Merck's 1899 Manual Part 70

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Capsic.u.m: to remove discoloration of bruise.

Compressed Sponge.

Convallaria Polygonatum (Solomon's Seal): the juice from the fresh root will take away a "black eye."

Hamamelis: locally.






Lead Water: to allay pain.

Oil of Bay: same as Capsic.u.m.

Opium: local application to relieve pain.


Sozoiodole-Pota.s.sium: as dusting powder.

Sozoiodole-Sodium: as wash.

~Bubo.~--_See also, Chancroid, Syphilis._

Acid, Carbolic: by injection.

Acid, Nitric: as local application to indolent bubo.


Blisters: followed up by application of tinc. iodi. will often cause absorption.


Chlora Hydrate: 25 per cent. solution, antiseptic and stimulant application.

Copper Sulphate: 4 grn. to the oz.




Hydrargyri Perchloridum: epidermis is first removed by a blister and then a saturated solution applied; a poultice is then applied to separate the eschar, leaving a healthy ulcer.

Ice: to relieve pain and lessen inflammation.


Iodine: as counter-irritant applied round the bubo.

Iodoform: as local application.



Lead Lotions: compresses soaked in these will abort, or a.s.sist in the healing process.

Mercury: as local application after opening bubo, when syphilitic affection is great.

Peroxide of Hydrogen: wash and dress bubo with lint soaked in it. Fusa: to open, instead of the knife.

Pota.s.sium Chlorate: applied as fine powder.


Silver Nitrate: lightly applied to surface in indolent bubo.

Sozoiodole-Pota.s.sium: incision at first sign of suppuration, followed by was.h.i.+ng with antiseptics.

Sulphides: to check suppuration; not so useful as in an ordinary abscess.

Tartar Emetic: when inflammation is acute and fever considerable.


~Bunion.~--_See also, Bursitis._

Iodine: painted on in indolent forms.

Rest: when thickened and painful. Pressure is removed by thick plasters, with a hole in the center.

~Burns and Scalds.~

Absorbent Dressings.

Merck's 1899 Manual Part 70

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