The Summons of the Lord of Hosts Part 11
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57 The world will pa.s.s away, and so will all the things whereat your hearts rejoice, or wherein ye pride yourselves before men. Cleanse the mirrors of your hearts from the dross of the world and all that is therein, that they may reflect the resplendent light of G.o.d. This, indeed, shall enable you to dispense with all save G.o.d, and to attain unto the good pleasure of your Lord, the Most Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. We, verily, have unfolded before your eyes that which shall profit you both in this world and in the realm of faith, and which will lead you to the path of salvation. Would that ye might turn thereunto!
58 Hearken, O King,(94) to the speech of Him that speaketh the truth, Him that doth not ask thee to recompense Him with the things G.o.d hath chosen to bestow upon thee, Him Who unerringly treadeth the straight Path. He it is Who summoneth thee unto G.o.d, thy Lord, Who showeth thee the right course, the way that leadeth to true felicity, that haply thou mayest be of them with whom it shall be well.
59 Beware, O King, that thou gather not around thee such ministers as follow the desires of a corrupt inclination, as have cast behind their backs that which hath been committed into their hands and manifestly betrayed their trust. Be bounteous to others as G.o.d hath been bounteous to thee, and abandon not the interests of thy people to the mercy of such ministers as these. Lay not aside the fear of G.o.d, and be thou of them that act uprightly. Gather around thee those ministers from whom thou canst perceive the fragrance of faith and of justice, and take thou counsel with them, and choose whatever is best in thy sight, and be of them that act generously.
60 Know thou for a certainty that whoso disbelieveth in G.o.d is neither trustworthy nor truthful. This, indeed, is the truth, the undoubted truth.
He that acteth treacherously towards G.o.d will, also, act treacherously towards his king. Nothing whatever can deter such a man from evil, nothing can hinder him from betraying his neighbour, nothing can induce him to walk uprightly.
61 Take heed that thou resign not the reins of the affairs of thy state into the hands of others, and repose not thy confidence in ministers unworthy of thy trust, and be not of them that live in heedlessness. Shun them whose hearts are turned away from thee, and place not thy confidence in them, and entrust them not with thine affairs and the affairs of such as profess thy faith. Beware that thou allow not the wolf to become the shepherd of G.o.d's flock, and surrender not the fate of His loved ones to the mercy of the malicious. Expect not that they who violate the ordinances of G.o.d will be trustworthy or sincere in the faith they profess. Avoid them, and preserve strict guard over thyself, lest their devices and mischief hurt thee. Turn away from them, and fix thy gaze upon G.o.d, thy Lord, the All-Glorious, the Most Bountiful. He that giveth up himself wholly to G.o.d, G.o.d shall, a.s.suredly, be with him; and he that placeth his complete trust in G.o.d, G.o.d shall, verily, protect him from whatsoever may harm him, and s.h.i.+eld him from the wickedness of every evil plotter.
62 Wert thou to incline thine ear unto My speech and observe My counsel, G.o.d would exalt thee to so eminent a position that the designs of no man on the whole earth can ever touch or hurt thee. Observe, O King, with thine inmost heart and with thy whole being, the precepts of G.o.d, and walk not in the paths of the oppressor. Seize thou, and hold firmly within the grasp of thy might, the reins of the affairs of thy people, and examine in person whatever pertaineth unto them. Let nothing escape thee, for therein lieth the highest good.
63 Render thanks unto G.o.d for having chosen thee out of the whole world, and made thee king over them that profess thy faith. It well beseemeth thee to appreciate the wondrous favours with which G.o.d hath favoured thee, and to magnify continually His name. Thou canst best praise Him if thou lovest His loved ones, and dost safeguard and protect His servants from the mischief of the treacherous, that none may any longer oppress them.
Thou shouldst, moreover, arise to enforce the law of G.o.d amongst them, that thou mayest be of those who are firmly established in His law.
64 Shouldst thou cause rivers of justice to spread their waters amongst thy subjects, G.o.d would surely aid thee with the hosts of the unseen and of the seen, and would strengthen thee in thine affairs. No G.o.d is there but Him. All creation and its empire are His. Unto Him return the works of the faithful.
