Miscellanies Upon Various Subjects Part 18
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There was one James Mac Coil-vicalaster alias Grant, in Glenbeum near Kirk-Michael in Strathawin, who had this sight, who I hear of several that were well acquainted with him was a very honest man, and of right blameless conversation. He used ordinarily by looking to the fire, to foretell what strangers would come to his house the next day, or shortly thereafter, by their habit and arms, and sometimes also by their name; and if any of his goods or cattle were missing, he would direct his servants to the very place where to find them, whether in a mire or upon dry ground; he would also tell, if the beast were already dead, or if it would die ere they could come to it; and in winter, if they were thick about the fire-side, he would desire them to make room for some others that stood by, though they did not see them, else some of them would be quickly thrown into the midst of it. But whether this man saw any more than Brownie and Meg Mullach, I am not very sure; some say, he saw more continually, and would often be very angry-like, and something troubled, nothing visibly moving him: others affirm he saw these two continually, and sometimes many more.
They generally term this second-sight in Irish Tais.h.i.+-taraughk, and such as have it Taishatrin, from Taish, which is properly a shadowy substance, or such naughty, and imperceptible thing, as can only, or rather scarcely be discerned by the eye; but not caught by the hands: for which they a.s.signed it to Bugles or Ghosts, so that Taishtar, is as much as one that converses with ghosts or spirits, or as they commonly call them, the Fairies or Fairy-Folks. Others call these men Phissicin, from Phis, which is properly fore-sight, or fore-knowledge.
This is the surest and clearest account of second-sighted men that I can now find, and I have set it down fully, as if I were transiently telling it, in your own presence, being curious for nothing but the verity, so far as I could. What you find improper or superfluous you can best compendise it, &c,
Thus far this letter, written in a familiar and homely stile, which I have here set down at length. Meg Mullach, and Brownie mentioned in the end of it, are two ghosts, which (as it is constantly reported) of old, haunted a family in Straths-pey of the name of Grant. They appeared at first in the likeness of a young la.s.s; the second of a young lad.
Dr. Moulin (who presents his service to you) hath no acquaintance in Orkney; but I have just now spoken with one, who not only hath acquaintance in that country, but also entertains some thoughts of going thither himself, to get me an account of the cures usually practised there. The Cortex Wintera.n.u.s, mentioned by you as an excellent medicine, I have heard it commended as good for the scurvy; if you know it to be eminent or specific (such as the Peruvian Bark is) for any disease, I shall be well pleased to be informed by you.
Thus, Sir, you have an account of all my informations concerning second-sighted men: I have also briefly touched all the other particulars in both your letters, which needed a reply, except your thanks so liberally and obligingly returned to me for my letters, and the kind sense you express of that small service. The kind reception which you have given to those poor trifles, and the value which you put on them, I consider as effects of your kindness to myself, and as engagements on me to serve you to better purpose when it shall be in the power of
Your faithful friend,
and servant, &c.
DIEMERBROECK in his book de Peste (i.e. of the Plague) gives us a story of Dimmerus de Raet, that being at Delft, where the pestilence then raged, sent then his wife thirty miles off. And when the doctor went to see the gentleman of the house, as soon as he came in, the old chair-woman that washed the cloathes fell a weeping; he asked her why?
said she, my mistress is now dead; I saw her apparition but just now without a head, and that it was usual with her when a friend of hers died, to see their apparitions in that manner, though never so far off. His wife died at that time.
Mr. Thomas May in his History, lib. 8, writes, that an old man (like an hermit) second-sighted, took his leave of King James I. when he came into England: he took little notice of Prince Henry, but addressing himself to the Duke of York (since King Charles I.) fell a weeping to think what misfortunes he should undergo; and that he should be one of the miserablest unhappy Princes that ever was.
A Scotch n.o.bleman sent for one of these second-sighted men out of the Highlands, to give his judgment of the then great favourite, George Villers, Duke of Buckingham; as soon as ever he saw him, " Pish," said he, he will come to nothing. I see a dagger in his breast;" and he was stabbed in the breast by Captain Felton.
Sir James Melvil hath several the like stories in his Memoirs. Folio.
A certain old man in South-Wales, told a great man there of the fortune of his family; and that there should not be a third male generation.
