Earths In Our Solar System Which Are Called Planets Part 5
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138. I was afterwards led by the Lord to an earth in the universe which was at a much greater distance from our Earth than the first one that has just been treated of. That it was at a much greater distance, was plain from this circ.u.mstance, that I was two days in being led thither as to my spirit. This earth was to the left, whereas the former was to the right. As remoteness in the spiritual world does not, as already observed, arise from distance of place, but from difference of state, the long-continuance of my progression thither, which lasted two days, enabled me to conclude that the state of the interiors which prevailed with them, which is the state of the affections and of the consequent thoughts, differed proportionately from the state of the interiors which prevails with the spirits from our Earth. As I was conveyed thither as to the spirit by means of changes of the state of the interiors, I was enabled to observe the successive changes themselves before I arrived there. This took place while I was awake.
139. When I arrived there, I did not see the earth, but only the spirits who were from that earth; for, as has already been stated, the spirits of every earth appear about their own earth, because they are of a similar genius with the inhabitants, for they are of them, and are serviceable to them. Those spirits appeared at a considerable height over my head, and from thence they saw me coming. It must be borne in mind that they who stand on high in the other life can behold those who are below them, and the higher they stand the wider is the extent of their vision; and that not only can they behold them, but also speak with them. They observed from there that I was not from their earth, but from some other at a distance; wherefore, addressing me from thence, they questioned me on various subjects, and to these questions it was also permitted me to reply. Among other things, I told them from what earth I came, and what kind of earth it was; and afterwards I told them about the earths in our solar system; and then also about the spirits of the earth or planet Mercury, that they wander about to many earths for the purpose of procuring for themselves knowledges about various things. On hearing this, they said that they had also seen those spirits among themselves.
140. I was told by the angels from our Earth that the inhabitants and spirits of that earth, in the Grand Man, have relation to KEENNESS OF VISION, and that therefore they appear on high; and that they have a most penetrating keenness of sight. In consequence of their having this relation, and of their seeing clearly the things that were below, in the course of our conversation I compared them to eagles, which fly aloft, and enjoy a piercing and extensive view of surrounding things.
At this they became indignant, supposing that I considered them like eagles as to their rapacity, and consequently that I thought them evil; but I replied, that I did not liken them to eagles as to rapacity, but as to keenness of vision.
141. Being questioned concerning the G.o.d whom they wors.h.i.+pped, they replied that they wors.h.i.+pped a G.o.d visible and invisible; a G.o.d visible under the Human Form, and an invisible G.o.d, under no form at all; and I learned from their discourse, and likewise from the ideas of their thoughts which were communicated to me, that the visible G.o.d was our Lord Himself, and they also called Him Lord. To this it was given me to reply, that on our Earth also, an invisible and a visible G.o.d is wors.h.i.+pped; and that the invisible G.o.d is called the Father, and the visible, the Lord; but that both are One, as He Himself taught, saying, that no one had ever seen the form of the Father, that the Father and He are One, that whoso seeth Him seeth the Father, and that the Father is in Him and He in the Father; consequently, that both Divine [Essences] are in One Person. That these are the words of the Lord Himself, see John v. 37; x. 30; xiv. 7, 9-11.
142. Afterwards I saw other spirits from the same earth, who appeared in a place beneath the former: with these also I conversed; but they were idolaters, for they wors.h.i.+pped an idol of stone, like a man, but an unhandsome one. It is to be observed, that all who come into the other life, in the beginning have a wors.h.i.+p which is like their wors.h.i.+p in the world, but that by degrees they are removed from it.
The reason why this takes place is, that all wors.h.i.+p remains implanted in man's interior life, from which it cannot be removed and eradicated except by degrees. On seeing this, it was given me to tell them that they ought not to wors.h.i.+p what is dead, but what is living; to which they replied, that they knew that G.o.d lives, and that a stone does not, but that they thought of the living G.o.d while looking on a stone resembling a man, and that otherwise the ideas of their thought could not be fixed upon and determined to the invisible G.o.d. It was then given me to tell them that the ideas of thought can be fixed upon and determined to the invisible G.o.d, when they are fixed upon and determined to the Lord, who is G.o.d visible in thought under the Human Form; and thus that man can be conjoined with the invisible G.o.d in thought and affection, consequently in faith and love, when he is conjoined with the Lord, but not otherwise.
143. The spirits who were seen on high were questioned whether on their earth they live under the rule of princes or kings. To this they replied, that they do not know what governments are, and that they live under themselves, distinguished into clans, families, and households. They were questioned whether they were thus in security.
