Disturbances of the Heart Part 23
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From these scientific findings it will he seen that if it is necessary to give a second course of treatment with digitalis, within two weeks at least from the time the last close of digitalis was given, the dose of this drug should be much smaller than when it was first administered.
Owing to our strenuous life, if persons over 40 would present themselves for a heart and other physical examination once or twice a year there would not be so many sudden deaths of those thought to be in good health. It may be a fact as a.s.serted by many of our best but depressing and pessimistic clinicians, that chronic myocarditis and fatty degeneration of the heart cannot be diagnosed by any special set of symptoms or signs. However, it is a fact that a tolerably accurate estimate of the heart strength can be made by a careful physician, and if danger signals are noted and signs of probable heart weakness are present, life may be long saved by good treatment or management rigorously carried out. The patient must cooperate, and to get him to do this he must be tactfully warned of his condition. Many, such patients, noting their impaired ability, do not seek medical advice, but think all they need is more exercise; hence they walk, golf, and dance to excess and to their cardiac undoing.
It has for a long time been recognized that in all acute prolonged illness the heart fails, sooner or later, often without its having been attacked by the disease. The prolonged high temperature causes the heart to beat more rapidly, while the toxins produced by the fever process cause muscle degeneration of the heart or a myocarditis, and at the same time the nutrition of the heart becomes impaired either by improper feeding or by the imperfect metabolism of the food given; hence the heart muscle becomes weakened, and cardiac failure or cardiac relaxation or dilatation occurs.
The specific germ of the disease, or the toxin elaborated by this germ, may be especially depressant to the heart, as in diphtheria, or the germ may be particularly p.r.o.ne to locate in the heart, as in rheumatism and pneumonia. But all feverish processes, sooner or later, if sufficiently prolonged, cause serious cardiac weakness and more or less dilatation.
Just exactly what changes take place in the muscle fibers of the heart in some of these fevers has not been decided. Whether an alb.u.minous or parenchymatous degeneration of the muscle fibers or a fatty degeneration occurs, whether there is a real myocarditis that always precedes the dilatation, or whether the weakening and loss of muscle fibers or a diminished power of the muscle fibers occurs without inflammation, dilatation of the heart is always a factor to be considered, and frequently occurs in acute disease.
While it is denied that acute dilatation can occur in a sound heart, at the latter end of a serious illness the heart is never sound, and acute dilatation can most readily occur, though fortunately it is generally preventable. When the dilatation occurs suddenly, as indicated by a fluttering heart, a low tension, rapid pulse, dyspnea and perhaps cyanosis with venous stasis in the capillaries, death is imminent, although such patients may be saved by proper aid. Even when the dilatation is slower, as evidenced by a gradually increasing rapidity of the heart and a gradually lowering blood pressure, and with more evidences of exhaustion, death may occur from such heart failure in spite of all treatment.
Unless a patient dies from accident, as from a hemorrhage, from cerebral pressure or from some organic lesion in acute disease, the physician frequently feels that if he can hold the power and force of the circulation for several hours or days, the patient will recover from the disease, for in most acute diseases the patient has a good chance of recovery if his circulation will only hold out until the crisis has occurred or until the disease is ready to end by lysis. Therefore anything during the disease that tends to sustain, nourish, quiet and guard the heart means so much more chance of recovery, whatever else may or may not be done for the disease itself.
The best treatment of dilatation of the heart in acute disease is its prevention, and to prevent it means to recognize the condition which can cause it. These are
1. Prolonged high temperature. A short-lived temperature, even if high, is not serious. Prolonged temperature of even 103 F. or more is serious, and even that of 101 is serious if too long continued.
2. Exertion and excitement. Every possible means should be inaugurated to prevent muscular exertion and strain of the patient while in bed. Proper help in lifting and turning the patient should be employed, the bed-pan should be used, proper feeding methods should be adopted, and friends should be excluded so that the patient may not be excited by conversation.
3. Bad feeding. The diet should of course be sufficient, for the patient and proper for the disease, but any diet which causes a large amount of gas in the stomach, or tympanites, is harmful to the patient's circulation, to say nothing of any other harm, such as indigestion may do. All of the nutriments needed to keep the body in perfect condition should be given to a patient who is ill; in some manner he should receive the proper amounts of iron, salt, calcium, starch, protein, sugar and water.
