The Best Short Stories of 1920 Part 74

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#Kotsyubinsky, Michael.# (_Russian._)

By the Sea.

(6) #Level, Maurice.# (_French._)

Empty House.



Son of His Father.

#Lichtenberger, Andre.# (_French._)

Old Fisherwoman.

#Lous, Pierre.# (_French._)

False Esther.

#Nodier, Charles.# (_French._)


#Rameau, Jean.# (_French._)


(4) #Saltykov, M. E.# (_Russian._)

*Wild Squire.

#Schnitzler, Arthur.# (_German._)

*Crumbled Blossoms.

#Thibault, Jacques Anatole.# (_French._) _See_ "#France, Anatole.#"

#Trueba, Antonio De.# (_Spanish._)

Portal of Heaven.

#Yushkevitch, Semyon.# (_Russian._)

Piet .


#The Ten Best American Books#

1. #Brown.# Homespun and Gold. Macmillan.

2. #Cather.# Youth and the Bright Medusa. Knopf.

3. #Dwight.# The Emperor of Elam. Doubleday, Page.

4. #Howells,# _Editor._ Great Modern American Stories. Boni & Liveright.

5. #Johnson.# Under the Rose. Harper.

6. #Sedgwick.# Christmas Roses. Houghton Mifflin.

7. #Smith.# Pagan. Scribner.

8. Society of Arts and Sciences. #O. Henry# Prize Stories, 1919.

Doubleday, Page.

9. #Spofford.# The Elder's People. Houghton Mifflin.

10. #Yezierska.# Hungry Hearts. Houghton Mifflin.

#The Ten Best English Books#

1. #Beerbohm.# Seven Men. Knopf.

2. #Cannan.# Windmills. Huebsch.

3. #Dunsany.# Tales of Three Hemispheres. Luce.

4. #Easton.# Golden Bird. Knopf.

5. #Evans.# My Neighbours. Harcourt, Brace, and Howe.

6. #Galsworthy.# Tatterdemalion. Scribner.

7. #Huxley.# Limbo. Doran.

8. #O'Kelly.# The Golden Barque, and the Weaver's Grave. Putnam.

9. #Trevena.# By Violence. Four Seas.

10. #Wylie.# Holy Fire. Lane.

#The Ten Best Translations#

1. #Aleichem.# Jewish Children. Knopf.

2. #Andreiev.# When the King Loses His Head. International Bk. Pub.

3. #Annunzio.# Tales of My Native Town. Doubleday, Page.

4. #Brown and Phoutrides#, _Editors._ Modern Greek Stories. Duffield.

5. #Chekhov.# The Chorus Girl. Macmillan.

6. #Dostoevsky.# The Honest Thief. Macmillan.

7. #Hrbkova#, _Editor._ Czecho-Slovak Stories. Duffield.

The Best Short Stories of 1920 Part 74

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