They said they were secure, since one family never envies another, nor desires to deprive another of anything. They were indignant at being asked such questions, as if they had been charged with being at enmity, or with needing protection against robbers. What, said they, does anyone need but food and raiment, and thus to live content and quiet under one's own management?
144. Being further questioned concerning their earth, they said that they have meadows, flower-gardens, orchards full of fruit-trees, and also lakes containing fish; and that they have birds of a blue colour, with golden feathers; and large and small animals. Amongst the smaller, they mentioned one sort which had the back raised like the camels on our Earth; nevertheless, they do not feed on their flesh, but only on the flesh of fishes, and besides on the fruits of trees, and on the leguminous plants of the earth. They said, moreover, that they do not live in artificial houses, but in groves, amongst the leafy boughs of which they make roofs to shelter them from rain and the heat of the sun.
145. Being questioned respecting their sun, which appears as a star from our Earth, they said that it has a fiery appearance, and that it is not larger to the sight than a man's head. I was told by the angels that the star which is their sun is one of the smaller stars, not far distant from the equator.
146. There were seen some spirits who were like what they had been during their abode as men on their earth. They had faces not unlike the faces of the men of our Earth, except that their eyes and nose were small. As this appeared to me something of a deformity, they said that with them small eyes and a small nose are considered a beauty.
A female was seen, clothed in a gown ornamented with roses of various colours. I asked whence they procured for themselves materials for clothing on that earth. They answered that they gather from certain plants substances which they spin into thread; and that they then at once lay the threads in double and triple rows, moistening them with a glutinous water to give them consistence. Afterwards they colour the cloth, thus prepared, with the juices of herbaceous plants. It was also shown me how they prepare the thread. The women sit down on a seat, with their backs bent, and twist the threads with their toes; and when twisted they draw the threads towards them, and work them with their hands.
147. They said also, that on that earth a husband has only one wife, and no more; and that they beget from ten to fifteen children. They added, that there are likewise found harlots on that earth; but that these, after the life of the body, when they become spirits, are sorceresses, and are cast into h.e.l.l.
148. There appeared some spirits at a distance, who were unwilling to approach. The reason was, that they could not be together with the spirits of our Earth who were then about me. From this I apperceived that they were from another earth; and I was told afterwards that they were from a certain earth in the universe; but where that earth is, was not made known to me. These spirits, unlike the spirits from our Earth, were absolutely unwilling to think about their body, or even about anything corporeal and material; hence it was that they were unwilling to approach; yet, after the removal of some of the spirits of our Earth, they drew nearer, and spoke with me. But then there was a sense of anxiety arising from the collision of the spheres; for spiritual spheres surround all spirits and societies of spirits[cc]; and since they emanate from the life of the affections and the consequent thoughts, therefore where the affections are contrary collision takes place, and hence arises anxiety. The spirits of our Earth related, that they dare not even approach them; since, on their approach, they are not only seized with anxiety, but also appear to themselves as if they were bound hand and foot with serpents, from which they cannot be freed till they have departed. This appearance takes its origin from correspondence; for the spirits of our Earth, in the Grand Man, have relation to external sense, consequently to the corporeal Sensual, and this Sensual is represented in the other life by serpents[xx].
[Footnote xx: The external Sensual of man in the spiritual world is represented by serpents, because it is in the lowest [parts], and relatively to the more interior things in man, lies on the ground, and as it were creeps; and on this ground they were called serpents who reasoned from that Sensual, nos. 195-197, 6398, 6949.]
149. As the spirits of that earth are such, they appear in the eyes of other spirits, not in a distinct human form, as others do, but as clouds, in most cases like a dusky cloud, with the fair human colour interspersed; but they said, that within they are fair, and that when they become angels, this duskiness is changed into a beautiful blue; which was also shown me. I asked whether, during their life as men in the world, they had entertained such an idea respecting their bodies.
They replied that the men of their earth make no account of their bodies, but only of the spirit in the body, because they know that the spirit will live for ever, but that the body must perish. They said also, that many on their earth believe that the spirit of the body has existed from eternity, and that it was infused into the body when they were conceived; but they added, that now they know that it is not so, and that they repent of having ever been in so false an opinion.
150. When I asked them whether they would like to see any objects on our Earth, informing them that it was possible to do so through my eyes (see above, no. 135), they answered first, that they could not, and afterwards, that they would not, because the things that they would see would be only earthly and material things, from which they remove their thoughts as much as possible. But nevertheless, there were represented before them magnificent palaces, resembling those on our Earth possessed by kings and princes; for such things can be represented before spirits, and, when they are represented, they appear exactly as if they existed. But the spirits from that earth esteemed them as nothing, calling them marble images; and then they related that they have more magnificent things belonging to them, which are their sacred temples, built not of stone but of wood. When it was objected that these were still earthly objects, they replied that they were not earthly, but heavenly, because when they gaze upon them they have not an earthly but a heavenly idea; believing that after death they should also see like objects in heaven.
