The Esperanto Teacher: A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians Part 26

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A father and a mother together are named parents. Peter, Anne, and Elizabeth are my brother and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. N. will come to us this evening. The engaged couple stood by the altar. I congratulated the young married pair by telegraph. The king and queen left Cordova. She married (with) her cousin, although her parents wished to marry her to another person.

My wife's father is my father-in-law, I am his son-in-law, and my father is the father-in-law of my wife. All my wife's relations are my relations by marriage, consequently her brother is my brother-in-law, her sister is my sister-in-law; my brother and sister are the brother-in-law and sister-in-law of my wife. The wife of my nephew and the niece of my wife are my nieces by marriage. A woman who treats the sick is a lady doctor; the wife of a doctor is a doctor's wife. Mrs. Dr.

A. visited Dr. and Mrs. P. to-day. He is not a laundryman, he is a washerwoman's husband.

The sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons of a king are princes. The Hebrews are Israelites, for they are descended from Israel. A foal is an immature horse, a chicken an immature fowl, a calf an immature ox, a fledgeling an immature bird. That beautiful land was in a very primeval state.

John, Nicholas, Ernest, William, Mary, Clara, and Sophia are called by their parents Johnny (or Jack), Nick, Ernie, Will (or Willie or Bill or Billy), Polly (or Molly), Clarry, and Sophy.


Steel is flexible, but iron is not flexible. Not every plant is edible.

Gla.s.s is breakable and transparent. Your speech is quite incomprehensible, and your letters are always written quite illegibly.

The darkness is impenetrable. He related to me a story altogether incredible. Perhaps I can (shall be able to) help you. Do you love your father? What a question! of course (that) I love him. Probably I shall not be able to come to you to-day, for I think that I myself shall have guests to-day. The table stands askew, and will probably soon fall over.

He did his best (his possible).

He is a man unworthy of belief. Your action is very praiseworthy. This important day will remain for me for ever memorable. It is a coat of great worth. It is not worthy of thanks. The crew show [themselves]

unworthy of their leader.

His wife is very hardworking and economical, but she is also very fond of talking and noisy. He is very irascible, and often becomes excited at the merest trifle; nevertheless he is very forgiving, he does not bear anger long, and he is not at all revengeful. He is very credulous; even the most incredible things, which the most untrustworthy people relate to him, he immediately believes. He is very cleanly, and you will not find even one speck of dust on his coat. He is an excellent boy, but very apt to believe [in] spirits.


We all came together to talk over very important business, but we could not reach any result, and we parted. Misery often unites people, and happiness often separates them. I tore up the letter, and threw its bits into every corner (all corners) of the room. After this they separated for home. The road branched in several directions.

I willingly fulfilled his desire. In bad weather one may easily take cold. He unb.u.t.toned his overcoat. She played with her fan. s.h.i.+rts, collars, cuffs, and other similar things we call linen, although they are not always made of linen.



Oni invitis junulon al festeno. Respondante al la invito, li diris: "Mi venos plezure, se mi estos viva."

"Ho," diris la invitanta sinjorino, "se vi estos senviva, ni vin ne atendos."

El "Tutmonda Anekdotaro".

Festeno - banquet, (dinner) party.


Juna frauxlino: "Ho, S-ro profesoro! Kion povus rakonti tiu cxi maljuna kverko, se gxi povus paroli?!"

Profesoro: "Gxi dirus: pardonu min, mia frauxlino, mi ne estas kverko, sed tilio."


Tilio - lime tree.


Knabino sesjara havis katon kaj pupon. Iu demandis sxin, kiun el la du sxi preferas. Sxi ne volis respondi, fine sxi diris al li en la orelon: "Mi preferas mian katon, sed ne diru, mi petas vin, tion al mia pupo."

El "Unua Legolibro" de Kabe.


Kiam la fama angla admiralo Hawke estis ankoraux knabo kaj la patro unuafoje prenis lin sur sxipon, li admonis lin bone konduti kaj aldonis: "Tiam mi esperas vidi vin kapitano." " Kapitano!" ekkriis la knabo.

"Kara patro, se mi ne esperus farigxi admiralo, mi ne konsentus esti maristo."


Admoni - to admonish; konduti - to behave (oneself).


Iu vilagxano petis sian tre avaran najbaron, ke li metu sur la limon inter la du gxardenoj palisan barilon, cxar la najbara kokinaro vagadis dum la tuta tago en lia gxardeno.

Tamen la avarulo rifuzis, kaj jam la najbaro intencis alvoki la helpon de la jugxistoj, kiam li sxajne kontenta kvietigxis.

Subite, je cxies miro, oni ekvidis la malamatan avarulon starigi tre fortan lignan barilon.

The Esperanto Teacher: A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians Part 26

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The Esperanto Teacher: A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians Part 26 summary

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