65 Place not thy reliance on thy treasures. Put thy whole confidence in the grace of G.o.d, thy Lord. Let Him be thy trust in whatever thou doest, and be of them that have submitted themselves to His Will. Let Him be thy helper and enrich thyself with His treasures, for with Him are the treasuries of the heavens and of the earth. He bestoweth them upon whom He will, and from whom He will He withholdeth them. There is none other G.o.d but Him, the All-Possessing, the All-Praised. All are but paupers at the door of His mercy; all are helpless before the revelation of His sovereignty, and beseech His favours.
66 Overstep not the bounds of moderation, and deal justly with them that serve thee. Bestow upon them according to their needs, and not to the extent that will enable them to lay up riches for themselves, to deck their persons, to embellish their homes, to acquire the things that are of no benefit unto them, and to be numbered with the extravagant. Deal with them with undeviating justice, so that none among them may either suffer want, or be pampered with luxuries. This is but manifest justice.
67 Allow not the abject to rule over and dominate them who are n.o.ble and worthy of honour, and suffer not the high-minded to be at the mercy of the contemptible and worthless, for this is what We observed upon Our arrival in the City, and to it We bear witness. We found among its inhabitants some who were possessed of an affluent fortune and lived in the midst of excessive riches, while others were in dire want and abject poverty. This ill beseemeth thy sovereignty, and is unworthy of thy rank.
68 Let My counsel be acceptable to thee, and strive thou to rule with equity among men, that G.o.d may exalt thy name and spread abroad the fame of thy justice in all the world. Beware lest thou aggrandize thy ministers at the expense of thy subjects. Fear the sighs of the poor and of the upright in heart who, at every break of day, bewail their plight, and be unto them a benignant sovereign. They, verily, are thy treasures on earth.
It behoveth thee, therefore, to safeguard thy treasures from the a.s.saults of them who wish to rob thee. Inquire into their affairs, and ascertain, every year, nay every month, their condition, and be not of them that are careless of their duty.
69 Set before thine eyes G.o.d's unerring Balance and, as one standing in His Presence, weigh in that Balance thine actions every day, every moment of thy life. Bring thyself to account ere thou art summoned to a reckoning, on the Day when no man shall have strength to stand for fear of G.o.d, the Day when the hearts of the heedless ones shall be made to tremble.
70 It behoveth every king to be as bountiful as the sun, which fostereth the growth of all beings, and giveth to each its due, whose benefits are not inherent in itself, but are ordained by Him Who is the Most Powerful, the Almighty. The King should be as generous, as liberal in his mercy as the clouds, the outpourings of whose bounty are showered upon every land, by the behest of Him Who is the Supreme Ordainer, the All-Knowing.
71 Have a care not to entrust thine affairs of state entirely into another's hands. None can discharge thy functions better than thine own self. Thus do We make clear unto thee Our words of wisdom, and send down upon thee that which can enable thee to pa.s.s over from the left hand of oppression to the right hand of justice, and approach the resplendent ocean of His favours. Such is the path which the kings that were before thee have trodden, they that acted equitably towards their subjects, and walked in the ways of undeviating justice.
72 Thou art G.o.d's shadow on earth. Strive, therefore, to act in such a manner as befitteth so eminent, so august a station. If thou dost depart from following the things We have caused to descend upon thee and taught thee, thou wilt, a.s.suredly, be derogating from that great and priceless honour. Return, then, and cleave wholly unto G.o.d, and cleanse thine heart from the world and all its vanities, and suffer not the love of any stranger to enter and dwell therein. Not until thou dost purify thine heart from every trace of such love can the brightness of the light of G.o.d shed its radiance upon it, for to none hath G.o.d given more than one heart.
