The Natural History of Cage Birds Part 18
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ATTRACTIVE QUALITIES.--The first of these is certainly the beauty of the bird, but the fine yellow which sets it off fades gradually when kept in the house, where it will live five or six years; the second is its song, which, without being very distinguished, is rather pleasing; its call, though not strong, is heard to some distance; but this bird, so gay, so spruce, so active when free, becomes dull, idle, and awkward in a cage.
Emberiza miliaria, LINNaeUS; Le Proyer, BUFFON; Der Gerstenammer, BECHSTEIN.
This species, found throughout Europe and the north of Asia, has not so good a t.i.tle to be admitted into the house as the preceding, not being distinguished either for its song or the beauty of its colours. With a plumage very similar to that of the sky-lark, it it in size, being seven inches and a half in length, of which the tail measures three. The beak, measuring six lines, is strong, yellowish on the under part in summer; the rest of the year the whole of it is grey brown; the feet the same, which stand six lines in height. The general tint of the plumage is pale, reddish grey on the upper part of the body, and yellowish white on the under, speckled like the lark's, with blackish brown spots.
In the female the colours are rather lighter.
HABITATION.--In its wild state this bird is common in most parts of Europe; in the more northerly parts it does not remain during the winter, and only appears at certain seasons; in March they are met with amongst the larks in the fields, meadows, and on the high roads, often perched on the tops of willows, or on a stake in a hedge, on a milestone, or a clod of earth.
In a room it may occupy a lark's cage, but is more commonly let run about at liberty.
FOOD.--Both at liberty and in confinement its food is similar to that of the yellowhammer; it is however a more delicate bird.
BREEDING.--Its nest, placed under a bush, does not rest on the ground but on the turf; it is constructed of the stalks of gra.s.s, and lined with horse-hair. The eggs are grey, speckled with chestnut and streaked with black.
MODE OF TAKING.--In autumn these birds may be taken in an area with a decoy bird; in winter, before the barn door, with bird-lime or a clapper; in the spring with a bird-call.
ATTRACTIVE QUALITIES.--Their song, shorter and less soft than that of the yellowhammer, has only four or five notes; from their dwelling on the _r_ in the last, they have been given the name of _stocking weavers_.
Emberiza hortulena, LINNaeUS; L'Ortolan, BUFFON; Der Gartenammer, BECHSTEIN.
It is necessary to give a very exact description of this species, as not only bird-catchers, but even some naturalists, give the name of Ortolan to several very different species. Under this name the former sell all rare birds of this kind. The true ortolan has a wider breast and stronger beak than the yellowhammer; it is six inches and a half in length, of which the tail measures two and a half; the beak, six inches long, is thick at the base, with a bony tubercle at the palate, and is of a yellowish flesh-colour; the iris dark brown. The legs, which stand ten lines in height, are flesh-coloured; the head and neck is greyish olive; the throat and a streak on the neck from the angle of the beak, deep yellow.
The female is rather smaller, of a changeable s.h.i.+ning ash-colour on its head and neck, streaked with fine black lines. Its breast, and the upper and under part of its body, are lighter than in the male.
The throat of the young male birds, before the first moulting, is of a light yellow, with a mixture of grey; the breast and belly are of a reddish yellow, speckled with grey, which make them rather resemble young yellowhammers. A bird fancier will distinguish the two s.e.xes even in the nest. There are white, yellow, speckled, and in the house sometimes even black varieties.
HABITATION.--In its wild state the ortolan is found in the southern and temperate parts of Europe, and is not scarce in some of the provinces of Germany; but if attention were paid to them there, they might be seen in every direction on their pa.s.sage; for though they may not remain during the summer in a district, yet they make some stay, never pa.s.sing over a great s.p.a.ce of country at a time.
Their route is so exact and regular, that when one has been seen in a particular spot, especially if in spring, it is sure to be found there the following year at the same time. They fly rather in families than flocks: the time of their arrival in Germany is towards the end of April, or beginning of May; they are then met with in orchards, amongst brambles or in groves, where they build, particularly if millet is cultivated in the neighbourhood. During harvest they frequent the fields in families, and leave after the oats are gathered in[34].
In the house, if much valued, they are given a cage; but in countries where they are common they are let run about free.
FOOD.--In their wild state they live on insects and grain. In the house they are fed, if in a cage, on millet, hemp seed, and prepared oats; if at liberty in a room the universal paste suits them very well. These birds, being rather delicate, cannot often be preserved beyond three or four years.
DISEASES.--The most common disease of these birds is atrophy, to cure or prevent which it is necessary to know how properly to mix and vary animal with vegetable food; but this calls for a greater degree of attention and care than most persons are willing to give.
MANNER OF TAKING.--In spring these birds are easily attracted to a decoy bush, by a female of their own species, or a yellowhammer. In August a turfy place should be chosen near brambles, to form a small area, as a decoy, like that made for chaffinches. It must be surrounded with a low hedge, with some oat-ears fastened to it. About the area should be placed one or several birds of call, especially a perching bird, that is to say, a bird of the same species, with a band of soft leather round it, and confined by a small string, fastened to a peg-stick in the ground, which prevents its going beyond the prescribed limits. Here it should be given plenty of food and water, in order that the birds to be caught may be the more easily attracted within the area, from seeing one of their own species in a place of abundance. This kind of decoy bird is often more necessary than any other.
