Miscellaneous Writings Part 33

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The last appearing of Truth will be a wholly spiritual idea of G.o.d and of man, without the fetters of the flesh, or corporeality. This infinite idea of infinity will be, is, as eternal as its divine Principle. The daystar of this appear- [10]

ing is the light of Christian Science-the Science which rends the veil of the flesh from top to bottom. The light of this revelation leaves nothing that is material; neither darkness, doubt, disease, nor death. The material cor- poreality disappears; and individual spirituality, perfect [15]

and eternal, appears-never to disappear.

The truth uttered and lived by Jesus, who pa.s.sed on and left to mortals the rich legacy of what he said and did, makes his followers the heirs to his example; but they can neither appreciate nor appropriate his treasures [20]

of Truth and Love, until lifted to these by their own growth and experiences. His goodness and grace pur- chased the means of mortals' redemption from sin; but, they never paid the price of sin. This cost, none but the sinner can pay; and accordingly as this account is settled [25]

with divine Love, is the sinner ready to avail himself of the rich blessings flowing from the teaching, example, and suffering of our Master.

The secret stores of wisdom must be discovered, their treasures reproduced and given to the world, before man [30]

can truthfully conclude that he has been found in the order, mode, and virgin origin of man according to divine

[Page 166.]

Science, which alone demonstrates the divine Principle [1]

and spiritual idea of being.

The monument whose finger points upward, commemorates the earthly life of a martyr; but this is not all of the philanthropist, hero, and Christian. The Truth he [5]

has taught and spoken lives, and moves in our midst a divine afflatus. Thus it is that the ideal Christ-or impersonal infancy, manhood, and womanhood of Truth and Love-is still with us.

And what of _this_ child?-"For unto us a child _is_ [10]

born, unto us a son _is_ given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder."

This child, or spiritual idea, has evolved a more ready ear for the overture of angels and the scientific under- standing of Truth and Love. When Christ, the incor- [15]

poreal idea of G.o.d, was nameless, and a Mary knew not how to declare its spiritual origin, the idea of man was not understood. The Judaean religion even required the Virgin-mother to go to the temple and be purified, for having given birth to the corporeal child Jesus, whose [20]

origin was more spiritual than the senses could inter- pret. Like the leaven that a certain woman hid in three measures of meal, the Science of G.o.d and the spiritual idea, named in this century Christian Science, is leaven- ing the lump of human thought, until the whole shall [25]

be leavened and all materialism disappear. This action of the divine energy, even if not acknowledged, has come to be seen as diffusing richest blessings. This spiritual idea, or Christ, entered into the minutiae of the life of the personal Jesus. It made him an honest man, [30]

a good carpenter, and a good man, before it could make him the glorified.

[Page 167.]

The material questions at this age on the reappearing [1]

of the infantile thought of G.o.d's man, are after the man- ner of a mother in the flesh, though their answers per- tain to the spiritual idea, as in Christian Science:-

Is he deformed? [5]

He is wholly symmetrical; the one altogether lovely.

Is the babe a son, or daughter?

Both son and daughter: even the compound idea of all that resembles G.o.d.

How much does he weigh? [10]

His substance outweighs the material world.

How old is he?

Of his days there is no beginning and no ending.

What is his name?

Christ Science. [15]

Who are his parents, brothers, and sisters?

His Father and Mother are divine Life, Truth, and Love; and they who do the will of his Father are his is brethren.

Is he heir to an estate? [20]

"The government shall be upon his shoulder!" He has dominion over the whole earth; and in admiration of his origin, he exclaims, "I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto [25]


Is he wonderful?

His works thus prove him. He giveth power, peace, and holiness; he exalteth the lowly; he giveth liberty

[Page 168.]

to the captive, health to the sick, salvation from sin to [1]

the sinner-and overcometh the world!

Go, and tell what things ye shall see and hear: how the blind, spiritually and physically, receive sight; how the lame, those halting between two opinions or hob- [5]

bling on crutches, walk; how the physical and moral lepers are cleansed; how the deaf-those who, having ears, hear not, and are afflicted with "tympanum on the brain"-hear; how the dead, those buried in dogmas and physical ailments, are raised; that to the poor- [10]

the lowly in Christ, not the man-made rabbi-the gospel is preached. Note this: only such as are pure in spirit, emptied of vainglory and vain knowledge, re- ceive Truth.

Here ends the colloquy; and a voice from heaven seems [15]

to say, "Come and see."

The nineteenth-century prophets repeat, "Unto us a son is given."

The shepherds shout, "We behold the appearing of the star!"-and the pure in heart clap their hands. [20]

Editor's Extracts From Sermon

TEXT: _Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of_ _G.o.d._-MATT. xxii. 29.

_The Christian Science Journal_ reported as follows:-

The announcement that the Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy [25]

would speak before the Scientist denomination on the afternoon of October 26, drew a large audience. Haw- thorne Hall was densely packed, and many had to go away unable to obtain seats. The distinguished speaker began by saying:- [30]

[Page 169.]

Within Bible pages she had found all the divine Science [1]

she preaches; noticing, all along the way of her researches therein, that whenever her thoughts had wandered into the bypaths of ancient philosophies or pagan literatures, her spiritual insight had been darkened thereby, till [5]

Miscellaneous Writings Part 33

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