Bird Stories Part 16

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Appleton & Co.

_Handbook of Birds of Western United States._ FLORENCE M. BAILEY.

Houghton Mifflin Co.

_Handbook of Nature-Study._ ANNA BOTSFORD COMSTOCK. Comstock Publis.h.i.+ng Co.

_Hardenbergh's Bird Playmates._ Charles Scribner's Sons. Two sets: Land Birds and Water Birds. (Two large scenic backgrounds in color, with colored birds that can be slipped into place to complete the picture; for use during bird lessons, as a record of birds seen by the children, etc.)

_History of North American Birds._ S. F. BAIRD, T. M. BREWER, and R.

RIDGWAY. Three volumes. Little, Brown & Co.

_Life Histories of North American Diving Birds._ ARTHUR CLEVELAND BENT.

U.S. National Museum Bulletin 107.

_Michigan Bird Life._ WALTER BRADFORD BARROWS. Michigan Agricultural College.

_Mother Nature's Children._ ALLEN WALTON GOULD. Ginn & Co.

_My Pets._ MARSHALL SAUNDERS. The Griffith and Rowland Press.

_Natural History of the Farm._ JAMES G. NEEDHAM. The Comstock Publis.h.i.+ng Co.

_Nature Sketches in Temperate America._ JOSEPH LANE HANc.o.c.k. A. C.

McClurg Co.

_Nature Songs and Stories._ KATHERINE CREIGHTON. The Comstock Publis.h.i.+ng Co.

_Nestlings of Forest and Marsh._ IRENE GROSVENOR WHEELOCK. Atkinson, Mentzer, and Grover.

_Our Backdoor Neighbors._ FRANK C. PELLETT. The Abingdon Press.

_Our Birds and their Nestlings._ MARGARET COULSON WALKER. American Book Co.

_Our Greatest Travelers._ WELLS W. COOKE. (Reprinted in _Common Birds of Town and Country._)

_Outdoor Studies._ JAMES G. NEEDHAM. American Book Co.

_Pa.s.senger Pigeon, The._ W. B. MERSHON. The Outing Publis.h.i.+ng Co.

_Primer of Bird-Study._ ERNEST INGERSOLL. The National a.s.sociation of Audubon Societies.

_Propagation of Wild-Duck Foods._ W. L. MCATEE. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Bulletin 465.

_Sharp Eyes._ WILLIAM HAMILTON GIBSON. Harper and Brothers.

_Short Cuts and By-Paths._ HORACE LUNT. D. Lothrop Co.

_Some Common Game, Aquatic, and Rapacious Birds in Relation to Man._ W.

L. MCATEE and F. E. L. BEAL. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture; Farmers'

Bulletin 497.

_Spring of the Year, The._ DALLAS LORE SHARP. Houghton Mifflin Co.

_Stories of Bird Life._ T. GILBERT PEARSON. B. F. Johnson Publis.h.i.+ng Co.

_Story of Opal, The._ OPAL WHITELEY. G. P. Putnam's Sons. (The Journal of a child, who watched the comings and the goings of the little wood-folk and waved greetings to the plant-bush-folk, and who danced when the wind did play the harps in the forest--this being "a very wonderful world to live in.")

_Summer._ DALLAS LORE SHARP. Houghton Mifflin Co.

_Tales from Birdland._ T. GILBERT PEARSON. Doubleday, Page & Co.

_Travels of Birds._ FRANK M. CHAPMAN. D. Appleton and Co.

_Useful Birds and their Protection._ EDWARD H. FORBUSH. Ma.s.sachusetts Board of Agriculture.

_Wild Life Conservation._ WILLIAM T. HORNADAY. Yale University Press.

_Winter._ DALLAS LORE SHARP. Houghton Mifflin Co.

_Wit of the Wild._ ERNEST INGERSOLL. Dodd, Mead & Co.


_Bird-Lore._ Official Organ of the Audubon Societies. D. Appleton & Co.

_Conservationist, The._ New York State Conservation Commission, Albany.

_Guide to Nature, The._ The Aga.s.siz a.s.sociation, Arcadia, Sound Beach, Conn.

_Natural History._ Journal of the American Museum of Natural History.

_Nature-Study Review._ Official Organ of the American Nature-Study Society, Ithaca, New York.

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