Beloved Little Treasure Chapter 62

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‘Dead,’ Hao Yan Che said.

Yuan Gun Gun dropped the spoon on the ground.

‘Dead…’ Yuan Gun Gun said.

‘It’ll be strange if it is dead,’ Hao Yan Che said.

Hao Yan Che picked up a clean spoon and fed himself.

‘How can you joke like this?’ Yuan Gun Gun asked.

Yuan Gun Gun cried and was too angry to sit on Hao Yan Che’s lap.

‘Sit still,’ Hao Yan Che said. He slammed the spoon on the table. ‘Be quiet.’

Hao Yan Che hated Yuan Gun Gun crying because of another person. He was the only person in the world who was allowed to make her cry.

‘You’re in the wrong… you shouldn’t raise your voice,’ Yuan Gun Gun protested.

‘What are you going to do?’ Hao Yan Che asked.

Hao Yan Che pinched Yuan Gun Gun’s bottom.

‘It hurts,’ Yuan Gun Gun said. ‘Don’t pinch.’

‘Kiss me,’ Hao Yan Che said.

Yuan Gun Gun pouted her lips, and kissed Hao Yan Che’s cheek. He wasn’t satisfied, and pointed at his lips. She shook her head.

‘Kiss me,’ Hao Yan Che said.

The closer Yuan Gun Gun’s lips inched toward Hao Yan Che’s lips, the louder her heart pounded. When their lips were about to touch, she thought his violet eyes extraordinarily beautiful.

‘Young master… you’re really beautiful,’ Yuan Gun Gun whispered.

Hao Yan Che knocked Yuan Gun Gun’s head.

‘Ow…’ Yuan Gun Gun said.

Hao Yan Che dropped Yuan Gun Gun on the bed, and he walked to the bathroom.

After Hao Yan Che showered, he got into bed and hugged Yuan Gun Gun.

‘You won’t be going to school anymore,’ Hao Yan Che said.

‘Why?’ Yuan Gun Gun asked and protected her head.

‘No reason,’ Hao Yan Che said and played with Yuan Gun Gun’s hair.

‘Will my daddy agree?’ Yuan Gun Gun asked.

‘You don’t need to worry,’ Hao Yan Che said.

‘Big brother Due… ah…’ Yuan Gun Gun said.

Hao Yan Che pulled Yuan Gun Gun’s hair.

‘You’re not allowed to mention him,’ Hao Yan Che said.

‘It hurts,’ Yuan Gun Gun said. She held onto Hao Yan Che’s s.h.i.+rt. ‘Don’t pull.’

Hao Yan Che scoffed, and Yuan Gun Gun let him play with her hair to appease him.

‘Thank you young master,’ Yuan Gun Gun said.

‘You don’t need to thank me for bullying you,’ Hao Yan Che said.

‘That is not why I’m thankful,’ Yuan Gun Gun said. She rubbed the scratches on her arms. ‘After the bathroom incident at school, I don’t want to go to school anymore.’

Hao Yan Che held Yuan Gun Gun close to his chest, and he pulled the bedsheet over their bodies.

‘Young master, are you sleeping with me tonight?’ Yuan Gun Gun asked.

‘Be quiet and sleep,’ Hao Yan Che said.

Yuan Gun Gun slept soundly on Hao Yan Che’s chest. She didn’t see him smiling while watching her sleep.

Early in the morning, Hao Yan Che drove Yuan Gun Gun back to the Hao Mansion and carried her to the bedroom.

When Yuan Gun Gun woke up, she didn’t see Hao Yan Che lying next to her. She looked at the pink walls and wondered how she got home. She looked at the clock on the wall, it was time for her to cook breakfast. She got out of bed, washed, dressed and opened the door. Her small friends were waiting outside the door for her.

‘Xiao Yuan, why is your head shaved?’ Yuan Gun Gun asked.

Xiao Yuan barked pitifully. Yuan Gun Gun picked up Xiao Yuan and carried Xiao Yuan to the study room.

End of Chapter Sixty-Two

Beloved Little Treasure Chapter 62

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Beloved Little Treasure Chapter 62 summary

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