The School of Recreation Part 8

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Nor are we to doubt in what Estimation it was held to the Reign of _David_ King of _Israel_, who thought it the most _Necessary Qualification_ of his Subjects, to be very well versed in the Use of the _Bow_. The _Bow_ which was the Famous _Signal_ between his beloved _Jonathan_ and himself, and made the private _Testimonial_ of the undeserv'd Fury of his Maliciously & Enviously incensed _Father Saul_: By reason of whose eminent Skill, in the expert use of it, he chants forth his _Mournful Elegy_, The _Bow of _Jonathan_ returned not empty, from the Blood of the slain_, &c. Nay further so useful (no doubt) he thought the Knowledge of the Bow was, and of so necessary a Consequence for a Defensive as well as Offensive Armes, that it is observable he issued out a particular Edict or Proclamation, commanding the _general Learning its use throughout_ Judah. And the Use of it continued and still does in the East, as the only Weapon they are skilled in.

Dr. _Heylin_ in his Cosmographical Description of the World, tells us, That the _Czeremissi_, a People living in great Forrests, without Houses, feeding on Honey & the Flesh of Wild Beasts & Clothed with their Skins, under the Empire of the _Czar_ of _Russia_, are such excellent Archers, and so light of Foot, that they carry their Bows continually in their hands, and practise their Children so timely in it, that (after such an age) till they can hit a _White_ that is set before them, they give them nothing to eat.

Further; it is recorded of the _Parthians_ (and indeed all the _Persians_ too) that their greatest Fame consisted in their skilful handling their _Bows_ and _Arrows_, & were deservedly reckon'd the best Archers in the World, having the Art of _Shooting backwards_, and making their _Retreat_ and _Flight_ more pernicious and terrible, than their _Charge_ and _Onset_. So that when _Marcus Cra.s.sus_ in his expedition against them, was told by an _Astrologer_, that having found an ill Aspect in _Scorpio_, he presaged his Enterprize would prove unsuccesseful, _Tush Man_ (quoth he) _I fear not Scorpio, but Sagittarius_.

And to descend to our own Countrymen the English, the frequent Victories they obtained over the _French_ formerly, rendred them as famous and able Bow-men (next the _Parthians_) as were in the World.

But since the Ingenious _Franciscan_ Fryer (_Bertholdus Swart_) appeared in _Germany_, his _Sulphureous_ Brain has quite (or almost) _blown_ up the Reputation of the Bow, and all other Ancient Devices and Engines of War, by his _Accidental Invention_ of that Fatal Instrument the _Gun_, which he first communicated to the _Venetians_, _Anno 1330_. Who gave by these (then so called) _Bombards_, a notable discomfiture to the _Genoys_; and was next made use of by the Inhabitants of the _Baltick Sea_; And at the Siege of _Callice_ _Anno 1347._ used by the _English_; who taught it the _Mounsieur Frenchman_, and he gratified him with the death of the Famous Leader, _Thomas Mountacute_ Earl of _Salisbury_, shot at the Siege of _Orleance_, _Anno. 1425_. After which _Spain_ learnt it, and the _Jews_ and _Moors_ from thence taught the _Turk_; and from the first Invention of _large_ and _unweildy_, they were made fit for _Walls_ and _Hands_; and in fine _is a less expensive way of shedding blood than that of Archery is_.

Thus you see how Ancient the Use of the _Bow_ is, and how lately its Disuse began (I mean in relation to the Common-Wealth, as a defensive, or offensive Weapon) and how great the Ancient Fame of our _English_ was in the knowledge of it: However the Glory of it is somewhat still preserved (though in a Pastime) by the Honourable City of _London_, whose _Lord Mayor_ annually appears to see a _Prize_ performed by _Shooting_ with a Pound _Arrow_: And therefore all I have to say more, is, That it is deservedly placed amongst my Recreations, having _Metamorphosed_ its Use, and become a Healthful Conserver, instead of Destroyer of mens Bodies. And is vulgarly distinguished into two sorts, the _Long-bow_, and the _Cross_ or _Crow-Bow_.

I shall begin first with the _Long-bow_, whose Use is (now) thus to be understood. That it conduces much to the Health of our Body, disperses our stagnated Blood, extends our contracted Limbs, and renders the Members of our Bodies plyant, and flexible; and for the better obtaining these Effects, the following Rules are to be Observed.

Before the _Archer_ goes to his Sport (to follow the Method of this Treatise) he must first provide himself with necessary _Accoutrements_, _viz_, The _Bow_ which claimes his first Care, must be the best (_as best is best Cheap_) of _Spanish_ or _English Yew_, (the _VVithen_, or _Elme_ being the worst:) Next his _Shaft_, which must be of _Birch_, _Sugar-Chest_, or _Brazeel_, with _Gray_, or _White Feathers_.