In Spain there are those they call Saludadores, that have this kind of gift. There was a Portugueze Dominican fryar belonging to Queen Katherine Dowager's chapel, who had the second-sight.
**Concerning Predictions, Fatality, Apparitions, &c. From the various History of aeLIAN. Rendered out of the Greek Original. By Mr. T. STANLEY.
THE wisdom of the Persian Magi was (besides other things proper to them) conversant in prediction: they foretold the cruelty of Ochus towards his subjects, and his b.l.o.o.d.y disposition, which they collected from some secret signs. For when Ochus, upon the death of his father Artaxerxes, came to the crown, the Magi charged one of the Eunuchs that were next him, to observe upon what things, when the table was set before him, he first laid hands; who watching intentively, Ochus reached forth both his hands, and with his right, laid hold of a knife that lay by, with the other, took a great loaf, which he laid upon the meat, and did cut and eat greedily. The Magi, hearing this, foretold that there would be plenty during his reign, and much blood shed. In which they erred not.
It is observed, that on the sixth day of the month Thargelion, many good fortunes have befallen not only the Athenians, but divers others.
Socrates was born on this day, the Persians vanquished on this day, and the Athenians sacrifice three hundred goats to Agrotera upon this day in pursuit of Miltiades's Vow: on the same day of this month was the fight of Plataea, in which the Grecians had the better; for the former fight which I mentioned was at Artemisium, neither was the victory which the Greeks obtained at Mycale on any other day; seeing that the victory at Plataea and Mycale happened on the self-same day.
Likewise Alexander the Macedonian, Son of Philip, vanquished many myriads of the Barbarians on the sixth day, when he took Darius prisoner. All which is observed to have happened on this month. It is likewise reported that Alexander was born and died on the same day.
Some Pythian relations affirm, that Hercules, son of Jupiter and Alcmena, was at his birth, named Heraclides; but that afterwards coming to Delphi to consult the oracle about some business, he obtained that for which he came, and received farther privately from the G.o.d, this oracle concerning himself.
Thee Hercules doth Phoebus name, For thou shalt gain immortal fame.
The Peripateticks a.s.sert, that the soul in the day-time is inslaved and involved in the body, so that she cannot behold truth; but in the night, being freed from this servitude, and gathered together, as it were, in a round about the parts that are in the breast, she is more prophetick, whence proceed dreams.
Socrates said of his daemon to Theages Demodocus, and many others, that he many times perceived a voice warning him by divine instinct, which, saith he, when it comes, signifieth a dissuasion from that which I am going to do, but never persuades to do any thing. And when any of my friends, (saith he) impart their business to me, if this voice happens, it dissuades also, giving me the like counsel: whereupon, I dehort him who adviseth with me, and suffer him not to proceed in what he is about, following the divine admonition. He alledged as witness here of Charmides son of Glauco, who asking his advice, whether he should exercise at the Nemean games; as soon as he began to speak, the voice gave the accustomed sigh. Whereupon Socrates endeavoured to divert Charmides from this purpose, telling him the reason. But he not following the advice, it succeeded ill with him.
Aspasia a Phocian, daughter of Hermotimus, was brought up an orphan, her mother dying in the pains of child-birth. She was bred up in poverty, but modestly and virtuously. She had many times a dream which foretold her that she should be married to an excellent person. Whilst she was yet young, she chanced to have a swelling under her chin, loathsome to sight, whereat both the father and the maid were much afflicted. Her father brought her to a physician: he offered to undertake the cure for three staters; the other said he had not the money.