151. They then represented their sacred temples before the spirits of our Earth, who declared that they had not seen anything more magnificent; and as they were also seen by me, I can therefore describe them. They are constructed of trees not cut down, but growing in the place where they first took root. They said that on that earth there are trees of a wonderful size and height; these they set in rows from the first, so that they may form porticos and colonnades; and by cutting and pruning, they fit and prepare the tender shoots, so that as they grow they may interlace and join together so as to form the groundwork and floor of the temple to be constructed, and to rise at the sides to form the walls, and above to bend into arches to form the roof. In this manner they construct the temple with admirable art, raised high above the ground. They also prepare an ascent into it by successive branches of the trees, extended from the trunk and firmly connected together. Moreover, they adorn the temple without and within in various ways, by disposing the foliage into forms: thus they build entire groves. But it was not permitted me to see the character of these temples within: I was only told that the light of their sun is let in by apertures amongst the branches, and is transmitted here and there through crystals, by which means the light falling upon the walls is varied in colours like those of the rainbow, especially blue and orange, of which they are fondest. Such are their architectural works, which they prefer to the most magnificent palaces of our Earth.
152. They said further, that the inhabitants do not dwell in high places, but on the earth in lowly cottages, for the reason that high places are for the Lord who is in heaven, and lowly places for men who are on earth. Their cottages were also shown me. They were oblong, having within along the walls a continuous couch, on which they lie one behind another. On the side opposite to the door is a rounded alcove, before which is a table, and behind the table a fire-place, by which the whole chamber is lighted. In this fire-place, there is not a burning fire, but a luminous wood, which gives out as much light as the flame of a common fire does. They said that in the evening these logs of wood appeared as if they had in them the fire of live coals.
153. They said that they do not live as societies, but as households by themselves; and that they are societies when they meet for wors.h.i.+p; that on these occasions those who teach walk within the temple, and the rest in the porches at the sides; and that at their meetings they experience interior joys, arising from the sight of the temple, and from the wors.h.i.+p celebrated therein.
154. In respect to Divine wors.h.i.+p, they said that they acknowledge a G.o.d under the Human Form, consequently our Lord; for all who acknowledge the G.o.d of the universe under the Human Form are accepted and led by our Lord: the rest cannot be led, because they think apart from a form. They added, that the inhabitants of their earth are instructed about the things of heaven by a certain immediate intercourse with angels and spirits, into which they may be brought by the Lord more easily than others, because they reject corporeal things from their thought and affection. I asked what becomes of those amongst them who are evil. They told me that on their earth no wicked person is allowed to exist; but if any one thinks and does evil, he is reprimanded by a certain spirit, who threatens him with death if he persists in doing so; and if he persists, he dies by a swoon; and that by this means the men of that earth are preserved from the contagion of evils. A certain spirit of this character was also sent to me: he spoke with me as if with those [evil ones]: he moreover inflicted something of pain in the region of my abdomen, saying that this is what he does to those who think and do evil, and that he threatens them with death if they persist. I was also told that they who profane holy things are grievously punished; and that before the punis.h.i.+ng spirit comes, there appears to them in vision the gaping mouth of a lion, of a livid colour, which seems as if it would swallow their head, and tear it asunder from the body, whence they are seized with horror. They call the punis.h.i.+ng spirit the devil.
155. As they were desirous to know how the case is on our Earth in regard to revelation, I told them that it is effected by means of writing and preaching from the Word, and not by immediate intercourse with spirits and angels; and that what is written can be published by printing, and thus be read and comprehended by whole societies, and that thus the life can be amended. They were exceedingly surprised that such an art, utterly unknown elsewhere, could exist on our Earth; but they comprehended that on this Earth, where corporeal and terrestrial things are so much loved, Divine things could not otherwise inflow from heaven and be received; and that it would be dangerous for such beings to converse with angels.
156. The spirits of that earth appear above, in the plane of the head, towards the right. All spirits are distinguished by their situation relatively to the human body; and this is a consequence of the universal heaven corresponding with all things of man[f]. These spirits keep themselves in that plane, and at that distance, because their correspondence is not with the externals, but with the interiors, belonging to man. Their action is upon the left knee, above and a little below, with a certain vibration very sensibly felt. This is a sign that they correspond with _the conjunction of natural things and heavenly things_.