Thus equipt, to the Field, and here we are to understand three sorts of _Marks_, _viz_, The _But_, which is a _Mark_ that is level, and requires a strong _Arrow_ with a broad Feather: The _p.r.i.c.k_, a _Mark_ of some compa.s.s, of a certain distance, requires an _Arrow_ that is strong, and nimble, with a middle Feather: The _Rover_, is an uncertain _Mark_, and Proportionable to the distance, suit your _Arrows_. But before you Shoot, hold a little, and hearken to your Charge.

_First_, The _Archer_ must have a good _Eye_, to see and discern his _Mark_; attended with a _Knowing Judgment_, to Understand the distance of Ground, and in what compa.s.s his _Arrow_ must Fly, and to take the true Advantage of a Side-Wind; and a Dexterity to give his _Shaft_ a sharp strong and sudden Loose, and without hanging on the string, to draw his _Arrow_ close to the Head, and in an instant deliver it.

_Secondly_, He must observe a _Decorum_ in his standing Posture, that his Body be fair, comely, and upright; his left Foot a convenient stride before his right, with both his Hams stiff, his left Arm holding his _Bow_ in the midst, stretch'd out streight; and with his three Fore-Fingers and Thumb of his right-hand, draw the string to his right Ear, the Notch of his _Arrow_ resting between his fore and long Fingers of his Right-Hand, and the _Steel_ of his _Arrow_ below the _Feathers_ upon the middle _Knuckle_ of his fore-finger, on his Left-Hand, drawing it up close, as abovesaid.

The _Cross-Bow_ (as I said in the Introduction to this _Treatise_) is of equal Benefit and Pleasure with the _Long-Bow_, when through an imbecillity in the _Arm_ or _Back_, that will not be a suitable Recreation: This _Bow_ must be made of the same Wood with the other, for _Gafel_ carried upon a string, and the other end being placed in a Rest, furnish your self with strong and heavy _Arrows_, suitable to your _Bows_ strength, and all the foregoing _Marks_, may afford you an equal Delight with the Former; but especially for Persons that have the unhappiness of looking asquint, it is an excellent Disposer of the sight, to a direct Line, and helps that _Watermans_ quality of _Looking one way, and Rowing another_. Thus much shall suffice for _Shooting_.

Of Bowling,

This is a Recreation of an Ancient Inst.i.tution, the _Lydians_ being thought to have been the first Inventors of _Sphaeromachia_, which signifies _Bowling_, as well as _Tennis-Playing_; besides these they inst.i.tuted several other Games, as the _Dice_, _Tables_, _Cards_, &c.

Necessity, and Hunger enforcing them to that Ingenuity, as _Persius_ well observes, _Artis Magister, Ingenijque largitor Venter_: For that Country being Oppressed with a great Dearth and Famine, in the time of _Atis_, one of the Progenitors of _Omphale_, they Devised these Games, that every second day playing at them, they might beguile their Hungry Bellies, and drive away the Tediousness of the Famine. And indeed, according to its Original inst.i.tution, of infinite use for the diverting Melancholly, for Exercise of the Body, by runing and stirring in this Game, for helping likewise sundry Bodily Infirmities, as the _Stone_, _Gravel_, _Reins_, &c. For which aforesaid ends several Pious, Learned and Sober Persons have sometimes made up the Company of a _Bowling-Green_ (tho I must confess rarely to be seen in those common _Bowling-Allies_ and _Bares_, which too usually are pestered with _Damming-Rooks_, _Cunning Betters_, _Crafty Matchers_, and base _Booty-Players_:) Herein we may see the World moralized, or emblematically described, where most are short, over, wide or wrong-Bya.s.sed, and few justle in to the Mistress _Fortune_: On one side we find _Herac.l.i.tus_ and his Followers fret, vex, rail, swear and cavil at every thing; on the other side _Democritus_, and his Company rejoice and laugh, as if they were created for that purpose. On one side you may see the _Mimick_ s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g and twisting his Body into several Postures, which he perswades himself adds either to the Swiftness or Slowness of his Bowl; On the other side the senseless _Orator_, with his perswasive Intreaties of _Rub, O Rub a little_; Or, _Flee, Flee_, and the like, to hasten or r.e.t.a.r.d the Speed of his Bowl; when if the stupid Bowl lend a deaf Ear to his Perswasions, then he _belyes_ his Disobedience, by crying _Short, Short, O Short_, when tis gone ten yards over; and when tis bowled short of the _Jack_ six yards, he cryes, _Gone a Mile, a Mile, a Mile_, &c. But not to detain you any longer in characterizing this excellent sport: (_Excellent_ I mean if rightly used) I shall before I lead you into the _Green_ or _Bare_, instruct you in some Rules, how to choose your _Bowls_.

