Birds from Coahuila, Mexico Part 3
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The Scaled Quail is common in Coahuila. The subspecies _pallida_ occurs in northwestern Coahuila south to Sierra de los Alamitos. Intergrades of _pallida_, _castanogastris_, and _squamata_ are present in the central part of the State. No. 32640, obtained 2 mi. W Paila, has some resemblance to _squamata_. Five specimens of _pallida_ from the central part of Coahuila (5 mi. N and 19 mi. W Cuatro Cienegas), show little or no approach toward _squamata_. Miller (1955a:162) stated that two of the Scaled Quail collected in the Sierra del Carmen show no approach to the race _castanogastris_ of eastern Coahuila nor to _C. s. squamata_ of southern Coahuila. From the specimens that I have examined, I judge that the range of _pallida_ extends as far south as the Sierra de los Alamitos rather than only to the northwestern part of Coahuila as reported by Aldrich and Duvall (1955:17). In northeastern Coahuila _pallida_ seems to intergrade with _castanogastris_; No. 29414 has an indistinct rusty chestnut patch on its abdomen, thus resembling _castanogastris_.
The sizes of the testes (9-12 mm.) and of the largest ova (14 mm. in diameter and an egg 23 mm. long) of birds labeled with reference to Cuatro Cienegas indicate breeding activity.
**_Callipepla squamata castanogastris_ Brewster.--_Specimen examined:_ one, [Male] 32028, from 9 mi. S, 11 mi. E Sabinas, June 14, 1952.
Typical representatives of _C. s. castanogastris_ in Coahuila occur only in the extreme northeastern section of the State, and most specimens of the Scaled Quail from northeastern Coahuila are intergrades between _pallida_ and _castanogastris_.
No. 32028 is identified as _C. s. castanogastris_ because there is a distinct rusty chestnut patch on its abdomen. This patch, nevertheless, is not so large as in a more nearly typical male _C. s. castanogastris_ from 15 mi. NNW Anahuac, Nuevo Leon.
**_Callipepla squamata squamata_ (Vigors).--_Specimens examined:_ total 2: [Male] 30231 and [Female] 30232 from 10 mi. NW San Lorenzo, 4200 ft., February 3, 1951.
The subspecies _squamata_ occurs in southern Coahuila. Amadon and Phillips (1947:577) took a Scaled Quail at Las Delicias on August 18 that "was only two-thirds grown, though well able to fly" and obtained an adult 19 mi. W Saltillo that was typical _squamata_. Burleigh and Lowery (1942:188) stated that _C. s. squamata_ was one of the characteristic birds of the open desert country of southeastern Coahuila. Scaled Quail were seen by Burleigh and Lowery (_loc. cit._) "about Saltillo and in the open valley south of Diamante Pa.s.s."
The breast and upper back of both specimens from 10 mi. NW San Lorenzo, are plumbeous-gray rather than pale dull gray. Also the lower back, rump, abdomen, forehead, and crown more closely resemble the subspecies _squamata_ rather than _C. s. pallida_. However, the upper backs of both specimens are not so plumbeous-gray as on a male (32030) and a female (32031) of the subspecies _squamata_ from 1 mi. N Chorro, Durango, 6450 ft., July 11, 1952. The two birds from Durango appear to be slightly darker than the Coahuilan specimens that approach the subspecies _pallida_.
Burleigh and Lowery (1942:188-189) stated that one of their specimens of _C. s. squamata_ obtained at Saltillo seems to be "very close to _castanogastris_, suggesting that southeastern Coahuila is in the region of intergradation between the two races." Aldrich and Duvall (1955:17) indicated that _squamata_ and _castanogastris_ intergrade near Sabinas. The two specimens that I have examined show no sign of approach toward _castanogastris_. More specimens of Scaled Quail from Coahuila are needed to permit accurate definition of the distribution of the subspecies.
