The Recent Revolution in Organ Building Part 18

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Swell to Great 2d touch.

Swell to Choir 2d touch.

Choir to Swell 2d touch.

Solo and Pedal Tubas have double tongues and are voiced on 20 inches of wind.

Accessories: 5 compound composition keys for Great and Pedal, Swell and Pedal, Solo; 3 for Choir and Pedal, and 2 to each manual for couplers; 2 combination keys; Tremulant to Swell; 5 composition pedals; Stop Switch, Key and Pedal.

The composition keys between the manuals if touched in the centre give automatically an appropriate Pedal ba.s.s in addition to the particular stops acted upon; but if touched on one side do not disturb the Pedal department. All combination movements affect the stop keys themselves.

The "stop switch" enables the player to prepare in advance any special combination of stops and couplers, bringing them into play at the moment desired. The organ is blown by a six-horse gas engine.



This magnificent instrument, built by the Hutchings-Votey Organ Company in 1902, possesses increased foundation tone and higher wind pressures.

The late Professor Samuel S. Sanford, devoted much time and interest in its design. He visited Worcester Cathedral, England, and was profoundly impressed with the new epoch in tone production heralded by that organ. He made an effort to have Mr. Hope-Jones voice one of his Tibias and Smooth Tubas for the Yale organ; and though his effort was not successful, leading features of the Worcester instrument were frankly imitated and generously acknowledged. It was largely due to the liberality of Mr. George S. Hutchings in interpreting the terms of the contract that such a complete instrument was secured for the University. In recognition of this and in view of Mr. Hutchings'

artistic contributions to the art of organ-building, the University conferred upon him the honorary degree of Master of Arts. The Diapasons are voiced on pressures ranging from 3 1/2 to 22 inches; the reeds in the Great and Swell on 10 inches, and the Tuba on 22 inches.

The builders state that the mixtures have been inserted at the request of many noted organists. There are now 78 sounding stops.

Compa.s.s of Manuals from CC to c|4|, 61 notes. Compa.s.s of Pedals from CCC to g, 32 notes.



Diapason 16 Octave 4 Quintaton 16 Wald Flute 4 Diapason 8 Gambette 4 Diapason 8 Twelfth 2 2/3 Diapason 8 Fifteenth 2 Doppel Floete 8 Mixture, 5 ranks Flute 8 Trumpet 16 Gross Gamba 8 Trumpet 8 Viol d'Amour 8 Clarion 4 Gemshorn 8



Contra Gamba 16 Vox Celestis 8 Bourdon 16 Harmonic Flute 4 Stentorphone 8 4 Diapason 8 Violina 4 Gamba 8 Flautino 2 Bourdon 8 Dolce Cornet, 6 ranks Flauto Traverso 8 Posaune 16 Salicional 8 Cornopean 8 Quintadena 8 Oboe 8 Unda Maris 8 Vox Humana 8 Aeoline 8 Tremolo


(Inclosed in a Swell Box)


Contra Dulciana 16 Violoncello 8 Diapason 8 Viola 4 Melodia 8 Flauto Traverse 4 Viol d'Orchestre 8 Piccolo Harmonique 2 Lieblich Gedacht 8 Clarinet 8 Dulciana 8 Contra f.a.gotto 16 Viol Celeste, 2 ranks 8 Tremolo


(In a Swell Box)


Tibia Plena 8 Hohlpfeife 4 Tuba Sonora 8 Dolce 8 Gross Flute 8 Orchestral Oboe 8



Gravissima (Resultant) 64 Contra Ba.s.s (Resultant) 32 Diapason 32 Diapason 16 Contra Bourdon 32 Diapason 16

There are 20 Couplers; 29 Combination Pistons; 11 Composition Pedals; 3 Balanced Swell Pedals and Balanced Crescendo Pedal.


This instrument, built by the Hope-Jones Organ Company and opened Christmas, 1908, in one of the finest churches in America, takes position among the great and important organs of the New World. It is built on the "Unit" principle, and is divided between the extreme ends of the lofty structure.