4. Intestinal sluggishness. This means not only that tympanites should not be allowed, but also that necessary laxatives should be given. It would be wrong to prostrate a patient with frequent saline purgatives, but the bowels must move at least once every other day, generally better daily; and if the case is one of typhoid fever, they should be moved by some carefully selected laxative, and after the bowels have sufficiently moved, the diarrhea should be stopped by 1/10 grain of morphin, and the next day the bowels properly moved again.
5. Depressant drugs. In this age of cardiac failure, heart depressants of all types, and especially the synthetic products, should be given only with careful judgment, and, never frequently repeated or long continued.
6. Pain. This is one of the most serious depressants a heart has to combat; acute pain must not be allowed, and prolonged subacute pain must be stopped. Even peripheral troublesome irritations must be removed, as tending to wear out a heart which has all of the trouble it can endure.
7. Insomnia. Nothing rests a heart or recuperates a heart more than sleep. Insomnia and acute disease make a combination which will wear a heart out more quickly than any other combination. Sleep, then, must be produced in the best, easiest and safest manner possible.
8. A too speedy return to activity. The convalescence must be prolonged until the heart is able to sustain the work required of it.
The treatment of gradual dilatation in acute disease has been sufficiently discussed under the subject of acute myocarditis. The treatment of acute dilatation is practically the same as the treatment of shock plus whatever treatment must coincidently be given to a patient for the disease with which he is suffering. The treatment of shock will be discussed under a separate heading.
As pneumonia heads the list of the causes of death in this country, and as the heart fails so quickly, sometimes almost in the beginning in pneumonia, a special discussion of the management of the heart in this disease is justifiable.
Acute lobar pneumonia may kill a patient in twenty-four or forty- eight hours; lie may live for a week and die of heart failure or toxemia, or he may live for several weeks and die of cardiac weakness. If he has double pneumonia be may die almost of suffocation. It is today just as frequent to see a slowly developing and slowly resolving pneumonia as to see one of the sthenic type that attacks one lobe with a rush, has a crisis in a seven, eight or nine days, and then a rapid resolution. In fact the asthenic type, in which different parts of the lung are involved but not necessarily confined to or even equivalent to one lobe, is perhaps the most frequent form of pneumonia.
The serious acute congestion of the lung in sthenic pneumonia in a full-blooded, st.u.r.dy person with high tension pulse may be relieved by cardiac sedatives, vasodilators, brisk purging, or by the relaxing effect of antipyretics. Venesection is often the best treatment.
When the sputum almost from the first is tinged with venous blood, or even when the sputum is very b.l.o.o.d.y, of the prune-juice variety, the heart is in serious trouble, and the right ventricle has generally become weak and possibly dilated. The heart may have been diseased and therefore is unable to overcome the pressure in the lungs during the congestion and consolidation.
There is a great difference in the belief of clinicians as to the best treatment for this condition. It would seem to be a positive indication for digitalis, and good-sized doses of digitalis given correctly, provided always that the preparation of the drug used is active, are good and, many times, efficient treatment. Small doses of strychnin may be of advantage, and camphor may be of value. In the condition described, however, reliance should be placed on digitalis. Later in the disease when the heart begins to fail, perhaps the cause is a myocarditis. In this condition digitalis would not work so well and might do harm. It is quite possible that the difference between digitalis success and digitalis nonsuccess or harm may be as to whether or not a myocarditis is present.
If the expectoration is not of the prune-juice variety and is not more than normally b.l.o.o.d.y, or in other words, typically pneumonic, and the heart begins to fail, especially if there is no great amount of consolidation, the left ventricle is in trouble as much as the right, if not more. In this case all of the means described above for the prevention of any dilatation of the heart will be means of preventing dilatation from the pneumonia, if possible. The treatment advisable for this gradually failing heart is camphor; strychnin in not too large doses, at the most 1/10 grain hypodermically once in six hours; often ergot intramuscularly once in six hours for two or three doses and then once in twelve hours; plenty of fresh air, or perhaps the inhalation of oxygen. Oxygen does not cure pneumonia, but may relieve a dyspnea and aid a heart until other drugs have time to act.
If there is insomnia, morphin in small doses will not only cause sleep, but also not hurt the heart. In the morning hours of the day the value of caffein as a cardiac stimulant and vasocontractor, either in the form of caffein or as black coffee, should be remembered. Strophanthin may be given intravenously.
One of the greatest cares in the treatment of heart failure in pneumonia should be not to give too many drugs or to do too much.
The treatment of shock will probably always be unsatisfactory as the cause is so varied, and, although circulatory prostration and vasomotor paresis always const.i.tute the acute condition, the physiologic health of the heart and blood vessels is so varied. The patient in shock has low temperature, low blood pressure, and a pulse either rapid or slow, but excessively feeble; the face is pale, the surface of the body cold, and there is more or less clammy perspiration; there may be dyspnea and cardiac anxiety, or the patient may hardly breathe.