157. I was conducted to yet another earth which is in the universe beyond our solar system, which was effected by changes of the state of my mind, consequently as to the spirit; for, as has already been repeatedly observed, a spirit is conducted from place to place no otherwise than by changes of the state of his interiors, which changes appear to him in all respects as advancements from place to place, or as journeyings. These changes lasted continuously for about ten hours before I came from the state of my life to the state of their life, thus before I arrived there as to my spirit. I was conveyed towards the east, to the left, and seemed to be gradually elevated from a horizontal plane. I was also permitted to observe clearly the progression and advance from my former place, till at length those from whom I had departed no longer appeared; and in the meantime I spoke on various subjects with the spirits who were with me. A certain spirit was also with us who, during his life in the world, had been a prelate and a preacher, as well as a very pathetic writer. From my idea concerning him, my spirit-companions supposed he was more a Christian at heart than the rest; for in the world an idea is conceived and a judgment formed from the preaching and writing, and not from the life, if this is not manifest; and if anything inconsistent appears in the life, it is nevertheless excused; for the idea or thought and perception concerning any one draws everything to its side.
158. After this I observed that I was, as to my spirit, in the starry heaven, far beyond our solar system; for this can be observed from the changes of state and the consequent apparent continued progression, which had lasted nearly ten hours. At length I heard spirits conversing near some earth, which also I afterwards saw. When I had come near them, after some conversation they said that strangers sometimes come to them from other places, who converse with them concerning G.o.d, and confuse the ideas of their thought. They also pointed out the way by which they came, from which it was perceived that they were of the spirits of our Earth. On being questioned then as to the confusion caused in their ideas, they said it arose from those spirits saying that they ought to believe in a Divine Being distinguished into three persons, whom they nevertheless call one G.o.d; and on examining the idea of their thoughts, it is exhibited as a trine, not continuous hut discrete, with some as three persons conversing with each other, and with some as two seated together, one near the other, and a third listening to them and going from them; and although they call each person G.o.d, and have a different idea concerning each, they still say there is but one G.o.d. They complained exceedingly, that they had thrown them into a confusion of ideas, by thinking of three and speaking of one, when nevertheless one ought to think as one speaks, and speak as one thinks. The spirit who in the world had been a prelate and a preacher, and who was also with me, was then examined as to the character of the idea he entertained respecting one G.o.d and three persons: [and it was found that] he represented to himself three G.o.ds, which, however, made one by continuity. He, however, exhibited this Three in One as invisible because it was Divine; and while he was exhibiting this, it was perceived that he was then thinking only of the Father, and not of the Lord, and that his idea concerning the invisible G.o.d was no other but as of nature in its first principles, from which idea it resulted that the inmost of nature was his Divine, so that he might easily be led from this to acknowledge nature as G.o.d. It is to be borne in mind, that the idea which any person entertains on any subject is, in the other life, exhibited to the life, and through it every one is examined as to the character of his thought and perception on matters of faith; and that the idea of the thought concerning G.o.d is the chief of all, for through it, if genuine, conjunction is effected with the Divine, and consequently with heaven. They were afterwards questioned concerning the nature of their idea respecting G.o.d. They replied that they did not conceive of an invisible G.o.d, but of a G.o.d visible under the Human Form; and that they knew this not only from an interior perception, but also from the fact, that He has appeared to them as a Man. They added that if, according to the idea of some strangers, they were to conceive of G.o.d as invisible, consequently without form and quality, they would not be able to think about G.o.d at all, inasmuch as such an invisible [being] does not fall into any idea of thought. On hearing this, it was given me to tell them that they do well to think of G.o.d under the Human Form, and that many on our Earth think in like manner, especially when they think of the Lord; and that the ancients thought in no other way. I then told them about Abraham, Lot, Gideon, Manoah and his wife, and what is related of them in our Word, namely, that they saw G.o.d under the Human Form, and acknowledged Him, thus seen, to be the Creator of the universe, and called Him Jehovah, and this also from an interior perception; but that at the present day that interior perception is lost in the Christian world, and only remains with the simple who are in faith.
