Merck's 1899 Manual Part 17

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QUININE GUAIACOL-BISULPHONATE.--Yellowish, acrid, bitter powd.; 61.36% quinine, 23.48% guaiacol.--SOL. in water, alcohol, dil.

acids.--Antiperiodic, Intest. Antiseptic--~Dose:~ 5--10 grn., 3 t.

daily, before meals.


~Dose:~ 15--60 grn.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (1:1).

~Guethol Merck.~

GUAIACOL-ETHYL.--Oily liq., congealing in the cold.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; insol. in water or glycerin.--Local Anesthetic, Topical and Internal Ant.i.tubercular.--USES: Chiefly as succedaneum for guaiacol; _extern._, in neuralgia, tubercular cyst.i.tis, etc.; _intern._ in phthisis.--~Dose:~ 5--10 [min.] 3 t. daily, in sweetened hydro-alcoholic solut.--EXTERN. as paint with equal part chloroform, or in 10--20% oint.

~Haema-, Haemo-,~--see under HEMA-, HEMO-, etc.


WITCHHAZEL.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 15--60 min.).


PENNYROYAL.--_Preparations:_ Oil (D., 3--10 min.); Spt. (10 per cent.



LOGWOOD.--_Preparations:_ Ext. (D., 10--20 grn.).


HEMOGLOBIN REDUCED BY PYROGALLOL, _Merck._--Reddish-brown powd.

containing iron in condition for easy a.s.similation.--Hematinic, Constructive, Tonic.--USES: Anemia, chlorosis, chronic nephritis, diabetes, and in convalescence; readily transformed into blood coloring-matter in debilitated people, and uniformly well borne; much superior to inorganic preparations of iron.--~Dose:~ 4--8 grn., 3 t.

daily, 1/2 hour before meals, in powd. with sugar, or in pills or chocolate tablets.

~Hemoglobin Merck.~

Brownish-red powd. or scales.--SOL. in water.--Hematinic--USES: Anemia, chlorosis, etc.--~Dose:~ 75--150 grn., daily, in wine or syrup.


HEMOGLOBIN REDUCED BY ZINC, _Merck._--Dark-brown powd. containing easily a.s.similable iron, with slight traces of zinc oxide.--Hematinic, Antichlorotic--USES: Anemia and chlorosis, neurasthenia, etc.--~Dose:~ 2--8 grn., before meals, in powd. with sugar, or in wafers.

~Hexamethylene-tetramine,~--see FORMIN.

~Hexamethylene-tetramine Salicylate,~--see SALIFORMIN.


Wh. needles--SOL. in 40 parts water; undecomposed on boiling.--Local Anesthetic, like cocaine.--USES: Chiefly in eye diseases in 1% solut.

~Homatropine Hydrobromate Merck.~

Small white cryst.--SOL. in 10 parts water, 133 parts alcohol.--USES: Mydriatic in ophthalmic surgery; in night-sweats of phthisis, and as Sedative. Mydriatic effect commences in 1/4 to 1/2 hour, reaches maximum in 1 hour, and disappears in 6 hours. Accommodation paresis ceases earlier. ~Dose:~ 1/120--1/60 grn.--EXTERN., to the eye, in 1% solut.


_Preparations:_ Clarified Honey; Honey of Rose; Confect. Rose--all vehicles.


_Preparation:_ Tr. (D., 1--3 drams).

~Hydrastine (Alkaloid) Merck.--C.P.~

White prisms.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; slightly in water.--Alterative, Tonic, Antiperiodic--~Dose:~ 1/4--1 grn.

~Hydrastine Hydrochlorate Merck.--C.P.~--(_Not Hydrastinine, etc._)

Amorph., white powd.--SOL. in water.--Astringent, Dermic, Tonic, Hemostatic--USES: _Intern._, uterine hemorrhage, dyspepsia, hemorrhoids etc.; _extern._, gonorrhea, conjunctivitis, endometritis, leucorrhea, cervical erosions, acne, hyperidrosis, seborrhea, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/2--1 grn., every 2 hours if necessary.--EXTERN. as _astringent_, 1/10--1/2% solut.; in _skin diseases_, 1% oint's or lotions.

~Hydrastinine Hydrochlorate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~--(_Not Hydrastine, etc._)

Yellow, cryst. powd.--SOL. in water.--Uterine Hemostatic, Emmenagogue, Vaso-constrictor.--USES: Hemorrhages, congestive dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia, epilepsy, hemoptysis, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/4--1/2 grn., 3--4 t. daily, in capsules.


GOLDEN SEAL.--_Preparations:_ F.E. (D., 10--30 min.): Glycerite (1:1 [extern.]): Tr. (D., 30--120 min.).

~Hydrastis (Lloyd's).~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Solution in glycerin and water of the valuable properties of hydrastis.--Colorl. liq.--Astringent, Tonic--USED chiefly _extern._ (gonorrhea, leucorrhea, sore throat, etc.), in 1--2:16 dilut.--~Dose:~ 10--40 min., 3 t. daily.")

~Hydrogen Peroxide Solution,~--see SOLUTION, HYDROGEN PEROXIDE.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "2 fl. drs. contain 80 min. cod-liver oil, 35 min. dist. water, 5 grn. pancreatin, 1/3 grn. soda, 1/4 grn.

salicylic acid.--~Dose:~ 1/4--1/2 fl. oz., after each meal.")


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "30 vols. preserved aqueous solut. of H{2}O{2}.--Clear liq., acid taste.--Disinfectant, Cicatrizant.--~Dose:~ 1 fl. dr., well dil., before meals.--EXTERN. in 2 or 3% solut.")

~Hyoscine Merck.--True, Amorph.~

From Hyoscyamus niger.--Thick, colorl. syrup.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; slightly in water.--Hypnotic, Sedative.--USES: To quiet and give sleep to insane and others.--~Dose:~ For _insane_, 1/32 grn., cautiously increased or repeated until effect is produced; for _sane_, 1/200--1/100 grn.--INJECTION: For _insane_, 1/120--1/60 grn.; for _sane_, 1/400--1/200 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach pump, muscarine, tannin, animal charcoal, emetics again; heat or cold externally; cathartics, etc.

Merck's 1899 Manual Part 17

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