ATTRACTIVE QUALITIES.--The fine form and colours of the ortolan would be sufficient to render it desirable, but still more so its flute-like warbling, so clear and full, which has some resemblance to that of the yellowhammer, only that the last notes are much deeper.
Ever since ortolans have been known to epicures as a delicacy, they have been fattened with great care. The common way is to keep them in a room only lighted by lanterns, so that they cannot distinguish day from night: they are then plentifully fed on oats, millet, and the crumb of white bread, made up with good spice. In a short time they become so fat that they would be suffocated if not killed at once. An ortolan thus fed is a perfect ball of most delicious fat, weighing about three ounces.
Emberiza Cirlus, LINNaeUS; Le Zizi, ou Bruant de Haie, BUFFON; Der Zaunammer, BECHSTEIN.
Linnaeus has described only the female, and by mistake I have called the male _Emberizal Eaeathorax_, and have given a drawing of it and the female, in the second volume of my German translation of the English work of Latham, Synopsis of Birds, printed at Nuremberg, 1794.
DESCRIPTION.--This bird, scarce in many provinces of Germany and in Britain, but well known in Thuringia, is about the size of the yellowhammer, being five inches and a half in length, of which the tail measures two and a half. Its small and flattish beak is of a brownish blue on the upper part, and light brown on the under; the feet, eight lines in height, are flesh-coloured; the upper part of the head and neck olive green with small black strokes, a golden yellow streak extends from the angle of the upper mandible to the middle of the neck, pa.s.sing under the eyes; another begins from the angle of the under mandible, and descending in a straight line, is crossed by a third, which is black, then curving round behind the yellow streak under the eyes, reunites with the black one on the throat; the back and smaller wing-coverts are cinnamon brown, mixed with black and yellow green; the rump is olive, with black streaks; the breast is a fine olive green, light chestnut on the sides; the rest of the under part of the body is of a golden yellow.
The female is known by its plumage being much paler: the head and upper part of the neck are olive, much streaked with black; the back is pale brown, the rump more streaked with black, the tail rather greyish black than black; two pale yellow lines pa.s.s one above the other below the eyes, and cross a black line which unites to the black border of the cheeks; the throat is brownish, with a lighter spot below; the breast is olive, with the sides brownish, the rest of the under part of the body is pale yellow.
The young ones, before their first moulting, have the upper part of the body light brown, speckled with black, the under pale yellow streaked with black; the older they grow the more of an olive tint the breast acquires.
HABITATION.--In their wild state these birds dwell chiefly in the southern and temperate parts of Europe, where they frequent orchards, groves, and the skirts of forests.[35] They are birds of pa.s.sage, which leave in November and return in April; they are then met with very commonly among the chaffinches.
In the house they must be treated in the same manner as the ortolan.
FOOD.--In their wild state they feed on the cabbage caterpillar in summer, and when corn is ripe, on wheat, barley, millet, oats, and other grain.
BREEDING.--They place their nest in a hedge or bush on the road side, and build it of small straws and line it with horse-hair. The eggs are greyish, speckled with chestnut. In the end of July, whole families are met with in the fields, particularly those planted with cabbages, and that have willows in the neighbourhood.
DISEASES AND MODE OF TAKING.--These are similar to what is said under ortolan.
ATTRACTIVE QUALITIES.--The male the ortolan in beauty, but does not equal it in its song, as in this it more resembles the yellowhammer.
These birds, however, are very easily tamed, and may be preserved five or six years.
Emberiza Cia, LINNaeUS; Le Bruant Fou, BUFFON; Der Zipammer, BECHSTEIN.
This bird is rather smaller than the yellowhammer, being only six inches long, of which the tail measures two and a half; the beak, five lines in length, is very sharp, blackish above, and greyish below; the iris is dusky; the legs, nine lines in height, are of a brownish flesh-colour.
The head is grey, spotted with red, with small black streaks on the top, and an indistinct black line on the sides; the back is reddish brown, speckled with black, the rump light red brown; the throat pale ash-colour.
The female differs very little from the male: the head is grey with a reddish tint and black spots; she has also all the streaks that the male has, but less marked; the ash-coloured throat is streaked with black and has a reddish tint; in short, the whole of the under part of the body is lighter.
HABITATION.--When wild, this species, which loves solitude, and prefers mountainous districts, inhabits the south of France, Italy, and the south of Austria. In some winters they quit these countries and proceed even to the middle of Germany, where they are found in March and April in elevated situations.
In the house they are either kept in a cage or left to range a room, and the latter seems to agree with them best, particularly if they have a grated and quiet place to rest in and pa.s.s the night.
FOOD.--When wild, these birds, like others of the genus, feed on insects and grain.
In the house they may be fed on the same food as the ortolan, on which they may be preserved in health above six years, as I have proved by a pair which I kept myself for that time.
MODE OF TAKING.--These birds come without difficulty at the call of the yellowhammer, and enter into every kind of snare so heedlessly, that they have thence been given the name of _foolish bunting_.
ATTRACTIVE QUALITIES.--They are very fine and lively birds, whose voice is heard the whole year; in winter their note of call, and from spring to autumn, their cheerful song, shorter indeed, but clearer than that of the yellowhammer. They live very amicably in a room with other species of their genus, especially the yellowhammer; and where one goes the other follows, and if one chooses any particular food, the other prefers the same.
The Natural History of Cage Birds Part 18
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