A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies Part 2
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_Of the Kingdom and Province of_ GUATIMALA.
This Tyrant at his first entrance here acted and commanded prodigious Slaughters to be perpetrated: Notwithstanding which, the Chief Lord in his Chair or Sedan attended by many n.o.bles of the City of _Ultlatana_, the Emporium of the whole Kingdom, together with Trumpets, Drums and great Exultation, went out to meet him, and brought with them all sorts of Food in great abundance, with such things as he stood in most need of. That Night the _Spaniards_ spent without the City, for they did not judge themselves secure in such a well-fortified place. The next day he commanded the said Lord with many of his Peers to come before him, from whom they imperiously challenged a certain quant.i.ty of Gold; to whom the _Indians_ return'd this modest Answer, that they could not satisfie his Demands, and indeed this Region yeilded no Golden Mines; but they all, by his command, without any other Crime laid to their Charge, or any Legal Form of Proceeding were burnt alive. The rest of the n.o.bles belonging to other Provinces, when they found their Chief Lords, who had the Supreme Power were expos'd to the Merciless Element of Fire kindled by a more merciless Enemy; for this Reason only, becauase they bestow'd not what they could not upon them, _viz._ Gold, they fled to the Mountains, (their usual Refuge) for shelter, commanding their Subjects to obey the _Spaniards_, as Lords, but withal strictly and expressly prohibiting and forbidding them, to inform the _Spaniards_ of their Flight, or the Places of their Concealment. And behold a great many of the _Indians_ addrest themselves to them, earnestly requesting, they would admit them as Subjects, being very willing and ready to serve them: The Captain replyed that he would not entertain them in such a Capacity, but instead of so doing would put every individual Person to Death, if they would not discover the Receptacles of the Fugitive Governours. The _Indians_ made answer that they were wholly ignorant of the matter, yet that they themselves, their Wives and Children should serve them; that they were at home, they might come to them and put them to Death, or deal with them as they pleas'd. But the _Spaniards_, O wonderful! went to the Towns and Villages, and destroy'd with their Lances these poor Men, their Wives and Children, intent upon their Labour, and as they thought themselves, secure and free from danger. Another large Village they made desolate in the s.p.a.ce of two hours, sparing neither Age, nor s.e.x, putting all to the Sword, without Mercy.
The _Indians_ perceiving that this Barbarous and Hard-hearted People would not be pacified with Humility, large Gifts, or unexampled Patience, but that they were butcher'd without any Cause, upon serious Consultation took up a Resolution of getting together in a Body, and fighting for their Lives and Liberty; for they conceiv'd it was far better, (since Death to them was a necessary Evil) with Sword in Hand to be kill'd by taking Revenge of the Enemy, then be destroy'd by them without satisfaction. But when they grew sensible of their wants of Arms, Nakedness and Debility, and that they were altogether incapable of the management of Horses, so as to prevail against such a furious Adversary, recollecting themselves, they contriv'd this Strategm, to dig Ditches and Holes in the High-way into which the Horses might fall in their pa.s.sage, and fixing therein purposely sharp and burnt Posts, and covering them with loose Earth, so that they could not be discern'd by their Riders, they might be transfixed or gored by them. The Horses fell twice or thrice into those holes, but afterward the _Spaniards_ took this Course to prevent them for the future; and made this a Law, that as many of the _Indians_ of what Age or s.e.x soever as were taken, should be cast into these Ditches that they had made. Nay they threw into them Women with Child, and as many Aged Men as they laid hold of, till they were all fill'd up with Carka.s.ses. It was a sight deserving Commiseration, to behold Women and Children gauncht or run through with these Posts, some were taken off by Spears and Swords, and the remainder expos'd to hungry Dogs, kept short of food for that purpose, to be devour'd by them and torn in pieces. They burnt a Potent n.o.bleman in a very great Fire, saying, _That he was the more Honour'd by this kind of Death_. All which Butcheries continued Seven Years, from 1524, to 1531. I leave the Reader to judge how many might be Ma.s.sacred during that time.
Among the Innumerable Flagitious Acts done by this Tyrant and his Co-partners (for they were as Barbarous as their Princ.i.p.al) in this Kingdom, this also occurs worthy of an Afterism in the Margin. In the Province of _Cuztatan_ in which S. _Saviour's_ City is seated, which Country with the Neighbouing Sea-Coasts extends in Length Forty or Fifty Miles, as also in the very City of _Cuzcatan_, the Metropolis of the whole Province, he was entertain'd with great Applause: For about Twenty or Thirty Thousand _Indians_ brought with them Hens and other necessary Provisions, expecting this coming. He, accepting their Gifts, commended every single _Spaniard_ to make choice of as many of these People, as he had a mind to, that during their stay there, they might use them as Servants, and forced to undergo the most servile Offices they should impose on them. Every one cull'd out a Hundred, or Fifty, according as he thought convenient for his peculiar service, and these wretched _Indians_ did serve the _Spaniards_ with their utmost strength and endeavour; so that there could be nothing wanting in them but Adoration. In the mean time this Captain requir'd a great Sum of Gold from their Lords (for that was the Load-stone attracted them thither) who answered, they were content to deliver him up all the Gold they had in possession; and in order thereunto, the _Indians_ gathered together a great Number of Spears gilded with _Orichalc.u.m_, (which had the appearance of Gold, and in truth some Gold in them intermixt) and they were presented to him. The Captain ordered them to be toucht, and when he found them to be _Orichalc.u.m_ or mixt Metal, he spake to the _Spaniards_ as followeth. Let that Nation that is without Gold be accursed to the Pit of h.e.l.l. Let every Man detain those Servants he Elected, let them be clapt in Irons, and stigmatiz'd with the Brand of Slavery, which was accordingly done, for they were all burnt, who did no excape with the King's Mark. I my self saw the Impression made on the Son of the Chiefest Person in the City. Those that escap'd, with other _Indians_, engaged the _Spaniards_ by Force of Arms, but with such ill success, that abundance of them lost their Lives in the Attempt. After this they return'd to _Gautimala_, where they built a City, which G.o.d in his Judgement with Three Deluges, the First of Water, the Second of Earth, the Third of Stones, as big as half a score Oxen, all concurring at one and the same time, laid Level with its own Ashes. Now all being slain who were capable of bearing Arms against them, the rest were enslav'd, paying so much _per_ Head for Men and Women as a Ransom; for they use no other servitude here, and then they were sent into _Pecusium_ to be sold, by which means together with their slaughters committed upon the Inhabitants, they destroy'd and made a Desert of this Kingdom, which in Breadth as well as Length contains One Hundred Miles; and with his a.s.sociates and Brethren in Iniquity, Four Millions at least in Fifteen or Sixteen Years, that is, from 1524, to 1540 were murdered, and dayly continues destroying the small residue of that People with his Cruelties and Brutishness.
