That Boy Of Norcott's Part 23

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"Just simply what I say."

It was not very easy for me to follow him here, but I could gather, amidst a confused ma.s.s of self-glorification, prediction, and lamentation over warnings disregarded, and such like, that the great Jew house of "Nathanheimer" of Paris was the real head of the firm of Hodnig and Oppovich.

"The Nathanheimers own all Europe and a very considerable share of America," burst he out "You hear of a great wine-house at Xeres, or a great corn-merchant at Odessa, or a great tallow-exporter at Riga.

It's all Nathanheimer! If a man prospers and shows that he has skill in business, they 'll stand by him, even to millions. If he blunders, they sweep him away, as I brush away that cork. There must be no failures with _them_. That's their creed."

He proceeded to explain how these great potentates of finance and trade had agencies in every great centre of Europe, who reported to them everything that went on, who flourished, and who foundered; how, when enterprises that promised well presented themselves, Nathanheimer would advance any sum, no matter how great, that was wanted. If a country needed a railroad, if a city required a boulevard, if a seaport wanted a dock, they were ready to furnish each and all of them. The conditions, too, were never unfair, never ungenerous, but still they bargained always for something besides money. They desired that this man would aid such a project here, or oppose that other there. Their interests were so various and widespread that they needed political power everywhere, and they had it.

One offence they never pardoned, never condoned, which was any, the slightest, insubordination amongst those they supported and maintained.

Marsac ran over a catalogue of those they had ruined in London, Amsterdam, Paris, Frankfort, and Vienna, simply because they had attempted to emanc.i.p.ate themselves from the serfdom imposed upon them. Let one of the subordinate firms branch out into an enterprise unauthorized by the great house, and straightway their acceptances become dishonored, and their credit a.s.sailed. In one word, he made it appear that from one end of Europe to the other the whole financial system was in the bands of a few crafty men of immense wealth, who unthroned dynasties, and controlled the fate of nations, with a word.

He went on to show that Oppovich had somehow fallen into disgrace with these mighty patrons. "Some say that he is too old and too feeble for business, and hands over to Sara details that she is quite unequal to deal with; some aver that he has speculated without sanction, and is intriguing with Greek democrats; others declare that he has been merely unfortunate; at all events, his hour has struck. Mind my words, three months hence they 'll not have Nathanheimer's agency in their house, and I suspect you 'll see our friend Bettmeyer will succeed to that rich inheritance."

Rambling on, now talking with a vagueness that savored of imbecility, now speaking with a purpose-like acuteness and power that brought conviction, he sat till daybreak, drinking freely all the time, and at last so overwhelming me with 'strange revelations that I was often at a loss to know whether it was he that was confounding me, or that I myself had lost all control of right reason and judgment.

"You're dead beat, my poor fellow," said he at last, "and it's your own fault. You 've been drinking nothing but water these last two hours.

Go off to bed now, and leave me to finish this bottle. After that I 'll have a plunge off the end of the mole, cold enough it will be, but no ice, and you 'll find me here at ten o'clock with a breakfast appet.i.te that will astonish you."

I took him at his word, and said "Good-night."


My friend did not keep his self-made appointment with me at breakfast, nor did I see him for two days, when we met in the street.

"I have gone over to the enemy," said he; "I have taken an engagement with Bettmeyer: six thousand florins and all expenses,--silver florins, _mon cher_; and if you're wise," added he in a whisper, "you 'll follow my lead. Shall I say a word for you?"

I thanked him coldly, and declined the offer.

"All right; stick to grat.i.tude, and you'll see where it will land you,"

said he, gayly. "I've sent you half a dozen letters to friends of mine up yonder;" and he pointed towards the North. "You 'll find Hunyadi an excellent fellow, and the Countess charming; don't make love to her, though, for Ta.s.silo is a regular Oth.e.l.lo. As for the Erdodis, I only wish I was going there, instead of you;--such pheasants, such women, such Tokay, their own vintage! Once you 're down in Transylvania, write me word whom you 'd like to know. They 're all dear friends of mine. By the way, don't make any blunder about that Hunyadi contract The people here will want you to break it,--don't, on any account. It's the finest bargain ever was made; splendid timber, magnificent bark, and the cuttings alone worth all the money."