The physician replied, he had then no physic for him. Hereupon Aspasia departed weeping ! and holding a looking-gla.s.s on her knee, beheld her face in it, which much increased her grief. Going to rest without supping, by the reason of the trouble she was in, she had an opportune dream; a dove seemed to appear to her as she slept, which being changed to a woman, said, "Be of good courage, and bid a long farewel to physicians and their medicines: take of the dried rose of Venus garlands, which being pounded apply to the swelling." After the maid had understood and made trial of this, the tumour was wholly a.s.suaged; and Aspasia recovering her beauty by means of the most beautiful G.o.ddess, did once again appear the fairest amongst her virgin-companions, enriched with graces far above any of the rest. Of hair yellow, locks a little curling, she had great eyes, some what hawk-nosed, ears short, skin delicate, complexion like roses; whence the Phocians, whilst she was yet a child called her Milto. Her lips were red, teeth whiter than snow, small insteps, such as of those women whom Homer calls {greek text: lisphurous}. Her voice sweet and smooth, that whosoever heard her might justly say he heard the voice of a Syren. She was averse from womanish curiosity in dressing: such things are to be supplied by wealth. She being poor, and bred up under a poor father, used nothing superfluous or extravagant to advantage her beauty. On a time Aspasia came to Cyrus, son of Darius and Parysatis, brother of Artaxerxes, not willingly nor with the consent of her father, but by compulsion, as it often happens upon the taking of cities, or the violence of tyrants and their officers. One of the officers of Cyrus, brought her with other virgins to Cyrus, who immediately preferred her before all his concubines, for simplicity of behaviour, and modesty; whereto also contributed her beauty without artifice, and her extraordinary discretion, which was such, that Cyrus many times asked her advice in affairs, which he never repented to have followed. When Aspasia came first to Cyrus, it happened that he was newly risen from supper, and was going to drink after the Persian manner: for after they have done eating, they betake themselves to wine, and fall to their cups freely, encountering drink as an adversary. Whilst they were in the midst of their drinking, four Grecian virgins were brought to Cyrus, amongst whom was Aspasia the Phocian. They were finely attired; three of them had their heads neatly drest by their own women which came along with them, and had painted their faces. They had been also instructed by their governesses how to behave themselves towards Cyrus, to gain his favour; not to turn away when he came to them, not to be coy when he touched them, to permit him to kiss them, and many other amatory instructions practised by women who expose their beauty to sale. Each contended to out-vie the other in handsomeness. Only Aspasia would not endure to be clothed with a rich robe, nor to put on a various coloured vest, nor to be washed; but calling upon the Grecian and Eleutherian G.o.ds, she cried out upon her father's name, execrating herself to her father. She thought the robe which she should put on was a manifest sign of bondage. At last being compelled with blows she put it on, and was necessitated to behave herself with greater liberty than beseemed a virgin. When they came to Cyrus, the rest smiled, and expressed chearfulness in their looks. But Aspasia looking on the ground, her eyes full of tears, did every way express an extraordinary bashfulness. When he commanded them to sit down by him, the rest instantly obeyed; but the Phocian refused, until the officer caused her to sit down by force. When Cyrus looked upon or touched their eyes, cheeks and fingers, the rest freely permitted him; but she would not suffer it; for if Cyrus did but offer to touch her, she cried out, saying, he should not go unpunished for such actions. Cyrus was herewith extreamly pleased; and when upon his offering to touch her breast, she rose up, and would have run away, Cyrus much taken with her native ingenuity which was not like the Persians, turning to him that brought them, "This maid only saith he, of those which you have brought me is free and pure; the rest are adulterate in face, but much more in behaviour." Hereupon Cyrus loved her above all the women he ever had. Afterwards there grew a mutual love between them, and their friends.h.i.+p proceeded to such a height that it almost arrived at parity, not differing from the concord and modesty of Grecian marriage. Hereupon the fame of his affection to Aspasia was spread to Ionia and throughout Greece; Peloponnesus also was filled with discourses of the love betwixt Cyrus and her. The report went even to the great King [of Persia,] for it was conceived that Cyrus, after his acquaintance with her, kept company with no other woman. From these things Aspasia recollected the remembrance of her old apparition, and of the dove, and her words, and what the G.o.ddess foretold her. Hence she conceived that she was from the very beginning particularly regarded by her. She therefore offered sacrifice of thanks to Venus.
And first caused a great image of gold to be erected to her, which she called the image of Venus, and by it placed the picture of a dove beset with jewels, and every day implored the favour of the G.o.ddess with sacrifice and prayer. She sent to Hermotimus her father many rich presents, and made him wealthy. She lived continently all her life, as both the Grecian and Persian women affirm. On a time a neck-lace was sent as a present to Cyrus from Scopas the younger, which had been sent to Scopas out of Sicily. The neck-lace was of extraordinary workmans.h.i.+p, and variety. All therefore to whom Cyrus shewed it admiring it, he was much taken with the jewel, and went immediately to Aspasia, it being about noon, finding her asleep, he lay down gently by her watching quietly while she slept. As soon as she awaked, and saw Cyrus she embraced him after her usual manner. He taking the neck- lace out of a box, said, "this is worthy either the daughter or the mother of a King." To which she a.s.senting; "I will give it you, said he, for your own use, let me see your neck adorned with it." But she received not the gift, prudently and discreetly answering, "How will Parysatis your mother take it, this being a gift fit for her that bare you ? send it to her, Cyrus, I will shew you a neck handsome enough without it." Aspasia from the greatness of her mind acted contrary to other royal Queens, who are excessively desirous of rich ornaments.