159. Previous to this conversation, they had believed that our company also consisted of those who want to confuse them by the idea of three in relation to G.o.d; wherefore, on hearing what was said, they were affected with joy, and said that G.o.d, whom they then called the Lord, had also sent some to teach them concerning Him; and that they are unwilling to admit strangers who disturb them, especially with the idea of three persons in the Divinity, knowing as they do that G.o.d is One, consequently that the Divine is One, and does not consist of three in unanimity, unless they are disposed to think of G.o.d as of an angel, in whom there is an Inmost of life which is invisible, and from which he thinks and is wise; an External of life, which is visible under a human form, from which he sees and acts; and a Proceeding of life, which is the sphere of love and of faith from him; for from every spirit and angel there proceeds a sphere of life by which he is known at a distance[cc]; and as to the Lord, that that Proceeding of life from Him is the Divine itself which fills and const.i.tutes the heavens, because it proceeds from the very Esse of the life of love and of faith. They said that in this and in no other manner can they perceive a trinity and unity together. On hearing this, it was given me to say that such an idea of a trinity and unity together agrees with the angelic idea concerning the Lord, and that it is from the Lord's own doctrine concerning Himself. For He teaches that the Father and Himself are One; that the Father is in Him and He in the Father; that he who seeth Him seeth the Father; and he who believeth in Him believeth in the Father and knoweth the Father; also that the Comforter, whom He calls the Spirit of Truth, and likewise the Holy Spirit, proceeds from Him, and does not speak from Himself but from Him, by which Comforter is meant the Divine proceeding. I was further permitted to tell them that their idea concerning a trinity and unity together agrees with the Esse and Existere of the Lord's life when He was in the world. The Esse of His life was the Divine Itself, for He was conceived of Jehovah, and the Esse of every one's life is that of which he is conceived; the Existere of life from that Esse is the Human in a form. The esse of the life of every man, which he has from his father, is called the soul, and the existere of life thence derived is called the body. Soul and body const.i.tute one man. The likeness between them resembles the likeness between that which is in endeavour and that which is in the resulting act, for an act is endeavour acting, and thus the two are one. Endeavour in man is called the will, and endeavour acting is called action; the body is the instrumental, by means of which the will, which is the, acts, and in acting the instrumental and are a one. Such is the case with soul and body. And such is the idea which the angels in heaven have concerning soul and body: hence they know that the Lord made His Human Divine from the Divine in Himself, which to Him was the Soul from the Father. Neither is the faith which is received throughout the Christian world in opposition to this idea, for it teaches, that "_Although Christ is G.o.d and Man, yet He is not two, but one Christ;... yea, He is altogether One by unity of Person; for as body and soul are one man, so also G.o.d and man are one Christ_"[yy].
As there was such a union or such a oneness in the Lord, therefore He rose again, not only as to the Soul, but also as to the Body, which He glorified in the world, which is not the case with any man; on which subject He also instructed His disciples, saying, "_Feel Me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see Me have_" [(Luke xxiv. 39)][zz]. This was clearly understood by those spirits, for such truths fall into the understanding of angelic spirits. They then added, that the Lord alone has power in the heavens, and that the heavens are His; to which it was given me to answer, that this also is known to the Church on our Earth from the mouth of the Lord Himself before He ascended into heaven; for He then said, "_All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth_" [(Matt, xxviii. 18)].
[Footnote yy: From the Creed of Athanasius.]
[Footnote zz: Immediately after death, man rises again as to his spirit; and he is in the human form, and he is a man as to all things in general and particular, nos. 4527, 5006, 5078, 8939, 8991, 10594, 10597, 10758. Man rises again only as to the spirit, and not as to the body, nos. 10593, 10594. The Lord alone rose again as to the body also, nos. 1729, 2083, 5078, 10825.]
160. I afterwards conversed with those spirits concerning their earth; for all spirits can do this when their natural or external memory is opened by the Lord; for this they carry with them from the world, but it is not opened except at the Lord's good pleasure. Respecting their earth, from which they had come, the spirits then said that when leave is given them, they appear to the inhabitants, and converse with them, as men; and that this is effected by their being let into their natural or external memory, and consequently into such a thought as they had been in when they lived in the world; and that on such occasions the inhabitants have their interior sight or the sight of their spirit opened, by which they see the spirits. They added, that the inhabitants know no otherwise than that they are men of their earth, and only apperceive they are not when they are suddenly removed from their sight, I told them that the same thing also happened on our Earth in ancient times, as, for instance, to Abraham, Sarah, Lot, the inhabitants of Sodom, Manoah and his wife, Joshua, Mary, Elizabeth, and the prophets generally; and that the Lord appeared in like manner, and they who saw Him knew no otherwise than that He was a man of the earth, till He revealed Himself. But that at the present day this rarely happens; the reason is, lest men by such things should be compelled to believe; for compelled faith, such as is the faith which enters by means of miracles, does not inhere, and would also be hurtful to those with whom faith may be implanted by means of the Word in a state without compulsion.
