Titanic Part 5

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"Mr. Filson Young tells his story, without turning to the right hand or to the left, in a free and fluent fas.h.i.+on.... Very vigorous too are the pa.s.sages dealing with his voyages, for Mr. Filson Young has drunk deep of the spirit of the sea and nowhere writes so well as in his account of the seafarer's business in great waters.... The book abounds in interludes of suggestive thought and clear, vigorous expression. But, the book must be commended for the keen, eager spirit of its narrative and the abounding interest of its romances. If all gleaners in the field of history were as skilful as Mr. Young, we should not hear so much about the dry-as-dust dullness of what ought to be always one of the most fascinating forms of literary art."

Mr. W. L. Courtney in _The Daily Telegraph_.

"Mr. Young has given us an estimate of the man which is attractive and poetical. His account of the four voyages to the Indies is a romance of the sea.... His book is a book of colour and the spirit of adventure. We delight in that vision of his which shows to others the world and the sea and the strange 'Indias' very much as Columbus saw them, with his keen eyes, four centuries ago."-_The Manchester Guardian._

"History clothed with a gracious humanity ... history that has reality and life ... not a mere record of his acts, but a reconstruction of the man who died four centuries ago, so that at the end of the book we feel that we have known and spoken with Columbus.... Breathes interest from every page."-_The Daily Chronicle._

"He writes with charm, with colour, and with humour ... very readable and eloquent.... We can give but a little quotation to show Mr. Young's eloquence, but we can a.s.sure the reader that he has many pa.s.sages that set one longing for the sea."-Mr. John Masefield in _The Tribune._

"It is almost impossible to do justice to the splendour and romance of these two finely produced volumes.... 'Charity, truth, and justice,'

that is the meed Columbus has from Mr. Filson Young, whose book-austere, dignified, stately-forms by far the most striking and vivid portrait of the hero in our language."-_The Morning Leader._

"To write a new book on Columbus seems a daring project; so many folios have already been dedicated to his life. Mr. Young has justified himself; so many books on the Genoese sailor have been either unexpectedly dull or painfully inaccurate. Mr. Young is neither; in a style pleasant and lucid he has set before us with vigour the period and the setting of these famous voyages. In his pages we can enter into the feelings and aspirations of those Western seamen."-_The Pall Mall Gazette._


Titanic Part 5

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