Cyrus being pleased with this answer, kissed Aspasia. All these actions and speeches Cyrus writ in a letter which he sent together with the chain to his mother; and Parysatis receiving the present was no less delighted with the news than with the gold, for which she requited Aspasia with great and royal gifts; for this pleased her above all things, that though Aspasia were chiefly affected by her son, yet in the love of Cyrus, she desired to be placed beneath his mother. Aspasia praised the gifts, but said she had no need of them; (for there was much money sent with the presents) but sent them to Cyrus, saying, "To you who maintain many men this may be useful: for me it is enough that you love me and are my ornament." With these things, as it seemeth she much astonished Cyrus. And indeed the woman was without dispute admirable for her personal beauty, but much more for the n.o.bleness of her mind. When Cyrus was slain in the fight against his brother, and his army taken prisoners, with the rest of the prey she was taken, not falling accidentally into the enemies hands, but sought for with much diligence by King Artaxerxes, for he had heard her fame and virtue. When they brought her bound, he was angry, and cast those that did it into prison. He commanded that a rich robe should be given her: which she hearing, intreated with tears and lamentation that she might not put on the garment the King appointed, for she mourned exceedingly for Cyrus. But when she had put it on, she appeared the fairest of all women, and Artaxerxes was immediately surprised and inflamed with love of her. He valued her beyond all the rest of his women, respecting her infinitely. He endeavoured to ingratiate himself into her favour, hoping to make her forget Cyrus, and to love him no less than she had done his brother; but it was long before he could compa.s.s it. For the affection of Aspasia to Cyrus had taken so deep impression, that it could not easily be rooted out. Long after this, Teridates, the Eunuch died, who was the most beautiful youth in Asia. He had full surpa.s.sed childhood, and was reckoned among the youths. The King was said to have loved him exceedingly: he was infinitely grieved and troubled at his death, and there was an universal mourning throughout Asia, every one endeavouring to gratify the King herein; and none durst venture to come to him and comfort him, for they thought his pa.s.sion would not admit any consolation. Three days being past, Aspasia taking a mourning robe as the King was going to the bath, stood weeping, her eyes cast on the ground. He seeing her, wondered, and demanded the reason of her coming. She said, "I come, 0 King, to comfort your grief and affliction, if you so please; otherwise I shall go back."
The Persian pleased with this care, commanded that she should retire to her chamber, and wait his coming. As soon as he returned, he put the vest of the Eunuch upon Aspasia, which did in a manner fit her; and by this means her beauty appeared with greater splendour to the King's eye, who much affected the youth. And being once pleased herewith, he desired her to come always to him in that dress, until the height of his grief were allayed: which to please him she did.
Thus more than all Hs other women, or his own son and kindred, she comforted Artaxerxes, and relieved his sorrow; the King being pleased with her care, and prudently admitting her consolation.
**GEORGE BUCHANAN in his History of SCOTLAND, reciteth of one of their Kings, James IV. the following very remarkable Pa.s.sages.
THE presence of this King being required to be with his army, whither he was going, at Linlithgo, whilst he was at Vespers in the church, there entered an old man, the hair of his head being red, inclining to yellow, hanging down on his shoulders; his forehead sleek through baldness, bare-headed, in a long coat of a russet colour, girt with a linen girdle about his loins; in the rest of his aspect, he was very venerable: he pressed through the crowd to come to the King: when he came to him, he leaned upon the chair on which the King sat, with a kind of rustic simplicity, and bespoke him thus; "0 King," said he, "I am sent to warn thee, not to proceed in thy intended design; and if thou neglectest this admonition, neither thou nor thy followers shall prosper. I am also commanded to tell thee, that thou shouldest not use the familiarity, intimacy, and council of women; which if thou dost, it will redound to thy ignominy and loss." Having thus spoken, he withdrew himself into the croud; and when the King inquired for him, after prayers were ended, he could not be found which matter seemed more strange, because none of those who stood next, and observed him, as being desirous to put many questions to him, were sensible how he disappeared; amongst them there was David Lindsey of Mont, a man of approved worth and honesty, (and a great scholar too) for in the whole course of his life, he abhorred lying; and if I had not received this story from him as a certain truth, I had omitted it as a romance of the vulgar.