161. The spirit, who had been a prelate and a preacher in the world, entirely disbelieved that any other earths existed besides our own, because he had thought in the world that the Lord was born on this Earth alone, and that without the Lord none could be saved; wherefore he was reduced into a state similar to that into which spirits are reduced when they appear on their own earth as men (which state has been treated of just above); and thus he was let into that earth, so that he not only saw it, but also conversed with the inhabitants there. This done, a communication was by this means granted me also, so that I likewise saw the inhabitants, and also some objects on that earth (see above, no. 135). There appeared then four kinds of men, but one after the other in succession; the first I saw were clothed; the second were naked, of a human flesh colour; the next were naked, but with flame-coloured bodies; and the last were black.
162. While the spirit who had been a prelate and a preacher was with those who were clothed, a woman with a very pretty face appeared. She was simply attired; her robe hung gracefully behind her, and was also drawn over her arms, and she wore a beautiful head-dress, in the form of a chaplet of flowers. That spirit was greatly delighted at the sight of this virgin; he spoke to her, and also took her by the hand; but, apperceiving that he was a spirit, and not of that earth, she hurried hastily away from him. Afterwards there appeared to him on the right several other women, who had the care of sheep and lambs, which they were then leading to a watering-trough, into which water was led by means of a trench from some lake. They were similarly clothed, and had shepherds' crooks in their hands, by which they led the sheep and lambs to drink; they said the sheep went whichever way they pointed with their crooks: the sheep which we saw were large, with woolly tails, broad and long. The faces of the women, when seen nearer, were full and beautiful. Some men were also seen; their faces were of a human flesh colour, like that of the men of our Earth, but with this difference, that the lower part of the face, instead of being bearded, was black, and the nose more of a snowy-white than of a flesh colour.
Afterwards the spirit who, as already mentioned, had been a preacher in the world, was led further on, but reluctantly, because he was still thinking about that woman with whom he had been delighted, as was evident from the circ.u.mstance that there still appeared something of his shadow in the former place. He then came to those who were naked. They were seen walking together by twos, husband and wife, girt with a girdle about the loins, and some sort of covering around the head. That spirit, when he was with them, was led into the state in which he had been in the world when he was disposed to preach, and then he said he would preach before them the Lord crucified; but they said they would not hear such a thing, because they did not know what it was, but that they knew that the Lord lives. He then said he would preach the Lord living; but this too they refused, saying that they apperceived in his speech something not heavenly, because it had much respect to himself, and his own fame and honour; and that they could hear from the tone of voice whether what was said came from the heart or not; and that, as he was of such a character, he was unable to teach them; wherefore he was silent. During his life in the world he had been extremely pathetic, so that he could deeply move his hearers to holiness; but this pathetic manner had been acquired by art, thus from self and the world, and not from heaven.
163. They said, moreover, that they have a perception whether the Conjugial is with those of their clan who are naked; and it was shown that they perceive this by virtue of a spiritual idea concerning marriage, which idea being communicated to me was to the effect, that a likeness of the interiors was formed by the conjunction of good and truth, consequently of love and faith, and that from that conjunction descending by influx into the body conjugial love comes into existence. For all things which belong to the mind (_animus_) are exhibited in some natural form in the body, consequently in the form of conjugial love, when the interiors of two mutually love each other, and from that love also desire to will and to think the one as the other, and thus to be together and be conjoined as to the interiors which are of the mind (_mens_). Hence the spiritual affection, which is of the minds, becomes natural affection in the body, and clothes itself with the sense of conjugial love. The spiritual affection which is of the minds is the affection of good and truth, and of their conjunction; for all things of the mind, or of the thought and will, have relation to truth and good. They also said that it is quite impossible for the Conjugial to exist between one man and several wives, since the marriage of good and truth, which pertains to the minds, can exist only between two.
164. After this, the spirit already spoken of came to those who were naked, but whose bodies were flame-coloured; and lastly, to those who were black, some of whom were naked and some clothed; but the latter and the former dwelt in a different part of the same earth; for a spirit may be led in an instant to places far asunder on an earth, since he does not proceed and advance like man through s.p.a.ces, but through changes of state (see above, nos. 125, 127)[ss].
165. I lastly conversed with the spirits of that earth concerning the belief of the inhabitants of our Earth on the subject of the resurrection, in that they cannot conceive that men come into the other life immediately after death, and then appear as men as to the face, the body, the arms, the feet, and all the external and internal senses; still less that they are then clothed in garments, and have mansions and dwelling-places; and that the sole reason of this is that most persons here think from the sensuals which belong to the body, and therefore believe in the existence of nothing but what they see and touch; and that few of them can be withdrawn from external sensual things to interior things, and thus be elevated into the light of heaven, in which such things are perceived. Hence it is, that they can have no idea of their soul or spirit as of a man, but as of wind, or air, or a breath without form, in which there is yet something vital.