*_Cyrtonyx montezumae mearnsi_ Nelson.--The Harlequin Quail is locally common in Coahuila; _C. m. mearnsi_ is present in northwestern Coahuila (Aldrich and Duvall, 1955:20). Miller (1955a:162) stated that an area in the head of Corte Madera Canyon of the Sierra del Carmen at 7500 feet was the location for _C. m. mearnsi_. He further suggested that the Harlequin Quail breeds in the Sierra del Carmen and remarked that Marsh took a male on September 7 at Jardin del Sur. He added that the occurrence of _C. m. montezumae_ in northern Coahuila as reported by Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore (1950:79) is "possibly an error or was based on individual dark variants...." Baker noted the Harlequin Quail (unidentified to subspecies) 9 mi. W and 1 mi. S Villa Acuna, 1120 feet, on April 4, 1950.
*_Cyrtonyx montezumae montezumae_ (Vigors).--This subspecies of the Harlequin Quail has been recorded from southeastern Coahuila. Ridgway and Friedmann (1946:396) listed _C. m. montezumae_ from Saltillo. Baker saw a pair of Harlequin Quail (unidentified to subspecies) at San Antonio de las Alazanas on March 25, 1950. More collecting is necessary for an understanding of the distribution and intergradation of these subspecies in Coahuila.
*_Meleagris gallopavo intermedia_ Sennett.--_Specimens examined:_ total 4: [Female] 31022 from Fortin (=33 mi. N, 8 mi. W San Geronimo), 3300 ft., March 28, 1952, weight, 9 lbs.; [Female] 29420 from 3 mi. W, 1 mi.
S San Geronimo, April 9, 1950, weight, 7 lbs.; and [Male] 29421 and [Female] 29422 from 3 mi. W, 2 mi. S San Geronimo, April 9, 1950, weights, 11.5 and 8.5 lbs.
The Turkey in Coahuila is restricted to the northern section of the State. Miller (1955a:162) remarked that the population of Turkeys in the Sierra del Carmen was spa.r.s.e and did not range above 7500 feet into the highest pine-oak and Douglas fir areas. Baker saw Turkeys 4 mi. W Hacienda La Mariposa, 2300 feet, on March 23, 1952. William Schaldach, Jr., noted 30 Turkeys "just west of Rancho San Geronimo" on April 9, 1950. Aldrich and Duvall (1955:22) indicated several localities in northern Coahuila where the Turkey occurs or occurred.
_Grus canadensis_ (Linnaeus).--Sutton and Burleigh (1939a:28) remarked that a flock of Sandhill Cranes was heard "near Mayran ... on January 30."
_Porzana carolina_ (Linnaeus).--The Sora is an uncommon spring and fall migrant in Coahuila. Amadon and Phillips (1947:577) obtained an adult male Sora at Las Delicias on August 15.
_Fulica americana_ Gmelin.--The American Coot probably occurs in the State as a spring and fall migrant. d.i.c.kerman saw two coots 8 mi. E and 2 mi. S Americanos on May 18, 1954.
*_Charadrius vociferus vociferus_ Linnaeus.--_Specimen examined:_ one, [Male] 31023, from the Rio Grande (=17 mi. S Dryden, Terrell Co., Texas, in Coahuila), 600 ft., March 19, 1952, weight, 82.7 gms.
In Coahuila the Killdeer seems to be uncommon. Van Tyne and Sutton (1937:28) remarked that it nested in Brewster County, Texas. The species probably nests in northern Coahuila as well; the lengths of the testes (left, 9 mm.; right, 4 mm.) of No. 31023 support this view.
_Eupoda montana_ (Townsend).--Pitelka (1948:118) recorded one female Mountain Plover from Hipolito on February 23. Van Tyne and Sutton (1937:28) reported that the Mountain Plover nested in Brewster County, Texas. Possibly _Eupoda montana_ nests in northern Coahuila as well.
_Numenius america.n.u.s parvus_ Bishop.--_Specimens examined:_ total 3: [Male] 31434 and [Female] 35406 (skeleton only) from 8 mi. E, 2 mi. S Americanos, May 19, 1954, measurements: wing, 250, 258 mm.; tail, 96, 100 mm.; tarsus, 74, 81.5 mm.; culmen, 11.2, 16.5 mm.; [Male] gonad, 62 mm.; and [Female] 35400 (skeleton only) from 7 mi. W San Antonio de las Alazanas, January 11, 1954.
