Talks about Flowers Part 5
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This is a very handsome cla.s.s of which there are many new varieties.
Princess of Wales we had last summer. It has elegant frilled petal margins; flower trusses large size and borne in profusion well above the foliage; ground color pure blush, each petal alike marked with a rich dark velvet crimson-scarlet margined blotch.
Star of the East resembles the Princess of Wales in growth and profusion of bloom, but with larger flowers, of pure white ground. The petals are elegantly fringed, the upper ones marked with a rich crimson spot, and the under ones elegantly penciled with violet-colored lines. These are among the novelties of recent introduction.
A cla.s.s of distinct habit, free bloomers, mostly fragrant foliage, good for bedding out. Of these we have only had Madame Glevitsky of Bavarian origin. Color, upper petals a fine vermilion, veined and spotted with purple, under petals vermilion.
We were much pleased with Pelargonium Filicifolia Odorata for its finely cut leaves of a Fern-like appearance and pleasing fragrance.
Our specimens of the various were from the extensive and superb collection of Mr. John Saul, of Was.h.i.+ngton, D. C. Among them was one which originated in his establishment and was named for his wife. It belongs to the "Regal" cla.s.s. The habit is compact and very free flowering, producing large trusses of flowers the color of which is a rich glowing vermilion, with light center and light margin to the petals.
We are indebted to Mr. John G. Heinl for specimen plants of two "New Monthly Pelargoniums," now offered for the first time to the general public. Of the origin of one, _Fred Dorner_, we have this account given in a letter to Mr. Heinl, from Fred Dorner, Esq., of Lafayette. Mr.
Dorner says:
"Six years ago I undertook to grow some Pelargoniums from seed. I procured some very choice seed of Ernest Benary of Erfust. The seedlings grew finely. About midwinter one commenced to bloom, and to my astonishment kept on blooming for ten months, during which period it was never without flowers. The plants grew to a good size and at one time I counted forty-seven good-sized trusses on it. The winter and everblooming quality, with the large and beautifully colored flowers, makes this Pelargonium a great acquisition to the amateur as well as the florist. I have seen here in Lafayette plants in windows blooming all winter, and it is acknowledged here to be the best and easiest kept house and window plant, blooming from nine to ten months in the year."
_Freddie Heinl_ originated with Mr. John G. Heinl, who says it is a sport from _Fred Dorner_; it is lighter-colored and the flowers are somewhat larger. That these are both a rare acquisition is evident from the testimony of such florists as Mr. John Thorp of Queens, and Mr.
Henry A. Dreer of Philadelphia. Mr. Thorp says, "There are no Pelargoniums equal to them and they have a decided right to be called perpetual." Three months later he writes: "I am more than ever impressed with their superiority over any perpetual blooming varieties, and they must take foremost rank." Mr. Dreer says: "The Pelargoniums have proven very satisfactory. They flowered during the greater part of the summer, and are now full of buds."
The colored lithograph, which Mr. Heinl says is a good representation, shows them to be very beautiful. We should think that to call a plant so dissimilar in foliage and flower a Geranium, would be a misnomer, why not equally such to call a Geranium a Pelargonium?
As we have seen by Mr. Hibberd's address, the Pelargonium's native home is on arid plains where there is much sand, much suns.h.i.+ne and little rain, so that they are chiefly dependent on heavy dews for moisture. To plant them in heavy soil, give them a sheltered situation and liberal and frequent watering, would be a mode of treatment directly the reverse of what they require. In the cultivation of all plants we should as far as possible adapt them to their native conditions. One skilled amateur says his rule is to let the earth in the pots become thoroughly dry before watering, and always to give a period of rest after blooming.
Another, a lady, said she never had any success with Pelargoniums until she gave them a heavy period of rest after blooming. In the spring, when putting her plants out of doors, she laid the pots containing Pelargoniums on their sides, and let them remain perfectly dry until fall. She then took the plants out of the pots, shook the soil from the roots, and scrubbed them well with a hard brush and water. The old-looking roots were cut off and the top trimmed down to six or eight inches in height. They were then repotted in rich earth and watered very moderately till they started into full growth, and after that more freely. With this treatment they never fail to bloom.
A young physician who raised many extraordinarily fine varieties of Pelargoniums from seed, in stating his mode of culture, said that _his_ practice was to re-pot large plants whenever they seemed in danger of being pot-bound. The mold he used was made up of black earth from under a manure heap, and a little stiff clay to retain the water. After the plants were done flowering, they were trimmed rather close, and with regard to probable places of sprouting. They were then placed in partial shade, and all shoots found straying out of symmetry were pinched off.
His large plants were kept moist till after bloom, and then rather dry.--_Floral Cabinet._
We have given these methods so that if not successful with one, another can be adopted.
The Rhodora.