The first and greatest Cunning to be observed in _Bowling_, is the right _chusing your Bowl_, which must be suitable to the Grounds you design to run on, thus: For _close Alleys_, your best Choice is the _Flat Bowl_: 2. For _open Grounds_ of Advantage, the _Round-Bya.s.sed-Bowl_; 3. For _Green Swarths_, that are plain and level, the Bowl that is _Round as a Ball_.

The next thing requires your Care is, _The chusing out your Ground_, and preventing the Windings, Hangings, and many turning _Advantages_ of the same, whether it be in open wide places, as _Bares_ and _Bowling-Greens_, or in close _Bowling-Alleys_.

Lastly, Have your _Judgment_ about you to observe and distinguish the _Risings_, _Fallings_ and _Advantages_ of the Places where you Bowl: Have your _Wits_ about you to avoid being rookt of your Money: And have your Understanding about you, to know your best Time and Opportunity for this Recreation; and finally a studious Care of your Words and Pa.s.sions, and then _Bowl_ away, and you may deserve, _Well have you Bowled indeed_.

But methinks I cannot conclude here, without admiring how aptly a Bowling-Green is by the Divine _Quarles_ characterized, in the following Verses, thus.

_Brave pastime, _Readers_, to consume that Day, Which without Pastime flies too swift away!

See how they Labour, as if Day and Night Were both too short to serve their loose Delight?

See how their curved _Bodies_ wreath, and skrue Such Antick shapes as _Proteus_ never knew: One rapps an Oath, another deals a Curse, He never better bowl'd, this never worse; One rubs his itchless Elbow, shruggs and laughs, The t'other bends his beetle-brows, and chafes; Sometimes they whoop, sometimes the _Stygian_ Cryes, Send their black _Santo's_ to the blus.h.i.+ng Skies: Thus mingling Humours in a mad Confusion They make bad Premisses and worse Conclusion._

Thus much for _Bowling_.

Of Tennis.

This Recreation is of the same Date for its _Antiquity_ of Invention with _Bowling_, and for the _Violence_ of its Exercise to be preferred before it. This sport indeed is of so universal an Acceptance, that Majesty it self is pleased to design it its Recommendation, by tracking its laborious steps; and _Princes_ and _Lords_ admire it too for the most proper Recreation, to suit with _Innocence_, and _true n.o.bility_.

Here the body is briskly exercised more than ordinary, and inured in _Agility_ and _Nimbleness_; this renders the Limbs flexible and mettlesom, and adapts them for the most Vigorous Enterprize: It makes the languid and slothful, _brisk_ and _sprightful_; and rejects _Effeminacy_ and _Delicacy_, as contemptible and unworthy so Royal and n.o.ble a Recreation: And so General indeed is the Estimation this Exercise of _Tennis_ amongst most meets with, that it is reckoned one of the most absolute Qualifications of a well-bred Gentleman, throughly to understand this famous Game.

But why should we wonder at the general Love Gentlemen have for this Recreation, since it must be acknowledged, it challengeth as deserving a place in the Catalogue of violent Exercises, as any that goes before it in this Treatise; indeed it may be well rankt among those great Excellencies of Exercise which rendered the _Lacedemonians_, Famous to all Posterity for instructing their young Gentlemen and n.o.blemen in: Nay for ought I know it is a _derivative Vertue_ which descended to the true _English_ Gentleman, from that so excellent Method of Education used amongst the Warlike Nation the _Gothes_: Who (as _Olaus Magnus_ informes us) amongst the greatest Severities, as _Beatings_ and _Wounds_, _Change of Heat into sudden Cold_, _lying_ (not on _Downe_ but) upon _Boards_, _coursely clad_, and _Feeding_ on _Ordinary_, but strong _Food_, used themselves to the most tedious, wearisome and Violent Exercises, as _Riding_, _Darting_, _Shooting_, &c. _Wearing heavy Armes_, _Swimming on Horse-Back and in Armour_; And had they been acquainted with this Exercise of _Tennis_, would not have omitted that neither: But I shall not enlarge any further on its _Encomium_, its being the Pastime of the most knowing and greatest men, shall stop any longer _Eulogies_ my Pen can make on its Worth and Excellence. All I have to say is, I am heartily sorry, there are no _Rules_ which fall within the Sphere of _Demonstration_, to be laid down for my Readers use, for the right prosecuting this n.o.ble Game: Practice and Experience alone must be his Information and Direction, and not any Writing may be communicated to him: Only let me say this.