It was the usual Custom of this Tyrant, when he made War with any City or Province, to take along with himas many of those _Indians_ he had subjugated as he could, that they might fight with their Country-men; and when he had in his Army Twenty, or sometimes Thirty Thousand of them, and could not afford them sustenance, he permitted them to feed on the Flesh of other _Indians_ taken Prisoners in War; and so kept a Shambles of Man's Flesh in his Army, suffered Children to be kill'd and roasted before his Face. They butcher'd the Men for their Feet and Hands only; for these Members were accounted by them Dainties, most delicious Food.
He as the Death of many by the intolerable Labour of Carrying s.h.i.+ps by Land, causing them to Transport those Vessels with Anchors of a vast weight from the _Septentrional_ to the _Mediterranean_ Sea, which are One Hundred and Thirty Miles distant; as also abundance of great Guns of the largest fort, which they carried on their bare, naked shoulders, so that opprest with many great and ponderous Burthens, (I say no more than what I saw) they dyed by the way: He separated and divided Families, forcing Married Men from their Wives, and Maids from their Parents, which he bestow'd upon his Marriners and Soldiers, to gratifie their burning l.u.s.t. All his s.h.i.+ps he freighted with _Indians_, where Hunger and Thirst discharg'd them of their Servitude and his Cruelty by a welcome Death. He had two Companies of Soldiers who hackt and tore them in pieces, like Thunder from Heaven speedily. O how many Parents has he robb'd of their Children, how many Wives of their Husbands, and Children of their Parents? How many Adulteries, Rapes, and what Libidinous Acts hath he been guilty of? How many hath he enslav'd and opprest with insufferable Anguish and unspeakable Calamities? How many Tears, Sighs and Groans hath he occasion'd? To how many has he bin the Author of Desolation, during their Peregrination in this, and of d.a.m.nation in the World to come, not only to _Indians_, whose Number is numberless, but even to _Spaniards_ themselves, by whose help and a.s.sistance he committed such detestable Butcheries and flagitious Crimes? I supplicate Almighty G.o.d, that he would please to have Mercy on his Soul, and require no other satisfaction than the violent Death, which turn'd him out of this World.
_A farther Discourse of_ New Spain: _And some Account of_ Panuco _and_ Xalisco.
After the perpetration of all the Cruelties rehea.r.s.ed in _New Spain_ and other places, there came another Rabid and Cruel Tyrant to _Panuco_, who acted the part of a b.l.o.o.d.y Tragedian as well as the rest, and sent away many s.h.i.+ps loaden with these _Barbarians_ to be sold for Slaves, made this Province almost a Wilderness, and which was deplorable, Eight Hundred _Indians_, that had Rational Souls were given in Exchange for a Burthen-bearing-Beast, a Mule, or Camel. Well, He was made Governour of the City of _Mexico_, and all _New Spain_, and with him many other Tyrants had the Office of Auditors confer'd upon them: Now they had already made such a progress toward the Desolation of this Region, that if the _Franciscans_ had not vigorously opposed them, and that by (the King's Council, the best and greatest Encourager of Vertue) it had not speedily bin prevented, that which hapned to _Hispaniola_ in Two Years, had bin the Fate of _Hispania nova_, namely to be unpeopled, deferred, and intomb'd in its own Rules. A Companion of this Governour employed Eight Thousand _Indians_ in Erecting a wall to inclose his Garden, but they all dyed, having no Supplies, nor Wages from him, to support themselves, at whose Death he was not in the least concern'd.
After the first Captain before spoken of had absolutely profliaged and ruin'd the _Panuconians_, Fifteen Thousand whereof perished by carrying their Bag and Baggage: At length he arriv'd at the Province of _Machuacan_, which is Forty Miles Journey from _Mexico_, and as Fertile and Populous: The King to honour him in the Rencounter, with a Multiple of People, marcheth toward him, from whom he had received One Thousand Services and Civilities very considerable, who gratefully requited him with Captivity, because Fame had nois'd it abroad, that he was a most Opulent Prince in Gold and Silver; and to the end he might export from, and purge him of his Gold, he was cruciated with Torments after this manner; his Body was extended, Hands bound to a Post, and his Feet put into a pair of Stocks, they all the while applying burning Coals to his Feet at a tormenting distance, where a Boy attended, who by little and little sprinkled them with Oyl, that his Flesh might roast the better: Before him there stood a Wicked Fellow, presenting a Bow to his Breast charged with a Mortal Arrow, (if let fly) behind him, another with Dogs held in with Chains, which he threatned to let loose at him, which if done, he had bin torn to pieces in a moment; and with these kind of Torments they racked him to extort a Confession, where his Treasures lay; till a _Franciscan_ Monk came and deliver'd him from his Torments, but not from Death, for he departed this miserable Life not long after: And this was the severe Fate of many _Cacics_ and _Indian_ Lords, who dyed with the same Torments which they were expos'd to by the _Spaniards_, in order to the engrossing of their Gold and Sliver to themselves.
