Color Key to North American Birds Part 93

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742 Wren-t.i.t Chamaea fasciata fasciata 215 742_a_ Pallid Wren-t.i.t " " henshawi 215 742_b_ Coast Wren-t.i.t " " phaea 300 742_c_ Ruddy Wren-t.i.t " " rufula 300

Family SYLVIID?. Warblers, Kinglets, Gnatcatchers.



747 Kennicott's Willow Warbler Acanthopneuste borealis 212 748 Golden-crowned Kinglet Regulus satrapa satrapa 187 748_a_ Western Golden-crowned Kinglet " " olivaceus 187 749 Ruby-crowned Kinglet " calendula calendula 176 749_a_ Sitkan Kinglet " " grinnelli 176 750 Dusky Kinglet " " obscurus 177 751 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Polioptila caerulea caerulea 243 751_a_ Western Gnatcatcher " " obscura 243 752 Plumbeous Gnatcatcher " plumbea 243 753 Black-tailed Gnatcatcher " californica 243

Family t.u.r.dID?. Thrushes, Solitaires, Stonechats, Bluebirds, etc.



754 Townsend's Solitaire Myadestes townsendi 247 755 Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina 233 756 Veery " fuscescens fuscescens 238 756_a_ Willow Thrush " " salicicola 238 757 Gray-cheeked Thrush " aliciae aliciae 239 757_a_ Bicknell's Thrush " " bicknelli 239 758 Russet-backed Thrush " ustulata ustulata 239 758_a_ Olive-backed Thrush " " swainsoni 239 759 Alaska Hermit Thrush " guttata guttata 238 759_a_ Audubon's Hermit Thrush " " auduboni 238 759_b_ Hermit Thrush " " pallasi 238 759_c_ Dwarf Hermit Thrush " " nana 238 759_d_ Monterey Hermit Thrush " " slevini 302 759_e_ Sierra Hermit Thrush " " sequoiensis 302 [760] Red-winged Thrush t.u.r.dus musicus A.V.

761 Robin Planesticus migratorius migratorius 207 761_a_ Western Robin " " propinquus 207 761_b_ Southern Robin " " achrusterus 207 762 San Lucas Robin " confinis 207 763 Varied Thrush Ixoreus naevius naevius 207 763_a_ Northern Varied Thrush " " meruloides 207 [764] Siberian Red-spotted Bluethroat Cyanosylvia suecica robusta A.V.

[764.1] Greater Kamchatkan Nightingale Calliope calliope camtschatkensis A.V.

765 Wheatear Saxicola ?nanthe ?nanthe 248 765_a_ Greenland Wheatear " " leucorhoa 248 766 Bluebird Sialia sialis sialis 182 766_a_ Azure Bluebird " " fulva 182 767 Western Bluebird " mexicana occidentalis 182 767_a_ Chestnut-backed Bluebird " " bairdi 182 767_b_ San Pedro Bluebird " " annabelae 182 768 Mountain Bluebird " currucoides 182



Since the publication of the first edition of the 'Color Key' in 1903, the American Ornithologists' Union has issued the Third Edition (1910) of its 'Check-List of North American Birds.' This includes all approved additions to and changes in the preceding edition made since 1903 as well as rulings on a number of cases which were in abeyance at the time the first edition of the 'Color Key' appeared.

Mere changes in nomenclature not affecting the status of a species are given without comment in the preceding Systematic Table, which has been fully revised and brought up to date. To ascertain the correct, current name of any species or subspecies of North American bird the student, after determining its ident.i.ty in the 'Color Key,' has only to refer to its number in the Systematic Table to learn whether any change has been made in nomenclature. In addition to actual changes in nomenclature due to the detection of errors in earlier names, it should be noted that a third name or trinomial is now employed for each race of a species, and also that an apostrophe is used in connection with the names of birds named for individuals. Throughout the 'Color Key,' therefore, alterations should be made when required by these two changes in method.

All other changes than these simple ones of names are included, with explanations, in this appendix, and the student is urged to make ma.n.u.script cross-references on the pages where such changes occur to avoid their being overlooked.

As far as possible the language of the original describer of the new subspecies of birds is here quoted, while the Ranges are mainly from the A.O.U. Check-List.

References to original sources of publication are given only with cases included in the first supplement to the Third Edition (1910) of the Check List. In all other instances reference to the original place of description, etc., is contained in the 'Check-List.'

Pages 29, 127. The North American Kites, Hawks, Falcons, Eagles, etc., are now placed in three families instead of one, as follows: BUTEONID?, containing the Kites, Hawks and Eagles (Nos. 327-352a); FALCONID? containing the Falcons and Caracaras (Nos. 353-363), and PANDIONID?, containing the Osprey (No. 364).

Pages 39, 162, 168. The subfamilies Troglodytinae and Miminae are now elevated to full family rank. The Mockingbirds and Thrashers (Nos.