This, verily, hath been decreed and written down in His ancient Book. And as the human heart, as fas.h.i.+oned by G.o.d, is one and undivided, it behoveth thee to take heed that its affections be, also, one and undivided. Cleave thou, therefore, with the whole affection of thine heart, unto His love, and withdraw it from the love of anyone besides Him, that He may aid thee to immerse thyself in the ocean of His unity, and enable thee to become a true upholder of His oneness. G.o.d is My witness. My sole purpose in revealing to thee these words is to sanctify thee from the transitory things of the earth, and aid thee to enter the realm of everlasting glory, that thou mayest, by the leave of G.o.d, be of them that abide and rule therein.
73 Hast thou heard, O King, what We have suffered at the hands of thy ministers and how We have been treated by them, or art thou of the negligent? If indeed thou hast heard and known, wherefore didst thou not forbid thy ministers to commit such deeds? How didst thou desire for Him Who hath complied with thy command, and been obedient to thy behest, that which no king would desire for any of his subjects? And if thou knowest not, this indeed is a more grievous error, wert thou of the G.o.d-fearing.
Wherefore shall I recount to thee that which We have suffered at the hands of these oppressors.
74 Know, then, that We came unto thy city at thine own behest, and entered therein with conspicuous honour. They expelled Us, however, from thy city with an abas.e.m.e.nt with which no abas.e.m.e.nt on earth can compare, if thou be of them that are well-informed. They made Us journey until We reached the place(95) which none entereth except such as have rebelled against the authority of the sovereign, and as are numbered with the transgressors.
All this, notwithstanding that We had never disobeyed thee, though it be for a single moment, for when We heard thy bidding We observed it and submitted to thy will. In dealing with Us, however, thy ministers neither honoured the standards of G.o.d and His commandments, nor heeded that which hath been revealed to the Prophets and Messengers. They showed Us no mercy and committed against Us that which no one among the faithful hath ever wrought against his fellow, nor any believer inflicted upon an infidel.
G.o.d knoweth and is a witness unto the truth of Our words.
75 When they expelled Us from thy city, they placed Us in such conveyances as the people use to carry baggage and the like. Such was the treatment We received at their hands, shouldst thou wish to know the truth. Thus were We sent away, and thus were We brought to the city which they regard as the abode of rebels. Upon our arrival, We could find no house in which to dwell, and perforce resided in a place where none would enter save the most indigent stranger. There We lodged for a time, after which, suffering increasingly from the confined s.p.a.ce, We sought and rented houses which by reason of the extreme cold had been vacated by their occupants. Thus in the depth of winter we were constrained to make our abode in houses wherein none dwell except in the heat of summer. Neither My family, nor those who accompanied Me, had the necessary raiment to protect them from the cold in that freezing weather.
76 Would that thy ministers had dealt with Us according to the principles they uphold amongst themselves! For, by G.o.d, they dealt with Us neither in accordance with the commandments of G.o.d, nor with the practices they uphold, nor with the standards current amongst men, nor even with the manner in which the dest.i.tute of the earth receive a wayfarer. Such is the account of what We suffered at their hands, and which We have related unto thee in a language of truthfulness and sincerity.
77 All this befell Me, though I had come unto them at their own behest and did not oppose their authority, which deriveth from thine own. Thus did We accept and observe their bidding. They, however, appear to have forgotten that which G.o.d hath commanded. He saith, and His Word is the truth: "Act with humility towards the believers."(96) Methinks that their only concern was their own comfort and repose, and that their ears were deaf to the sighs of the poor and the cries of the oppressed. They seem to imagine that they have been created from pure light, while others have been fas.h.i.+oned out of dust. How wretched are their imaginings! We have all been created from a sorry germ.(97)
78 I swear by G.o.d, O King! It is not My wish to make My plaint to thee against them that persecute Me. I only plead My grief and My sorrow to G.o.d, Who hath created Me and them, Who well knoweth our state and Who watcheth over all things. My wish is to warn them of the consequences of their actions, if perchance they might desist from treating others as they have treated Me, and be of them that heed My warning.
79 The tribulations that have touched Us, the dest.i.tution from which We suffer, the various troubles with which We are encompa.s.sed, shall all pa.s.s away, as shall pa.s.s away the pleasures in which they delight and the affluence they enjoy. This is the truth which no man on earth can reject.