At this very time, A certain Visiter of Purses rather than Souls hapned to be here present, who (finding some _Indian_ Idols which were hid; for they were no better instructed in the Knowledge of the true G.o.d by reason of the Wicked Doc.u.ments and Dealings of the _Spaniards_) detain'd Grandees as Slaves, till they had deliver'd him all their Idols, for he phancied they were made of Gold or Silver, but his Expectation being frustrated, he chastised them with no less Cruelty than Injustice; and that he might not depart bubbled out of all his hopes, constrain'd them to redeem their Idols with Money, that so they might, according to their Custom, Adore them. These are the Fruits of the _Spanish_ Artifices and Juggling Tricks among the _Indians_, and thus they promoted the honour and wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d.
This Tyrant from _Mechuacam_ arrives at _Xalisco_, a Country abounding with People very fruitful, and the Glory of the _Indians_ in this respect, that it had some Towns Seven Miles long; and among other Barbarisms equal to what you have read, which they acted here, this is not to be forgotten, that Women big with Child, were burthen'd with the Luggage of Wicked Christians, and being unable to go out their usual time, through extremity of Toil and Hunger, were necessitated to bring them forth in the High-wayes, which was the Death of many Infants.
At a certain time a profligate Christian attempted to devirginate a Maid, but the Mother being present, resisted him, and endeavouring to free her from his intended Rape, whereat the _Spaniard_ enrag'd, cut off her Hand with a short Sword, and stab'd the Virgin in several places, till she Expir'd, because she obstinately opposed and disappointed his inordinate Appet.i.te.
In this Kingdom of _Xalisco_ (according to report) they burnt Eight Hundred Towns to Ashes, and for this Reason the _Indians_ growing desperate, beholding the dayly destruction of the Remainders of their matchless Cruelty, made an Insurrection against the _Spaniards_, slew several of them justly and deservedly, and afterward fled to the insensible Rocks and Mountains (yet more tender and kind than the stony-hearted Enemy) for Sanctuary; where they were miserably Ma.s.sacred by those Tyrants who succeeded, and there are now few, or none of the Inhabitants to be found. Thus the _Spaniards_ being blinded with the l.u.s.tre of their Gold, deserted by G.o.d, and given over to a Reprobate Sense, not undrestanding (or at least not willing to do so) that the Cause of the _Indians_ is most Just, as well by the Law of Nature, as the Divine and Humane, they by Force of Arms, destroying them, hacking them in pieces, and turning them out of their own Confines and Dominions, nor considering how unjust those Violences and Tyrannies are, wherewith they have afflicted these poor Creatures, they still contrive to raise new Wars against them: Nay they conceive, and by Word and Writing testifie, that those Victories they have obtain'd against those Innocents to their ruine, are granted them by G.o.d himself, as if their unjust Wars were promoted and managed by a just Right and t.i.tle to what they pretend; and with boasting Joy return Thanks to G.o.d for their Tyranny, in imitation of those Tyrants and Robbers, of whom the Prophet _Zechariah_ part of the Forth and Fifth Verses. _Feed the Sheep of the slaughter, whose Possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty, and they that sell them say, Blessed by the Lord, for ye are rich._
_Of the Kingdom of _JUCATAN.
An Impious Wretch by his Fabulous Stories and Relations to the King of _Spain_ was made praefect of the Kingdom of _Jucatan_, in the Year of our Lord 1526; And the other Tyrants to this very day have taken the same indirect Measures to obtain Offices, and screw or wheedle themselves into publick Charges or Employments, for this praetext, and Authority, they had the greater opportunity to commit Theft and Rapine.
This Kingdom was very well peopled, and both for Temperature of Air, and the Plenty of Food and Fruits, in which respect it is more Fertile than _Mexico_, but chiefly for Hony and Wax, it exceeds all the _Indian_ Countries that hath hitherto bin discover'd. It is Three Hundred Miles in Compa.s.s. The Inhabitants of this place do much excel all other _Indians_, either in Politie or Prudence, or in leading a Regular Life and Morality, truly deserving to be instructed in the Knowledge of the true G.o.d. Here the _Spaniards_ might have Erected many fair Cities, and liv'd as it were in a Garden of Delights, if they had not, through Covetousness, Stupidity, and the weight of Enormous Crimes rendred themselves unworthy of so great a Benefit. This Tyrant, with Three Hundred Men began to make War with these Innocent People, living peaceably at home, and doing injury to none, which was the ruine of a great Number of them: Now because this Region affords no Gold; and if it did the Inhabitants would soon have wrought away their lives by hard working in the Mines, that so he might acc.u.mulate Gold by their bodies and Souls, for which Christ was Crucified: For the generality he made slaves of those whose lives he spared, and sent away such s.h.i.+ps as were driven thither by the Wind of report, loaden with them, exchanging them for Wine, Oyl, Vinegar, Salt Pork, Garments, Pack Horses and other Commodities, which he thought most necessary and fit for his use. He proposed to them the choice of Fifty Virgins, and she that was the fairest or best complexioned he bartered for a small Cask of Wine, Oyl, Vinegar or some inconsiderable quant.i.ty of salt Pork, the same exchange he proferred of Two or Three Hundred well-disposed Young Boys, and one of them who had the Mind or presence of a Princes Son, was given up to them for a Cheese, and One Hundred more for a Horse. Thus he continued his flagitious courses from 1526 to 1533, inclusively, till there was news brought of the Wealth and Opulence of the Region of _Perusia_, whither the _Spaniards_ marcht, and so for some time there was a Cessation of this Tyranny; but in a few days after they returned and acted enormous Crimes, robbed, and imprisoned them and committed higher offences against the G.o.d of Heaven; nor have they ye done, so that now these Three Hundred Miles of Land so populous (as I said before) lies now uncultivated and almost deserted.