In May, when sea-winds pierced our solitudes, I found the fresh Rhodora in the woods, Spreading its leafless blooms in a damp nook, To please the desert and the sluggish brook; The purple petals fallen in the pool, Made the black waters with their beauty gay,-- Here might the red-bird come his plumes to cool, And court the flower that cheapens his array.
Rhodora! if the sages ask thee why This charm is wasted on the marsh and sky, Dear, tell them, that if eyes were made for seeing, Then beauty is its own cause for being.
Why thou wert there, O rival of the Rose!
I never thought to ask; I never knew, But in my simple ignorance suppose The selfsame Power that brought me there, brought you.
A Talk About Fuchsias.
A legend of this little flower, I heard not long ago; 'Tis this, that when upon the cross The sinless Saviour died, And soldier with his cruel spear Had pierced his precious side, The holy drops flowed to his feet, Then fell upon the sod, When Mary knelt and wept for Him, Her son, and yet her G.o.d; An angel who was hovering near, Thus breathed a prayer to heaven: "Oh, Father, let them not be lost, These drops so freely given, But in some form of beauty still, Let them remain on earth, And here upon this rugged hill, Give some sweet floweret birth."
Then, forth from the ensanguined sod, A Fuchsia sprang that morn, Rich crimson, dyed with Christian blood, Wrapped in his "robe of scorn,"
Drooping in sorrow, still it bows Ever its graceful head; s.h.i.+vering in the slightest breeze-- Trembling in fear and dread; For the dark shadow of the cross Can ne'er forgotten be, Where all the perfume of its breath Was spent on Calvary.
Yes, offering its rich fragrance there, As incense at His feet, The Fuchsia, though so beautiful, Can never be more sweet.
The Fuchsia was introduced into England in the latter half of the last century by a sailor, at whose home it was discovered by Mr. James Lee, a florist of Hammersmith, who secured the original plant by paying quite a sum of money for it, and in addition promising to give to the sailor's wife one of the first young plants he would succeed in raising. In a short time he succeeded in producing several hundred nice plants, nearly all of which were sold at a guinea each. Shortly after this a captain Firth presented one that he had brought from Chili to the Royal Garden at Kew. The plant was named in honor of Leonard Fuch, an eminent German Botanist, who lived in the 16th century. The varieties in cultivation to-day are vast improvements. One of the early varieties was called _Fulgens_. We recollect seeing this variety some four or five years ago, and could not refrain from comparing it with a number of varieties lately introduced. The flower may be described as follows: A slender crimson tube two inches in length; sepals narrow, one-half inch; in color a shade lighter than the tube; the corolla purple; in size very small compared with the varieties of the present time. This variety is a strong grower, large foliage which has a silvery appearance. Thus we can have a slight idea of that from which have been produced the beauties of our time; thus can we see what a skillful florist can do when he has something to begin with. Some of the varieties of the Fuchsia are hardy in England as well as in some parts of our own country. A traveler informs us that he has seen them in California trained over arbors and to the houses just as we train grape vines here, and growing most luxuriantly. They grow in favor very rapidly wherever introduced, and it was but a short time after they became known we find the Poet eulogizing them in these lines--
"Graceful flowers on graceful stem, Of Flora's gift a favorite gem; From tropic fields it came to cheer, The natives of a climate drear; And grateful for our fostering care, Has learnt the wintry blast to bear."
While some flowers have been extremely popular for a season, and then have sunk into comparative obscurity, the popularity of the Fuchsia has never waned, but on the contrary has continually been on the increase until now it occupies a prominent place in every collection of plants, be that collection large or small. There is a cause for this popularity, and that cause is, it is of easy culture and produces its flowers freely, often under adverse circ.u.mstances. The Fuchsia is readily propagated by cuttings of the young wood. These will root in from two to three weeks, when they should be potted in rich soil, say one-half garden soil or loam enriched with well-rotted manure, and one-half leaf soil, with a little sand added to make the compost very porous. From the time the plant is first potted it should never be allowed to become so dry as that the growth will be checked. The great secret of growing Fuchsias successfully is to _keep them growing_. In order to do this we must provide for them a rich soil, an abundance of pot-room and a moist atmosphere. If you wish to grow large specimen plants the cuttings should be struck (that is rooted), early in the season. This will allow a longer period for them in which to make their growth before the season for blooming arrives; by keeping the plants supplied with plenty of pot-room the time of blooming will be somewhat r.e.t.a.r.ded, and if on the other hand we desire to have the plants in bloom as early as possible we allow plenty of pot-room during the early part of the growing season, after which we allow the pots to become pretty well filled with roots, and abundance of beautiful pendulous flowers will be the result.
