Color Key to North American Birds Part 95

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Range.--"Breeds in the humid Pacific coast strip from southern Oregon to the Santa Lucia mountains, California and east to the mountains on the west side of Napa Valley; in winter east to the Gabilan and Mt.

Diablo ranges" (A. O. U).

Page 192. Cancel No. 530b, United States specimens of which prove to be merely adults of No. 530. Further west, however, black-backed birds are not found, and this western bird has been described as new.

(Consequently after No. 530, add: =530a). Green-backed Goldfinch= (_A. p. hesperophilus_). Similar to _A. p. psaltria_ "but ear-coverts, sides of neck with back, nape, and rump, in fully adult plumage, olive-green instead of black" (Oberholser). Fig. 530 represents this area.

Range.--"Southwestern United States. Breeds from southern Oregon and Utah to southern Lower California, Sonora and extreme southwestern New Mexico; winters from central California to Cape San Lucas" (A.O.U.).

The Range of _A. g. psaltria_ is therefore restricted to "northern Colorado to central northern Texas and south throughout Mexico, except in northwestern and extreme southern portions; casual in Wyoming."


Page 194. Cancel No. 618d, Northern Yellow-throat, which proves to be the same as No. 681, Maryland Yellow-throat.

Page 196. After No. 652b. add: =652c. California Yellow Warbler= (_D. ae. brewsteri_). Differs from _D. ae. aestiva_ in smaller size, paler (or less brightly yellow) coloration and, in the male, narrower streaking on under surface." Differs from _D. ae. rubiginosa_ "in much smaller size and yellower coloration," and "from _D. ae. sonorana_ in smaller size and darker coloration." [Male] W. 2.45; T. 1.96. [Female].

W. 2.33; T. 1.93 (Grinnell).

Range.--Pacific Coast, west of the Cascades, and the Sierra Nevada from Was.h.i.+ngton to southern California. (The range of _D. ae. aestiva_ is correspondingly restricted).

Page 210. Cancel No. 464.2, Santa Barbara Flycatcher, which proves to be the same as No. 464, Western Flycatcher.

Page 211. Cancel No. 472a, Ridgway's Flycatcher, which proves to be the same as No. 472, Beardless Flycatcher.

Page 212. After No. 632c. add: =632a. Fraser's Vireo= (_V. h.

cognatus_). Similar to _V. h. stephensi_, but wing averaging decidedly shorter, tarsus longer, and coloration paler. Wing, 2.48; Tar. .74 (Ridgway).

Range.--"Cape San Lucas district of Lower California (Sierra de la Laguna; Victoria Mountains); resident" (Ridgway).

Page 214. After No. 633a. add: =633b. Texas Vireo= (_V. b. medius_).

"Similar to _V. b. belli_, but coloration paler and tail averaging longer; pileum and hindneck brownish gray instead of grayish brown; olive of back, etc. grayer; underparts whiter with olive-yellow of sides and flanks much paler; under tail-coverts and axillars white, yellowish white, or very pale sulphur yellow" (Ridgway).

Range.--"Southwestern Texas (Presidio, Brewster and Kinney Counties) south to Coahuila and Guanajuato, central Mexico" (A.O.U.).

Pages 215, 216. The Wren-t.i.ts have been revised and their ranges more correctly defined, and to the two forms given two more have been added. The four races now recognized stand as follows: =742. Wren-t.i.t= (_Chamaea fasciata fasciata_). Characters as described and figured.

Range.--"Upper Sonoran zone on the eastern and southern of San Francis...o...b..y and adjacent Santa Clara Valley" (A.O.U.).

=742a. Pallid Wren-t.i.t= (_C. f. henshawi_). Similar to _C. f.

fasciata_, "but decidedly paler, the back, scapulars, rump, etc.

grayish brown (deep hair-brown), the pileum and hindneck brownish gray (nearly mouse-gray or deep smoke-gray), and general color of underparts varying from very pale grayish buff to buffy ecru-drab, or pale, vinaceous-buff, fading to nearly white on lower abdomen"


Range.--"Upper Sonoran Zone of foothills and valleys of interior and southern California from Shasta County south to northern Lower California, and along the coast from Monterey Bay southward"


=742b. Coast Wren-t.i.t= (_C. f. phaea_). Characters as stated on page 216.

Range.--"Humid Transition Zone of Pacific Coast of Oregon and northern California (from Columbia River to Humboldt Bay)" (A.O.U.).

=742c. Ruddy Wren-t.i.t= (_C. f. rufula_). Intermediate in color between No. 742 and No. 742b. More richly colored than the former, but not so dark as the latter.

Range.--"Humid Transition coast strip of California from southern Humboldt County to Santa Cruz" (A.O.U.).

