Talks about Flowers Part 8
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Of the novelties we find in the London _Garden_ special mention made of Primula Sinensis Fimbriata Alba Magnifica. The writer says: "The Primulas from Mr. B. S. Williams' Victoria Nurseries, Holloway, were remarkably fine. The newest sort shown, Alba Magnifica, promises to be an excellent kind; the flowers are large, produced in dense and many flowered trusses, borne well above the foliage, which is also remarkable being elegantly crisped at the margins. The color is white, the purity of which, however, is more strongly marked when the plants are more mature than those shown; the habit of growth is very robust."
Of this novelty Mr. H. Cannell says: "The new white Primula is of exquisite form and substance; the plants are exceedingly compact, with deeply indented leaves of a light green color; the flowers measure two and one-quarter inches in diameter, pure white, with large, bright yellow eye, each petal being deeply and beautifully fringed, and are borne in large trusses well above the foliage."
We give an ill.u.s.tration of this Primula, kindly furnished by Ellis Bros., who are of the first to offer it in this country.
"What is the difference between them? I am told differently by nearly every florist I ask. An old Englishman told me the other day that he used to grow great quant.i.ties of them in England, and that the difference between the two is, that the Picotee has fringed edged leaves, while in the Carnation proper the edge of the leaf is smooth like a rose."
The question is asked of Mr. Vick, and he thus replies: "The Carnation and Picotee differ only in the arrangement of the color, or markings.
The distinction is made by florists, and is of course arbitrary. Seeds saved from one plant, may produce both Carnations and Picotee, or even from the same seed-pod. In an old work in our possession, the distinction is as stated, but for long years any flower with an irregular edge has been considered unworthy of propagation. The Carnation should have broad stripes of color running through from the center to the edge of the petals. The Picotee has only a band of color on the edge of each petal."--_Vick's Magazine._
Although Mr. Vick here states that the Carnation should have broad stripes of color, neither he, nor any other florist makes this distinction, but call pure white, and pure red Carnations, just as freely as those that are striped.
There are two of Carnations, and thousands of varieties. The cla.s.s of Perpetual Bloomers are called Monthly and Tree Carnations. The Garden Carnations are hardy, and can be left in the garden during winter by giving them a covering of leaves, straw, or evergreen boughs. They are easily raised from seed. Sown in June or July, will make good robust plants before frost, which will bloom the following summer. Some of them will be single, perhaps, and these can be removed. Those of superior merit may be multiplied by _layering_. This method is to select good healthy shoots that have not bloomed, and make a cut midway between two joints. First cut half way through the shoot, then make a slit lengthwise to a joint. Remove the earth a few inches in depth, and press the branch down so that this slit will open, and then cover with the soil. Roots will form where the cut was made, and thus a new plant will be formed, which can be removed in the autumn or spring. Midsummer is the best time to do this, and by adopting this method good, healthy plants are secured. The plants should be well watered a day or two before layering is commenced, and immediately afterward--then only occasionally. They are frequently propagated by cuttings, which can be rooted in wet sand, or in light sandy soil.
Or Monthly Carnations, can be easily obtained of the florists for summer or winter blooming; the former purchased in the spring, and the latter in the autumn. If one raises their own stock, it is not best to allow those to bloom much during the summer that are wanted for winter flowering. It is well to sink the pots in a good sunny place in the garden, and when they run up and show signs of bedding, cut back the stalk so that it may become more compact and branchy, then the buds in the late autumn or winter, will be much more numerous. The best for winter blooming are _La Purite_ (carmine), _President de Graw_ (white), _Peerless_ (white, striped with pink) and _Peter Henderson_, of the well-known varieties. Of those of recent introduction, _Lady Emma_ is said to be excellent. One florist says that "it is destined to be one of the leading winter-blooming Carnations. From my bed of one thousand plants in the green-house throughout December and January last, I plucked more blooms than from any other variety occupying the same s.p.a.ce." It has proved excellent also for a bedding pink. Its color is a rare shade of crimson scarlet; the flower is of medium size, full and double, and never bursting down the side. _Lord Clyde_ has for three years proved to be an excellent winter bloomer. It is of a very robust growth, like its parent the _Edwardsii_, but of a more dwarf, low-flowering habit. The ground-work is white, thickly striped with carmine, and a frequent blotch of maroon; very floriferous, each stem bearing from six to eight flowerets. _Lydia_ is another of the recent novelties, and is very handsome. Flowers very large and intensely double, of a rich rosy, orange color blotched and flecked with carmine.