As house or window plants the Fuchsias are very popular. The variety _Speciosa_ will bloom very freely during the winter. During the summer months they should be protected from the direct rays of the sun, and kept well syringed. As bedding plants their utility is limited, as they must be planted in a shaded position. A bed of them in such a position makes a pleasant appearance, and in this way they are easily kept through the hottest part of the year. They may be bedded out, or may be allowed to remain in the pots and the pots plunged in the garden. In this latter way they will need additional care, as they must not be allowed to suffer for want of water. If it is desirable to keep the old plants another year they may be removed to the house or cellar, and kept cool and dry until toward spring, when they can be repotted in fresh soil, watered scantily, and started into growth and pruned or trained to any desired shape or form.--_The Floral World._
The foregoing article so fully and clearly stated all that was essential respecting the culture of the Fuchsia, that we have transferred it entire instead of writing something original. We need now only add a few things respecting some choice varieties and recent novelties. "_Champion of the World_ has the largest blooms of any Fuchsia; the tubes are short; sepals very broad and of great substance, well reflexed, and of a most beautiful coral red; the foot-stalk of each bloom is of unusual length and strength, so that each flower stands out bold and graceful.
Corolla of immense size, and as it expands forms two-thirds of a perfect ball. Color is of the most intense bright dark purple. Free tall grower, and for conservatory decoration is one of the most remarkable Fuchsias for size ever yet sent out."--_H. Cannell._
The ill.u.s.tration of this Fuchsia in Mr. Cannell's _Floral Guide_ measures two and one-third inches in diameter, and yet we are told that when well grown, the _Champion_ produces much larger bloom than the engraving. It has four rows of petals, and looks round and full like a pink. _Bland's New Striped_ is of the single cla.s.s, but the corolla is very large, of a rich plum-colored purple, regular and distinctly striped red and rose, pyramidal shape, habit strong.
Of the Hybrid variegated Fuchsias, _Sunray_ is by far the best with red variegated leaves ever sent out; it is very ornamental. _Pillar of Gold_ is a very showy variety with yellow leaves. Among the novelties in color, we find mention of _Aurora Superba_; tube and sepals rich salmon, corolla large and spreading of a distinct orange scarlet highly suffused with yellow, fine habit and free bloomer. _Polyhymnia_ is a dwarf yellow.
Of _Lord Beaconsfield_, Mr. Cannell says: "One of the strongest and most conspicuous blooming varieties ever sent out, and one of the very best for sale and decoration; flowers neither good shape nor color, but produced in very large cl.u.s.ters and blooms nearly all the year if allowed plenty of root room."
This Fuchsia originated with Mr. John Laing, Stanstead Park Nursery, Forest Hill, near London, and is a cross between Fuchsia Fulgens and one of the modern varieties known as "Perfection." It was exhibited at some of the meetings of the Royal Horticultural Society first, as Laing's Hybrid, in 1875 or 1876. It much resembles the old Speciosa, but is more free blooming even than that, and its flowers are twice as large.
Kingsburyana, figured in Mr. Cannell's _Floral Guide_--which comes to us from Swanley, England--is very large and double. "It is another addition to the double white corolla cla.s.s, and is remarkable for its fine vigorous growth and large showy flowers; its corolla is particularly novel and beautiful."
Mrs. H. Cannell, named for the florist's wife by Swaffield, its originator, "was one of the greatest lifts in bringing the double white corolla to perfection," and has given great satisfaction in this country. We have never seen one so beautiful, but Mr. C. E. Allen who has a large collection, including those rare gems from across the water, we have named, says: "_Snow White_ is the very best double white Fuchsia ever sent out. A fine, erect grower, and a remarkably free and early bloomer. Sepals coral red. Superior to Miss Lucy Finnis in that it is of a stronger habit. Have none now in bloom." Among the fine specimen blooms of the dark purple type sent us by Mr. Allen, we think _Elm City_ the gem for size, richness of color--a double dark purple striped with scarlet, sepals scarlet-crimson--and compact form. The _Swanley Gem_ is of a peculiar shape, single, very open bell-shape corolla, "frilled" Mr.
Cannell calls it, rose color with tube and sepals coral scarlet, the latter are very prettily reflexed.
We began our list with the _Champion_--the largest known--we will end it with the tiniest, _Microphylla_, the whole plant, flowers and leaves are Liliputian among the Fuchsias.
Here these are truly wonderful; they grow up the house fronts, and grow into large trees, so large that you can have a tea-party around the bole of the trees. They are also grown for hedges and kept nicely clipped, and with their bright green leaves and scarlet flowers look cheerful and refres.h.i.+ng. The winds and the spray from the sea do not in the least affect them.--_The Garden._
Mr. Vick, in his Magazine says: "Once when in Europe, we saw at Ventnor, in the Isle of Wight, a Fuchsia tree, perhaps twenty feet or more in height, with a trunk full fifteen inches in diameter. The editor of the _Flore des Serres_ of Belgium, in writing of this tree, says it is doubtless the largest specimen in Europe, but is only a baby compared with specimens the editor has seen in South America. Seeing our notice of this tree, Mr. NICHOLLS of Sharon Springs, N. Y., wrote us that he had "seen Fuchsias in the Isle of Jersey, in the English Channel, thirty feet in height, and there are hundreds there from twenty to twenty-five feet."
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