I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace (WN) Chapter 45 - I've Been Invited on a Date

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Chapter 45 - I've Been Invited on a Date

Returning to Lilia-san’s mansion, I feel exhausted as if that conversation with the G.o.ddess of Time had taken days, even though it should have only taken a few hours.

Ein-san wanted to talk with the G.o.ddess of Time a little more…… Or maybe they’re actually talking with their fists, as we parted ways with her at the temple…… Hmmm. It may really be just as Kuro thought, those two somehow might really be close with each other.

When we got the carriage, Lunamaria-san was there to receive us, and she approached us with a somewhat worried look on her face.

[Welcome home, My Lady, Miyama-sama.]

[Thank you for receiving us, Luna.]

[My Lady? You look very tired…… I thought you would be able to deal with the conversation with the G.o.ddess of TIme but……]

[No, it would have been nice if it was just the G.o.ddess of Time…… But I never expected that I would meet the G.o.d of Creation there……]

When Lunamaria-san called out to her, Lilia-san muttered as her shoulders slumped down, as if to say she was seriously tired.

Hearing those words, Lunamaria-san looked astonished for a moment before tilting her head like she heard something strange.

[What are you saying, My Lady? Why would the G.o.d of Creation visit the Human Realm except for the Festival of Heroes?]

[Yes, that’s really…… what I thought.]

[Eh? Errr, My Lady?]

While her face was facing down to the ground, Lilia-san muttered, then immediately turned towards me and grabbed my collars with both of her hands.

The face that was looking at me was half-crying, with an expression that looks like she’s already being desperate about something.

[Seriously…… What the heck does this mean, Kaito-san!!! You said that you don’t have any connections with other outrageous people before!!!]

[N- No, errr, I also didn’t know that……]

As she held onto my collar, she rocked my body back and forth while raising her complaints, but Lilia-san, isn’t the force you’re using too strong!? I can’t breathe!

It seemed that Lilia-san, who was finally released from her already extremely nervous state, had the switch of her temper completely turned on, as the power she’s using to swing my body is getting stronger and stronger, and the person herself seemed to be completely oblivious to it.

[You had a connection with the most outrageous person though!!! Why, of all people, do you have a connection with the G.o.d of Creation!? And what do you mean you got her blessing!!! What the heck does Kaito-san want with me!!!]

[Wai—, Lilia-san…… neck…… can’t breathe……]

[Ummm, My Lady……]

Lunamaria-san seems like she’s also fl.u.s.tered, as she’s trying to calm Lilia-san down, but she doesn’t seem to hear her at all.

[I don’t even feel like I’m alive anymore!!! I mean, that’s the first time I’ve heard the voice of the G.o.d of Creation, you know!? You don’t know any other outrageous people anymore, right!? That’s really the last one, right!!!? Please just say it now if you actually know the World King or someone like her! It’s because my heart can’t take it anymore!!!]

[……No…… Before that, your hand…… I- I’m going to……]

[My Lady, My Lady!]

Ah, this is no good, I couldn’t grasp my consciousness anymore. I feel like my body is also physically floating, but Lilia-san is really absurdly strong, I can’t break free from her grip at all.

Speaking of which, I think Kuro had mentioned before how people can reinforce their body using their magic power…… I guess once I learn that, I’ll be able to endure something like this……

[My Lady!!!]

[What is it, Luna. We’re talking about something really important here……]

[I understand how you feel. I’m sure that you’ve been through a lot…… But if you don’t let go of him soon, Miyama-sama’s soul will begin departing to another world before I can even finish explaining myself.]

[……Eh? Ahhh!? Ka- Kaito-san!? I- I’m sorry! Are you alright!?]

After Lunamaria-san’s voice finally reached her ears, Lilia-san’s face turned pale and she hurriedly lets go of her hand that was holding my collar.

When I was finally released from her grip, I can’t feel my body anymore and felt it tumbling on the ground…… My body really was floating there.