702-712) are therefore the North American members of the Family MIMID?; and the Wrens (Nos. 713-725e) the North American members of the Family TROGLODYTID?.

Pages 39, 162, 169. The subfamilies Sittinae and Parinae are now elevated to full family rank. The Nuthatches (Nos. 727 to 730a) are therefore the North American members of the Family SITTID?; and the t.i.tmice (Nos. 732 to 746a, except Nos. 742 to 742c now placed in the Family CHAM?ID?, see beyond) the North American members of the Family PARID?.

Page 63. Cancel No. 94, _Puffinus fuliginosus_, which proves to be the same as No. 95, _Puffinus griseus_. The common name, however, is retained and the species stands =95, Sooty Shearwater= (_Puffinus griseus_). Characters as given.

Range--Oceans of Southern Hemisphere; occurs in summer on the Pacific coast from southern Alaska to Lower California, and on the Atlantic coast from Gulf of St. Lawrence to South Carolina.

Page 77. But one form of the Black Duck is recognized by the A.O.U.

It stands as No. 133. Black Duck (_Anas rubripes_), which name, therefore, includes both Nos. 133 and 133a.

Page 92. After No. 197 add: =197a. Brewster's Egret= (_Egretta candidissima brewsteri_). Similar to No. 197 "but larger, bill longer, tarsus longer, and whole leg _very much_ heavier or thicker." [Male].

Tar. 4.36; B. 3.60. [Female]. Tar. 4.00; B. 3.42. (Thayer and Bangs).

Range--"Southern Lower California." (A.O.U.).

Page 97. After No. 210 add: =210.1. Light-footed rail.= (_Rallus levipes_) "Much smaller than either _R. obsoletus_ or _R. beldingi_, bill much more slender, tarsus and foot smaller than in either; superciliary white instead of rusty...." W. 5.70; T. 2.24; Tar. 1.81; B. 2.24. (Bangs).

Range--"Marshes of southern California, from Santa Barbara south to San Quintin Bay, Lower California; accidental in Arizona." (A.O.U.)

Page 98. After No. 216 add: =216.1. Farallon Rail= (_Creciscus coturniculus_). "Smaller [than No. 216] with much slenderer bill; the plumbeous of the under parts deeper, the chestnut-brown of the upper parts brighter and more extended, forming a broader patch on the nape and tinging more or less strongly and generally much of the top of the head where there is often no pure unmixed plumbeous or slaty save on the forehead." (Brewster).

Range--"Pacific coast of United States. Breeds in coast marshes of California; casual in Was.h.i.+ngton, Oregon and Lower California."


Page 103. After 266 add: =268. Bristle-thighed Curlew= (_Numenius tahitiensis_). Somewhat like _N. hudsonicus_, but thighs with long bristle-like feathers; tail pale rusty, barred with black; markings of back and wings pale rusty.

Range--"Alaska and Pacific Islands. Breeding range unknown; has been taken in summer in western Alaska from Kowak River to Kenai Peninsula; also on Laysan and Phoenix Islands; winters in islands of the South Pacific from Hawaii to New Caledonia" (A.O.U.). Cla.s.sed with Accidental Visitants in first edition of 'Color Key.'

Page 112. Cancel No. 277a, Belted Piping Plover, which proves to be the same as No. 277, Piping Plover.

Page 117. After No. 297b add: =297c. Sierra Grouse= (_D. o. sierrae_).

Male resembles male of No. 297, but back less black and more heavily vermiculated with brown and gray; terminal tail-band narrower and more speckled with blackish; medium tail-feathers more heavily marked with gray or brownish; white neck-tufts practically absent; feathers of sides, flanks and under tail-coverts with less white. Much paler and more heavily vermiculated above than No. 297b.

Range--Ft. Klamath, Oregon south through the Sierras to Mount Pinos in South California.

Page 117. The ranges of the races of this bird (now known as Spruce Partridge, rather than Spruce Grouse) are given in the A.O.U.

'Check-List' as follows:

=298. Hudsonian Spruce Partridge= (_Canachites canadensis canadensis_).

Range--"Boreal forest region from the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains west of Edmonton, Alberta, east to Labrador Peninsula; also a disconnected area in Alaska from Bristol Bay to Cook Inlet and Prince William Sound."

=298b. Alaska Spruce Partridge= (_C. c. osgoodi_).

Range--"Mt. McKinley and the Yukon region east to Great Slave and Athabasca lakes."

=298c. Canada Spruce Partridge= (_C. c. canace_).

Range--"Manitoba, southern Ontario, and New Brunswick south to northern parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, and New England."

Page 119. After No. 301a add: =301b. Alexander's Ptarmigan= (_L. l.

alexandrae_). Similar to _L. l. lagopus_ in corresponding plumage, "but coloration darker throughout, especially dorsally; bill smaller and relatively much narrower." (Grinnell).

Range--Baranof and adjacent islands west to Shumagin Islands (A.O.U.).

Color Key to North American Birds Part 93

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