On Tuesday, July 26, 1720, at a sale of the copies belonging to Mr.
Awnsham Churchill, of London, Book-seller, which were sold at the Queen's Head tavern, in Pater Noster Row, there was among them a printed copy of these Miscellanies, corrected for the press by Mr.
Aubrey, wherein were many very considerable alterations, corrections, and additions, together with the following letter to Mr.
Churchill, written upon the first blank leaf, concerning the then intended second edition.
THERE is a very pretty remark in the Athenian Mercury, concerning Apparitions, which I would have inserted under this head, it is in vol. 17, numb. 25. Tuesday, June 1695.
Mr. Dunton, at the Raven in Jewin-Street, will help you to this Mercury, but yesterday he would not, his wife being newly departed.
J. A.
June 1, 1697.
**The Pa.s.sage referred to by Mr. AUBREY, in his Letter to Mr. CHURCHILL.*
* The pa.s.sage referred to in this letter is now here inserted: the other additions are incorporated in the text. Ed.
Two persons (Ladies) of quality, (both not being long since deceased,) were intimate acquaintance, and loved each other entirely: it so fell out, that one of them fell sick of the small-pox, and desired mightily to see the other, who would not come, fearing the catching of them.
The afflicted at last dies of them, and had not been buried very long, but appears at the other's house, in the dress of a widow, and asks for her friend, who was then at cards, but sends down her woman to know her business, who, in short, told her, "she must impart it to none but her Lady", who, after she had received this answer, bid her woman have her in a room, and desired her to stay while the game was done, and she would wait on her. The game being done, down stairs she came to the apparition, to know her business; "madam," says the ghost, (turning up her veil, and her face appearing full of the small- pox) "You know very well, that you and I, loved entirely; and your not coming to see me, I took it so ill at your hands, that I could not rest till I had seen you, and now I am come to tell you, that you have not long to live, therefore prepare to die; and when you are at a feast, and make the thirteenth person in number, then remember my words" and so the apparition vanished.
To conclude, she was at a feast, where she made the thirteenth person in number, and was afterwards asked by the deceased's brother, "whether his sister did appear to her as was reported?" she made him no answer, but fell a weeping, and died in a little time after. The gentleman that told this story, says, that there is hardly any person of quality but what knows it to be true. (From the Athenian Mercury.)
**Printed in "Miscellanies on several curious subjects."
London, E. Curll, 1714.
AT a meeting of gentlemen at the Devizes, for choosing of Knights of the s.h.i.+re in March 1659, it was wished by some, that this County (wherein are many observable antiquities) was surveyed, in imitation of Mr. Dugdale's ill.u.s.tration of Warwicks.h.i.+re; but it being too great a task for one man, Mr. William Yorke (Councellor at Law, and a lover of this kind of learning) advised to have the labour divided: he himself would undertake the Middle Division; I would undertake the North; T. Gore, Esq., Jeffrey Daniel, Esq., and Sir John Erneley would be a.s.sistants. Judge Nicholas was the greatest antiquary, as to evidences, that this County hath had in memory of man, and had taken notes in his Adversariis of all the ancient deeds that came to his hands. Mr. York had taken some memorandums in this kind too, both now dead; 'tis pity those papers, falling into the hands of merciless women, should be put under pies. I have since that occasionally made this following Collection, which perhaps may some-time or other fall into some antiquary's hands, to make a handsome Work of it. I hope my worthy friend Mr. Anthony Wood of Oxford will be the man. I am heartily sorry I did not set down the antiquities of these parts sooner, for since the time aforesaid, many things are irrecoverably lost.
In former days the churches and great houses hereabouts did so abound with monuments and things remarkable, that it would have deterred an antiquary from undertaking it. But as Pythagoras did guess at the vastness of Hercules' stature by the length of his foot, so among these ruins are remains enough left for a man to give a guess what n.o.ble buildings, &c. were made by the piety, charity, and magnanimity of our forefathers.
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