No Solifidian can believe the particular Narrations of their Barbarism, and Cruelty in those Countreys. I will only relate two or three Stories which are fresh in my memory. The _Spaniards_ used to trace the steps of the _Indians_, both Men and Women with curst Currs, furious Dogs; an _Indian_ Woman that was sick hapned to be in the way in sight, who perceiving that she was not able to avoid being torn in pieces by the Dogs, takes a Cord that she had and hangs her self upon a Beam, tying her Child (which she unforunately had with her) to her foot; and no sooner had she done, yet the Dogs were at her, tearing the Child, but a Priest coming that way Baptiz'd it before quite dead.
When the _Spaniards_ left this Kingdom, one of them invited the Son of some _Indian_ Governour of a City or Province, to go along with him, who told him he would not leave or desert his Native Countrey, whereupon he threatned to cut off his ears, if he refus'd to follow him: But the Youth persisting resolutely, that he would continue in the place of his Nativity, he drawing his Sword cut off each Ear, notwithstanding which he persever'd in his first opinion, and then as if he had only pincht him, smilingly cut off his Nose and Lips.
This Rogue did lasciviously boast before a Priest, and as if he had merited the greatest applause, commended himself to the very Heavens, saying, "He had made it his chief Trade or Business to impregnate _Indian_ Women, that when they were sold afterward, he might gain the more Money by them."
In this Kingdom or (I'm certain) in some Province of New _Spain_, A _Spaniard_ Hunting and intent on his game, phancyed that his Beagles wanted food; and to supply their hunger s.n.a.t.c.ht a young little Babe from the Mothers breast, cutting off his Arms and Legs, cast a part of them to every Dog, which they having devour'd, he threw the remainder of the Body to them. Thus it is plainly manifest how they value these poor Creatures, created after the image of G.o.d, to cast them to their Canibal Curs. But that which follows is (if possible) a sin of a deeper dye.
I pretermit their unparallel'd Impieties, _&c._ and only close all with this one Story that follows. Those haughty obdurate and execrable Tyrants, who departed from this Countrey to Fish for Riches in _Perusia_, and four Monks of the Order of St. _Francis_, with Father _James_ who Travelled thither also to keep the Countrey in Peace, and attract or mildly perswade by their Preaching the remnant of Inhabitants, that had outlived a septennial Tyranny, to embrace the knowledge of Christ. I conceive these are the persons who in the year 1534, Travelling by _Mexico_ were sollicited by several Messengers from the _Indians_, to come into their Countrey, and inform them in the knowledge of one G.o.d, the true G.o.d, and Lord of the whole World: to this end they appointed a.s.semblies and Councils to examine and understand what Men they were, who called themselves Fathers and Friers, what they intended and what difference there was between them and the _Spaniards_, by whom they had been so molested and tormented: but they received them at length upon this condition that they should be admitted alone, without any _Spaniards_, which the Fathers promised; for they had permission, nay an express Mandate from the President of New _Spain_ to make that promise, and that the _Spaniards_ should not do them the least detriment or injury. Then they began, to Preach the Gospel of Christ, and to explicate and declare the pious intention of the King of _Castile_, of all which they had notice by the _Spaniards_ for seven years together, that they had no King nor no other but him, who oppressed them with so much Tyranny. The Priests continued there but forty days, but behold they bring forth all their Idols to be committed to the flames; and then their Children which they tendred as the apple of the Eye, that they might be instructed. They also erected Temples and Houses for them and they were desired to come to other Provinces and Preach the Gospel, and introduce them into the knowledge of G.o.d, and the Great (as they stiled him) King of _Castile_: And the Priests perswasions wrought so effectually on them, that they condescended to that which was never done in _India_ before (for whatsoever those Tyrants who wasted and consumed these large Kingdoms and Provinces, did misrepresent and falsifie, was only done to bring an odium and disgrace upon the _Indians_). For Twelve or Fifteen Princes of spatious and well-peopled Regions a.s.sembled, every one distinct and separate from the rest, with his own subjects, and by their unanimous consent upon Council and Advice, of their own accord sumitted themselves to the Government of the _Castilian_ Kings and accepted of them as their Prince and Protector, obliging themselves to obey and serve them as subjects to their Lawful Liege Lord.
In Witness whereof I have in my custody, a certain Instrument Signed and Attested by the aforesaid Religioso's.