_Crimson King_ is one of the largest Carnations, very full, bushy habit, and robust, color crimson-scarlet. A pure bright scarlet is rare; when therefore, _Firebrand_, a novelty of 1880, was announced as a bright scarlet, it produced quite a sensation. It is very highly commended by those who have seen it. _Grace Wilder_, _Princess Louise_ and _Fred Johnson_, are new hybrid seedlings now offered for the first time to the public.
There was quite a discussion in the _Gardener's Monthly_ of last year as to the best pure White Carnation. In the August number, Mr. E. Fryer of Delaware writes: "The varieties called _Peter Henderson_, sent out by Nanz and Neuner I have found to be the best white I have yet grown for winter bloom. It is a stronger and better bloomer than de Graw, its only drawback being that it runs up high like _La Purite_. _Snowdon_ is a true dwarf, pure white, and if it proves a good winter bloomer, will probably supersede all other whites, the flower being of fair size and very fragrant. Bock's Seedling, _Charles Sumner_, I have grown the past winter. The flower is of an enormous size, but it invariably bursts before opening, and is a dull unattractive color. _Waverly_ I have also grown last winter--a splendid variety, rich crimson scarlet; the color was no way exaggerated as represented in the _Monthly_ a year ago; produces a fair average of flowers to the plant, flowers selling readily at ten cents each. I think this the most useful color to the commercial florist.
"I still cling to the old carmine _La Purite_, which for quant.i.ty of bloom, size of flower and general good qualities, I think has not been beat by any of the newer varieties for winter bloom." Mr. Peter Henderson, one of the leading florists, places _Snowdon_ above all other white Carnations, its dwarf habit making it specially desirable.
Florist's Pinks are more dwarf than the Carnations, flowers very double, clove scented, and are of various shades of maroon, carmine, crimson and rose interlaced with white.
The _Gardener's Chronicle_ gives the following interesting account of the origin of this cla.s.s: "It may be interesting to record the fact, published in an old number of the _Floricultural Cabinet_, that the first Pink worthy of notice was raised in the year 1772, by Mr. JAMES MAJOR who was then gardener to the d.u.c.h.ess of Lancaster; previous to that there were but four sorts, and those of very little note, being cultivated as only common border flowers. Mr. MAJOR having saved some seed in 1771, he reared several plants, which, blooming the next season, one of the number proved to be a double flower with laced petals, at which he was agreeably surprised, although he considered it as being only in embryo, and the prelude to still further advance to be developed at some future period, which is now verified by the rapid strides this beautiful flower made in size and quality during the years which followed. Mr. MAJOR informed the writer of the foregoing remarks that he made his discovery known to a nurseryman or florist and was offered the sum of ten guineas for the stock of his new Pink; but, acting on the advice of his friends, he declined to sell, and set to work instead and increased the stock with a view of offering it in sale to the public. It was sent out to the public at half a guinea a pair (for it has long been a custom of offering Pinks in pairs, a custom which is continued to this day), under the name of MAJOR'S d.u.c.h.ess of Lancaster, the orders for which amounted to 80. It is recorded that one individual ordered as many as twenty pairs, which was considered in those days an unusually large number. It would be interesting to have a bloom of d.u.c.h.ess of Lancaster to compare with the fine double varieties of the present day.
We appear to have come to something like a pause in the matter of Pink production as the flowers are now very large and full, and the lacing is as perfect as can well be conceived."
The word is derived from the Greek words _Dios_, divine, and _Anthos_, a flower; G.o.d's flower, or the flower of Jove. There are several species, and many varieties of Dianthus; _Dianthus Caryophyllus_ is what is commonly known as the Clove Pink, and from it have been produced the double varieties called Carnations and Picotees. The plant in its wild state is found growing on the south side of the Swiss Alps, at a low alt.i.tude, where the winters are not severe. The common perennial garden Pink is _Dianthus Plumarias_. The old and well-known Chinese Pink, _Dianthus Chinensis_, is a biennial, flowering the first season from seed sown in spring, lives during the winter, blooms the second year, and then dies. New and superb varieties have been introduced of late years from j.a.pan, and _Dianthus Laciniatus_, and _Dianthus Heddewigii_, both single and double, make a splendid display, and are among the most desirable of our garden flowers. _Dianthus Diadematus_ is of dwarf habit, very profuse in blooming, and the flowers are of various hues, from white to dark maroon, and also beautifully marbled and spotted. Of the recent novelties _Eastern Queen_ and _Crimson Belle_ are superb; we speak from personal knowledge. "Eastern Queen" is beautifully marbled; the broad bands of rich mauve upon the paler surface of the petals are very striking. "Crimson Belle," as its name implies, is of a rich crimson hue, with dark markings; very large and finely fringed.
