Ex Strongest Swordsman Longs For Magic In Different World Chapter 374 (Self Edited) – Helping Out

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Chapter 374 (Self Edited) – Helping Out

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When Soma stopped by Sheila’s cla.s.sroom, she had just finished preparing to leave. He wondered if she was doing the duties as the day monitor, but it seemed she had already completed them when he asked her about it.

“Aren’t you finis.h.i.+ng quite early?” (Soma)

“Hmm, I was progressing little by little ahead. …I wanted to go home early today.” (Sheila)

“I see. Well… how should I put it, I apologize.” (Felicia)

“…Hmm, it’s fine because it’s what I wanted to do.” (Sheila)

Felicia must have understood that Sheila did it for her sake. Though Felicia apologized with a slightly embarra.s.sed expression, Sheila just wore a natural face. Rather, her expression seemed somewhat proud, and even in such a situation, these two remained as close sisters.

Speaking of sisters, he wondered how his younger sister was doing. However, it seemed that at least in this situation, there was no sister for Soma. Whether that was a good thing or not was indiscernible… Now, what might that younger sister be doing at this time?

While overhearing the conversation between the sisters and thinking about Lina, whom Soma hadn’t seen recently, he set off for home. However, the distance from school to home was quite short. As I was thinking, they arrived at their familiar home in no time.

“Hmm… it seems Mother has already returned.” (Soma)

Like the mother from my past life, he was aware that Sofia was working a part-time job in this situation. Normally, she should have returned a little later, but she probably left early for Felicia’s sake. Felicia showed a slightly apologetic expression.

“…I am happy, but I also feel sorry. Even though we’re always being taken care of…” (Felicia)

“…Hmm, indeed.” (Sheila)

“I don’t think there’s any need to worry. Mother and the others are probably doing it because they want to.” (Soma)

Those words were sincere, but he soon remembered why Felicia and the others were relying on our home. It seemed Felicia and Sheila lost their parents at a young age. Besides the sisters, they had an older brother, who seemed to be already working to support the family. However, it wasn’t easy for the brother, who was still young, to support the three of them including himself. That was why he worked early mornings and late nights. In other words, they were relying on Soma’s home for care both in the morning and at night. By the way, details about that brother were unknown.

‘Since there hasn’t been an opportunity to meet, it’s often unclear… but well, it’s probably Joseph without a doubt. There wouldn’t be a reason to cast another person in that role here. However, it doesn’t seem like there would be any involvement, so for now, it’s fine to exclude it from my thoughts. And…’

“Yes, that’s right, it’s something we do because we want to. You don’t need to worry about it.” (Sofia)

As I opened the front door to enter the house, Mother appeared from the living room. However, Soma tilted his head at her appearance.

“Mother? I just wanted to say I’m home, but why did you bother to come out to greet us?” (Soma)

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“Well, welcome back, Soma, Felicia, Sheila. Of course, it’s because our sons have returned… or that’s what I’d like to say, but honestly, I was worried about you all… especially Felicia.” (Sofia)

“Me?” (Felicia)

“…Hmm, Nee-san, were you feeling unwell this morning?” (Sheila)

“I didn’t seem particularly so…” (Soma)

“Yes, I didn’t think so either…”  (Felicia)

“Well, let’s talk about that later. For now, it seems there’s no problem.” (Sofia)

“Hmm…” (Soma)

Although Soma was curious about what she was talking about, there shouldn’t be an issue if she would talk about it later. As Mother returned to the living room, he glanced at her. Then, he headed upstairs to his room to put away his things. For some reason, Felicia and the others followed, but it seemed that a room had been given to Felicia and the others as a storage s.p.a.ce as well. It was directly across from Soma’s room and seemed to have clothes and such stored in it. It was definitely their second home.

Nevertheless, Soma became quite accustomed to digging up information he didn’t know about. He thought to himself as he returned to his room, put away my things, and changed out of the uniform. Walking around the house in a school uniform would be strange, and honestly, it was uncomfortable. Still, he wondered what clothes to wear, but he didn’t even need to search his memories. The clothes were placed exactly where Soma remembered, and they were similar to what he had.

“…Well, it’s good that there was no need to think about unnecessary things.” (Soma)

Soma muttered as he quickly changed. Then, he left the room. Although he hadn’t directly heard the conversation, they undoubtedly intended to celebrate Felicia’s birthday, so he thought he might as well see if there was anything he could help with. It was partly to pa.s.s the time as well since he didn’t know what to do to pa.s.s the time in this situation.

“Mother, is there anything I can help with?” (Soma)

“Oh, Soma, are you going to help? That’s unusual.” (Felicia)

“Was it? …Hmm, maybe it was.” (Soma)

As Soma searched through his memories for a moment, he realized that indeed. He hadn’t helped much in various ways before. It wasn’t because he didn’t want to, but rather because there wasn’t much he could do.

‘.. Well, that’s fine.’

“Well, I just thought I should do something to celebrate Felicia’s birthday. If there’s anything I can do, that is.” (Soma)

“…I see. That’s certainly true. We can celebrate Felicia’s birthday. It was only natural for Soma to think that way.” (Sofia)

“Hmm…?” (Soma)

Though her words intrigued me slightly, Soma didn’t inquire further. Instead, he received instructions from his mother.

“Well then, let’s see, Soma. How about you handle the decorations? I don’t have the time or energy to do it myself, so I was going to have to ask Felicia to do it.” (Sofia)

“It was fortunate that I offered to help. Decorating for your own celebration is a bit weird after all.” (Soma)

“Exactly. In that case, I’ll leave it to you. Oh, by the way… I’m leaving the decoration entirely up to you, Soma? I’m looking forward to seeing how you’ll decorate it.” (Sofia)

“…Hmm?” (Soma)

Honestly, Soma didn’t have much confidence in that kind of sense, or rather, he was well aware that he wasn’t good at it. But since he was asked to do so, there was no helping it. If he had declined, Felicia would inevitably end up doing it. Surely that should be prevented. While Sheila was still available for a.s.sistance, her sense was probably on par with his. He couldn’t just leave it to someone like that and escape myself. He felt like Aina might have the sense for this kind of thing, but he couldn’t rely on someone who wasn’t here.

“Since it’s a special occasion, I’d like to prepare something proper if possible… but well, maybe that’s just wishful thinking.” (Soma)

There was a possibility that things might end up getting weird instead of being decorated nicely, but if that happened, he would just have to accept it. Besides, Felicia would probably still be happy regardless. With that conviction in mind, but also wanting to create something good if possible, he decided to move from the current spot to get some decorations.

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Ex Strongest Swordsman Longs For Magic In Different World Chapter 374 (Self Edited) – Helping Out

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Ex Strongest Swordsman Longs For Magic In Different World Chapter 374 (Self Edited) – Helping Out summary

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