Thus to the great joy and hope of these Priests reducing them to the knowledge of Christ they were received by the Inhabitants of this Kingdom, that surviv'd the heat and rage of the Spanish Cruelties: but behold eighteen Horse and Twelve Footmen by another way crept in among them, bringing with them many Idols, which were of great weight, and taken out of other Regions by Force. The Commander in chief of these _Spaniards_ summoned one of the Dynasts or Rulers of that Province which they entred into, to appear before him, and command him to take these Idols with him, distribute them through his Countrey and exchange every single Idol for an _Indian_ Man or Woman, otherwise he would make War against him. The abovesaid Lord compelled to it by fear did so accordingly with a command, that his Subjects should adore Wors.h.i.+p and Honour them, and in compensation send Indians Male and Female into servitude. The terrified People delivered up their Children, and by this means there was an end made of this Sacrilegious Merchandize, and thus the _Casic_ satisfied the greedy desires of the (I dare not say Christian) _Spaniards_. One of these Sacrilegious Robbers was _John Garcia_ by name, who being very sick and at the point of dath, had several Idols hid under his Bed, and calling his _Indians_ that waited on him, as a Nurse, commanded her not to part with those Idols at a small rate for they were of the better sort, and that she should not dispose of them without one _Indian_, for each Idol by way of Barter.
Thus by this his private and Nuncupative last Will and Testament distracted with these carking cares, he gave up the Ghost: And who is it that will not fear his being tormented in the darkest and lowest h.e.l.l? Let us now consider what progress in Religion the _Spaniards_ made, and what examples of Christianism they gave, at their first arrival in _America_, how devoutly they honoured G.o.d, and what expence of sweat and toil they were at to promote his Wors.h.i.+p and Adoration among the Infidels. Let it be also taken into serious consideration, whose sin is the greater, either _Joroboam's_, who made all _Israel_ to sin, and caused two Golden Calves to be erected, or the _Spaniards_ who traffick and Trade in Idols like _Judas_, who was the occasion of such great scandals. These are the good Deeds of the Spanish _Dons_, who often, nay very often to feed their Avarice, and acc.u.mulate Gold have sold and still do sell, denied and still do deny Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
The _Indians_ now findint the Promises of the Religious, that the _Spaniards_ should not enter into this Countrey, null and void; nay that the Spaniards brought Idols from other places to be put off there; when as they had delivered up their own to the Priests to be burnt, that there might be only Wors.h.i.+p of the true G.o.d established among them; they were highly incensed against these Friars, and addressed themselves to them in these Words following: Why have you deceived us, binding your promises with false protestations, that the Spaniards shoudl not be admitted to come hither? And why have you burnt our G.o.ds, when others are brought from other Regions by the Spaniards? Are the G.o.ds of other Provinces more sacred than ours? The Friers as well as they could (though they had little to return in answer) endevour'd by soft Language to appease them; and went to these Thirty Spaniards, declaring the evil actions they were guilty of, humbly supplicating them to withdraw themselves from that place. Which they would by no means condescend to, and what is most flagitious and wicked perswaded the _Indians_, that they were introduc'd by those Priests; Which being made known to them, These _Indians_ resolved to be the death of these Monks, but having notice thereof by some courteous _Indians_, they stole away from thence by night, and fled; but after their departure the truth of the matter and the Spanish Malice being understood; they sent several Messengers who followed them fifty Miles distant beseeching them in the name of the _Indians_, to return and begging pardon for that ignorant mistake.
The Priests relying on their words, returned, and were caress'd like Angels sent from Heaven; and continued with them, (from whom they received a Thousand kindnesses) four or five months. But when the Spaniards persisted in their resolution not to quit the place, although they Vice-Roy did use all endeavours and fair means to recall them, they were Proclaim'd Traitors, guilty of High Treason; and because they continued still exercising Tyranny and perpetrated nefandous Crimes, the Priests were sensible they would study revenge, though it might be some considerable time before they put it in execution, fearing that it might fail upon their own heads, and since they could not exercise the function of their Ministry securely and undisturbed by reason of the continual Incursions and a.s.saults made by the Spaniards, they consulted about their departure, and did leave this Kingdom accordingly which remain'd dest.i.tute of all Christian Doctrin and these poor Souls are at this day involv'd in the obscurity of their former Misery and Ignorance, they being deprived by these accursed Spaniards, of all hopes of remedy, and the irrigatioon of Divine knowledge, just like young withering Plants for want of Water: for in that very juncture of time, when these Religioso's took leave, they embraced the Doctrine of our Faith with the greatest Fervency and Eagerness imaginable.
_Of the Province of St. _MARTHA.
The Province of St. _Martha_ was rich in the Neighbouring Golden Mines, and a fruitful Soil, nay the People were very expert and industrious in those Mine-works: Upon this Account, or Temptation it was, that from the Year 1540, to 1542, abundance of Tyrants sailed thither, laying waste the whole Country by their Depredations, slaughtering the Inhabitants at a prodigious and b.l.o.o.d.y rate; and robbing them of all their Gold, who dayly fled to their s.h.i.+ps for Refuge, moving sometime to one place, and sometime to another. And thus those Provinces were laid waste, the greatest Outrages being committed on the Sea-sh.o.r.e, which lasted till the Year 1523, whither the _Spaniards_ then came to seat themselves, and fis their intended Habitation. And becuase it is a plentiful Region and Opulent withal; it was subjected to several Rulers, who like Infernal Fiends contended who should obtain the Palm, by out-staining the Sword of his Predecessor in Innocent Blood; insomuch, that from the Year 1529 to this very day, they have wasted and spoiled as much good ground as extended Five Hundred Miles, and unpeopled the Countrey.