The Long-billed Curlew is not common in Coahuila. d.i.c.kerman obtained both the specimens from 8 mi. E and 2 mi. S Americanos out of a flock of 35. Sutton and Burleigh (1939a:28) noted the Long-billed Curlew "near San Pedro ... [on] January 29."
_Act.i.tis macularia_ (Linnaeus).--The Spotted Sandpiper has been obtained from two localities in Coahuila. Miller (1955a:162) stated that an immature in fall migration was taken "at the tank in the western hills" of the Sierra del Carmen on September 4. Burleigh and Lowery (1942:189) found the Spotted Sandpiper "at the Chorro del Agua near Arteaga" on April 17 and 19.
_Tota.n.u.s melanoleucus_ (Gmelin).--_Specimen examined:_ one, [Female]
31024, from the Rio Grande (=17 mi. S Dryden, Terrell Co., Texas, in Coahuila), 600 ft., March 18, 1952, weight, 224 gms.
The Greater Yellowlegs is an uncommon spring and probably fall migrant in Coahuila. No. 31024 is the first record of this species in Coahuila.
_Tota.n.u.s flavipes_ (Gmelin).--Miller (1955a:162) reported that Marsh took a Lesser Yellowlegs "at the tank in the western hills" of the Sierra del Carmen on September 4.
_Erolia melanotos_ (Vieillot).--Miller (1955a:162) reported taking a Pectoral Sandpiper on September 4 "at the tank in the western hills" of the Sierra del Carmen.
[_Erolia minutilla_ (Vieillot).--Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore (1950:99) listed the Least Sandpiper from Coahuila.]
*_Recurvirostra americana_ Gmelin.--_Specimens examined:_ total 2: [Male] 31433 and [Female] 31432 from 8 mi. E, 2 mi. S Americanos, May 19, 1954.
Van Hoose (1955:302) reported a small breeding colony of American Avocets 8 mi. E and 2 mi. S Americanos "on a large playa traversed by rows of creosote (_Larrea tridentata_)." No. 31432 was taken from a nest containing four partly-incubated eggs. Van Hoose (_loc. cit._) also reported that four eggs in a second nest contained well-developed, downy young.
_Steganopus tricolor_ Vieillot.--Wilson's Phalarope occurs in Coahuila as a spring and probably fall migrant. Van Tyne and Sutton (1937:31) saw the species several times along the Rio Grande. Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore (1950:102) listed _Steganopus tricolor_ from the Rio Grande along the borders of Chihuahua and Coahuila on May 10-16.
[_Larus argentatus smithsonia.n.u.s_ Coues.--Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore (1950:104) listed this subspecies of the Herring Gull from the State.]
[_Larus delawarensis_ Ord.--Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore (1950:103) stated that the Ring-billed Gull occurs in Coahuila.]
*_Columba fasciata fasciata_ Say.--_Specimens examined:_ total 3: [Male] 35401 (skeleton only) from 22 mi. S and 5 mi. W Ocampo, 7000 ft., April 6, 1954; and [Male] 32035 and [Female] 32036 from 4 mi. N, 21 mi. W Cuatro Cienegas, 6200 ft., July 2, 1952.
The Band-tailed Pigeon is locally common in Coahuila. Miller (1955a:162) remarked that the Band-tailed Pigeon "was unaccountably rare in 1953" in the Sierra del Carmen, and said that a specimen was taken on August 7 in Vivoras Canyon. Burleigh and Lowery (1942:189) wrote that "small flocks were seen each day ... on the summit of Diamante Pa.s.s, but only on one occasion was a pair noted." d.i.c.kerman saw 10 Band-tailed Pigeons 20 mi. S Ocampo, 6000 feet, on April 4, 1954. The enlarged testes (17 mm.) of No. 32035, and an egg (38 mm.
long) in No. 32036 show that the species breeds in central Coahuila.
*_Zenaida asiatica asiatica_ (Linnaeus).--_Specimen examined:_ one, [Female] 31025 (skeleton only), from 10 mi. S and 5 mi. E Boquillas, 1500 ft., March 4, 1952.
Miller (1955a:163) took a male White-winged Dove on April 23 "at the mouth of Boquillas Canyon at about 4900 feet" and remarked that this bird might either be a straggler or a representative of a normal breeding population (_Z. a. asiatica_). On January 29 and 30, Sutton and Burleigh (1939a:29) saw White-winged Doves several times in southern Coahuila along the highway from Saltillo to San Pedro.