The chancel organ, consisting of four extended stops, occupies the old organ chamber, which opens into the chancel and the transept of the church. This portion of the instrument stands in a cement swell box, its tone being thrown through the arch and into the chancel by means of reflectors. It contains a Diaphone, the full organ being very powerful, although its various tones can be reduced to whispers by closing the laminated lead shutters, which are electrically controlled through the general swell pedal at the console.

The other division of the instrument, the organ proper, is located in the gallery at the distant end of the nave of the church, and in an adjacent room. This gallery division, complete in itself, represents the latest type of Unit organ. Speaking generally, all the stops are common to all four manuals, and to the pedals, and can be drawn at various pitches. Following more or less the a.n.a.logy of the orchestra, the organ is divided into four distinct portions, each enclosed in its own cement swell box with its laminated lead shutters, controlled electrically from the console swell pedals. These divisions represent, respectively: "Foundation," "wood wind," "string" and "bra.s.s."

The entire instrument is played from one console, located in the nave, connected with the chancel organ by an electric cable sixty feet in length, and with the gallery organ by one of one hundred and sixty feet. This key desk is of the well-known Hope-Jones type, which appeals so strongly to most organists. It contains all the latest conveniences: Stop-keys, in semi-circular position above the manuals; combination keys, which move the stop-keys (with switch-board within easy reach for changing the selection of stops); suitable ba.s.s tablets, saving time and worry to the player; double touch, offering its wealth of tonal effects, etc. Through the operation of a small tablet the organs can be played separately or together.




_Foundation._ Cello 8 Tibia Profundissima 32 Cello Celeste 8 Resultant Ba.s.s 32 _Bra.s.s._ Tibia Profunda 16 Ophicleide 16 Contra Tibia Clausa 16 Trombone 16 Open Diapason 16 Tuba 8 Tibia Plena 8 Clarion 4 Tibia Clausa 8 Great to Pedal.

_Wood Wind._ Swell to Pedal.

Clarinet 16 Swell Octave to Pedal.

_String._ Choir to Pedal.

Contra Viola 16 One Stud to release all Dulciana 16 Suitable



_Foundation._ _Wood Wind._ Tibia Profunda 16 Concert Flute 8 Contra Tibia Clausa 16 Flute 4 Tibia Plena 8 _String._ Tibia Clausa 8 Dulciana 8 Open Diapason 8 _Bra.s.s._ Horn Diapason 8 Ophicleide 16 Octave 4 Tuba 8 Swell Octave to Great.

Tromba 8 Swell Sub to Great.

Clarion 4 Choir Unison to Great.

Swell Sub to Great. Choir Octave to Great.

Swell Unison to Great. Tuba to Great Second Touch.

One Double Touch Tablet to cause the Pedal Stops and Couplers to move so as at all times to furnish automatically a Suitable Ba.s.s.

Ten Double Touch Adjustable Combination Keys for Great Stops and Suitable Ba.s.s.



_Foundation._ Quintadena 8 Contra Tibia Clausa 16 Quint Celeste (Ten C) 8 Tibia Clausa 8 Dulciana 8 Horn Diapason 8 Unda Maris (Ten C) 8 Gambette 4 _Wood Wind._ Octave Celeste 4 Orchestral Oboe (Ten C) 16 Quintadena 4 Concert Flute 8 Quint Celeste 4 Clarinet 8 _Bra.s.s._ Oboe Horn 8 Trombone 16 Orchestral Oboe 8 Tuba 8 Vox Humana 8 Tromba 8 Flute 4 _Percussion._ _String._ Harmonic Gongs 8 Contra Viola 16 Harmonic Gongs 4 Viole d' Orchestre 8 Unison Off. Sub-Octave. Octave Viole Celeste 8 Choir to Swell Second Touch.

One Double Touch Tablet to cause the Pedal Stops and Couplers to move so as at all times to furnish automatically a Suitable Ba.s.s.

Ten Double Touch Adjustable Combination Keys for Swell Stops and Suitable Ba.s.s.

The Recent Revolution in Organ Building Part 18

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