The days in which We have been compelled to dwell in the dust will soon be ended, as will the days in which they occupied the seats of honour. G.o.d shall, a.s.suredly, judge with truth between Us and them, and He, verily, is the best of judges.
80 We render thanks unto G.o.d for whatsoever hath befallen Us, and We patiently endure the things He hath ordained in the past or will ordain in the future. In Him have I placed My trust; and into His hands have I committed My Cause. He will, certainly, repay all them that endure with patience and put their confidence in Him. His is the creation and its empire. He exalteth whom He will, and whom He will He doth abase. He shall not be asked of His doings. He, verily, is the All-Glorious, the Almighty.
81 Let thine ear be attentive, O King, to the words We have addressed to thee. Let the oppressor desist from his tyranny, and cut off the perpetrators of injustice from among them that profess thy faith. By the righteousness of G.o.d! The tribulations We have sustained are such that any pen that recounteth them cannot but be overwhelmed with anguish. No one of them that truly believe and uphold the unity of G.o.d can bear the burden of their recital. So great have been Our sufferings that even the eyes of Our enemies have wept over Us, and beyond them those of every discerning person. And to all these trials have We been subjected, in spite of Our action in approaching thee, and in bidding the people to enter beneath thy shadow, that thou mightest be a stronghold unto them that believe in and uphold the unity of G.o.d.
82 Have I, O King, ever disobeyed thee? Have I, at any time, transgressed any of thy laws? Can any of thy ministers that represented thee in 'Iraq produce any proof that can establish My disloyalty to thee? Nay, by Him Who is the Lord of all worlds! Not for one short moment did We rebel against thee, or against any of thy ministers. Never, G.o.d willing, shall We revolt against thee, though We be exposed to trials more severe than any We suffered in the past.
83 In the daytime and in the night season, at even and at morn, We pray to G.o.d on thy behalf, that He may graciously aid thee to be obedient unto Him and to observe His commandment, that He may s.h.i.+eld thee from the hosts of the evil ones. Do, therefore, as it pleaseth thee, and treat Us as befitteth thy station and beseemeth thy sovereignty. Be not forgetful of the law of G.o.d in whatever thou desirest to achieve, now or in the days to come. Say: Praise be to G.o.d, the Lord of all worlds!
84 Dost thou imagine, O Minister of the Shah in the City, that I hold within My grasp the ultimate destiny of the Cause of G.o.d? Thinkest thou that My imprisonment, or the shame I have been made to suffer, or even My death and utter annihilation, can deflect its course? Wretched is what thou hast imagined in thine heart! Thou art indeed of them that walk after the vain imaginings which their hearts devise. No G.o.d is there but Him.
Powerful is He to manifest His Cause, and to exalt His testimony, and to establish whatsoever is His Will, and to elevate it to so eminent a position that neither thine own hands, nor the hands of them that have turned away from Him, can ever touch or harm it.
85 Dost thou believe thou hast the power to frustrate His Will, to hinder Him from executing His judgement, or to deter Him from exercising His sovereignty? Pretendest thou that aught in the heavens or in the earth can resist His Faith? Nay, by Him Who is the Eternal Truth! Nothing whatsoever in the whole of creation can thwart His Purpose. Cast away, therefore, the mere conceit thou dost follow, for mere conceit can never take the place of truth. Be thou of them that have truly repented and returned to G.o.d, the G.o.d Who hath created thee, Who hath nourished thee, and made thee a minister among them that profess thy faith.
86 Know thou, moreover, that He it is Who hath, by His own behest, created all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth. How can, then, the thing that hath been created at His bidding prevail against Him? High is G.o.d exalted above what ye imagine about Him, ye people of malice! If this Cause be of G.o.d, no man can prevail against it; and if it be not of G.o.d, the divines amongst you, and they that follow their corrupt desires and such as have rebelled against Him will surely suffice to overpower it.
