Printers' Marks Part 13

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J B L Co.


[Ill.u.s.tration: M. NIJHOFF.





Chiefely gathered for the comfort of Stu- dents, and consequently of all those that haue a care of their health, amplified vpon fiue words of _Hippocrates_, written _Epid. 6._ _Labor, Cibus, Potio, Somnus, Venus_: By _Thomas Coghan_ master of Artes, & Bacheler of Phisicke.

_Hereunto is added a Preseruation from the Pestilence, With a short Censure of the late sicknes at Oxford._

_Ecclesiasticus. Cap. 37. 30._

By surfet haue manie perished: but he that dieteth himselfe prolongeth his life.

nor W


Printed by Henrie Midleton,

_for William Norton_.



The following books will be found helpful to those who wish to prosecute their studies further into the subject of the Printer's Mark. Special information respecting the devices of the more eminent typographers, such as Plantin, Elzevir, and others, will be found in the monographs and bibliographies which have been compiled concerning these men and their works.

HAVRE, G. VAN. Marques typographiques des imprimeurs et libraires anversois, 2 vols. Avec plus de 1000 reproductions.

Anv., 1884.

HEITZ (P.) and BARACK (K. A.). Die Buchermarken oder Buchdrucker und Verlegerzeichen. Elsa.s.sische Buchermarken bis Anfang des 18. Jahrhdts.

Nebst Vorbemerkungen u. Nachrichten ub. d. Drucker. Mit 76 Holzschn.


4o. Stra.s.sburg, 1892.

HOLTROP, J. W. Monuments Typographiques des Pays Bas au quinzieme siecle.

Fol. La Haye, 1868.

HORNE, REV. T. H. Introduction to the Study of Bibliography.

8vo. London, 1814.

HUMPHREYS, H. N. Masterpieces of the Early Printers.

Fol. London, 1870.

INVENTAIRE des marques d'imprimeurs et de libraires de la France.

4o. Paris, 1886-87.

JOHNSON, J. Typographia, 2 vols.

London, 1824.

LEDEBOER, ADRIAN MAR. Alfabetische lijst der Boekdrukkers, Boekverkoopers en Uitgevers in Nord-Nederland. With 4 plates of Printers' Marks.

4to. Utrecht, 1876.

LEMPERTZ, HEINRICH. Bilder Hefte zur Geschichte des Bucherhandels und der mit demselben verwandten Kunste und Gewerbe. 11 Hefte mit 65 Taf., enthalt. Facs. Reprod. von Portraits beruhmter Buchhandler, auf den Buchhandel bezugl. Schriftstucke, Initialen, Ex-libris, Abbilden kunstvoller Einbande.

Fol. Koln, 1853-65.

LINDE, A. V. D. Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. 3 Bde.

4o. 1886-87.

MEERMANN, GERARD. Origines typographicae, 2 vols. With 10 pl. Printers'


4o. Hag. Com., 1765.

MENDEZ, FRAY FRANCISCO. Tipographia espanola o historia de la introduccion, propagacion y progesos del arte de la imprenta en Espana.

Second edition revised by D. Hidalgo.

Madrid, 1861.

ORLANDI, P. A. Origin e Progressi della Stampa.

4o. Bolog. 1722.

ROTH-SCHOLTZ, F. Thesaurus Symbolarum ac Emblematum, etc. Fol.

Nuremberg, 1730 (with reproductions of several hundred Marks).

SILVESTRE, L. C. Marques typographiques ou recueil des monogrammes, chiffres, enseignes, etc., des libraires et imprimeurs qui ont exerce en France depuis 1470, jusqu'a la fin du 16e siecle. Avec plus de 1300 fig.

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