Contemporary American Literature Part 17

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Bookm. 27 ('08): 729 (portrait); 31 ('10): 246 (portrait); 41 ('15): 607.

Bookm. (Lond.) 34 ('08): 152 (portrait).

Collier's, 52 ('13): Dec. 27, p. 5 (portrait).

Cur. Lit. 27 ('00): 108; 52 ('12): 196 (portrait).

Cur. Op. 55 ('13): 122, 341 (portrait).

Ind. 53 ('01): 2097; 61 ('06): 96. (Portraits.) Lit. Digest, 47 ('13): 250, 426, 1278.

Nation, 112 ('21): 619. (Carl Van Doren.) Outlook, 90 ('08): 93.

R. of Rs. 24 ('01): 588 (portrait); 30 ('04): 123 (portrait); 34 ('06): 142 (portrait); 37 ('08): 763 (portrait); 48 ('13): 46; 58 ('18): 328 (portrait).

Spec. 93 ('04): 124.

World's Work, 17 ('08): 10959 (portrait), 11016.

+(Charles) Badger Clark+ (Iowa, 1883)--poet.

Deals with cowboy life. For bibliography, see _Who's Who in America_.

+Sarah Norcliffe Cleghorn+--novelist, poet.

Born at Norfolk, Virginia, 1876, but since childhood has lived in Vermont. Studied at Radcliffe, 1895-6. In 1915 some of her lyrics were published in a volume of short-stories called _Hillsboro People_, by her friend, Dorothy Canfield Fisher (q.v.).

Socialist, pacifist, and anti-vivisectionist. Strong propagandist element in her work. _The Spinster_ is said to contain much autobiography.


A Turnpike Lady. 1907. (Novel.) The Spinster. 1916. (Novel.) Fellow-Captains. 1916. (With Dorothy Canfield Fisher.) (Essays.) Portraits and Protests. 1917. (Poems.)


Nation, 112 ('21): 512.

New Eng. M. n.s. 39 ('08): 236 (portrait).

See also _Book Review Digest_, 1916, 1917.

+Irvin S(hrewsbury) Cobb+ (Kentucky, 1876)--short-story writer, humorist, dramatist.

His reputation is built upon his stories of Kentucky life and his humorous criticisms of contemporary manners. For bibliography, see _Who's Who in America_.

+Octavus Roy Cohen+ (South Carolina, 1891)--short-story writer. The discoverer of the Southern negro in town life. For bibliography, see _Who's Who in America_.

+Will Levington Comfort+ (Michigan, 1878)--novelist.

Work consists mainly of romances of Oriental adventure. His book, _Child and Country_, 1916, is on education (cf. _Book Review Digest_, 1916).

+Grace Walcott Hazard Conkling (Mrs. Roscoe Platt Conkling)+--poet.

Born in New York City, 1878. Graduate of Smith College, 1899. Studied music and languages at the University of Heidelberg, 1902-3, and in Paris, 1903-4. Lived also in Mexico. Has taught in various schools, and since 1914 has been a teacher of English at Smith College, where she has roused much interest in poetry. Mother of Hilda Conkling (q.v.).


Afternoons of April. 1915. (Collected poems.) Wilderness Songs. 1920.


Poetry, 7 ('15): 152.

See also _Book Review Digest_, 1915, 1920.

+Hilda Conkling+--poet.

Born at Catskill-on-Hudson, New York, 1910, daughter of Grace Hazard Conkling (q.v.). She began to talk her poems to her mother at the age of four. Her mother took them down without change, merely arranging the line divisions. Her earliest expression was in the form of a chant to an imaginary companion to whom she gave the name "Mary Cobweb" (cf. Poetry, 14 ['19]: 344).

Hilda Conkling's name is included in this list, not because her poems are remarkable for a child, but because they show actual achievement and the highest quality of imagination.

Her work is to be found in _Poetry_, 8 ('16): 191; and 10 ('17): 197, and one volume has been published, _Poems by a Little Girl_, 1920 (with introduction by Amy Lowell).


Bookm. 51 ('20):314.

Cur. Op. 68 ('20): 852.

Dial, 69 ('20): 186.

Lit. Digest, 65 ('20): June 5, p. 50.

Poetry, 16 ('20): 222.

See also _Book Review Digest_, 1920.

+James Brendan Connolly+ (Ma.s.sachusetts)--short-story writer. Writes realistic sea stories. For bibliography, see _Who's Who in America_.

+George Cram Cook+ (Iowa, 1873)--dramatist.

Director of the Provincetown Players since 1915. With Susan Glaspell (q.v.) wrote _Suppressed Desires_ (1915) and _Tickless Time_ (1920).

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