Page 217. Cancel No. 710a. Pasadena Thrasher, which proves to be the same as No. 710 California Thrasher.

Page 223. After No. 542b, add: =542d. Nevada Savannah Sparrow= (_P. s.

nevadensis_). Resembles _P. s. alaudinus_ "but much paler throughout in all plumages; white replacing buff, black streaks thus more conspicuously contrasted, there being a minimum amount of hazel marginings; size slightly less." Differs from _P. s. savanna_ "as above, but in greater degree" (Grinnell, Univ. Calif. Pub. Zool.

V, 1910, p. 312).

Range.--"Humboldt and Washoe Counties, Nevada, and probably throughout Great Basin, south in winter to the Colorado Desert and Los Angeles Co., California" (A.O.U.).

Page 228, after No. 574b (which, as shown in the Systematic Table, now becomes 574.1a) add: =574.1b. California Sage Sparrow= (_Amphispiza nevadensis canescens_). Similar to _Amphispiza belli_ but size somewhat greater, and coloration throughout very much paler; resembles _Amphispiza nevadensis nevadensis_, but size very much less, and coloration slightly darker. [Male] W. 2.79; T. 3.03. [Female]

W. 2.63; T. 2.87 (Grinnell).

Range.--"Upper Sonoran Zone in Owens Valley and adjacent areas in eastern California and extreme western Nevada" (A.O.U.).

Page 229. After No. 581c. add =581s. Suisun Song Sparrow= (_M. m.

maxillaris_). Size of _M. m. heermanni_; but black streakings everywhere broader, and the general tone of coloration darker; larger than _M. m. samuelis_ and with brown more extended and deeper in tone (bay rather than hazel); unique in having the base of the maxilla inflated or swollen with "lateral bulbosities" (Grinnell).

Range.--Marshes bordering Suisun Bay, Solano Co., California.

Page 230. After No. 581d. add: =581p. Mendocino Song Sparrow= (_M. m.

cleonsis_). Size of _M. m. samuelis_ but lighter and more rusty; black markings of back more restricted; spots of breast broadly edged with rusty; black on side of head and neck almost entirely replaced by rusty or reddish brown" (McGregor).

Range.--"Coast strip of southern Oregon and northern California from Yaquina Bay, Oregon, to Tomales Bay, California" (A.O.U.).

Page 231. After No. 585d. add: =585e. Sooty Fox Sparrow= (_P. i.

fuliginosa_). "Similar to _P. i. townsendi_ but darker and less rufescent, the upperparts, sides of head and neck and lateral underparts sepia or sooty brown, the upper tail-coverts and tail slightly more castaneous; spots on underparts dark sooty brown, larger and more confluent than in other forms" (Ridgway).

Range.--"Northwest coast strip. Breeds on the coast of British Columbia, Vancouver Island and northwestern Was.h.i.+ngton; winters south along the coast to San Francisco, California" (A.O.U.).

=No. 585f. Kadiak Fox Sparrow= (_P. i. insularis_). "Similar to _P. i. unalaschensis_ but much browner and more uniform above (back warm sepia), spots on chest, etc., larger and much deeper brown and under tail-coverts more strongly tinged with buff" (Ridgway).

Range.--"Alaska coast strip. Breeds on Kadiak Island and on the coast from Prince William Sound south to Cross Sound; winters along the coast to southern California" (A.O.U.).

Page 234. After No. 715 add: =715a. San Nicolas Rock Wren= (_S. o.

pulverius_). Similar to _S. o. obsoletus_ "but entire plumage, especially the upperparts, suffused with ochraceous or dust color, almost identical with the tint of the soil on San Nicholas Island"


Range.--San Nicholas Island, California.

Page 236. Cancel No. 821b, _Troglodytes aedon aztecus_, which proves to be the same as No. 721a, _T. a. parkmani_. The common name, Western House Wren, however, is retained in place of the common name Parkman's Wren.

Page 237. After No. 725c add: =725d. Prairie Marsh Wren= (_T. p.

iliacus_). "Similar to _T. p. pal.u.s.tris_, but slightly larger and with the coloration more rufescent, the brown of the upperparts russet-brown to cinnamon-brown or russet, the flanks conspicuously deep cinnamon-buff or cinnamon" (Ridgway).

Range.--Plains and prairies of central North America. Breeds from central Alberta and southwestern Keewatin south to central Mississippi Valley and east to Indiana; winters southward into Mexico and along the Gulf coast to western Florida (A.O.U.).

Page 238. After No. 759c add: =759d. Monterey Hermit Thrush= (_H. g.

slevini_). General color extremely pale and ashy, nearly as much so as in _H. g. sequoiensis_; above hair-brown, slightly browner on top of head; upper tail-coverts and tail isabella color; spots on breast sepia, small in size and few in numbers. (Grinnell).

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