Terre Napoleon-a History of French Explorations Part 13

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DUPONCHAL, Voyages, volume 6 pages 167 to 219. Paris, 1841.

EVANS, Captain, A Treatise on the Navigation of Port Phillip. Melbourne.

FALLOT, L'Avenir colonial de la France. Paris, 1903.

FAVENC, ERNEST, History of Australian Exploration. Sydney, 1888.

FERGUSON, Sailing Directions for Port Phillip. Melbourne, 1854.

FINDLEY, Navigation of the South Pacific Ocean. London, 1863.

FISHER, H.A.L., Bonapartism. Oxford, 1908. Six lectures. On page 92 is a reference to the alleged designs of Napoleon III on Australia, based on Walpole's Life of Lord John Russell.

FLINDERS, MATTHEW, Voyage to Terra Australis in the Years 1801 to 1803, in His Majesty's s.h.i.+p the Investigator, and subsequently in the Armed Vessel Porpoise and c.u.mberland Schooner, with an Account of the s.h.i.+pwreck of the Porpoise, arrival of the c.u.mberland at Mauritius, and Imprisonment of the Commander during six and a half Years in that Island. 2 volumes, quarto, with large folio atlas. London, 1814. The foundation authority for all circ.u.mstances affecting Flinders' discoveries and his experiences at Mauritius.

FLINDERS, M., Observations on the Coast of Van Diemen's Land. London, 1801.

FREVILLE, Hydrographie de la Mer du Sud: Histoire des Nouvelles Decouvertes. Paris, 1774.

FREYCINET, LOUIS DE, Voyage autour du monde. Paris, 1827.

FREYCINET, LOUIS DE. See also under Peron and Freycinet.

GAFFAREL, P., La Politique coloniale en France de 1789 a 1830. Paris, 1908.

GARNIER, Voyages Abreges, volume 2 pages 176 to 180. Paris, 1837.

GIRARD, M., Francois Peron, 1857.

GRANT, JAMES, Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery. London, 1803. Grant's eye-chart shows the main features of the extensive south coast of Australia from Mount Gambia to Wilson's Promontory, and contains frequent mention of Ba.s.s and Flinders. He was the first to sail through Ba.s.s Strait from the west.

GREGORY, J.W., Geography of Australasia. London, 1907. The best book on the subject. The author was formerly professor of geology at the University of Melbourne, and has an unusually intimate knowledge of the country, the result of wide and observant travel.

HAUSLEUTNER, P.W.G., German translation of Peron and Freycinet's Voyage aux Terres Australes. Tubingen and Stuttgart, 2 volumes, 1808 to 1819.

HOEFER (Editor), Nouvelle Biographie Generale. Paris, 46 volumes, 1852 to 1866. Article on Flinders in Volume 46 by Alfred de Lacaze; also biographies of Peron and Decaen.

HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON, Personal Narrative of Travels. London, 1814.

Volume 1 pages 7 to 8, contains an account of the original objects and scope of Baudin's expedition.

HUNTER, JOHN, Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island, with the Discoveries which have been made in New South Wales and in the Southern Ocean since the Publication of Phillip's Voyage. London, 1793.

JOSE, A.W., Australasia, 1901. The best brief history of Australia.

KERR, ROBERT, General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels. 18 volumes. London, 1824. Volume 18 contains an appreciation of the work of Flinders.

KIRKPATRICK, F.A. (Editor), Lectures on the Nineteenth Century. 1908.

Contains a lecture by Dr. Holland Rose bearing upon the Baudin expedition and the Terre Napoleon maps.

LABORDE, J.B., Histoire Abregee de la Mer du Sud. 3 volumes. Paris, 1791.

A rare book, though not so important as the work of De Brosses, upon which it was founded. It was written "pour l'education of M. le Dauphin."

LAURIE, J.S., Story of Australasia. 1896.

LABILLARDIERE, J.J.H. DE, Relation du Voyage a la recherche de la Perouse. 2 volumes. Paris.

LABILLIERE, Early History of Victoria. London, 1878.

LEE, IDA, The Coming of the British to Australia, 1788 to 1824. London, 1906.

LEROY-BEAULIEU, Colonisation chez les peuples modernes. 2 volumes. Paris, 1902.

MAHAN, A.T., Life of Nelson. London, 1899.

MAIDEN, J.H., Sir Joseph Banks, the Father of Australia. Sydney, 1909.

Prints many of Banks's letters.

MAJOR, R.H., Early Voyages to Terra Australis, now called Australia.

London, 1859. One of the Hakluyt Society's valuable volumes.

Ma.s.sON, F., Napoleon Inconnu: Papiers Inedits. Paris, 1895.

MILBERT, M.J., Voyage pittoresque a l'Ile de France au cap de Bonne Esperance et a l'ile de Teneriffe, 1800 a 1803, par M.J. Milbert, peintre embarque sur la corvette Le Geographe, et directeur des gravures de la partie historique du voyage aux Terres Australes. 2 volumes. Paris, 1812.

MILET-MUREAU, L.A., Voyage autour du monde du Comte Jean Francois Galaup de la Perouse. 4 volumes. Paris, 1797.

Moniteur, Le, 1800 to 1814. Napoleon's official organ contains various allusions to Baudin's expedition and to Flinders. See exact references in text.

MONTEMONT, Voyages, Volume 18. pages 3 to 49. Paris, 1834.

NAPOLEON I, Correspondance. 32 volumes. 1858 to 1870. A letter relating to Baudin's expedition in Volume 6, and a reference to Port Jackson in Volume 20.

Naval Chronicle, 1799 to 1818. Various references to Baudin's expedition; there is a biographical sketch of Flinders in Volume 32, with portrait and facsimile of signature; account of Flinders' imprisonment at the Isle of France in Volume 14; letters from Flinders in Volume 26; other facsimiles of signature in Volumes 26 and 28; memorandum by Flinders on deflections of the compa.s.s needle in Volume 28; discovery of Ba.s.s Strait recorded in Volume 28.

NODIER et DESPLACES (Editors), Biographie Universelle. Paris, 1814, and later years. Contains biographies of Peron and Decaen; the biography of Flinders, by Walckenaer, in Volume 14, is excellent.

PATERSON G., History of New South Wales. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1811. Mention of Flinders; and especially interesting on account of its map, showing Ba.s.s Strait, and Tasmania as an island, but indicating the southern coast of Australia by a line which represented a guess.

PERON and FREYCINET, Voyage de decouvertes aux Terre Australes, execute par ordre de sa majeste l'Empereur et Roi, sur les corvettes Le Geographe et Le Naturaliste et la goelette Le Casuarina, pendant les annees 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, et 1804; publie par decret imperial sous le ministere de M. de Champagny, et redige par M. F. Peron, naturalisle de l'expedition, correspondant de l'Inst.i.tut de France, de la Societe de l'Ecole de Medecine de Paris, des Societes philomatriques et medicale de la meme ville. Paris, 1807 to 1817.

First volume by Peron, published 1807.

Second volume by Peron and Freycinet, published 1816.

Third volume by Freycinet, published 1815, all in quarto.

Second edition of the historical narrative, edited by Freycinet, published in three volumes, octavo, 1824.

First atlas by Freycinet, Lesueur, Pet.i.t, and others, published 1807.

Atlas re-issued, enlarged, 1812.

Revised atlas, with names on Terre Napoleon maps entirely altered, published 1817.

Hydrographical atlas by Freycinet, published 1812.

An English translation of volume one was published, London, 1809.

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