If I design'd to enumerate all the Impieties, Butcheries, Desolations, Iniquities, Violences, Destructions and other the Piacula and black Enormities committed and perpetrated by the _Spaniards_ in this Province, against G.o.d, the King, and these harmless Nations; I might compile a Voluminous History, and that shall be compleated, if G.o.d permit my Gla.s.s to run longer, in his good time. It may suffice for the present to relate some pa.s.sages written in a Letter to our King and Lord by a Revernd Bishop of these Provinces, Dated the 20th of _May, An. Dom._ 1541. wherein among other matters he thus words it.
I must acquaint your Sacred Majesty, that the only way to succour and support this tottering Region is to free it from the Power of a Father in Law, and marry it to a Husband who will treat her as she ought to be, and lovingly entertain her, and that must be done with all possible Expedition too, if not, I am certain that she will suddenly decay and come to nothing by the covetous and sordid Deportment of the Governours, _&c._ And a little after he writes thus, By this Means your Majesty will plainly know and understand how to depose the Prefects or Governours of those Regions from their Office if they deserve it, that so they may be alleviated and eas'd of such Burthens; which if not perform'd, in my Opinion, the Body Politick will never recover its Health. And this I will make appear to your Majesty that they are not Christians, but Devils; not Servants of G.o.d and the King, but Traitors to the King and Laws, who are Conversant in those Regions. And in reality nothing can be more obstructive to those that live peacably, then Inhumane and Barbarous Usage, which they, who lead a quiet and peacable Life, too frequently undergo, and this is so fastidious and nauseous to them, that there can be nothing in the World so odious and detestable among them, as the Name of a Christian: for they term the Christians in their Language _Yares_, that is, Devils; and in truth are not without reason; for the Actions of those that reside in these Regions, are not such as speak them to be Christians or Men, gifted with Reason, but absolute Devils; hence it is, that the _Indians_, perceiving these Actions committed by the Heads as well as Members, who are void of all Compa.s.sion and Humanity, do judge the Christian Laws to be of the same strain and temper, and that their G.o.d and King are the Authors of such Enormities: Now to endeavour to work upon them a contrary perswasion is to no purpose; for this would afford them a greater Lat.i.tude and Liberty to deride Jesus Christ and his Laws. Now the _Indians_ who protect and defend themselves by force of Arms, think it more eligible, and far better to dye once, than suffer several and many Deaths under the _Spanish_ Power.
This I know experimentally, Most Invicible _Casar_, &c. And he adds farther, Your Majesty is more Powerful in Subjects and Servants, who frequent these Kingdoms, then you can imagin. Nor is there one Soldier among them all, who does not publickly and openly profess, if he robs, steals, spoils, kills, burns His Majesties Subjects, 'tis to purchase Gold: He will not say that he therein does your Majesty great Service, for they affirm they do it to obtain their own Share and Dividend.
Wherefore, Most Invincible _Casar_, it would be a very prudential Act for your Majesty to testifie by a rigid Correction and severe Punishment of some Malefactors, that it is disservice to you for your Subjects to commit such Evil Acts, as tend to the Disobedience and Dishonour of the Almighty.
What you have read hitherto is the Relation of the said Bishop of St.
_Martha_, Epitomized and Extracted from his Letters, whereby it is manifest, how Savagely they handle these mild and affable People. They term them Warlike _Indians_, who betake themselves to the Mountains to secure themselves from _Spanish_ Cruelty; and call them Country _Indians_, or Inhabitants, who by a dreadful Ma.s.sacre are delivered up to Tyrannical and Horrible Servitude, whereby at length they are become depopulated, made desolate, and utterly destroy'd; as appears by the Epistle of the praementioned Bishop, who only gives us a slight Account or Essay of their persecution and Sufferings. The _Indians_ of this Country use to break out into such Words as these, when they are driven, loaded like Brutes through the uncouth wayes in their Journeys over the Mountains, if they happen to faint through Weakness, and miscarry through extremity of Labour, (for then they are kicked and cudge'd, their Teeth dasht out with the Pummels of their Swords to raise them up again, when tired and fallen under weighty Burthens, and force them to go on without Respiration, or Time to take Breath, and all this with the following increpation, or upbraiding and taunting words, _O what a wicket Villain art thou?_) I say they burst out into these Expressions, I am absolutely tir'd, kill me, I desire to dye, being weary of my Life as well as my Burthen and Journey: And this not without deep Heart-breaking Sighs, they being scarce able to draw or breathe out their words, which are the Characteristical Notes, and infallible of the Mind drowned in Anguish and Sorrow. My it please our Merciful G.o.d to order the discovery of these Crimes to be manifested to those Persons, who are able and oblig'd to redress them.
_Of the Province of_ CARTHAGENA.
This Province is distant Fifty Miles from the Isle of St. _Martha_ Westward, and situated on the Confines of the Country of _Cenusia_, from whence it extends One Hundred Miles to the Bay of _Uraba_, and contains a very long Tract of Land _Southward_. These Provinces from the Year 1498 to this present time were most barbarously us'd, and made desert by Murder and Slaughter, but that I may the sooner conclude this brief summary. I will not handle the particulars, to the end I may the better give an Account of the detestable Villanies that ruin'd other Regions.
_Of the _Pearl-Coast, PARIA, _and_ TRINITY-ISLE.
The _Spaniards_ made great Spoils and Havock from the _Parian_ Coast to the Bay of _Venecuola_, exclusively, which is about Two Hundred Miles.
It can hardly be exprest by Tongue or Pen how many, and how great Injuries and Injustices, the Inhabitants of this Sea-sh.o.r.e have endur'd from the year 1510, to this day. I will only relate Two or Three Piacular and Criminal Acts of the First Magnitude, capable of comprehending all other Enormities that deserve the sharpest Torments, Wit and Malice can invent, and so make way for a deserved Judgment upon them.