This is the reason why they do not believe they shall rise again till the end of the world, which they call the Last Judgment, when the body, though mouldered into dust, and scattered by every wind, will be brought together again and conjoined to its soul or spirit. I added, that it is permitted them to believe this, since those who, as was said, think from external sensual things, can conceive no otherwise than that the soul or spirit cannot live as a man in a human form, unless it receive again that body which it carried about in the world; wherefore, unless it were a.s.serted that the body will rise again, they would reject from their heart as incomprehensible the doctrine of the resurrection and of eternal life. But nevertheless this thought concerning the resurrection has this advantage with it, that it leads them to believe in a life after death, a consequence of which belief is, that when they lie on a sick bed, and do not, as theretofore, think from worldly and corporeal things, thus not from sensual things, they then believe that they shall live immediately after their decease; they then also speak of heaven, and of the hope of a life there immediately after death, quite apart from their doctrinal concerning the Last Judgment. I related further, that sometimes it had been matter of surprise to me, that when those who are in faith speak of a life after death, and of their friends and relatives who are dying or dead, and do not at the same time think about the Last Judgment, they believe that they will live or are living as men immediately on their decease. But as soon as thought concerning the Last Judgment flows in, this idea is changed into the material idea concerning their earthly body, that it is again to be conjoined to their soul; for they do not know that every man is a spirit as to his interiors, and that this it is which lives in the body and in each of its parts, and not the body which lives of itself; and that it is the spirit of every one from which his body has its human form, and which, consequently, is the man, and in a similar form, but invisible to the eyes of the body, yet visible to the eyes of spirits.
Hence also, when the sight of a man's spirit is opened, which is effected by the removal of the bodily sight, angels appear as men: in this manner angels appeared to the ancients, as recorded in the Word. I have also sometimes spoken with spirits, with whom I had been acquainted when they lived as men in the world, and I have asked them whether they had any inclination to be clothed again with their earthly bodies, as they used to think would be the case. But they fled far away at the very idea of such a conjunction, being smitten with amazement that, while in the world, they should have thought in this manner under the influence of so blind a belief, devoid of all understanding.
166. Moreover, on that earth I saw the dwellings of the inhabitants: they were lowly houses, extended in length, with windows at the sides, according to the number of the rooms or chambers into which they were divided. The roof was arched, and there was a door on each side at the end. They told me that they were built of earth, and covered with turf; and that the windows were formed of filaments of gra.s.s woven together in such a manner that the light shone through. I also saw little children; and the inhabitants told me that their neighbours come to them, especially for the sake of the little children, that they may be in company with other children in the presence and under the direction of their parents. There also appeared fields becoming white with standing crops that were at that time nearly ripe for harvest. The seeds or grains of that corn were shown me, and they were like grains of Chinese wheat: I was also shown some bread made from it, which was in small square loaves. There also appeared plains of gra.s.s adorned with flowers; also trees laden with fruit like pomegranates; also shrubs, which were not vines, but still produced berries from which they prepare wine.
167. The sun of that earth, which is to us a star, appears there flaming, in size almost a fourth part of our sun. Their year is about two hundred days, and each day fifteen hours, relatively to the length of days on our Earth. The earth itself is one of the least in the starry heaven, being scarcely five hundred German miles in circ.u.mference. The angels stated these particulars from a comparison made with things of the like kind on our Earth, which they saw in me, or in my memory. Their conclusions were formed by angelic ideas, whereby are instantly known the measures of s.p.a.ces and times, in a just proportion relatively to s.p.a.ces and times elsewhere. Angelic ideas, which are spiritual, in such calculations immensely surpa.s.s human ideas, which are natural.
168. I was led to yet another earth in the universe beyond our solar system, and on this occasion also by changes of state continued for nearly twelve hours. In company with me were several spirits and angels from our Earth, with whom I conversed during this voyage or progression. I was carried at times obliquely upwards and obliquely downwards, continually towards the right, which in the other life is towards the south. In two places only did I see spirits, and in one I spoke with them. During this journey or progression I was permitted to observe how immense was the Lord's heaven, which is designed for angels and spirits; for from the parts uninhabited I was enabled to conclude that it was so immense that, supposing there were many myriads of earths, and on each earth as great a mult.i.tude of human beings as on our own, there would still be a place of abode for them to eternity, and it would never be filled. This I was enabled to conclude from a comparison made with the [inhabited] extent of the heaven which is about our Earth and designed for it, which extent was so small relatively, as not to equal one ten-thousand-thousandth part of the extent uninhabited.
