Futurist Stories Part 7

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THE human pleasure-loving side lay bleeding--dying inch by inch.

THE other, with tones of deepest beauty, rose above it, sighing that it must take such tragedy to break down its prison bars--that it might live.

IT rose--comforting Janet in many a weary hour--comforting the wounded, the dying. In a village church which had been turned into a base hospital she often played--and as they listened some pain was eased, some picture rose of happy fields, of homes. Would they see them again--

IN this tragedy of nations she had found herself. Found the purpose of her life. Her art had come into its own--had comforted.

DEATH from a sh.e.l.l might take her--as it took thousands each day--but she was fulfilling the mission of her soul.


ONE night the Church Hospital lay sleeping. Very softly Janet crept to the organ loft--softer still she played to the moonlight.

HE was rapidly improving. His wounds had not been serious.

Something--very soft, faint--woke him. For a minute he could not recall his surroundings--and he rose up--but a sharp pain in his shoulder brought back the memory of the trenches, of the horror--

I MUST be dying--I hear faint music----

THE moon shone on something white--

AN angel--

FULLY awakening to his surroundings Hugh Brandon realized that it was not death--not an angel--

HE would go and find out for himself--

JANET barely touched the keys. Softer and softer grew the tones. He came nearer--fascinated as if by a magic presence.

THEIR eyes met--in the moonlight. They knew that no matter what happened to the rest of the world--no matter what happened to their own bodies--their souls were met for all Eternity.

IT was a flash from the unconscious--one of those strange illuminations which occur perhaps once in a hundred lifetimes.

PLAY on, he whispered. Play for me--for England--whose son I am

AT noon when they had eaten--Hugh and Janet slipped away. She played for him. The tones were richer than before. Into the sadness had been poured the burning heat of pure love.


THEY had both known what they had thought was love,--among flowers, dances, the lovely but artificial things of life--

BUT here--among the dying--blood, privation, life divested of its mantles and laid bare--the true love sprang up between these two.

Something more than love. A perfect understanding of each--like the treble and the base of a symphony--

IN the still hours of twilight Hugh and Janet would sit in the organ loft together, speaking the enchanted language only lovers know--made dearer by the phantom of separation ever near them.

DEAREST, when the Regiment has called me back, play each day at twilight--the Miserere. If--in the trenches--I shall know your soul is calling to mine--if, beyond, my soul will drink from the depths of yours----

SNOW was falling.

GOODBYE, dear, he whispered--

NOW even the organ could not calm. She had tasted the sweet of life--and it had been torn away. For what--

SUDDENLY hate possessed her--hate for this man who would rule the world--causing whole nations to rise up against him to defend their soil--hatred for the power that had brought despair into unknown lives--

BROUGHT murder into peaceful souls.

THE days followed each other in bleak sameness.

SHE moved among the wounded--a shadow self--

BUT at twilight each day, Janet lived. She played the Miserere--with her soul. Then again--the moving dazed form would return to help the men lying on mattresses where once peasants had knelt in prayer--


HER music became divine. The Miserere sobbed out into the cold night air--cleansing her soul of hatred--even Peace--a joy--

THE air was rent by whistling sh.e.l.ls--the organ throbbed under her touch--


THERE was left only a ma.s.s of charred stones--a blackened wall--

A CRUCIFIX still erect.

THE church had been unregarded by the enemy.

THEY had pa.s.sed--leaving desolation--

DEATH had found Janet at the organ--a free soul--

SEVERAL months later in the casualty list of a London newspaper appeared the name of Hugh Brandon.


"_------It is clear that the trans.m.u.tation which the subject of the Allegro undergoes just before the close of the symphony is of the same psychological order as that of the Fate motive--a change from clouds to suns.h.i.+ne, from defeat to triumph._"

Futurist Stories Part 7

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