The Best Short Stories of 1919 Part 67

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DOYLE, CONAN A. Doings of Raffles Haw. Doran.

DUNSANY, LORD. *Unhappy Far-off Things. Little, Brown.

GARSTIN, CROSBIE. Mud Larks. Doran.

GRAVES, CLOTILDE. _See_ "Dehan, Richard."

HANNAY, J. O. _See_ "Birmingham, George A."

JACOBS, W. W. *Deep Waters. Scribner.

LOCKE, W. J. *Far-Away Stories. Lane.

LYONS, A. NEIL. *London Lot. Lane.

MARSHALL, ARCHIBALD. *Clintons and Others. Dodd, Mead.

MASEFIELD, JOHN. *Tarpaulin Muster. Dodd, Mead.

MAXWELL, W. B. *Life Can Never Be the Same. Bobbs-Merrill.

MERRICK, LEONARD. *Man Who Understood Women. Dutton.

*While Paris Laughed. Dutton.

MUNRO, HECTOR H. ("_Saki_"). Toys of Peace. Lane.

NEBINSON, MARGARET WYNNE. *Workhouse Characters. Macmillan.


O'BRIEN, EDWARD J., _editor_. Great Modern English Stories.

Boni and Liveright.

ORCZY, EMMUS, BARONESS. League of the Scarlet Pimpernel. Doran.

PARR, OLIVE KATHARINE. ("BEATRICE CHASE.") Completed Tales of My Knights and Ladies. Longmans.

PERTWEE, ROLAND. *Old Card. Boni and Liveright.

REYNOLDS, MRS. BAILIE. *"Open, Sesame!" Doran.

"ROHMER, SAX." (ARTHUR SARSFIELD WARD.) Tales of Secret Egypt. McBride.

"SAKI." _See_ Munro, Hector H.

"TANK MAJOR." Tank Tales. Funk and Wagnalls.

WALLACE, EDGAR. Tam o' the Scoots. Small, Maynard.

WARD, ARTHUR SARSFIELD. _See_ "Rohmer, Sax."


BLASCO, IBanEZ, VICENTE. (_Spanish._) _See_ Ibanez, Vicente Blasco.

CARY, M., _editor_. (_French._) French Fairy Tales. Crowell.

CHEKOV, ANTON. (_Russian._) *Bishop. Macmillan.

DUHAMEL, GEORGES. ("DENIS THeVENIN.") (_French._) *Civilization. 1914-1917. Century.

IBanEZ, VICENTE BLASCO. (_Spanish._) *Luna Benamor. Luce.

KELLER, GOTTFRIED. (_German._) *Seldwyla Folks. Brentano's.

KINCAID, CHARLES AUGUSTUS. (_India._) *Tales from the Indian Epics. Oxford Univ. Press.

KOROLENKO, V. (_Russian._) *Birds of Heaven. Duffield.

PINSKI, DAVID. (_Yiddish._) *Temptations. Brentano's.

SCHWIEKERT, HARRY C., _editor._ (_Russian._) *Russian Short Stories. Scott, Foresman.

SUDERMANN, HERMANN. (_German._) *Iolanthe's Wedding. Boni and Liveright.

TCHEKOV, ANTON. (_Russian._) _See_ Chekhov, Anton.

"THeVENIN, DENIS." (_French._) _See_ Duhamel, Georges.

UNDERWOOD, EDNA WORTHLEY, _editor._ (_Balkan._) *Short Stories from the Balkans. Marshall Jones.

VINGY, ALFRED DE. (_French._) *Military Servitude and Grandeur. Doran.

ZAMAcOIS, EDUARDO. (_Spanish._) *Their Son: The Necklace. Boni and Liveright.



ANDERSON, SHERWOOD. Winesburg, Ohio. Huebsch.


COBB, IRVIN E. From Place to Place. Doran.

DREISER, THOEDORE. Twelve Men. Boni and Liveright.

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