An acute cause, as terrible pain or hemorrhage, must of course be stopped immediately. There is more or less anemia of the brain, and therefore the legs and perhaps the lower part of the body should be elevated. It may even be wise to drive the blood from the legs by Esmarch bandages into the rest of the circulation. As there is always more or less paresis and dilatation of the large veins of the splanchnic system, a tight bandage about the abdomen is of great advantage in raising the blood pressure to the safety mark.
Strophanthin, given intravenously, is valuable as a quick restorative of the heart. Digitalis is so slow that it is of little value in an emergency. Camphor hypodermically, and hot liquids (nothing is better than black coffee) given by the mouth, are valuable remedies. The camphor may be repeated frequently.
Strychnin, the long-used stimulant, should generally be given, but in not too large doses and not too frequently repeated; 1/30 grain hypodermically is generally a large enough dose; this dose may be repeated in three or four hours, but should ordinarily not be given oftener than once in six hours. An aseptic preparation of ergot given intramuscularly is most efficient in raising the blood pressure and aiding the heart. One dose of brandy or whisky may do no harm. Alcohol, however, should not be pushed.
A most important procedure in all kinds of shock is to surround the patient with dry heat, hot-water bags, and hot flannels; gentle friction of the arms and legs, unless the patient is too exhausted, may be of benefit. A hot-water bag to the heart is always a stimulant. Sometimes friction over the base of the heart in the region of the auricles is of benefit.
If the collapse is not acute and there is gradual profound prostration, or if the patient is improved but still in a serious condition of shock, too energetic measures must not be used; neither should too many drugs be administered, or drugs in too large doses.
Absolute quiet and the administration of liquid nourishment in but small amounts at a time are essential.
The hypodermic administration of epinephrin solutions, 1:10,000, or solutions of pituitary extract, 1:10,000, should be considered; they are often valuable.
If the shock occurs in ether or chloroform anesthesia, the vasopressor stimulating effect of inhalations of carbon dioxid gas may be considered, as advised by Henderson."
If the shock is due to hemorrhage and the hemorrhage has ceased, a transfusion of physiologic saline solution is generally indicated.
Transfusion of blood under the same conditions is still better.
Rarely is transfusion indicated in shock from other causes; it often adds to the difficulty rather than improves it. Occasionally if shock is decided to be due to a toxemia, the toxin may be diluted by the withdrawal of a small amount of blood and the transfusion of an equal amount of saline solution.
This condition is not well understood, nor is its frequence known, but not a few instances of shock are due to dilatation of this organ. The shock to the heart may be a reflex one through the pneumogastric nerves.
It perhaps not infrequently occurs after abdominal operations and is more or less serious, the symptoms being persistent vomiting, upper abdominal distention and collapse. The vomiting is of b.l.o.o.d.y or coffee-ground material.
Sometimes the ordinary treatment of the collapse and was.h.i.+ng out the stomach save the patient; at other times the patient with this series of symptoms dies in spite of all treatment.
It has been shown that acute dilatation of the stomach may occur in pneumonia, and may be one of the causes of cardiac collapse in pneumonia.
When the condition is diagnosed, the treatment would be that of shock plus abdominal bandage and was.h.i.+ng out the stomach with warm solutions, if the patient is not too collapsed, or at any rate the frequent administration of hot water in small quant.i.ties.
Sometimes when the stomach is dilated the pylorus becomes insufficient, and bile regurgitates into the stomach, and is a cause of the profound nausea and vomiting arid the subsequent collapse. In these cases
114. Henderson: Am. Jour. Physiol., February and April, 1909. not infrequently small doses of dilute hydrochloric acid seem to aid the pylorus to maintain its normal contraction, the regurgitation of bile does not take place, and the stomach may soon acquire a more normal muscle tone. Not infrequently when a stomach is in this kind of trouble and all the foods are rejected, and yet the patient seriously needs nourishment, a warm, thin cereal, as oatmeal or gruel or something similar, may be retained. Such patients, as has been repeatedly stated, need starch as soon as possible, lest an acidosis develop.
In these vomiting and collapse cases the hypodermic administration of morphin and atropin will not only stop the vomiting, at least temporarily, but will also give necessary rest. The dose of morphin need not be large, and the atropin may prevent nausea from the drug.
Disturbances of the Heart Part 23
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