For early blooming it is well to sow seed as early as April. June sowing will secure good hardy plants for the following season. When there is a profusion of bloom, it is well to remove a portion of the flowers, so that the plants may not become exhausted, and the seed pods beyond what are desired for ripening, ought also to be cut off.
A Talk About Climbers.
Oh, a dainty plant is the Ivy green, That creepeth o'er ruins old!
Of right choice food are his meals I ween, In his cell so lone and cold, The wall must be crumbled, the stone decayed, To pleasure his dainty whim; And the moldering dust that years have made, Is a merry meal for him.
Creeping where no life is seen, A rare old plant is the Ivy green.
Have been off on a vacation, peering into other folks' gardens and admiring other people's flowers. Visited the Public Garden of Boston and saw that there had been a marked improvement within ten years. The ma.s.sed beds of several sorts, with their contrasting borders, were very attractive, specially the maroon Coleuses with border of Centaurea.
There were few varieties of Geraniums, and these were mostly ma.s.sed in beds, some all scarlet, others wholly pink.
At Forest Hills Cemetery there was the finest display of flowers and tropical plants I ever saw, and they are very artistically and tastefully displayed. I saw several beds with artistic designs on a ground work of Sempervivum, evidencing great skill in the arrangement and culture. The entrance gateway to Forest Hills Cemetery is very beautiful in design, and here we saw that graceful climber Ampeclopsis Veitchii, in the perfection of its beauty, covering the front almost entirely. I had noted it in various stages of growth, clinging to the dwellings in all parts of the city, requiring no aid but its own little rootlets. It is a native of j.a.pan and was introduced in this country twelve years ago. It was slow at first in being duly appreciated, but now is widely known and extensively propagated. Probably the finest plant is owned by Mr. George L. Conover of Geneva, N. Y. It covers the entire front of his two-story square house, and has become so famous that horticulturists from all parts of the country have been attracted by it, and a great many people have visited Geneva for the special purpose of seeing this fine plant. It has proved to be perfectly hardy, only the first year the young and tender plant needs some protection during the winter. Florists are growing them in great quant.i.ties to meet the increasing demand. It can be obtained for twenty cents. I received a small plant last year and kept it in my window box during the winter. It died down, however, and I quite forgot about it, till it sprang forth anew in April. Since putting it in the ground it has grown rapidly, and I shall value it now more than ever.
_The Golden-Leaved Honeysuckle_ is a special favorite of mine. Its leaves are so netted and veined with yellow as to give this hue the predominance. The foliage is small; the flowers are yellow and fragrant.
The family of _Lonicerus_, or Honeysuckle, embraces a large variety. The botanical name was given in honor of _Lonicer_, a German botanist, who died about three hundred years ago.
_Lonicerus Holliana_ was introduced into this country from j.a.pan by Dr.
Hall. The flowers are pure white when they first open, but a.s.sume a creamy tinge in a few days. This variety blooms almost continuously from June till frost. It attains sometimes to the height of twenty, and even thirty feet. The flowers are very fragrant.
_Belgian_, or Monthly Fragrant, bears its blossoms in cl.u.s.ters. They are pure white in the interior at first, but afterward change to creamy yellow, deepening into orange.
_Sempervirens_ (Scarlet Trumpet) is a native of this country, and perfectly hardy. This is the most common, though not fragrant. It is a strong grower, and blooms from June to November. Its scarlet flowers tinged with orange afford a pleasing contrast with its dark, glossy foliage.