A Nameless Pirate of the Year 1510, accompanied with a parcel of Sixty or Seventy, arriv'd at _Trinity-Island_, which exceeds _Sicile_, both in Amplitude and Fertility, and is contiguous to the Continent on that side where it toucheth upon _Paria_, whose Inhabitants, according to their Quality, are more addicted to Probity and Vertue, than the rest of the _Indians_; who immediately published an Edict, that all the Inhabitants should come and cohabit with them. The _Indian_ Lords and Subjects gave them a Debonair and Brotherly Reception, serving them with wonderful Alacrity, furnis.h.i.+ng them with dayly Provisions in so plentiful a manner, that they might have sufficed a more numerous Company; for it is the Mode among _Indians_ of this New World, to supply the _Spaniards_ very bountifuly with all manner of Necessaries.
A short time after the _Spaniards_ built a stately House, which was an Appartment for the _Indians_, that they might accomplish their praemeditated Designs, which was thus effected. When they were to thatch it, and had rais'd it two Mens height, they inclos'd several of them there, to expedite the Work, as they pretended, but in truth that they who were within, might not see those without; thus part of them surrounded the House with Sword in Hand that no one should stir out, and part of them entred it, and bound the _Indians_, menacing them with Death, if they offered to move a Foot; and if any one endeavoured to escape, he was presently hackt in pieces; but some of them partly wounded, and partly unwounded getting away, with others who went not into the House, about One Hundred and Two Hundred, betook themselves to another House with Bows and Arrows; and when they were all there, the _Spaniards_ secur'd the Doors, throwing in Fire at another place, and so they all perished. From hence they set Sail to the Island of St.
_John_ with near upon One Hundred and Eighty Slaves, whom they had bound, where they sold one half of them, and thence to _Hispaniola_, where they dispos'd of the rest. Now when I taxed this Captain with Wickedness and Treachery in the very Isle of St. _John_, he dismist me with this Answer; _Forbear good Sir._ I had this in commission from those who sent me hither, that I should surprize them by the spetious pretense of Peace, whom I could not sieze by open Force, and in truth this same Captain told me with his own Mouth, that in _Trinity-Isle_ alone, he had met with a Father and Mother in Civil usage, which he uttered to his greater Confusion and the aggravation of his Sins. The Monks of our Order of St. _Dominic_ on a certain time held a Consult about sending one of their Fraternity into this Island, that by their Preaching they might instruct them in the Christian Faith, and teach them the way to be sav'd, of which they were wholly Ignorant. And to this end they sent thither a Religious and Licentiate in Theologie, (or Doctor in Divinity, as we term it among us) a Man Famous for his Vertue and Holiness with a _Laic_ his a.s.sociate, to visit the Country, converse with the Inhabitants, and find out the most convenient places for the Erection of Monasteries. As soon as they were arriv'd according to custom, they were entertain'd like Coelestial Messengers, with great Affection, Joy and Respect, as well as they could, for they were ignorant of their Tongue, and so made use of signs, for the present. It hapned that after the departure of that Vessel that brought these Religious Men, another came into the Port, whose Crew according to their h.e.l.lish Custom, fraudulently, and unknown to the Religious brought away a Prince of that Province as Captive, who was call'd _Alphonsus_, (for they are ambitious of a Christian Name,) and forthwith desire without farther Information, that he would Baptize him: But the said Lord _Alphonsus_ was deceitfully overperswaded to go on board of them with his Wife and about Seventeen more, pretending that they would give hime a Collation; which the Prince and they did, for he was confident, that the Religious would by no means suffer himo be abus'd, for he had no so much Confidence in the _Spaniards_; but as soon as they were upon Deck, the perfidious Rogues, set Sail for _Hispaniola_, where they were sold as Slaves. The whole Country being extreamly discompos'd, and understanding that their Prince and Princess were violently carried away, addressed themselves to these Religioso's, who were in great danger of losing their Lives: But they being made to understand this unjust Action, were extraordinarily afflicted, and 'tis probable would have suffered Death, rather than permit the _Indians_ to be so injuriously dealt with, which might prove an Obstruction to their receiving of, and believing in G.o.d's Word. Yet the _Indians_ were sedated by the promises of the Religious; for they told them, they would send Letters by the first s.h.i.+p that was bound for _Hispaniola_, whereby they would procure the Rest.i.tution and Return of their Lord and his Retinue. It pleased G.o.d to send a s.h.i.+p thither forthwith, to the greater confirming of the Governours d.a.m.nation, where in the Letters they sent to the Religious of _Hispaniola_, Letters containing repeated Exclamations and Protestations, and protest against such Actions, but those that received them denyed them Justice, for that they were partakers of that Prey, made of those _Indians_ so injustly and impiously captivated. But when the Religious, who had engag'd to the Inhabitants, that their Lord _Alphonsus_ should be restor'd within Four Moneths, and found that neither in Four, nor Eight Moneths he was return'd, they prepar'd themselves for Death, and to deliver up their Life to Christ, to whom they had offer'd it before their departure from _Spain_: Thus the Innocent _Indians_ were revenged on the Innocent Priests; for they were of Opinion, that the Religious had a hand in the Plot, partly, because they found their Promises that their Lord should return within Four Moneths, ineffectual, and partly because the Inhabitants made no difference between a Religious Frier and a _Spanish_ Rogue. At another time it fell out likewise, through the Rampant Tyrrany and Cruel Deeds of evil-minded Christians, that the _Indians_ put to Death two _Dominican_ Friers, of which I am a faithful Witness, escaping my self, not without a very great Miracle, which Transaction I resolve silently to pa.s.s over, lest I should terrifie the Reader with the Horror of the Fact.