169. When the angelic spirits who were from that earth came into view, they accosted us, asking who we were, and what we wanted. We told them that we were travelling, that we had been transported thither, and that they had nothing to fear from us. For they were afraid that we were of those who disturb them concerning G.o.d, faith, and kindred subjects, on account of whom they had betaken themselves to that quarter of their earth, shunning them as much as possible. We asked them by what they were disturbed. They replied, by the idea of Three, and by the idea of the Divine without the Human in G.o.d, when they yet know and perceive that G.o.d is one, and that He is man. It was then perceived that those who disturbed them, and whom they shunned, were from our Earth: this was manifest also from this consideration, that there are spirits from our Earth who thus wander about in the other life, in consequence of their fondness for and delight in travelling, which they have contracted in the world; for on other earths there is no such custom of travelling as on ours. It was afterwards discovered that they were monks, who had travelled on our globe from a desire to convert the gentiles. We therefore told them that they did well to shun them, because their intention was, not to teach, but to secure gain and dominion; and that they strive by various means first to captivate men's minds (_animi_), and afterwards to subject them to themselves as slaves: moreover, that they did well in not suffering their idea concerning G.o.d to be disturbed by such spirits. They said further, that these spirits also confuse them by a.s.serting that they ought to have faith, and to believe what they say; but that their reply to them is, that they do not know what faith or believing means, since they perceive in themselves whether a thing be so or not. They were of the Lord's celestial kingdom, where all know by interior perception the truths which with us are called the truths of faith, for they are in enlightenment from the Lord; but it is otherwise with those who are in the spiritual kingdom. That the angelic spirits of that earth were of the Lord's celestial kingdom, I could also see from the flame whence their ideas flowed; for in the celestial kingdom the light is flaming, and in the spiritual kingdom it is bright white.
They who are of the celestial kingdom, when the discourse is about truths, say no more than Yea, yea, or Nay, nay, and never reason about them whether they be so or not. These are they of whom the Lord says, "_Let your discourse be Yea, yea, Nay, nay; what is beyond this is of evil_" [(Matt. v. 37)]. Hence it was that those spirits said that they did not know what it is to have faith or to believe. They consider this to be like one saying to his companion, who with his own eyes sees houses or trees, that he ought to have faith or to believe that they are houses and trees, when he sees clearly that they are so. Such are they who are of the Lord's celestial kingdom, and such were these angelic spirits[aaa]. We told them that few on our Earth have interior perception, because in their youth they learn truths, and do not practise them. For man has two faculties, which are called the understanding and the will; they who admit truths no further than into the memory, and thence in some degree into the understanding, but not into the life, that is, into the will, these, inasmuch as they cannot be in any enlightenment or interior sight from the Lord, say that those truths ought to be believed, or that man ought to have faith in them; and they also reason about them whether they be truths or not; nay, they are not willing that they should be perceived by any interior sight, or by any enlightenment by the understanding. They say this, because truths with them are without light from heaven, and to those who see without light from heaven, falsities may appear as truths, and truths as falsities. Hence so great blindness has fallen on many on our Earth, that although a man does not practise truths or live according to them, they say nevertheless that he may be saved by faith alone, as if a man were not man from the life and according to it, but from the knowledge of such things as belong to faith, apart from the life. We afterwards conversed with them concerning the Lord, concerning love to Him, love towards the neighbour, and regeneration; saying, that loving the Lord consists in loving the precepts which are from Him, that is, in living according to them from love[bbb]; that love towards the neighbour consists in willing good and thence doing good to a fellow-citizen, to one's country, to the church, to the Lord's kingdom, not for the selfish end of being seen or acquiring merit, but from the affection of good[ccc]. Concerning regeneration, we observed that they who are being regenerated by the Lord, and who commit truths immediately to the life, come into an interior perception concerning them; but that those who receive truths first in the memory, and afterwards will them and do them, are those who are in faith; for they act from faith, which is then called conscience. These things, they said, they perceived to be so, and therefore perceived also what faith is. I conversed with them by means of spiritual ideas, by which such subjects may be exhibited and comprehended in light.
[Footnote aaa: Heaven is distinguished into two kingdoms, one of which is called the celestial kingdom, the other the spiritual kingdom, nos. 3887, 4138. The angels in the celestial kingdom have vastly more knowledge and wisdom than the angels in the spiritual kingdom, no.
2718. The celestial angels do not think and speak from faith, like the spiritual angels, but from an internal perception that a thing is so, nos. 202, 597, 607, 784, 1121, 1387, 1398, 1442, 1919, 7680, 7877, 8780. The celestial angels say only concerning the truths of faith, Yea, yea, or Nay, nay, but the spiritual angels reason whether a thing be so or not so, nos. 202, 337, 2715, 3246, 4448, 9166.]
Earths In Our Solar System Which Are Called Planets Part 5
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