The Esperanto Teacher: A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians Part 31
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El "The British Esperantist."
Kulpo - fault; trakti - to treat; prediki - to preach; gento - tribe, race; sxovinisto - Chauvinist; Litovujo - Lithuania; sengxo - dream; atesti - to bear witness; revi - to imagine, dream; bedauxri - to regret; sklavo - slave; senco - meaning; rajto - right; alglui - to glue to, stick to, attach; lupo - wolf; trudi - to obtrude; moro - manners, custom; paco - peace; konsenti - to agree; kruda - crude, rough, raw; frukto - fruit; sxati - to prize, appreciate, like.
As this Vocabulary is intended for those who have worked through the preceding lessons, it is not a full vocabulary, but only supplementary to those already given, and the words contained in those are, as a rule, not repeated here.
In order to get in as many root words as possible, derived words and the second word of a pair (e.g., male or female, opposites, the action and the tool, the animal and its young, etc.) are generally omitted; the simple word or one of the pair being found, the other word is to be formed from it by means of the proper word-ending, prefix or suffix.
In English there are often several words to express the same or nearly the same meaning. Want of s.p.a.ce prevents these being all included; the most important or most commonly used word has therefore been chosen; for instance, "mercury", "tranquil", "diaphanous", "suffocate", "salve", "renown", "fiddle", are not to be found, but "quicksilver", "calm", "translucent", "smother", "ointment", "fame", "violin", are there.
A most valuable help to the student is a good English dictionary, and if this gives the derivation of the words, the interest of the study is greatly increased. The difficulty often is, not to find the right Esperanto word, but to know exactly what the English word or phrase means. It is the experience of most Esperantists that in learning Esperanto their knowledge of their own language has become much more thorough. [Footnote: A remark made by a student during one lesson was "Well, if we don't learn Esperanto, we shall learn English."] For this reason and also that this language cannot be learned simply as a matter of rote, but demands the exercise of the thinking and reasoning powers, [Footnote: To convince an opponent or a doubter of this, tell him that "utila" means "useful," and "mal" denotes the contrary; then ask what "malutila" means. The answer will almost certainly be "useless." Then show that the contrary of a good quality is not merely the absence of that quality, but is a bad quality, and therefore the contrary of "useful" is "harmful."] Esperanto ought to be taught in all schools.
=== A ===
abbot : abato.
abdomen : ventro.
ability : kapablo, povo, lerteco, talento.
able (to be) : povi.
abolish : neniigi, forigi.
abomination : abomeno.
abroad : eksterlande.
absent (to be) : foresti.
absolve : senkulpigi, senpekigi.
absorb : absorbi; sorbi.
abstain : deteni sin.
abuse : insult'i, -o; trouzi; malbonuzi.
abyss : abismo, profundegajxo.
accent : akcent'i, -o; supersigno.
accept : akcepti, alpreni.
accident : malfelicxajxo, okazo.
account : kalkulo; rakonto; konto. "on--of," pro.
accuse : kulpigi, akuzi.
ace : aso.
ache : dolor'o, -i.
acknowledge : konfesi.
acorn : glano.
acquaint : sciigi.
acquainted, become--with : konatigxi kun.
acquire : akiri, atingi.
acquit : senkulpigi.
acrid : akra, morda, pika.
act : ag'i, -o; far'i, -o; legxo; akto.
action : agado; ("law") proceso.
active : agema, aktiva.
actor : aktoro.
actual : nuna, efektiva.
adapt : alfari.
add : aldoni, kunmeti, sumigi.
address : alparoli al; sin turni al; ("letters") adresi.
adhere : aligxi, algluigxi al.
adjourn : prokrasti.
admit : allasi, konfesi.
adopt : alpreni, fil (-in) -igi.
adore : adori, amegi.
adult : plenkresk'a, plenagx'a.
adulterate : falsi.
adultery : adulto.
advantage : utilo, profito, bonajxo.
advertise : anonci, reklami.
advice : konsilo.
affair : afero.
affected (to be) : afekti.
affiliate : aligxi, filiigxi.
afternoon : posttagmezo.
again : re-, ree, denove.
agenda : tagordo, programo.
agent : agento.
agile : facilmova.
agitate : agiti.
agony : dolorego, ("death"--) agonio.
agree : konscnti, interkonsenti.
agreeable : afabla, agrabla.
agreement : kontrakto, interkonsento.
agriculture : terkulturo.
aim : cel'o, -i.
air : aero, aerumi; mieno; ario.
aisle : flankajxo.
alarm : maltrankviligi; alarmo.
alder : alno.
alert : vigla.
alien : alilandulo, eksterlandulo.
alike : simila, egala.
alive : vivanta, viva.
alleviate : plidolcxigi, malpliigi.
allow : permesi.
allowance : porcio; (a/c) rabato; dekalkulo.
allude : aludi.
almanac : almanako, kalendaro.
almighty : cxiopova.
The Esperanto Teacher: A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians Part 31
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The Esperanto Teacher: A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians Part 31 summary
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