_Tennis_ and _Baloon_ are Sports which are play'd almost with the same Instruments; and therefore may be under one and the same Head: The first is a pastime, used in close or open Courts, by striking a little _Round Ball_ to and fro, either with the _Palmes_ of the hands (and then is called _Pila palmaria_ in Latin) or else a _Racket_, made for the purpose, round with Net or Cat-gut, with a Handle: The other a strong and moving Sport in the Open Fields with a great Ball of a double Leather filled with Wind, and so driven to and fro with the strength of a Mans Arm, armed in a Brace of Wood: And thus much shall suffice to speak of the _Baloon_ and _Tennis_; only let me desire you, let not this or any other Pastime disturb your Minds; divert you from the diligent and careful Prosecution of your own lawful Business; or invite you to throw away your Time and Money too lavishly and idley; nor engage you in any Pa.s.sion; that so you may not offend G.o.d, dislike your _Neighbour_, nor incomode your _Self_ and _Family_ in your Well-being and Felicity; and then you may recreate your self without Fear, and in this Recreation observe the ensuing Morality of

The Tennis-Court.

_When as the Hand _at Tennis_ Playes, And Men to Gaming fall, _Love_ is the _Court_, _Hope_ is the _House_, And _Favour_ serves the _Ball_._

_This _Ball_ it self is _due Desert_, The _Line_ that measure showes Is _Reason_, whereon _Judgment_ looks Where Players win and lose._

_The _Tutties_ are _Deceitful s.h.i.+fts_, The _Stoppers_, _Jealousy_, Which hath Sir _Argus_ hundred Eyes, Wherewith to watch and pry._

_The _Fault_ whereon _Fifteen is lost_, Is _Want of Wit and Sense_, And he that brings the _Racket_ in Is _Double Diligence_._

_But now the _Racket_ is _Free-Will_, Which makes the _Ball_ rebound, And n.o.ble _Beauty_ is the _Choice_, And of each Game the _Ground_._

_Then _Racket_ strikes the _Ball_ away, And there is _Over-sight_, A _Bandy_ ho! the People cry, And so the _Ball_ takes flight._

_Now at the length _Good-liking_ proves _Content_ to be their _Gain_: Thus in the _Tennis-Court_, _Love is A Pleasure mixt with Pain_._

Of Ringing.

Since this Recreation of _Ringing_ is become so highly esteemed, for its excellent _Harmony of Musick_ it affords the _Ear_, for its _Mathematical Invention_ delighting the _Mind_, and for the _Violence of its Exercise_ bringing Health to the _Body_, causing it to transpire plentifully, and by Sweats dissipate and expel those Fuliginous thick _Vapours_, which _Idleness_, _Effeminacy_ and _Delicacy_ subject men to; I say for these and sundry other Reasons, I was induced to bring this of _Ringing_ into the Company of _Exercises_ in this Treatise, that I might as well recreate you with some health-conducing Pleasure at _home_, as I have carryed you _abroad_, and there endeavoured to please you in what Pastime your Inclinations may most peculiarly select.

Whosoever would then become an accurate Master of this excellent Art and Pleasure, and is very desirous to be esteemed an Elaborate and Ingenious _Ringer_, and be enrolled amongst that Honoured _Society_ of +Colledge Youths+; I must beg Leave to instruct him before he enters the _Bell-free_, in these ensuing short Rules, which he must strictly observe. _viz._

1. That as all _Musick_ consists in these six plain _Notes_, _La Sol Fa Mi Re Ut_; so in _Ringing_, a Peal of Bells is Tuned according to these Principles of Musick: For as each _Bell takes its Denomination from the Note it Sounds_, by its being flatter or deeper, as, _First_, or Treble, _Second_, _Third_, _Fourth_, &c. as they are in number to _Ten_ or _Twelve_ Bells, the Last being called the _Tennor_; So must they successively strike one after another both _Fore-stroke_ and _Back-stroke_, in a due Musical Time or Equidistance, to render their Harmony the more pleasant, and to make the Young Pract.i.tioner the better informed to observe the _Life of Musick_, and indeed of true Ringing, _Time_; and therefore is called, _Round-Ringing_.

2. As in Musick, so in Ringing there are _three Concords_, so called from their Melodious Harmony and Agreement, which are these; _Thirds_, _viz._ 1 3, 2 4. _&c._ _Fifths_ 1 5, 2 6 _&c._ _Eights_ 1 8, 2 9, 3 10 &c. and these are the more pleasant according to the Number of Bells they are struck on, and as they are struck, whether seperately or mutually. From hence _Changes_ are made, which is only a Changing place of one _Note_ with another, so variously, as Musick may be heard a thousand wayes of Harmony; which being so obvious to common Observation, I shall not go about to demonstrate; for that if two may be varied two wayes, surely by the _Rule of Multiplication_, a Man may easily learn how many times 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, or 12 Bells Notes may be varied, which will run almost _ad infinitum_.

3. For the better observing the Ringing of _Changes_ or _Rounds_, these three things are to be noted.

1. _The Raising true in Peal._

2. _Ringing at a low Compa.s.s_; And

3. _Ceasing in true Peal_; All which three are the most essential Parts to render a Pract.i.tioner _Excellent_.

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