[……Somehow…… I feel like I saw my dead mother and father waving at me……]

[Kaito-san!? Please get a grip of yourself!]

Along with Lilia-san’s voice which sounds like it’s becoming farther and farther, I feel like my consciousness is disappearing.

Waking up after losing my consciousness, I saw Lilia-san apologizing to me in a dogeza…… Receiving such an apology from her to such an extent, it was me who felt rather apologetic instead.

Well, I was also the cause of this problem in the first place, and considering the anxiety that Lilia-san received today, there is no way I can complain about it.

“I’ll do anything as an apology” or so Lilia-san said such a dangerous statement, but I’m also feeling sorry myself, so I told her not to worry about it and just went back to my room.

I’m not as tired as Lilia-san, but I’m also quite tired today, so I went back to my room and leaned my body deeper into the chair…… drinking the coffee that was held out to me like it was normal, while thinking about the events that happened today.

[Ahaha, you could say that it’s really like s.h.i.+ro…… but good work out there.]

[……I’m really tired.]

I’m not going to tsukkomi about Kuro being here as a matter of course from the time I returned, and I just told her about today’s events while drinking coffee and eating some baby castella.

[Speaking of which, in the end, does Ein-san and the G.o.ddess of Time get along at all? They look like they would bite each other’s heads off earlier……]

[Hmmm. They certainly are fighting with each other often, but the one who acknowledges Chronois-chan’s ability is Ein, while Chronois-chan also acknowledges Ein’s ability. They had probably fought a battle that would result in a draw like usual, and they were now drinking alcohol together now?]

Fumu, when she says it like that, you could certainly say that they are good friends.

The G.o.ddess of Time and Ein-san friends who always quarrel with each other, and the fact that they can talk to each other without reservation about their true feelings shows how close they are…… Well, but if that were the case, I would have liked it if she explained they were like that beforehand……

[It seems like Kaito-kun went through lots of troubles huh~~]

[It feels like most of them were Kuro’s fault though……]

[Ahaha, that might be so.]

Seeing Kuro wryly smiling, I can’t help but smile as well.

As I thought, I somehow really am feeling at ease when I’m talking with Kuro, probably because she’s the person I’ve been talking with the most since I came to this world, so it’s much more comfortable since I don’t have to worry that much while talking with her.

No, well, she was originally the Underworld King, an outrageous high-ranking demon but…… She doesn’t usually have that majesty that kings have……

[Arehh? Why do I feel like I’m being ridiculed here?]

[……It must have been just your imagination.]

While Kuro’s expression changed as she fumbled around, I can feel myself calming down as we continued to leisurely chat, relieving the fatigue I felt on this day.

After continuing to talk for a while, Kuro clapped her hands as if she suddenly had an idea.

[Ah, that’s right. Kaito-kun, are you free tomorrow?]

[Unnn? Rather than just tomorrow…… I’m usually free until we get back home, I guess?]

Did she come up with something absurd again? It would be great if it was something that isn’t too tiring but……

[Look, I told you that we’d go out just the two of us before, right?]

[Ah, yeah. You did say that.]

That’s what Kuro whispered to me just as she was about to Lilia-san’s mansion back when she came to visit.

Remembering that, I nodded at her words, and Kuro continued speaking with a big smile on her face.

[So, tomorrow. Let’s go on a “date” tomorrow!]


Dear Mom, Dad—— I’ve already been used to Kuro’s usual absurdness, but she said something even more outrageous today. Errr, what I’m trying to say is… How should I say this…… This is the first time in my life but—– I’ve been invited on a date.

Next time in YuuShou, a certain main heroine who hadn’t been in the past few chapters had become angry. What would happen to Kaito? Will they find the hidden dragonb.a.l.l.s inside her one piece? And what is the secret of Kuromueina’s baby castellas? Find out next time.

T/N: As thanks for lowdark, here are 3 bonus chapters.


I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace (WN) Chapter 45 - I've Been Invited on a Date

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I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace (WN) Chapter 45 - I've Been Invited on a Date summary

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