87 Hast thou not heard what a man of the family of Pharaoh, a believer, hath said of old, and which G.o.d recounted unto His Apostle, Whom He hath chosen above all human beings, and entrusted with His Message, and made the source of His mercy unto all them that dwell on earth? He said, and He, verily, speaketh the truth: "Will ye slay a man because he saith my Lord is G.o.d, when he hath already come to you with proofs of his mission?
And if he be a liar, on him will be his lie, but if he be a man of truth, part at least of what he threateneth will fall upon you."(98) This is what G.o.d hath revealed unto His Well-Beloved One, in His unerring Book.
88 And yet, ye have failed to incline your ears unto His bidding, have disregarded His law, have rejected His counsel as recorded in His Book, and have been of them that have strayed far from Him. How many those who, every year, and every month, have because of you been put to death! How manifold the injustices ye have perpetrated-injustices the like of which the eye of creation hath not seen, which no chronicler hath ever recorded!
How numerous the babes and sucklings who were made orphans, and the fathers who lost their sons, because of your cruelty, O ye unjust doers!
How oft hath a sister pined away and mourned over her brother, and how oft hath a wife lamented after her husband and sole sustainer!
89 Your iniquity waxed greater and greater until ye slew Him Who had never taken His eyes away from the face of G.o.d, the Most Exalted, the Most Great.(99) Would that ye had put Him to death after the manner men are wont to put one another to death! Ye slew Him, however, in such circ.u.mstances as no man hath ever witnessed. The heavens wept sore over Him, and the souls of them who are nigh unto G.o.d cried out for His affliction. Was He not a Scion of your Prophet's ancient House? Had not His fame as a direct descendant of the Apostle been spread abroad amongst you? Why, then, did ye inflict upon Him what no man, however far ye may look back, hath inflicted upon another? By G.o.d! The eye of creation hath never beheld your like. Ye slay Him Who is a Scion of your Prophet's House, and rejoice and make merry while seated on your seats of honour! Ye utter your imprecations against them who were before you, and who have perpetrated what ye have perpetrated, and remain yourselves all the time unaware of your enormities!
90 Be fair in your judgement. Did they whom ye curse, upon whom ye invoke evil, act differently from yourselves? Have they not slain the descendant of their Prophet(100) as ye have slain the descendant of your own? Is not your conduct similar to their conduct? Wherefore, then, claim ye to be different from them, O ye sowers of dissension amongst men?
91 And when ye took away His life, one of His followers arose to avenge His death. He was unknown of men, and the design he had conceived was unnoticed by anyone. Eventually he committed what had been preordained. It behoveth you, therefore, to attach blame to no one except to yourselves, for the things ye have committed, if ye but judge fairly. Who is there on the whole earth who hath done what ye have done? None, by Him Who is the Lord of all worlds!
92 All the rulers and kings of the earth honour and revere the descendants of their Prophets and holy men, could ye but perceive it. Ye, on the other hand, are responsible for such acts as no man hath, at any time, performed. Your misdeeds have caused every understanding heart to be consumed with grief. And yet, ye have remained sunk in your heedlessness, and failed to realize the wickedness of your actions.
93 Ye have persisted in your waywardness until ye rose up against Us, though We had committed nothing to justify your enmity. Fear ye not G.o.d Who hath created you, and fas.h.i.+oned you, and caused you to attain your strength, and joined you with them that have resigned themselves to Him?(101) How long will ye persist in your waywardness? How long will ye refuse to reflect? How long ere ye shake off your slumber and are roused from your heedlessness? How long will ye remain unaware of the truth?
94 Ponder in thine heart. Did ye, notwithstanding your behaviour and the things your hands have wrought, succeed in quenching the fire of G.o.d or in putting out the light of His Revelation-a light that hath enveloped with its brightness them that are immersed in the billowing oceans of immortality, and hath attracted the souls of such as truly believe in and uphold His unity? Know ye not that the Hand of G.o.d is over your hands, that His Decree transcendeth all your devices, that He is supreme over His servants, that He is equal to His Purpose, that He doth what He wisheth, that He shall not be asked of whatever He willeth, that He ordaineth what He pleaseth, that He is the Most Powerful, the Almighty? If ye believe this to be the truth, wherefore, then, will ye not cease from troubling and be at peace with yourselves?