**_Zenaida asiatica mearnsi_ (Ridgway).--Amadon and Phillips (1947:577) obtained an adult White-winged Dove of this subspecies at Delicias on August 14.
_Zenaidura macroura carolinensis_ (Linnaeus).--Friedmann, Griscom, and Moore (1950:117) listed this subspecies of the Mourning Dove as a spring and fall migrant on the "Central Plateau" (Coahuila is part of the "Central Plateau,"), "as proven by banding records not indicated in literature."
*_Zenaidura macroura marginella_ (Woodhouse).--_Specimen examined:_ one, [Female] 34455, from 1 mi. W Jaco, June 27, 1953.
Miller (1955a:163) reported _Z. m. marginella_ as occurring commonly in the desert border and lower canyons at the base of the mountains of the Sierra del Carmen, "but it occasionally ranged up to 6000 feet in openings in the pine-oak belt." Burleigh and Lowery (1942:189) remarked that this dove was fairly plentiful in the open desert country "about Saltillo, and was ... noted in small numbers in Diamante Valley on April 17 and 19;" they also said that the Mourning Dove was not seen above an elevation of about 7500 feet. Sutton and Burleigh (1939a:29) observed Mourning Doves along the highway across southern Coahuila.
Mourning Doves were seen by Findley 2 mi. W Jimenez, 850 feet, on June 19, 1952, and 2 mi. S and 11 mi. E Nava, 810 feet, on June 15, 1952.
d.i.c.kerman saw one in the Sierra del Pino on May 12, 1954. Findley saw more than one 2 mi. S and 3 mi. E San Juan de Sabinas on June 22, 1952, as did d.i.c.kerman at San Marcos (=20 mi. S Cuatro Cienegas) on May 4, 1954.
**_Columbigallina pa.s.serina_ (Linnaeus).--The Ground Dove seems to be uncommon in Coahuila. Van Tyne and Sutton (1937:34) saw a single Ground Dove fly across the Rio Grande into Coahuila at Lajitas, Texas, on May 10. Findley saw one 2 mi. S and 3 mi. E San Juan de Sabinas on June 22, 1952.
**_Scardafella inca_ (Lesson).--The Inca Dove has been recorded from two localities in Coahuila. h.e.l.lmayr and Conover (1942:510) listed it from Sabinas. Burleigh and Lowery (1942:189) collected a male and female on April 16 and 19, respectively, "outside the city limits of Saltillo."
_Leptotila verreauxi angelica_ Bangs and Penard.--_Specimens examined:_ total 2: [Male] [Male] 31026-31027 (skeletons only) from 4 mi. W Hacienda La Mariposa, 2300 ft., March 25, 1952.
The White-fronted Dove seems to be uncommon in Coahuila. h.e.l.lmayr and Conover (1942:570) listed _L. v. angelica_ from Sabinas.
**_Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha terrisi_ Moore.--_Specimens examined:_ total 4: [Male] [Male] 31531-31532 from 13 mi. E San Antonio de las Alazanas, 9345 ft., April 10, 1954, weights, 391.5 and 467.5 gms.; [Female] 31533 from 13 mi. E San Antonio de las Alazanas, 10,000 ft., April 10, 1954, weight, 466 gms.; and s.e.x ? 31534 from Mesa de las Tablas, June, 1951.
The Thick-billed Parrot occurs in the southeastern section of the State, where it is fairly common. Moore (1947:27-28) described this parrot as _Rhynchopsitta terrisi_: he thought it differed decidedly from _Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha_. However, Hardy and d.i.c.kerman (1955:305-306) decided that uniting the two forms as a single species better expresses their relations.h.i.+p.
Burleigh and Lowery (1942:189) reported seeing a small flock of Thick-billed Parrots on the summit of Diamante Pa.s.s. d.i.c.kerman, in his field notes, wrote that at a place 13 mi. E San Antonio de las Alazanas, 9345 feet, a large flock of about 300 birds was in a spruce-fir-pine-aspen a.s.sociation.
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