In these Provinces, there was a City seated on the Bay of _Codera_, whose Lord was call'd _Higueroto_, a Name, either proper to Persons or common to the Rulers of that Place. A _Cacic_ of such signal Clemency, and his Subjects of such noted Vertue, that the _Spaniards_ who came thither, were extraordinarily welcom, furnished with Provisions, enjoying Peace and Comfort, and no Refreshment wanting: But a perfidious Wretch got many of them on board, and sold them to the Islanders of St. _John_. At the same time I landed upon that Island, where I obtained a sight of this Tyrant, and heard the Relation of his Actions. He utterly destroy'd that Land, which the rest of the _Spaniards_ took very unkindly at his Hands, who frequently playd the Pirate, and rob'd on that sh.o.r.e, detesting it as a wicked thing, because they had lost that place, where they use to be treated with as great Hospitality and Freedom, as if they had been under their own Roof: Nay they transported from this place, among them, to the Isles of _Hispaniola_ and St. _John_ Two Millions of Men and upward, and made the Coast a Desert.
It is most certainly true, that they never s.h.i.+p off a Vessel freighted with _Indians_, but they pay a third part as Tribute to the Sea, besides those who are slaughter'd, when found in their own Houses. Now the Soarce and Original of all this is the ends they have propos'd to themselves. For there is a necessity of taking with them a great number of _Indians_, that they may gain a great sum of Mony by their Sale, now the s.h.i.+ps are very slenderly furnished with Provisions and Water in small Quant.i.ty, to satisfie few, left the Tyrants, who are term'd Owners or Proprietors of s.h.i.+ps should be at too great expence in Victualling their Vessels, nay they scarce carry Food enough with them to maintain the _Spaniards_ that manage the Vessel, which is the reason so many _Indians_ dye with Hunger and Thirst, and of necessity they must be thrown over-board: Nay one of them told me this for a Truth, that there being such a Mult.i.tude of Men thus destroy'd, a s.h.i.+p may sail from the Isle of _Lucaya_ to _Hispaniola_, which is a Voyage of Twenty Leagues and upward, without Chart or Compa.s.s, by the sole Direction or Observation of dead fluctuating Carka.s.ses.
But afterward, when arriv'd, and driven up into the Isle whither they are brought to be sold, there is no Person that is in some small measure compa.s.sionate, but would be extreamly mov'd and discompos'd at the sight; _viz._ to spie old Men and Women, together with Naked Children half starv'd. Then they separate Parents from Children, Wives from their Husbands, about Ten or Twenty in a Company, and cast lots for them, that the Detestable Owners of the s.h.i.+ps may have their share; who prepare Two or Three s.h.i.+ps, and equip them as a Fleet of Pirates, going ash.o.r.e ravaging and forcing Men out of their Houses, and then robbing them: But when the lot of any one of them falls upon a parcel, that hath an aged or diseased Man; the Tyrant, whose Allotment he is, usually bursts out, as followeth. Let this old Fellow be Damm'd, why do you bestow him upon me; must I, think you; be at the charge of his Burial? And this sickly Wretch, how comes he to be one of my alloted portion must I take care for his cure? Not I. Hence you may guess what estimate and value the _Spaniards_ put upon _Indians_, and whether they practise and fulful that Divine and Heavenly precept injoyning mutual Love and Society.
There can be nothing more cruel and detestable then the Tyrannical usage of the _Spaniards_ towards the _Indians_ in their Pearl-Fis.h.i.+ng; for the Torments undergone in the unnatural Exenteration and tearing out with Paracidal hands the richer bowels of our common Mother, or the inward cruciating racks of the most profligate, Heaven daring _Desperado_ can admit of no comparison with these, although the extracting or digging for Gold is one of the sharpest subterranean Drudgeries, they plunge them down four or five ells deep under Water, where swimming about without breathing, they eradicate and pull up Oisters, wherein the Pearls are engendred. Sometimes they rise up to the superfities of the Water with Nets full of Oisters for respiration and Air, but if these miserable Creatures stay but a little more then is Ordinary to rest themselves the Hangman is immediately upon them in a _Canow_ or small Boat, who beating them with many stripes drag them by the hair of the head under Water, that they may drudge again at their expilcation or Pearl Fis.h.i.+ng. Their Food is Fish, and the same which contains the Pearls and _Ca.s.sabus_ made of Roots with a few _Mahids_, the Bread of that Countrey; in the former there is little or no nutriment or substance, and the other is not made without great trouble, nor for all this have they a sufficient allowance thereof to support nature. Their Lodging or Bed is the Earth confined to a pair of Stocks, for fear that they should run away: And it frequently happens that they are drown'd with the toil of this kind of Fis.h.i.+ng and never more seen, for the _Tuberoms_ and _Maroxi_ (certain Marine Monsters that devour a complete proportioned Man wholly at once) prey upon them under Water. You must consider withall, that it is impossible for the strongest const.i.tution to continue long under Water without breathing, and they ordinarily dye through the extream rigor of the Cold, spitting Blood which is occasioned by the too great compression of the Breast, procreated by a continued holding breath under Water, for by too much cold a profluvium of blood follows. Their hair naturally black is changed into a combust, burnt or Sun-colour like that of the Sea Wolves, their shoulders and backs covered, or overspread with a saltish humor that they appear rather like Monsters in humane shape then Men.
A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies Part 2
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