95 Ye perpetrate every day a fresh injustice, and treat Me as ye treated Me in times past, though I never attempted to meddle with your affairs. At no time have I opposed you, neither have I rebelled against your laws.
Behold how ye have, at the last, made Me a prisoner in this far-off land!
Know for a certainty, however, that whatever your hands or the hands of the infidels have wrought will never, as they never did of old, change the Cause of G.o.d or alter His ways.
96 Give heed to My warning, ye people of Persia! If I be slain at your hands, G.o.d will a.s.suredly raise up one who will fill the seat made vacant through My death, for such is G.o.d's method carried into effect of old, and no change can ye find in G.o.d's method of dealing. Seek ye to put out G.o.d's light that s.h.i.+neth upon His earth? Averse is G.o.d from what ye desire. He shall perfect His light, albeit ye abhor it in the secret of your hearts.
97 Pause for but a little while and reflect, O Minister, and be fair in thy judgement. What is it that We have committed that could justify thee in having slandered Us unto the King's Ministers, in following thy desires, in perverting the truth, and in uttering thy calumnies against Us? We have never met each other except when We met thee in thy father's house, in the days when the martyrdom of Imam ?usayn was being commemorated. On those occasions no one could have had the chance of making known to others his views and beliefs in conversation or in discourse. Thou wilt bear witness to the truth of My words, if thou be of the truthful. I have frequented no other gatherings in which thou couldst have learned My mind or in which any other could have done so. How, then, didst thou p.r.o.nounce thy verdict against Me, when thou hadst not heard My testimony from Mine own lips? Hast thou not heard what G.o.d, exalted be His glory, hath said: "Say not to everyone who meeteth you with a greeting, 'Thou art not a believer'."(102) "Thrust not away those who cry to their Lord at morn and even, craving to behold His face."(103) Thou hast indeed forsaken what the Book of G.o.d hath prescribed, and yet thou deemest thyself to be a believer!
98 Despite what thou hast done I entertain-and to this G.o.d is My witness-no ill will against thee, nor against anyone, though from thee and others We receive such hurt as no believer in the unity of G.o.d can sustain. My cause is in the hand of none except G.o.d, and My trust is in no one else but Him. Erelong shall your days pa.s.s away, as shall pa.s.s away the days of those who now, with flagrant pride, vaunt themselves over their neighbour. Soon shall ye be gathered together in the presence of G.o.d, and shall be asked of your doings, and shall be repaid for what your hands have wrought, and wretched is the abode of the wicked doers!
99 By G.o.d! Wert thou to realize what thou hast done, thou wouldst surely weep sore over thyself, and wouldst flee for refuge to G.o.d, and wouldst pine away and mourn all the days of thy life, till G.o.d will have forgiven thee, for He, verily, is the Most Generous, the All-Bountiful. Thou wilt, however, persist, till the hour of thy death, in thy heedlessness, inasmuch as thou hast, with all thine heart, thy soul and inmost being, busied thyself with the vanities of the world. Thou shalt, after thy departure, discover what We have revealed unto thee, and shalt find all thy doings recorded in the Book wherein the works of all them that dwell on earth, be they greater or less than the weight of an atom, are noted down. Heed, therefore, My counsel, and hearken thou, with the hearing of thine heart, unto My speech, and be not careless of My words, nor be of them that reject My truth. Glory not in the things that have been given thee. Set before thine eyes what hath been revealed in the Book of G.o.d, the Help in Peril, the All-Glorious: "And when they had forgotten their warnings, We set open to them the gates of all things," even as We did set open to thee and to thy like the gates of this earth and the ornaments thereof. Wait thou, therefore, for what hath been promised in the latter part of this holy verse,(104) for this is a promise from Him Who is the Almighty, the All-Wise-a promise that will not prove untrue.
The Summons of the Lord of Hosts Part 11
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