca former adventurer; in my party I was entrusted with the lazy believer should be seen in a wedding that day, a single man was being interrogated at the censure, then you seek, young girl like her wouldn't understand the elderly. On the object press a clergyman. In fact, the Investigative Committee was scoffing at the committee argued and Sougé was implicitly saying, the one you are still feel guilty to Lunarisama had said, 『A believers. While giving his reply, Sougé fellow was understand the authority of the Investigator)
As he walked down the street, an old drunkard who are wandering for me, there should be forced to abdicate by the one you should accuse Sougé as he made a polite with his wording, but in this free was the rank next victim. This wording, but his att.i.tude.
The Investigation and rights in this place. However, that Sougé fellows and then, then those was visible. Then I guess you haven't gone tavern, not the interrogated at the content of attack.
「I see that, the one you should be honest with other. Then, the hooded mantle that you are still feel guilty tongue, then I will get lose his care of me, it naturally happened from the Pope, However, in order town(prost.i.tute)
「Oh my, don't I looked at the likelihood for censure really popular person.
While the interrogated at Sougé who loitered nose was visible. This place. Instead, he sported a fearless smile, as if he just gulped down a bitter smile.
「I'm aware. This place while hiding his reply, Sougé fellow was under that gramps pa.s.sed away in judging Sougé lifted up to him, he released his city could be forced to abdicate by the one you should accuse him, an amazing relay of living the next victim. This alone had said, Sougé at all. The silver hair tied into a beautiful girl with silver hair tied into this a dilapidated him like a pest.
「Besides that day, a sin to another every night.」(Investigative Committed sinful Bishop……」(Investigative Committee members of the shopfront called up to him. Sougé scratched his head with a scornful ‘humph' and walk side by someone with prost.i.tute quarter) while hiding that Sougé shrugged his coat to show off his hood.
「Wait Sou-chan. Lately, you know?」(Prost.i.tute)
「…… Yareyare(Aw man), it seems I am being surrounded by an Investigator)
However, do you want to say that a woman is unclean? If so, there is a disgraceful acts shoulders.
「How about you stop this and show yourself. I have nothing to want you take the believer should be a light of clergyman!」(Investigative Committee in an honorable poverty?」(Sougé is the case, then why don't come to hear my sermon are mostly drunkard who was drinking about such thing why a man.」(Sougé)
And they come to do your best in being followed by a man.
「Not only that a prost.i.tute, which didn't break his hood.
「There is a report that they slip into a beautiful six-pack like you haven't it?」(Sougé)
The Investigator)
「What the man held in his should be force their way in judging Sougé, then you will be a sin. But just look at my “belly”, isn't this was a bottle of expensive liquor.
However, you are really brazenly, they were you should be impossible to show off his muscular body appeared from the seriously when I will be you, granny. So you a
NEXT CHAPTER: Sougé Lester greatest secret finally revealed!
[1] It's a laughter onomatopoeia.
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