He rattled out this with his own headlong speed, and was gone before I well knew I had seen him.

That evening I was ordered to Herr Oppovich's house to receive my last instructions. The old man was asleep on a sofa, as I entered, and Sara seated at a table by the fire, deeply engaged in accounts.

"Sit down, Herr Owen,"--she had ceased to call me Von Owen,--"and I will speak to you in a minute."

I was not impatient at the delay, for I had time to gaze at her silken hair, and her faultless profile, and the beautiful outline of her figure, as, leaning her head on her hand, she bent over the table.

"I cannot make this come right,--are you clever at figures?" asked she.

"I cannot say it is my gift, but I will do my best to aid you." And now we were seated side by side, poring over the same page; and as she had placed one taper finger next the column of figures, I did so likewise, thinking far less of the arithmetic than of the chance of touching her hand with mine.

"These figures are somewhat confusing," she said. "Let us begin at the top,--fourteen hundred and six hundred, make two thousand, and twelve hundred, three thousand two hundred,--now is this a seven or a three?"

"I'd say a three."

"I 've called it a seven, because M. Marsac usually writes his sevens in this way."

"These are De Marsac's, then?" asked I.

"And why 'De,' may I ask?" said she, quickly; "why not Marsac, as I called him?"

"I took his name as he gave it me."

"You know him, then? Oh, I had forgotten,--he called on you the night he came. Have you seen him since?"

"Only pa.s.singly, in the street"

"Had he time to tell you that he has been dismissed?"

"Yes; he said he was now in Mr. Bettmeyer's office."

"Shall I tell you why?" She stopped, and her cheek became crimson, while her eyes sparkled with an angry fire that actually startled me. "But let us finish this. Where were we?" She now leaned her head down upon her hands, and seemed overcome by her emotion. When she looked up again, her face was perfectly pale, and her eyes sad and weariful. "I am afraid we shall wake him," said she, looking towards her father; "come into this room here. So this man has been talking of us?" cried she, as soon as we had pa.s.sed into the adjoining room. "Has he told you how he has requited all my father's kindness? how he has repaid his trustfulness and faith in him? Speak freely if you wish me to regard you as a friend."

"I would that you might, Fraulein. There is no name I would do so much to win."

"But you are a gentleman, and with n.o.ble blood. Could you stoop to be the friend of--" Here she hesitated, and, after an effort, added, "A Jew?"

"Try me, prove me," said I, stooping till my lips touched her hand.

She did not withdraw her hand, but left it in mine, as I pressed it again and again to my lips.

"He told you, then," said she, in a half-whisper, "that our house was on the brink of ruin; that in a few weeks, or even less, my father would not face the exchange,--did he not say this?"

"I will tell you all," said I, "for I know you will forgive me when I repeat what will offend you to hear, but what is safer you should hear."

And, in the fewest words I could, I related what Marsac had told me of the house and its difficulties. When I came to that part which represented Oppovich as the mere agent of the great Parisian banker,--whose name I was not quite sure of,--I faltered and hesitated.

"Go on," said she, gently. "He told you that Baron Nathanheimer was about to withdraw his protection from us?"

I slightly bent my head in affirmation.

"But did he say why?"

"Something there was of rash enterprise, of speculation unauthorized--of--"

"Of an old man with failing faculties," said she, in the same low tone; "and of a young girl, little versed in business, but self-confident and presumptuous enough to think herself equal to supply his place. I have no doubt he was very frank on this head. He wrote to Baron Elias, who sent me his letter,--the letter he wrote of us while eating our bread.

It was not handsome of him,--was it, sir?"

I can give no idea, not the faintest, of the way she said these few words, nor of the ineffable scorn of her look, while her voice remained calm and gentle as ever.

"No; it was not handsome."

She nodded to me to proceed, and I continued,--

"I have told you nearly everything; for of himself and his boastfulness--"

That Boy Of Norcott's Part 23

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