For an out-door annual climber, what can be prettier than the dainty, graceful Canary Flower? Mine have scorned the limitations of the twine I had fastened to the lower limbs of a small pear tree and ascending far above them, have run out a full yard on a large branch. The light green, finely lacinated foliage is very handsome of itself, but when the Canary bird flower is added, how lovely it is! It is so easily grown from seed that I wonder so few have it. A paper costing only ten cents would give you a score of plants, and they are much prettier for the bay window than Madeira vines.
A writer from England says: "While in the north of England, last fall, we paid a visit to Alnwick Castle, the seat of the Duke of Northumberland, and the ancient home of the Percy family.... The first thing that struck me on entering the town was a bay window most charmingly draped with light green climbers, and literally covered with bright lemon yellow flowers. Now this appeared so strange to me (for the chilly night air had already affected the geraniums and other tender out-door plants), that I had to cross the street, take the Yankee liberty to open the gate, go inside and examine this thrifty beauty. I confess I was not only surprised but greatly interested to find it was _only_ the Canary flower, _Tropaeolum peregrinum_, a member of the Nasturtium family, and I concluded at once that there should be one cottage in America next summer worth coming miles to see on account of its climbing plants of light green foliage and rich yellow of Canary bird flower."--WALTON, in _Vick's Magazine_.
Do not forget to include this pretty vine in your seed order next year.
This is one of the best of our climbing annuals, on account of its rapid and luxuriant growth, attractive foliage and large bell-shaped flowers.
Under favorable circ.u.mstances they will grow to the height of twenty and even thirty feet in a summer. They commence to bloom when quite young, and continue in bloom until destroyed by frost. Some people remove them from the border to the house for winter blooming, but the change from out-door to indoor life, often r.e.t.a.r.ds their growth and mars their beauty. They are too c.u.mbersome for window plants after having grown during the season, and it is better to sow seed in August, and get in this way plants for the house. They are hard to germinate, and need to be started in pots or in a hot bed. Place them in moist earth _edge down_, and do not water until the young plants appear above the surface, unless the earth becomes very dry.
For out-door blooming sow in March or April. As soon as the plants are strong enough, transplant to three-inch pots; keep them shaded from the sun for a few days, gradually expose to the open air, and plant out when all danger from frost is over. The soil should be well stirred to the depth of nearly two feet, and well rotted manure worked in. In dry weather they need liberal watering as often as once a week, and liquid manure water occasionally is of great benefit to them.
The Coboea can be propagated by layers at almost any season of the year.
It is done in this way: Cut a notch near a joint, place in a pot and fill with soil, and keep the soil moist. It takes from two weeks to a month for them to root.
A writer says of this plant: "The Coboea is an old favorite and it is worthy of remark that but few of the novelties introduced of late years can equal some of the old favorites that we have been accustomed to grow. The Coboea is a native of Mexico, from which country it was introduced in 1792. It was named in honor of Bernandez Cobo, a Spanish priest and botanist. The growth of the vine is very luxuriant, and it is equally easy of cultivation, the only essentials to success being warmth, a rich, light soil, and sufficient water. If allowed to become very dry, it will soon wither away. It requires sun and a warm room to grow it to perfection; yet it is not a tender plant, that is, it will live anywhere, provided the frost does not touch it, and is one of the few plants which will flourish luxuriantly in parlors lighted with gas and kept almost at fever heat. If grown in a hanging basket or pot, it must be large and the roots allowed plenty of room to spread out in. In the summer the pots can be removed from the interior room to a balcony or piazza, or plunged until they are again wanted. Then clip off the growth of branches and leaves, place the pot back again in a sunny window, where it will soon start afresh, with new arms and leaves to cover the window. It is one of the best vines for parlor decoration, as it will drape and festoon the window, and stretch forth its tendrils, running up even to the ceiling. The tendrils are so clinging in their nature that they will attach themselves to anything which comes within their reach--curtain cords, branches of other plants, brackets, etc.,--throwing out new branches everywhere.
"I advise all who adopt the plan of plunging the plant in the pot in the open air during the summer, either to s.h.i.+ft into a pot two sizes larger, or else to take it out of the pot and reduce the ball of earth nearly one-half, and repot it in fresh compost before removing it to the house.
This should be done not later than September 10th. The plants will amply repay this little attention by an increased luxuriance of both foliage and flowers during the winter months, while plants not so treated will become sickly and unhealthy before spring, and beside, when pot-bound, they soon become the prey of numerous insects."
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